SCL 4-5 - Binder

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SCL 4-5 1. What is the most important interest of Jesus Christ for the world?

(Hebrew 10:7, John 6:38-39)

Obedience and Blessing

2. In Romans 5:19,

(1) What was the result of Adam's disobedience?

(2) What was the result of Christ's obedience?

3. What does our obedience mean? (John 14:15)

“The key to usefulness, to revelation, and to (1) Our sincerity to serve Christ

a Holy-Spirit-filled life is obedience to the Word of God.” (2) A willingness to sacrifice for Christ

- Dr. John G. “Jack” Mitchell - (3) Our love for Christ

(4) Our passion for the kingdom of Christ

4. In 1 John 2:3-4,
(1) What does obedience to the Word of God prove?

(2) What does disobedience to the Word of God prove?

Promises and Blessings for Obedience 9. Who does God want to obey whom and why?

5. What should we do to get answered prayer? (1 John 3:22) Who To whom

(1) Colossians 3:20


6. What are the two consequences of obeying God's truth? (1 Peter 1:22) (2) Ephesian 5:22-24

(1) Makes us serve harder for God. Why?

(2) Makes us love other Christians. (3) Hebrews 13:17

(3) Makes us become leaders.
(4) Makes our Spirit clean.
(4) Ephesian 6:5-8
(5) Makes us become famous Christians.

(5) Romans 13:1-2

7. Even if we do not obey God's word, we are recognized if we have
good faith in God. (Matthew 21:28-31) Why?

True / False 10. Are these standards changing frequently?

(1) What should a wife do if her husband was not saved? (1 Peter 3:1)

8. How does Jesus compare the life of a person who listens and
obeys his word? (Matthew 7:24-27) (2) What should a servant (or employee) do if he or she has a difficult
employer to bear? (1 Peter 2:18-19)

11. What blessings are guaranteed to obedient Christians?

God does not like in worship or zeal which does not follow action. God
told to Ezekiel “My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before (1) John 15:10
you to listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice. With
their mouths they express devotion, but their hearts are greedy for unjust
gain.” (Ezekiel 33:31)
(2) John 15:14 13. What are the two great commandments in the New Testament?
(Mark 12:28-31)

(3) John 14:23

14. In Matthew 22:40, Jesus said that the Ten Commandments are
summarized in two great commandments;
(4) 1 John 2:5
(1) Which of the Ten Commandments are the first great
commandments, the love of God?

12. Read the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:3-17. Summarize here

what each one says to you.

(1) Verse 3 (2) Which of the Ten Commandments belong to the second great
commandment to love others?

(2) Verse 4-6

(3) Verse 7 Review the SCL 2-2, "The Lordship of Christ," and compare the Bible
passages in this chapter with those in the title "Put Chirst as the Lord by
action" Many orders are given to Christians throughout the New
(4) Verse 8-11
Testament. Be mindful of those commands as you read and study the
(5) Verse 12

(6) Verse 13 15. In what attitudes should we obey?

(1) Psalms 40:8

(7) Verse 14

(8) Verse 15 (2) Deuteronomy 26:16

(9) Verse 16
(3) Joshua 1:7

(10) Verse 17
16. What does Psalm 119:59-60 teach about obeying God’s commands? An obedient Christian….

Thinks as Christ thinks

Lives as Christ shows

“Not obedient immediately is also disobedient.”
Speaks as Christ says

Helps as Christ helps.

17. What should we do when God's words seem contradictory to our
judgment? (Luke 5:4-7)

Dangers of Disobedience
Examples of Obedience “When a Christian is in the wrong place, the true place where he is to
Most of the great servants of God were good at obedience. The Old be will be empty.”
and New Testaments provide hundreds of examples. Look at the heroes
of faith and obedience among the Old Testament figures listed in
Hebrews 11. 20. Read Zechariah 7:11-14,
(1) How did the people respond to God’s instruction?
18. What were the two great obedience of Abraham?
(1) Genesis 12:1-4(Hebrews 11:8)

(2) How did this affect their prayers?

(2) Genesis 22:1-3, 9-12

(3) What was God's promise to the descendants of Abraham in Genesis

(3) What were the results?

19. In Acts 13:22, what did God give extraordinary praise to David for ?

21. In 1 Samuel 15:18-23, instead of complete obedience, King Saul
worshiped and made excuses in his own way.

(1) What was Samuel’s answer?

(2) What does rebellion and arrogance compare to?

(3) What miserable consequences did his disobedience bring to him?

22. What area does God want to be more obedient in your life?

When and how would you turn your steps to God's way regarding
this area?

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