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Second Semester 2018-2019
Tutorial Sheet - 8

Course No. MATH F113 Course title: Probability and Statisitcs


1. One thousand independent rolls of a fair die will be made. If number 6 appears exactly 200
times, find the approximate probability that number 5 will appear less than 150 times.

2. The safety record of an industrial plant is measured in terms of M , total staffing hours
worked without a serious accident. Past experience indicates that M has a mean of 2 million
with a standard deviation 0.1 million. A serious accident has just occurred. Would it be
unusual for the next serious accident to occur with in the next 1.6 million staffing hours ?

3. Use Chebyshev’s inequality to find the number of times we need to flip an unbiased coin to be
able to assert with probability of at most 0.01 that the proportion of tails will be at most 0.04.

4. There are eight similar chips in a bowl: three marked (0, 0), two marked (1, 0), two marked
with (0, 1), and one marked (1, 1). A player selects a chip at random and is given the sum of
the two coordinates in dollars. If X1 and X2 represent those two coordinates, respectively.
Find their joint density as a function of X1 , X2 , also calculate the expected payoff.

5. Joint density for continuous (X, Y ), is given by the following function

xy, 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 2
fXY (x, y) =
0, elsewhere.

Calculate P [X < 1 ∪ Y < 1] and P [X + Y < 1].

6. A gun is aimed at a certain point (origin of a coordinate system). Because of the random
failures, the actual hit can be any point (X, Y ) in a circle of radius R about the origin.
Assume that the joint density of X and Y is given by
C, x2 + y 2 ≤ R2
fXY (x, y) =
0, elsewhere.

(i) Calculate C, (ii) Find marginal densities of X and Y . (ii) Are X and Y independent ?

7. Let X and Y have the joint pdf f (x, y) = 23 x2 (1 − |y|), − 1 < x < 1, − 1 < y < 1. Let
A = {(x, y) : 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < x}. Find P (A) and the marginal pdfs. Also, verify that X
and Y are independent.

8. Two scanners are needed for an experiment. Of the five two have electronic defects, another
one has defect in memory, and two are in good working order. Two units are selected at
(a) Find the joint probability density of X1 : the number with electronic defect and X2 : the
number with defect in memory.
(b) Find the probability of 0 or 1 total defects among the two selected.
(c) Find the conditional probability distribution of X1 given X2 = 0.

9. Let T1 and T2 be the random times for a company to complete two steps in a certain process.
Say T1 and T2 are measured in days and they have the joint pdf that is uniform over the
space 1 < t1 < 10, 2 < t2 < 6, t1 + 2t2 < 14. What is P (T1 + T2 > 10) ?

10. A coin is tossed 3 times. Let X denotes the number of heads and Y denotes the absolute
difference between the number of heads and tails. Find the joint probability mass function
and the marginal densities for X and Y .


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