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Section 1:

Q1: Why did Shah Waliullah use his writing skill to revitalize the Islamic beliefs in the subcontinent?[7]

 He saw sectarian division among Muslims which made him write his book, Khilafat-ul Khulafa.
(detailed account of the four caliphs)
 He saw Muslims were away from real Islamic practices and were indulged into Hindu practices,
therefore he translated Quran into Persian.
 He saw the declining condition of the Mughal Empire and wrote letters to Muslim leaders and
Ahmed Shah Abdali came to help the Mughals.

Q2: Why did Sir Syed ask Muslims to join United Patriotic Alliance? [7]

 Congress had been against the Muslims at the time of Hindi-Urdu Controversy which made Sir Syed
to think about a new political group for Muslims.
 He wanted Muslims to stay active in the politics of the subcontinent to be able to groom themselves
as a nation when he presented the Two Nation Theory.
 He wanted Muslims to maintain their separate identity and to seek equal status in a Hindu-
dominant Society.

Q3: Why was Afghanistan given Independence by the British in 1892? [7]

 The British faced strong retaliation from the Afghan tribes in 1839 at the time of their intervention
in Afghanistan. They had to withdraw from Afghanistan due to strong hold of the tribes.
 They had faced severe aggression from Ahmed Shah Abdali and later Nadir Shah who came from the
same region and looted and massacred Punjab and Multan.
 The Soviet influence had been growing in British India which was to be stopped by the British
therefore they made the Durand Line in 1892.

Q4: Why was agrarian policy introduced by the British? [7]

 The British wanted to access their indirect control on more lands of India.
 After constructing canals and dams, when more agriculture was practised, the British wanted to gain
more taxes/revenue.
 The policy of divide and rule and keeping the Indians under their control as slaves made them
brought the agrarian policy.

Q5: Why was Doctrine of Lapse introduced by the British? [7]

 The British wanted to control those states which were still out of their control.
 The British believed that they were the real policy/law makers of the subcontinent.
 There was a Shia-Sunni problem from Oudh to Bengal Army which was the biggest threat to the

Q6: Why did Sir Syed ask Muslims to stay loyal to the British? [7]

 He wanted that so that Muslims could gain better representation in the government.
 He was offended with the Hindus who were promoting Hindi and thus affecting the religion of the
 He wanted to remove misunderstanding between the two communities as Muslims were blamed as
the main reason for the War of Independence.
Q7: Why did the British introduce Christian Missionary Schools? [7]

 They introduce Christian Missionary Schools to make young Indian minds acceptable to them.
 They made English as the main language for their curriculum in order to be able to communicate
with the Indians better.
 They made it loudly clear to the Indians that British had an edge on Indians on education and they
knew better to govern things.

Q8: Why was there no unity among the Indians at the time of War of Independence? [7]

 Muslims and Hindus were not on the same page for having religious differences.
 Some Indian States’ Maharajas were concerned with their wealth and kingdom only and never had a
broader perspective for India.
 India was a huge piece of land with a lot many diversity and differences of language, culture and

Q9: Why was there so much retaliation from the Punjab against the British?

 Punjab was ruled by a Sikh Maharaja, Ranjit Singh who had a strong army and the British could not
have the power to deceive him during the Sikh Wars.
 Punjab was famous for its Cotton which was used by the British in their textile industries and heavy
agrarian taxes were paid.
 Punjab had a generally active masses who had been against the British from time to time. Syed
Ahmed Bareli had gathered an army of 80,000 mujahdeens in his time.

Q10: Why was Bengal considered an important area for the British? [7]

 Bengal had the largest and biggest seaport of India, Calcutta. The British wanted to keep Calcutta
under their control and out of the authority of other European nations.
 Bengal was a densely populated area as well as very active in politics. Its people were literate and
could be of great help to the British.
 Bengal had rivers and crops used to be grown in abundance which used to run the industry of

Q11: Why were the Mughals not able to stop the arrival of the Europeans in the subcontinent? [7]

 They were based in Delhi and Agra (north of India) which were far away from the seashore areas.
 They never developed a strong navy which gave an opportunity to the Europeans to enter India.
 India was underdeveloped country as compared to the industrial revolution brought by the

Q12: Why did Mir Jafar agree to join hands with Robert Clive? [7]

 He was greedy and wanted to be the ruler of Bengal.

 He wanted to get more financial allowances and rewards from the British.
 Robert Clive was a strong administrator who knew that he could not win against Siraj without the
support of someone from Siraj’s army.

Q13: Why did the British blame Muslims for the War of Independence? [7]

 The British felt that Muslims were fighting against them to restore the Mughal Empire.
 The last Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar II was a major leader who organized his army against
the British at the time of War of Independence.
 Hindus had got close to the British after the War and got some part of government positions and

Q14: Why were the Indians against English announced as the official language by the British in 1834?

 They believed it would affect their religion and studying English would make them lose Indian
 There were no schools in India which could teach English except for the few which were established
by the British.
 They thought their children would become Christians after studying English.
 They were against the belief that Indians had to pass exams for ICS which was held in English.

Q15: Why did Sir Syed urge Muslims to learn English education? [7]

 To get an equal status in the subcontinent along with Hindus.

 To develop better cordial relations with the British for more jobs in ICS.
 To be able to get more politically aware/ to get knowledge of the literary works written in English.

Q16: Why was the North-west of India remained under developed by the British? [7]

 The British were more concerned with the fertile areas of Punjab and Bengal as these areas were
giving crops for the industries.
 They w

Q17: Why did other European nations leave India in favour of the British? [7]

 The British had developed good relations with the later Mughals and local nawabs which made them
to get an easy access to India.
 They had fought strong battles against the other Europeans nations and defeated them well.
 They had captured three important ports of India which were developed as Presidencies/ They also
had got trade monopoly in India which did not favour other nations.

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