7 Markers - Section 2 Q-A

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Section 2:
Q1: Why was Jinnah in support of Hindu-Muslim Unity? [7]

 He was a member of both Congress and Muslim League.

 He believed that Muslims alone could not resist against the British.
 He believed that Hindus and Muslims could live together in the subcontinent.
Q2: Why were Muslims not in good support for the League before 1930? [7]

 They believed that Muslims were elite and did not represent Muslims.
 Muslims had been a new party and had weak footing in the subcontinent.
 The name ‘Pakistan’ and the idea of Pakistan Resolution had not been passed.
Q3: Why were Gandhi-Jinnah talks still considered fruitful despite its failure? [7]

 Gandhi came to Jinnah’s house in Bombay after getting released from jail.
 Gandhi had accepted Jinnah as the greatest leader of the Muslims.
 Muslim League was considered as the sole identity of Muslims.
 Pakistan’s idea was also accepted by Gandhi when he strongly proposed it.
Q4: Why did the British consider India so important for them during the Second World War?

 India had been used for its resources and sepoys.

 India did not have its own government.
 The division of Hindus and Muslims was benefitted by the British.
Q5: Why did the British finally allow India to gain independence? [7]

 The violence in Bengal and other areas and the massive killing in Calcutta.
 Indians had become enough politically aware for their rights.
 The Labour Party had won the elections of England in 1945.
Q6: Why did the British sign the Treaty of Sevres? [7]

 They wanted to give punishment to the allies of Germany.

 They wanted to secure their position after the First World War.
 They wanted to bring a person of their choice on the throne of Ottoman Empire.
Q7: Why did the name Pakistan give foundation to the establishment of Pakistan? [7]

 It united Muslims from their fractions which had made them lose Elections of 1937.
 It firmly strengthened the identity of the future country for Muslims.
 It helped Muslims to convince the British for their rights.
Q8: Why was Quit India Movement not supported by Jinnah? [7]

 After the Pakistan Resolution, Jinnah did not want to spoil the relation with the British.
 Jinnah had agreed to the British as he did not to let them leave India without the formation
of Pakistan.
 Jinnah knew that the Congress was trying to blackmail the situation during Second World
Q9: Why were Muslims requested to join Khilafat Movement into the Non Co-operation
Movement by Gandhi? [7]

 Gandhi wanted a bigger mass movement with the Muslims.

 Gandhi was not happy with the British for their unfair dealings with the Indians during the
First World War.
 Gandhi wanted to promote the feelings of ‘United India’ with no differences.
Q10: Why was the Indian National Congress called Pro-British party in its initial years? [7]

 It was initiated with the efforts of three British.

 It had asked for more rights for Indians in ICS which was agreed by the British.
 There was no retaliation from Congress in its earlier twenty years.
Q11: Why was the Punjab divided by the British in 1947? [7]

 It was a large area.

 It had the mixed population of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.
 It had to be divided between India and Pakistan due to its rivers.
 The British/India wanted to keep an indirect control on Kashmir.
Q12: Why was the Pakistani government not able to handle the problems of refugees? [7]

 It was the biggest migration of the world which the government could not handle.
 The government did not have enough resources and funds.
 There were many other major problems to be handled by the government.
Q13: Why did the Khilafat Movement add to the support of Pakistan Movement in future? [7]

 It gathered massive support of Muslims which was later added to the Pakistan Movement.
 It made the British to accept Muslims as a better united community.
 It made it clear to Muslims that the British were not on their side and they would have to
work hard to get their independent country.

Q14: Why did Japan attack Burma in 1941? [7]

 Japan wanted to minimize the influence of the British in Asia.

 India was a big country and other invaders had wished to keep an eye on it.
 The Indians had been struggling against the British and Japan wanted to earn support of

Q15: Why did Montague-Chelmsford Reforms offer more provision of power to the Indians?
 The Morley Minto Reforms had also offered power to the Indians but it was limited to
suggestion and was rejected by the Indians.
 The British had seen a strong rejection of the British policies during the First World War.
 The Indian had started active massive non-co-operation movements against the British.
Q16: Why was it so important for Lord Irwin to sign a pact with Gandhi? [7]

 Gandhi was a prominent leader who did not attend the First RTC.
 It was impossible to get anything approved by the Indians without having Gandhi in it.
 Gandhi’s support could have allowed the British to rule for some more years.
Q17: Why did Pundit Madan Mohan Molaviya part his ways from Gandhi? [7]

 Gandhi was in against of violence but Mohan Molaviya was not.

 Some Hindus were against of negotiating with the British whereas Gandhi wanted to work
with them.
 Gandhi was in support of Non Co-operation Movement sided with Khilafat Movement
which Madan Molaviya did not accept.

Q18: Why did Lord Wavell offer to have only Indians in the Executive Council? [7]

 The Labour Party had won the elections in Britain and was considered sensitive for the
matters of India.
 Lord Wavell wanted to bring some understanding between the Muslims and the Hindus.
 The British were unable to suppress the demand of self-rule by the Indians.
Q19: Why was Sultan Mehmed VI exiled from the Ottoman Empire? [7]

 The Muslms of Ottoman Empire and the rest of the Muslim world had high regard for him
as the Khalifa.
 His presence would not have let the British to being their supported man on the throne.
 They had to split Turkey and Sultan was disagreed to any division.
 They also had to give an indirect message to the German Nazis of the split of their ally.
Q20: Why was Chauri Chaura Incident made Gandhi displeased? [7]

 Gandhi was a firm believer of non-violent protests.

 He thought that killing a British Police Officer might make the British more offensive.
 His plans of Satyagrah Movement were overshadowed by the Khilafat Movement.
Q21: Why did the British accept the Lahore Resolution after the start of the Second World
War? [7]

 They wanted India to be peaceful at least till the end of the Second World War.
 They knew India would be great help for them during the war in terms of sepoys and
 They had accepted that the minority rights problems existed in India which the Congress did
not believe.
Q22: Why did Chaudhri Rehmat Ali disagree for a smaller Pakistan instead of his Continent of
Dinia? [7]

 He wanted to voice for the rights of all the Muslims of the subcontinent as they would
remain under Hindu rule.
 He wanted Muslims to stay within the united India which was favouring them in broader
 He did trust the promises done by the British at the time of Lahore Resolution.
Q23: Why did Jinnah still hope to have the best out of the Cabinet Mission Plan despite his
disagreements for it? [7]

 There was still a hope for the division of India into three parts.
 There was a hope that any area could work on its own constitution.
 The hope for British promises to be fulfilled was still alive.
Q24: Why was Pakistan Resolution rejected by Mohandas Gandhi? [7]

 He was the belief on united India with one nation.

 He considered it as another way of the British of ruling India.
 He considered it as a tactic by the British to use India during the Second World War.

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