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Welcome! We are glad you are here.

Children’s Time: Children of all ages are invited to come forward for a 

children’s  message  during  worship.  Following  the  message,  children 
ages  4  through  2nd  grade  are  invited  to  accompany  NaEisha  and 
another adult teacher to Children’s Church in the Educa on Building. 
Children in 3rd grade and above will return to their seats to worship 
with their families. 
Restrooms are located in the Fellowship Hall across the breezeway. 

What’s Going on This Week Glorifying God by making disciples of Jesus Christ
Sunday, August 7   7:30 pm—Wednesday 
  9:30 am—Sunday School                       Night Devo on  
11:00 am—Worship    
                     Communion  Sunday, August 14
                     Noisy Offering    9:30 am—Sunday School 
                     Blessing of Backpacks                      
11:00 am—Worship  
Wednesday, August 10
  5:30 pm—Choir Prac ce 
  6:30 pm—Bell Prac ce    

Church Staff
Pastor          Rev. Connie Happell 
Director of Music      Sue Ellen Williams 
Pianist                     Walter Cornwell 
Youth/Young Adult Coordinator  NaEisha Owens 
Office Administrator        JoAnna Williams 
Financial Secretary      Janet Peters 
Custodian        James Mills 

3617 Macon Road, Columbus, Georgia 31907

(706) 561‐5137 Sunday, August 7, 2022
Service of Worship 
August 7, 2022   *P S “The Steadfast Love of the Lord”
Words and Music by Edith McNeill  
9th Sunday A er Pentecost   

Liturgical Color: Green  O “Let Us Break Bread Together”  

  Doc Barber   
W A Rev. Connie Happell                                            Rebecca Bush, flute 
                                       Walter Cornwell, pianist 
P “The Lord’s My Shepherd”                                                 

Jesse Seymour Irvine                                                         Arranged by Cindy Berry 
*P D
A “The Good Shepherd“
*C T W       Adapted from Ezekiel 34:11‐16   Words and Music by Zebulon M. Highben  
                                          Rebecca Bush, flute  
  Leader:  This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “I myself will   

  search for my sheep and look a er them.”   C ’ M           NaEisha Owens 

People:  As shepherds look a er their sca ered flocks, O T L Psalm 23 
so will the Lord look a er God’s sheep.  
Leader:  “I will tend them in good pasture, and the  N T L John 10:11‐21  
  mountain heights of Israel will be their grazing  S “We the Sheep” Rev. Connie Happell 
People:  God will be the one to tend God’s sheep and to I L ’ T  
search for the lost. God will bring back the strays P P T L ’ P
and strengthen the weak. 
ALL:   Let us worship God! Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy
kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
*H 357 “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee” Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as
U P C we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into tempta on,
but deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, and the
Almighty and merciful God, we have erred and strayed from power and the glory forever. Amen
Your ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the
devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended
against Your holy laws. We have le undone those things C P
which we ought to have done; and we have done those C P
things which we ought not to have done. O Lord, have
*H 387 “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”
mercy upon us. Restore us, according to Your promises
declared to the world in Christ Jesus our Lord. And grant *B
that we may live holy, just, and humble lives to the glory of P “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”
Your holy name. (Please  con nue  in  silent  confession) 
Amen. *Indicates congrega on standing, as able. 

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