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Name of Practical

Name Rohan Nandgabkar

Suhjech Managtment Case_Analysis

foll No: 99

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Manage ment_Case Analysis
Name of Practical

Elexible lock 2phions Enhancing dhe Quatity o 0rgif

uestios or Discussioo

1iscuss the yanious shatcgles that_organisahion uSe to

enhancethe quality 4_aor ite (Q1uL)
Ans i) Federal Technolagie,a sotre derelopmenindustry
having employeesaYe 800 people have ork iendly
environnent because d LEO 4 Rohan Saxena_brauant
a ner onep calledFlexidle sork_ophion his ophion
aYailable to all he permenantE employees allons theM
to design exible oorking schedule according- o heic
Emplayeca an nos have variable and cuomizad
nor schedule thatacilitalts hemdo spend more ime
oith heic kamiy membesaamd o meet theiopersandL
Ritu Faj4j shared Kperience in a manukackiring-
company she F0Drkstor She gatFlexihlesanrk ophian_
hich allos her _make a balance etroeen_persanal
and pocssianal itehe maniuiaturing Company
availed her daciliHes Gke cleeornmunicaian acrn
Afice and per.sonal tompulec at hom aith_inkrne
Co0nectian hich made her personal and pntessinnal
life asier and nc Bajaj can boary ejticienth
i)Deepi Reddy aonys financial adrisor io_atu niture
manuadurnnq mpany helps anao employeeA n attend
domcshic chocesata hom andtake cate d theic
cldes oc childen
Teacher's Signature.
****"*"*************************"**** **auunae

ame of Practical

iy_Employees a Xel Fnlerprises ha cghion o aontßalized

hou hey Lan sigo contact tor a iKed number
dhous dhat dhay are expecked to och accordiAg o
theic LcOvenientesithautakjecting. thir pnduchiciy levcd-
v) Variors other ganisaions have Come up oith anc
FN0shaF belps organisations retaio akted
Aar,ore Some oraanis.ahons include compreks ed
arkneesspatime jobs phsharing phased and
partialreticeroert themesApart d fhat nany
arganisahons makes _proper allocaion o ors oor
employees at whichthey are most sutable similar
Oher kinds strakgicA used by arganisations D
enhanLe dhe quality k koork 1i

Teacher's Signature . . *************************************"************"** *****


Name of Practical

2 n he ight 6 he arious Plexible ork opions (Flo

discussedabove bring-_cut pcssidle ayc ih hich the
empluyees and the organisations might benzt
Ans: For the benekis 4 employees and the organisahon
FlexibleNor Dphions LF0Sshouldhave several
ays so that botb ma gs.0kSuctessull.
To make aboV alement possibeCcaanisations belon
aing aanae iadushries lik health caeinsurance
retail, media_and entcctaiomenf have oeen employin9
Narioasuch FNOs tgain d_compciie edge thnugh
theic hunan capial Organisaions thu benesir hy
pr.ovidingheir emplayees itha tacilitative ary
coxiroomert dbat enhantes heic ayaality á orgite
ariauscther ocaanisation1 have come up oth a
varicdy ENOs stat benekis Crganisaion aa ell
as employ.eek Same Hem e cetainlng talentcd
orkorce copressedL worlneeks, part time obsDb
sharin phased aod gortial_cehiremernt shemes aluntay
reduced sork tina,leave optiona tlerl place etr
The above acilikies helps ocanisahians_jo a posthve
ay hich are additionally benetucial to dha emgloye

Teacher's Signature..

Name of Practical

2 Outsourcing Recruitmeot

sions cor aiscussion

Tough h e dop managemeot as initially apprchensireabout

theeciveness4 hicing. an exkna ageney o upportE
ls recuitment acirityi blas lakeLonvinced abtuE
the carious bendik it acarued o SnerayDelinaak
the adankages o an exkmal cecruimenraKnty n
orcanisahions_ lige Snergyechnalngies:
Ans hile hiring anExernal AgentyDSuPpacr
recruitment actiits Atics p manageme
were apphehensive_doout the cecheneas á
such dask Ater thoroughstudy recruibmuf
crive uaing an_agentyihe heada HR deparkmen
Arora cE that it Kould be beter iSynergy
bired anà erkrnal eeruitment agenty so that initial
screening uld be done agent his hould me
vmluable Hme 4 HR department
The dvantagcs A an cxtemalrecnitment agency
n_organisatitns as ollows
Selecingrom more cmdidalea: When yau look outside
qour oon_companyYOu can xblure a mueh _largar
poiol 4candidhtes tor Yaur position this Can
increas your chanceA inding a qualitied suueAsu
appli.cant: Having more poteotial hites_can allowOu to
be more_selecire and indCandidats wilh the right
education_and cx periente tor fhe ob
Teacher's Signature.

Name of Practical

D_Actding tsesh pergpective:Bringing. io outside hires

Can ddnen perspective du the organisation
A 0e vienipoidk Can belpiderti areaso
impmvement and make Lommendahiona Nen
employreaappmach he company diteLntHy han
hos who already aork there, and this can
lead ta postive_changes in thir department
i) Ephancing diveraityi eroalmctuitment can help
jncreaediversityio the oganisahon: ncorparading
a variety 4 perspechives an ead to ionovah.on
and more eccive prachie
in Staying Cnmpehkive : Nen employeescan bring io
ideas aod shrateqies tsom their previous perience
that an help Improve Hhe omanisahians pachces
keeping.up olth rends an keep the eomany compeihve
Fstablisbing autharity may be _challengina or
Curcen employees to vie 0ne 4 their peers as an
authorityiaure atter orking at tha same level
vi) Reducing employee fension When_hiring-or manggemet
or other Supervisory role, i may bepreerable ta
hice an oukside candidakes to educe ension among
ucreemployeessho might be competing or
¢ha position:

Teacher's Signature ... ******** *******"**"************'"*************"

Name of Practical

Peope _comsultigg could nof proyide cmdidalc aith tb

righrComprtencies tor managerial_positions at 9yoergay
DiscussHe pmbable actors 4pr the ailure feople
Cpnaulhin4 in dhis caseAlso Sugges a better 30urce
rcruiting candidakes tor managkrial_cadre.
hereason hypecple Consulting ed E
A d e Could oot proxide candiales oith
_rigkt_compe Benclesormanagerial pasitian at
me basis an shich fecple Lonsulting seleckd tha
candcdales did not suit/matzh the ulhure at ynergu
hey seened to be mis jo hL Organisahon in erms
heie technical Skills and their Yalues heir managarial
skills also did not match the sBandatds exprted b
Far them better source recruting candidatra
tor managrial Cadre oould beiasllo:
i Reduce he 3Copeto a_manageable lerel Narrak
down the compe hencies o be exaluated As nee
is nerer needor mure ha equired conpelencieit
hay to be kep narros
i Develop compekcocy based ialecriehO questionS: Campeleny
based questions should be apen endediithey are to belp
ideniky behaioral attribuleA A common ny to creat
quethos is by proriding exampes 4 Hors a given
ompelenty might b _preaenled
i Follaa up nith faicneas io mind:Compcalency bascd
selecionsyslems ser exibilily no only in assing
sihudkionalquestions hu Teacher's
also Signature.
i allaoing tallon ap espons
Name of Practical

Om DicinA
V managars uE make aure to aio malagerT as D-
ohich quezions ae apprnpriak to araid sueations that are
illcga or sbat could atech a proleaBed class orkers
ased o0 disdoility fate religion
in Facilitak the disassion: For organisahonsthat use _in-perso0
fancis, he prncess may involvegathrit exerya inone roam
orarichial meehing space es So that exeryone cauld inkrat
ith_each other D get fre space mind

Teacher's Signature ...

**"****"e**************" *** ssansssuuresssennane*na*aa*t
Name of Practical

gUoilever LAxe andDove)


lhaE makespersondlmarkehirg ork 2_Why are_dxe and Dexe

ae Suczesstul at it?
Ani:Unileveruse o Communiak oith ik austo.mel and
ry to solve their prdblems Dove is yery famaus and
proitable brand kor unilerer: 1o_ecent years as he
fesult markeing campaign that has consisknHy qentrakd1
attracing-siare 2004 Pove and Axe are the imparlant
representahve_io Uoileyeis persond care_division one a
its tao major duetgiDupsUniliver understandsthe
importanLe peraonal maclyekiog- nd tacget specicage
o u p s demogsaphics andie style Axe siins abudant
adverhisi0g anads becayuse d using unconxenlianal media
thannelshich re very cteckie and unigue wiays

Teacher's Signature....
**************************""'"******** *************useanseou

Name of Practical

2Can Lompacy dak personal mackchng to tr?xplain

Ans: Unilever has varicky s4 produch ooodhome
care and personal cao bronding 1s mdbod or
markeing isVCry inteceatiag Uilever speaks dekereot
Custmer buk dhcir etort is tor vátalihy mission
y Hhzatprachcescompany Lan manage_brand staus
and be CoMe_uniqueamong darget marke Unilerer
highlighs the Lxample DOve and xe inkr-brand
relahonship sorks Bctb the reduck _markehog say1
hos thay lods and sel-elaem A io all Unilever
emphasiz.os on is markekiog and anarencas4 ik
band_and missien hich shorss ong temm lanning

Teacher's Signature.************************************************************nssnase**

Wame of Practical

1 Here_a tontlict A inltrest in dhe oarunileyer markot

nNoman_and yeung men? 1s it undoing all the sond
naoight bedeng in" Carmpaign or Real Bcauky"by
mahng omen_sox symbols in Axe _adi? Disus
Ans: With dhe rerence he Lonlkaxt and persoralopenion_
re israrely ar none conlich in dhe Ads 4 ka er
unilerer bey aeair and equal tor both the
endersSioce Abay are made to targek Young and
renaga aupspeoble belors adult 4 or aldar
a bav no orcae benekib or it exept nhen
the adertise.ment specialy crcaled o hem tor ex
Johh Son_and Jh.n.son's Baby prDduths.
n Adverhisement A Axe here can br dittereot otncr
achcs ucd as thay_arady have 00d and inkeresing
Nays 4adverising: 3 inskad a putting women Sex
Symbalsto_attracE morz custamas they could have
used difat achcS sine thase makes bad impressian
wards male UDmeA_

Teacher's Signature ...**** ******************°"*****"***************************.*******


Name of Practical



Ho dots BMw samant its consumers ? 1hy doe this oork

or 8Mw?
Ans The Lompany has uieddemoaaphtc markeE segmentatim
he demags.aphicsegmentahioD is dixided into ioLome
aa and aender so they targetthe cusomesA
A pical BMW client is bchlee the ages
0 4 35 and
5o thriving in his ar her or having. a tate stor
spirational dhiog ja hiz _a KenKo_and
theic onin_social ROstion ThcaLpeopleare lookingOr
Superionthy pelto.mman.cedependaeility and equity:
BM is aimed af _upper class Customr snce thay arre
he onzh ho ill kind BM atordablr and nah i
appreeiake the mastecpiece:
BMW's CompetiHve edae s builton _continuous ncess
imgrnrement and tecbnoloy adyanCemen in RAD: 4 s
se kaarsn tor its hlgh_amality aelleot _ushomer
seiend dependalatliby: To expand is marke AMW
ha adapked the coe idea Aaustamee servie «
i sis preeotin more than L50 counhries throyaheh
worldoith Europe and North Americd accounting 4or 6S
pectentAaldHonevzr baith the emergnte
dereloping marhes kor example hsia ,the
Teacher's Signature.sutu
corpocahion .
********* *******************s

Name of Practical

beaao D.csing ag4sesively _on thee egions b dri

uture sales:
BMN M Convectible BM 34 5 3eric- Sedans
uing and BMW x3/x5- SUV all hae a solid oducE
porttilioand a sengpreadnce io_everysegmeot

Teacher's Signature. *****************"********************************'.**asusas.

ame of Practical

2what_does 8MW do uell to macket to each seqmen

seup? ceuld it improve its Machd Shralkg
Ans: 8M Mackerd o each Segment_eN giin them
wha thay needed: Such aABMW card a lower
prnice SUV dhat mi taratled to_ a gs0up called
Modeme Maishream'
t could imprnveik markehoy shaegy by male
and middleclass also:
MW also can_r more deianedcar in_loner
priced car kor modem mainshream qsnup marke insled
A ur 0ne series can s this 9Kup Conum2ss
oll have more choiceA cho0se and this also caan
atracE nenconumerA bno neer uyed BMN cas
BM dezigoed ik cars ith Better engines amazing

Teacher's Signature *************************************"***""""******************.*

Name of Practical

3Should BMN exer chaoge its taglinc he Ulkamake

DcixingMaching "2_Why or khy not7
Ana ith the cetchenue Lonlext and my apenion
BM hould not change their taging Their taglira
_says nue to dheir cuskomes odcompany_and BMW
has Backed uptheir claim oith thdir can -thab are
thrill ing- m drie:

Teacher's Signature . .**********"'"**" a * *

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