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101. Applicants for the managerial position ----------- to possess high levels of motivation along with
basic computer skills.
A. are required B. require
C. requires D. had required

102. The chairperson ------- by an anonymous vote involving all members.

(A) has selected (B) had to select
(C) is selecting (D) will be selected

103. In Ms. Park’s absence, all inquires concerning the Bevington project ---------- to her assistant.
A. should be directed B. direct
C. directs D. directing

104. To increase next year's sales, the design department for Kamon Cosmetics is currently ------- a
package redesign.
A. considered B. considering
C. considers D. consider

105. A retirement party ------- on Friday for Michelle Drumbel, who has worked as a sales manager.
The party will begin at 6:30 p.m. on August 10th. in south conference room 107.
(A) is held (B) will be held
(C) had been held (D) was held

106. Maria Vega’s keynote address at next month’s entrepreneurs Symposium in Singapore _______
by a short video.
A. was preceded B. will be preceded
C. would precede D. were preceded
107. Following the visit to your production facility in Hong Kong next week, we ------- a
comprehensive factory automation program to meet your company's needs.
(A) will create (B) was created
(C) having created (D) had been creating

108. Mountain Equipment Co-op. has deeply discounted their winter items to ------- room for the new
spring merchandise.
(A) making (B) make
(C) makes (D) made

109. To apply for one of these positions, you must email your resume to, and
then you -------- an application to complete and return.
(A) will send (B) were sent
(C) will be sent (D) will have sent

110. If you are interested in continuing business with us, please send a brief proposal ------- prices and
turnaround times to me by next Friday.
(A) specify (B) specifies
(C) specified (D) specifying
111. Applicants who possess interpersonal skills and strong analytical skills to gather and analyze
information for reports will be -------
A. prefer B. preferred
C. prefers D. preferring

112. AAS Executive Transportation is a premier limousine company .......... the Houston area.
A. serving B. served
C. server D. serves

113. You must call the toll-free number and input the four-digit code _______ the credit card.
(A) activated (B) to activate
(C) activates (D) is activating

114. We invite you to visit the shop when it opens on its April 3, and we look forward to _______ to
serve you.
A. continuing B. will continue
C. be continuing D. continue

115. You can play an important part in meeting many challenges that the
Library_____ by making a gift to the Edmonton Public Library today.
(A) face (B) faces
(C) facing (D) faced with

116. The company recently ______ its 83rd international branch in Singapore.
(A) open (B) opening
(C) opened (D) have opened

117. Ms. Kennedy was given the responsibility for managing the downtown building project, the board of directors.
(A) is overseeing (B) was overseen
(C) has been overseeing (D) be overseen

118. The head of the department ------- the banquet room for a party should submit a required form to
the Catering Department.
A. use B. used
C. using D. will use

119. Mr. Urn, the head of the union,____ a letter last week that stated his contract with the company
was terminated.
(A) was sending (B) would send
(C) will be sent (D) was sent

120. If your part fails within one year from the original purchase invoice, it our warranty
A. will replace B. is replacing
C. have been replaced D. will be replaced
121. Please complete the return list ------- the reason for the return and it will be processed promptly.
A. detail B. detailed
C. detailing D. in detail
122. Could you please ship 1,500 of your workshop brochures to me at the address .......above?
A. stated B. stating
C. states D. statement

123. In celebration of National Volunteer Appreciation Day, Betsy Johnson Regional Hospital will
host a luncheon -------its 103 hospital volunteers tomorrow.
(A) honor (B) honors
(C) honored (D) honoring

124. Hines Gym has distributed promotional flyers focused on _______ residents to get in shape for
the summer.
(A) persuading (B) persuade
(C) persuades (D) to persuade

125. The Perfect Pet Parlor is a chain of stores --------- a large selection of pet food and pet accessories
at a reasonable price with excellent sales support.
(A) sell (B) sells
(C) sold (D) selling

126. The entrance is accessible from the parking lot and is ------on the east side of the building.
A. locates B. located
C. locating D. was locating

127. Your experience and attitude ------our organizational goals.

A. complements B. to complement
C. complement D. complementary

128. To maintain the laboratory’s high standards , employees -------- to attend an annual training
A. are required B. will require
C. require D. is required
129. A project to power streetlights using solar energy----- on Amman Ring Road.
(A) will be implemented (B) are implementing
(C) to implement (D) implement

130. The federal government will -------- a new foreign trade policy next month, aimed at boosting
exports, especially from the agriculture sector.
(A) be announced (B) announce
(C) announcing (D) have announced

131. Employees currently -------- in overseas posting are eligible for an additional housing allowance.
A. work B. worked
C. to work D. working
132. In some cases, we are able ------- the products at the service center, but if not, we can arrange for
the product to be sent back to the factory so that we can investigate the problem.
(A) repaired (B) repairing
(C) repairs (D) to repair

133. American Couplings, Inc. warrants that the products ------- to industry standards specified below
and will be free from defects in materials.
(A) to conform (B) conforms
(C) conform (D) conforming

134. The Payments Office is open to receive utility bill payments ------- in person Monday to Friday 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. and credit or debit cards may be used.
(A) make (B) made
(C) making (D) are made

135. The company-sponsored five-kilometer run will be held on October 15, and all employees
------------ to participate.
(A) to invite (B) invite
(C) inviting (D) are invited
136. Library patrons who fail to return an item by the due date ------- a fee.
(A) charge (B) will be charged
(C) have charged (D) are charging
137. We remain committed to -------- timely and accurate news coverage to our readers.
(A) offered (B) offering
(C) being offered (D) have offered

138. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing the Matsuyama Elegance Hotel
for your recent visit. It is our sincere hope that we ------ able to provide you with an experience of the
highest quality.
(A) were (B) will be
(C) are (D) are going to be

139. Taiwan Knitwear Corporation’s board of directors ________ for two hour yesterday to review the
annual report.
A. met B. meet
C. meets D. meeting

140. Before you use the Workstation XQ scheduling software, please take some time to _______
yourself on the basic keyboard shortcuts.
(A) education (B) educate
(C) educating (D) educates

141. The elevators in the north wing --------- temporarily for maintenance next week.
A. closing B. were closed
C. will close D. will be closed

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