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Instructions for Mechanical Lab -1

1) The laboratory classes will be conducted in three cycles as detailed below:

• First Cycle ( 3 classes)
• Ganga Engine + Open Cup Fire and Flash Point
• Two stage air compressor + Saybolt Viscometer
• Pressure gage+ Redwood Viscometer
• Second Cycle ( Three classes) : QUIZ-1
• Maruthi MPFI Engine Morse test
• Blower + Closed cup Tester
• Valve timing and compression ratio
• Third Cycle ( three classes): Quiz -2
• Planimeter
• Sand testing+ Hartnel governor demonstration
• Boy’s gas calorimeter + dryness fraction of steam
• Repetition of experiments for absentees ( 9th class)
2) A separate observation book must be maintained where experimental data will be
recorded and for rough calculations in the laboratory class.
3) Lab record writing to be done using the physics record book for the experiments
conducted in each class. Records must be submitted for evaluation one week after
completion of the experiments (immediate next week)
4) Lab record book should contain the following:
✓ Aim, Apparatus, Specifications and Procedure
✓ Observation data table
✓ Detailed specimen calculation
✓ Results table, Graph if any
✓ Conclusions based on the results obtained
✓ Line diagram of test rig with complete labelling
✓ VIVA question answers (question are given in the manual)

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