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Problem Sheet 4

MATH F111 Mathematics I

November 13, 2021

1. The temperature T (in C 0 ) at a location in the Northern Hemisphere depends on the longitude, latitude,
and time, so we can write T = f (x, y, t). Let’s measure time in hours from the beginning of January.
∂T ∂T ∂T
(a) What are the meanings of the partial derivatives ∂x , ∂y , and ∂z ?
deg deg
(b) Honolulu has longitude and latitude 158 W and 21 N. Suppose that at 9:00 AM on January
1 the wind is blowing hot air to the northeast, so the air to the west and south is warm and the air
to the north and east is cooler. Would you expect fx (158, 21, 9), fy (158, 21, 9) and ft (158, 21, 9) to
be positive or negative? Explain.
2. Determine the signs of the partial derivatives for the function f whose graph is shown.

A. fx (1, 2) B. fy (1, 2) C. fx (−1, 2) D. fy (−1, 2) E. fxx (−1, 2) F. fyy (−1, 2)

3. A contour map is given for a function f . Use it to estimate fx (2, 1) and fy (2, 1).

4. If f (x, y) = 16 − x2 − y 2 , find fx (1, 2) and fy (1, 2) and interpret these numbers as slopes. Illustrate with
either hand-drawn sketches or computer plots.
∂z ∂z
5. Use implicit differentiation to find ∂x and ∂y . A. x2 + 2y 2 + 3z 2 = 1 B. ez = xyz
6. Verify that the conclusion of Clairaut’s Theorem holds, that is, uxy = uyx A. u = exy sin y B. u =
ln(x + 2y)
7. Level curves are shown for a function f . Determine whether the following partial derivatives are positive
or negative at the point P . A. fx B. fy C. fxx D. fyy E. fxy

2 2
8. Verify that the function u = e−α k t
sin kx is a solution of the heat conduction equation ut = α2 uxx .
9. Determine whether each of the following functions is a solution of Laplace’s equation uxx + uyy = 0.
A. u = x2 + y 2 B. u = e−x cos y − e−y cos x

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