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September 29, 2021



HISTORICAL OVERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------ 3

START OF OFFICIAL WORK ------------------------------------------------- 3

ASSESSMENT VISIT TO THE COUNTY------------------------------------- 4


MAJOY DEPARTMENT OF THE COLLEGE ------------------------------ 5

THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT ----------------------------------------------6

AGRICULTURE PROGRAM -----------------------------------------------------7

BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION-------------------------------7

HEALTH SCIENCE DEPARTMENT---------------------------------------------8

TEACHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT--------------------------------------8

PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT-----------------------------------------------9

Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

ACHIEVEMENTS------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

CONSTRAINTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

RECOMMENDATION --------------------------------------------------------------7


On Thursday, January 12, 2017, former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf made
new appointments in government. Those appointments included the president of
the Sinoe community college, to open and get the college started. Upon the
appointment, the caucus under the leadership of the then caucus chairman, Sen.
Joseph N.Nagbe convened Sinoe Leadership and acquaintance meeting at his
Capitol Building office.
Those that attended the meeting were:
1. Sen. Joseph N. Nagbae
2. Sen. J. Milton TeahJay
3. Hon. Jefferson Karmoh
4. Hon. Matthew ZarZar
5. Hon. Jeremiah McCauley Nyenswoh
6. Hon. Prosper K. Browne, County Superintendent
7. Hon. Moses Tuwleh, Development Superintendent
8. Hon. Othello Doe Nagbe, FA Sup., and
9. Hon. Jerry Borbor Nyangbeh, SCC President

At that meeting, a letter of appointment from the Executive Mansion was

delivered by Sen. J. Milton TeahJay to Hon. Jerry Borbor Nyangbeh.
The issue of getting the College started was paramount at the meeting. During
the deliberations, it was officially revealed that Former President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf was scheduled to visit the county in March of 2017. it was therefore
necessary that a joint assessment visit be made before her arrival in the County.
Also at the meeting a proposed site in Murrayville for the construction of the
College future home was disclosed. At the sometime, the Multilateral High
School Campus was selected as a temporary home for the College.

In Oder to get the College operational, the following recommendations were

made to the President by the two senators. Those recommended were:
1. Nyon Nagbae Geleh-Saylee, Dean of Administration
2. Wleh Toe Sailah, Sr., Dean of Academic Affairs
3. .Chea P. Dorjue, Financial Comptroller
4. Joe T. Seeboe, HR


Official works to get the College operational started with an engagement at the
National Commission on Higher Education.
In a meeting with Dr. Sleyon, we were told that the Commission had no record
or information on the existence of the Sinoe Community College.

It was following a week of engagement with the national commission on high

education, It was concluded that a concept paper in which the following should
be contained be prepared and submitted to the commission in two weeks period.
Content of the concept paper should include the following:
a) Government structure of the College to include members of the board of
trustees, administration, Faculty, General and support staff.

b) Strategic Plan;
c) Sustainability plan;
d) Financial plan
e) Code conduct ;
f) Human Resource policy
g) Financial Policy
h) Admission Policy
i) Conflict of interest policy
j) Programs &Curriculum;
k) Duration& Degrees to be offered in each area.
The concept paper was than written, completed and submitted. Following the
submission of the concept paper, the Administration of the College was granted
access to the 2016/2017 fiscal budget thus allowing the Administration to
operate as an associate degree granting Institution.


Prior to the President’s arrival to the county in March of 2017, an assessment

team of the College Administration, this was comprised of the following arrived
in the county.
1. Hon. Jerry Borbor Nyangbeh, President of the College
2. Wleh Toe Sailah, Sr., Academic Dean, and
3. Chea P. Dorjue, Financial Comptroller

The above mentioned personalities left Monrovia on March 8, 2017 and arrived
in Greenville, Sinoe County at 5:00 PM.
The team started the assessment with a visit to the office of the superintendent,
Hon. Prosper K. Browne. At that meeting, the two deputies to the
superintendent were present. They were Mr. Moses Tuwleh, Development
Superintendent and Mr. Othello Doe Nagbe, fiscal Affairs Superintendent.

In concluding the meeting, the superintendent designated Mr. Othello Doe

Nagbe to take the team on a tour which led them to the Sinoe Multilateral High

School Campus with introduction made to the school administration. The

Administrations of both institutions agreed to co-exist. This resulted to the
Administration of the High School identifying and turning over a portion of the
Sinoe Multilateral High School building to be utilized by the college for
administrative and instructional purposes.
Additionally, the team was taken to Murrayville Township and introduced to the
people and leadership of the Township. Later, a Meeting was held with the
leadership of the Murrayville Community who took the team to the proposed
site of the Sinoe community College for official turnover of the site.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf arrived in the county on 20 th March 2017 and
was taken to the site, where brook grounds for the College future home.
There after a signboard was erected. The administrations of the college then hire
a team of contractors to construct and to partition offices for administrative use.

Why still in the county, the team sent announcement to the radio stations
advertising several vacant positions, which include: instructors in different
disciplines, secretaries, securities, , Directors of programs, and departments,
Librarians, janitors and other office staff. Following the submission of
applications, they search and vetting committee conducted her vetting and
interview, after which the best qualified persons were selected and names
forwarded to the offices of the human resource director and academic dean for
employment and placement.


The Sinoe community college has two major departments, namely the
administrative and the academic departments.
a) The administrative department is headed by an administrative dean who
is responsible to handle all administrative aspects designated to his office
and other responsibilities that maybe assigned to that office by the

president. The dean has oversight responsibility over the following sub
offices namely:
b) Finance department
c) Human resource department
d) Procurement department
e) Student services department
f) General services department
g) Security department
h) Maintenance department
i) Public Relations Department
j) Audit department

All departmental reports are submitted and channeled via the administrative
dean to the president office.


The Academic Department is headed by an academic dean whose
responsibilities are to plan, implement, monitor and supervise all academic
activities. This department is subdivided into the following Programs:

Teachers Education Program is headed by a director. This program offers an

Associate of Act degree within the period of two academic years in the
following discipline: Language Arts, Mathematics, History, Geography, and
General Education.
Since the beginning of the Academic program and up to present, this program
has sent out the total number of twenty-five students and have since completed
and awaiting graduation.

The Health Science program is headed by a Director. This program offers an

Associate of Science degree within the period of three academic years in the
following disciplines: Nursing and Midwifery.

Since the beginning of the Academic program and up to present, these

programs has sent out the total number of sixty-five students for clinical and are
yet to complete their studies. Additionally, attached to the Health Science
Program is a well-equipped DEMO LAB that is used for clinical demonstration.
Also since this program started, though frantic affords have been made, it is yet
to be accredited, however progress is being made, and the administration of the
College is presently working with the Liberian Board for Nursing and
Midwifery for the accreditation of the Program . Liberian board for Nursing

and Midwifery Sinoe community college are in the process of drawing
schedule for the Liberian board for Nursing and Midwifery to pay an
assessment visit to the county from which a finding is expected l be reached.

Agriculture Program is headed by a Director. This program offers an
associate of arts degree in within three academic years in General Agriculture
for now. Since the beginning of this program, it has sent out thirteen students
for internship and field practice at the Golden Veroleum Liberia Plantation and
is now awaiting graduation. Students from this department have demonstrated
their profession by planting some edible crops such as cassava, Potatoes, water
melon, etc.


The Business and Public Administration is headed by a Director. This program
offers an Associate of Art degree within the period of two academic years in the
following disciplines: Economics, Management Accounting, Public
Administration. Seventeen Students from this department are presently writing
their research paper as preparation for graduation.

Within the Academic program are the Following departments:

Department of Admissions Records and Registrations. This department is
headed by a Director and is responsible for the admission of students,
processing, managing and keeping students’ records. Additionally, the College
has a Library headed by a Librarian. The Library though has some good number
of modern books, but is still in need of more modern books.

The Procurement department is headed by a director who is responsible for the
procurement of needed materials and equipment for the College. Since the
establishment of the college this department has facilitated the procurement and
services require for the institution.

Some of the materials procured for the institution include: office furniture, ICT
materials, Stationaries, Machineries Educational materials, Janitorial, Fuel and
lubricants vehicles etc. Additionally the procurement department has process
and implemented the acquisition of an office that is presently being use as the
Monrovia office.


In conclusion we express our thanks and appreciation to the president of the
republic of Liberia, the chairmen and the board of trustees, Senator J. Milton
Teahjay and Senator Augustine S. Chea, Faculty and Support staff of the Sinoe
Community College, Students body, Parents and the People of Sinoe County for
their support.


Since the establishment of the Sinoe Community College, the Administration of

the college has made the following achievements:

1. Successfully conducted both its academic activities and

administrative functions uninterrupted.
2. Acquired one hundred fifty acres of land from the people of Banah
Worteh Township with Land servile, deed probated and registered.
3. Has established international friendship/relationship with the
following: a) Bork’s County Community College USA b)
Education Transform Life USA C) Sinoe County Citizen in
Note: All of whom have paid separate visits to Liberia pride to the
5. Has acquired an office space for use by Monrovia staff.

The Sinoe Community College since its establishment has been experiencing
the following constraints:

1. Due to lack of its facility cannot conducts her academic activities

in the morning accept from 3: o’clock pm to 9: o’clock pm simply
because the Sinoe Multilateral high School conducts her activities
from 8: o’clock pm to 2: o’clock pm.
2. Retention of teachers and other staff mainly from Monrovia and
other parts of the country is a difficult task due to hard cost of
living in the county and low salary and lack of incentives.

3. The administration of the college has not been getting the
cooperation of the Legislative Caucus as body due to political or
tribal reason. Except for individual members to be specific, Senator
J. Milton Teahjay and Senator Augustine S. Chea. Thus leaving the
college administration without a trustee board and struggling on to
get where she is right now.
4. The school has experienced low enrollment due to lack of trustee
board at the time and a non-accreditation of the health Science
program (which constitutes sixty percent of the student
population). from the Liberia Board for Nursing and Midwifery


The Administration of the Sinoe Community College is pleased to make the

following recommendations:
1,That board take seriously the issue of negotiating with Ministry of Finance to
allot some money in the 2022 fiscal budget for the construction of the College
main Campus. the same vein request that the board negotiate with the Ministry of Finance
to increase the personnel cost component in the 2022 fiscal budget to adjust
salaries and give allowances to staffs in order to solve the issue of retention.

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