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5S Lean Methodology, Systems & Principles

What is 5 S?

 5S is a method of visual organization that includes anything from floor tape to

operations manuals.
 It focuses on organization and emphasizes on maximizing efficiency which requires
specific mindset and tools to create value.

Sort- Sort through the resources and keep just the stuff that are required to perform
the job. (This procedure entails looking through all of the things of a workspace to
see what is necessary and what can be deleted.) Everything that isn't required to
execute a task should be removed from the work area.)

Set – Put everything in its proper place. Ascertain that all objects are arranged and
that each item has a specific location. Organize all of the objects left in the
workplace in a logical order so that personnel may finish jobs more quickly. This
frequently entails placing goods in ergonomic areas so people won't have to bend or
make additional movements to get them.

Shine - To guarantee purpose-driven work, proactive measures to maintain

workplace surroundings clean and organised are made. This entails keeping the
newly arranged workstation neat and tidy. It might include simple duties like
mopping, dusting, and cleaning, as well as routine maintenance on machinery, tools,
and other equipment.

Standardize - Create a set of organisational and process standards. In essence,

you'll use the first three S's to create rules for how and when these jobs will be
completed. These standards may include timetables, charts, and lists, among other

Sustain - Maintain discipline by sticking to new habits and conducting audits. This
implies that the preceding four S's must be carried out throughout time. This is
accomplished by instilling self-discipline in employees who will take part in 5S.

Shadow Boards

Shadow boards feature an outline of where tools belong and allow employees to quickly identify
which tools are missing. Shadow boards help with both tool organization and tool accountability.
Floor Markings

Floor markings such as tape and shapes are helpful tools in many different types of work
environments such as offices, auto shops, healthcare facilities, manufacturing facilities, retail
environments, etc.


The use of signage in an efficiently run work environment is essential. Not only does signage
help increase safety, it also creates a visual environment for employees to thrive in. Safety signs
can be found in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes and can be found with many different
common text combinations. In addition, it is even possible to create customized signage to meet
any unique marking needs. Signage may be available as floor signs, wall signs, or standing signs.
All signs can improve visual communication.


Labeling is a big component of efficient organization for a 5S system. Virtually anything can be
labeled to help keep work areas organized, efficient, and visual to employees. For instance, some
things that can be labeled are shelving, storage units, bins, workspaces, pipes, etc. When labels
are used strategically, employees understand where things belong and can easily identify when
something is missing.

Industrial Printers

Industrial printers assist in making printing easy, convenient, and cost-effective. Instead of
having to order labels from an outside entity, labels can be printed right in-house with the help of
an industrial label printer.

Industrial label printers are capable of printing an assortment of different sized labels using
different colored inks and can print on different types of label supply as well. Some industrial
label printers even feature thermal print heads that can create an extremely durable, no-smudge

5S Tags

5S Tags, also known as "red tags," are commonly used during the Sort phase of 5S. These tags
are attached to items that no longer add value to the work facility and are not often needed or
used. This type of red 5S tag is easy to see and makes the process of sorting through different
tools, supplies, and equipment simple and straightforward. By looking at the tags, employees can
easily determine what is going to stay and what is going to go.

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