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pregenerated characters



art by ETHAN GOULD // design by ERICH LAZAR

CO.LVL01 a-1. ID (name) g. scores (checks)

Rala Ra’Lar the Quick

COM d6

҆ attack
҆ grapple
a-2. title (rank)

Bepraisèd Tinker of Teenthbastle ҆ drive/pilot

҆ dodge,

MOV d12
and Friend to the Noble Arkheion
҆ initiate
b. species c. class ҆ run
҆ sneak

҆ heal
҆ know
jalasti banshee
REA d10

҆ make/repair
҆ use tech
҆ use Weird
δ. summary

You are a curious, pacifistic, 1.6-M tall “salamander” with a host of colorful sexual and
҆ empathize

sensory organs arrayed around your “head.” You are from the cool, wet provincial planet ҆ perceive
Darasan. You have been trained as an official Co. banshee (engineer, “pilot”) and can ҆ resist
open stiffworks (quantum gates).

d. species powers
CHA d8
҆ control

҆ negotiate
҉ Electrical sense​(standard) – Make a WIL check; if successful, you can tell very roughly ҆ seduce
where a given current is going inside a building or ship.
҉ Healing saliva and sweat​(standard) – Burn d8 GRT; with a caring touch you heal
someone 2 +your level HEA. h. pool
҉ Sensitive​(permanent) – You gain +6 GRT [already included above]. total current*

details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004
e-1. class powers
total current*

Ѵ Tack​(standard) – Open, close, or change the destination of a stiffworks. Costs and me-

chanics vary by the works. Open stiffworks usually remain open for 10 minutes per tack.
҉ Dive​(standard) – Burn 6 GRT and make a MOV check: if you succeed, you and some or
all of your party make it out of your current situation, evading any danger there. It doesn’t
matter how unlikely this is! The GM will make it work narratively. You can bring 1 + your *When you rest for 5 hours, you recover dMOV + dWIL + [your level] pool, split
between HEA and GRT as you like.
level humanoid-sized beings along with you to safety, or burn an additional 6 GRT to bring
one additional being beyond your limit. Small sapient beings (0.5-M tall/long) count for i. damage reduction
half a slot; large sapes (3-M tall/long) count double; small pets (cat/beagle-sized) are
free. If you fail your MOV check, you injure yourself for d6 HEA. armor

DR 0
҉ Jack​(standard) – Use, alter, or repair tech. Burn XY GRT, where X is the type of tech
No armor—
(ranked 1–7, clank [medieval], bio [contemporary], comm [non-military Ancient, Early
just a modified
Tephnian], force [military Ancient, High Tephnian], nano [Late Tephnian, Snakeman],
small envirosuit
bug [cryptocerid, heechee, mantid, mi-go], Escheresque) and Y is the level of complex-
ity (ranked 1–6, simple, standard, complex, corporate, military, godlike). Repowering
requires access to the appropriate resources and an additional use of the jack power. j-1. weapons** type range damage
҉ Reposition (free) – You expertly case the chaos around you. Burn 6 GRT: you gain an
extra d12 to use on any roll, going forward. This can be a dodge check, an attack, a dam-
Ѿ Morningstar – 2d4 damage. If you use this two-handed, add +1
to damage.
age roll—anything. You can use this d12 once, and it will go away; or you can instead use
a d6 and, later, another d6; or a d4 and a d8; or three d4s, etc. You can reposition, use Ѿ Dagger, well-made – 2d4 damage.
the extra die, and immediately reposition again (paying another 6 GRT), even in the same Ѿ Pistol, modern, small-caliber – 2d4 damage. 50-M range.
round. But you can never hold more than one d12-worth of bonus dice at once.

j-2. oddment

Ѿ A harp made of mysterious, stiff, hair-like material that,

when plucked, makes nearby humanoid, insectoid, and reptilian
sapients feel mildly hungry.

**Additional equipment recorded on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0003.

For instructions on completing this form or any other game questions or feedback,
details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004 head to: or @stillfleet on social media, and then join us on Discord!
FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-QSR1B-V0001 k. place of origin e-3. advanced powers (details)

Darasan—you were trapped on-Spin during the Tachquake.

l. languages

Spin, Jalasti emotion-language, Theenish, Child (you can rudimentarily

communicate with any pre-pubescent sapient)
m. teloi (pick one pair)

Knowledge and service.

Laughs and fame.

n. presentation (choose one descriptor from each pair)

Your skin is moist and rainbow. / Your skin is moist and dark violet, emitting UV.

You have lots of sharp, tiny teeth in your “mouth.” / Two cat-like fangs stick out of your “mouth.” ε. the hell science (details)

You wear fine human hats, belts, and shoes. / You proudly go nude, save for your humid envirosuit.

You are the life of the party. / You are the absent-minded professor.


You stole your oddment from your Archivist–mentor.

e-2. class powers (details)


j-3. gear (continued from FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1A-V0003)

Ѿ Thinkyboost, 4 pills (bio) – Manufactured by the Archive, these popular and

highly addictive pep pills allow you to recover d4 GRT per dose. You can use
dWIL doses per day safely (roll each day); if you have one dose more, you go
completely insane for 10 −dWIL days, minimum 1.


j-4. voidguilders (gl) (or other currency)

4 remaining

Your signature

here Refactor’s signature

If your body plan or
understanding of
glyphs does not allow
you to sign this form,
report to the Afdeling Hire date:
of the Fleet.
CO.LVL01 a-1. ID (name) g. scores (checks)

Hune vent Æthermawn

COM d12

҆ attack
҆ grapple
a-2. title (rank)

҆ drive/pilot
Void-Knyght Worshipful & Archival Attaché

҆ dodge,

MOV d10
҆ initiate
b. species c. class ҆ run
҆ sneak

҆ heal
҆ know
provincial Stillrijder
REA d6

҆ make/repair
҆ use tech
҆ use Weird
δ. summary

You are a young human “knyght” from the rich major provincial world of Calayat. You
҆ empathize

have been trained as an official Co. stillrijder (“marine”) and wear a powerful, heav- ҆ perceive
ily armored exosuit. Your job is to defend the rest of the party and report back to your ҆ resist
patron in the Archive.

d. species powers
CHA d6
҆ control

҆ negotiate
҉ Different gravity back home​(permanent) – You gain +1 to all non-Weird rolls related to ҆ seduce
health—resisting disease, fighting poison, not falling asleep when you don’t want to, etc.
This does not help with resisting mind control.
҉ Provincial subject​(permanent) – You gain +1 WIL [already included above]. h. pool

total current*

details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004
e-1. class powers
total current*

Ѵ Exosuit​(item) – You have a suit of powered, archaetech marine armor that gives you

a number of abilities:
» Your exosuit counts as a perfect environment suit, allowing you to safely operate in
the void for 36 hours.
*When you rest for 5 hours, you recover dMOV + dWIL + [your level] pool, split
» It is also bulky, causing you to have a −2 penalty to all non-dodge MOV checks— between HEA and GRT as you like.
including drive/pilot, sneak, and run—while wearing it.
i. damage reduction
» Armor​(permanent) – Indefinitely set aside X GRT up to 4. You gain damage
reduction X. [You set aside 4; already included above.] armor

DR 4
» Jet pants (free) – Burn 4 GRT; you can attack normally while moving 25 M per round
for a number of rounds equal to your level. If you choose not to attack, you can move
50 M per round.
҉ Double tap (standard) – You are a trained soldier: instead of a normal attack, you may
burn 6 GRT and attack twice on the same initiative. You cannot take two non-attack
j-1. weapons** type range damage
standard actions or to move more than 5 M, just attack.
҉ Fight (passive) –Your unarmed combat damage is dCOM instead of d2. Ѿ Bastard sword – d12 damage. Two-handed. If used one-handed,
you suffer a −1 to hit.
҉ Slay (free) – When you successfully hit a target, you can burn 6 GRT and roll dCOM
again: if you get a 6 or higher, you can choose to kill the target outright. If you slay more Ѿ Musket (.6-caliber, smoothbore) – 2d10 damage. 80-M range.
than one opponent per day, make a dWIL check: if you fail to get a 6 or higher, you lose After you have attacked once, you must spend one round reload-
20 −dWIL GRT and are visibly shaken. ing. Two-handed. Doubles as a club.

j-2. oddment

Ѿ An eye-like purse containing one indestructible glass stag

beetle—left behind by the cryptocerids—that walks slowly toward
the nearest power source, if you let it.

**Additional equipment recorded on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0003.

For instructions on completing this form or any other game questions or feedback,
details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004 head to: or @stillfleet on social media, and then join us on Discord!
FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-QSR1B-V0001 k. place of origin e-3. advanced powers (details)

You were born on rich Calayat, but your family moved to Spindle when you
were only two years old—the year the Groot Tachquake began.

l. languages

Spin, Anch, Chessenais (you speak with a hilariously strong Anchian

m. teloi (pick one pair)

Power and conflict.

Melancholy and penance.

n. presentation (choose one descriptor from each pair)

Young but heavily battle-scarred. / Young, pure, and naïve.

Brash and mouthy / Quiet and serious.

ε. the hell science (details)
Spiky Gothic exosuit of unknown origin. / Retrofitted ancient (U.S. military) exosuit.

You talk about getting rich or defeating powerful enemies of the Co. / You talk about love or the
mysteries of time and space.


You are pretty sure that you’re in love with one of the other PCs…

e-2. class powers (details)


j-3. gear (continued from FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1A-V0003)

Ѿ Graxanna, 5 patches (bio) – Gigoix “goblynmoss” is a bitter-tasting but ed-

ible nonvascular plant that acts as an anti-inflammatory and stimulates the
human body’s immune response. Each patch, if chewed for one round, heals
d4 HEA. A human can safely heal 4d4 HEA in this way per day; additional
chewed patches carry a 1 in 6 risk of serious liver disease.

j-4. voidguilders (gl) (or other currency)

10 remaining

Your signature

here Refactor’s signature

If your body plan or
understanding of
glyphs does not allow
you to sign this form,
report to the Afdeling Hire date:
of the Fleet.
CO.LVL01 a-1. ID (name) g. scores (checks)

Mass Thread Flexer

COM d6+1

҆ attack
҆ grapple
a-2. title (rank)

Sociologist of the Wetan Diaspora & Archival ҆ drive/pilot

҆ dodge,

MOV d8+1
Research Associate
҆ initiate
b. species c. class ҆ run
҆ sneak

҆ heal
҆ know
wetan witness
REA d10

҆ make/repair
҆ use tech
҆ use Weird
δ. summary

You are a 2.2-m tall, spiky weta-person (“cricket”) from the Co.’s headquarters, the alien
҆ empathize

space station called Spindle. You have been trained as an official Co. witness (social ҆ perceive
scientist, reporter) and can smooth over conflicts with hostile xenos. You specialize in ҆ resist
migration studies.

d. species powers
CHA d12
҆ control

҆ negotiate
҉ Arthropod​(permanent) – You gain +1 MOV [already included above]. ҆ seduce

҉ Mandibles, spiracles, etc.​(permanent) – You can metabolize a much greater range of

chemicals than hominins, only a few of which are cognizable to them as “food.” You thus
spend less on equipage during venture outlay. You effectively make back an extra 25 h. pool
guilder with each venture. (Standard venture pay is your level × 25.)
total current*
҉ Big fucking spiky hard-shelled bug​(permanent) – You gain +1 COM [already included


details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004
e-1. class powers
total current*

Ѵ Smooth over​(standard) – You can calmly smooth over misunderstandings—the kind

that doom many planetside runs: burn 3 GRT for an easily remedied bad situation
(difficulty 5 CHA check), 5 for a difficult one (difficulty 6), and 7 for a near-impossible
one (difficulty 7). Roll a CHA check. If you succeed, all works out (for now—you can
always re-blunder). If you fail, roll another CHA check: success on this one means you *When you rest for 5 hours, you recover dMOV + dWIL + [your level] pool, split
haven’t made the situation worse; failure incites your interlocutors to attack immediately. between HEA and GRT as you like.
(N.B., this is arguably the single most useful class power!)
i. damage reduction
҉ Assess (standard) – Burn 2 GRT. Choose one entity; this entity can represent the median
characteristics of a group (a gang, a small army, etc.). By spending a round studying it, armor
you gain a good idea about its general nature and likely powers. (In game terms, the GM
tells you its level, species, and classes.) Assess does not let you read someone’s mind or
automatically catch someone in a lie. DR 2 Living armor inside your wetan
envirosuit; requires feeding
҉ Conduct ritual​(standard/hour/day) – You participate in an important local ritual: this
could be a religious service, an election, a marriage, etc. The time requirement depends
on the ritual but is typically one hour and never less than one round. It must be logically j-1. weapons** type range damage
possible for you to lead this ritual. (You can bend but not break narrative logic here; GM’s
discretion.) Burn X GRT and choose an effect (details on next page). Ѿ Wetan chitin-disc thrower (zany bone-box mini-catapult,
worn strapped to a forearm) – 3d3 damage. 10-M range. You
҉ Read​(standard) – Regardless of what you’re encountering, if it’s kinda humanoid at all, can fire up to 3 times per round; if you fire 2 times, each shot suf-
you can quickly get a good sense of who they are, what they want, and how to communi- fers a −1 to hit; if you fire 3 times, each shot suffers a −2.
cate with them. Burn 4 GRT and make a REA check: if you succeed, you establish lasting
contact. If you fail, you establish some sort of contact but anger your new friends in doing
so. The GM will raise the difficulty of the REA check to 7 if the entities you’re reading are
already suspicious, or 9 if hostile.
j-2. oddment

Ѿ Ancient mini “Tactical” Instapot in pristine condition.

**Additional equipment recorded on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0003.

For instructions on completing this form or any other game questions or feedback,
details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004 head to: or @stillfleet on social media, and then join us on Discord!
FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-QSR1B-V0001 k. place of origin e-3. advanced powers (details)

Spindle—you were born in Little Wetana in the Flats.

l. languages

Spin, Rasp (you speak with a definite Spinside accent)

m. teloi (pick one pair)

Care and knowledge.

Deception and passion.

n. presentation (choose one descriptor from each pair)

Jet black chitin. / Mottled blue and gray chitin.

Robust form. / Dents and chips in the old shell. ε. the hell science (details)

Always snacking. / Always talking.

Clearly a male or female (you choose). / Genderless drone.


You are impatient with the new, unsophisticated wetans
arriving on Spindle from the provinces. It makes you feel like
a curmudgeonly hypocrite to admit this.

e-2. class powers (details)

҉ Conduct ritual​(standard/hour/day) – Details:
» Religious rite​– Everyone involved except you gains 2X GRT. This GRT can
stack beyond their normal limits.
» Romantic nudge/ban​– A sapient person (not a beast or non-sapient ma-
chine) of X or lower level falls in or out of love with someone else. You have
total control over the basic change in affect that you want to happen; you
do not have total control over how this plays out for the nudged/banned
» Political event​– You gain the loyalty and social capital of 100X locals for
X days. They will do your bidding within reason, including fight for you.
They will give up if faced with obviously superior firepower or numbers, j-3. gear (continued from FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1A-V0003)
however, unless you conduct a second ritual to steel their resolves.

j-4. voidguilders (gl) (or other currency)

50 remaining

Your signature

here Refactor’s signature

If your body plan or
understanding of
glyphs does not allow
you to sign this form,
report to the Afdeling Hire date:
of the Fleet.
CO.LVL01 a-1. ID (name) g. scores (checks)

Yawjaal, Lately of Lothay

COM d4+1

҆ attack
҆ grapple
a-2. title (rank)

Nerve-Roaster & Echo-Tested Archival ҆ drive/pilot

҆ dodge,

MOV d8
҆ initiate
b. species c. class ҆ run
҆ sneak

҆ heal
҆ know
conscript tremulant
REA d12

҆ make/repair
҆ use tech
҆ use Weird
δ. summary

You are a human from Terra, stolen by the Co. and “trained as” (tortured into) an official
҆ empathize

Co. tremulant (psyon, “psyker,” “mindfelker”—the pejorative terms are endless). With ҆ perceive
great effort, you can control quantum mechanics simply by thinking. Non-psyons typi- ҆ resist
cally find you terrifying.

d. species powers
CHA d8
҆ control

҆ negotiate
҉ Outworld brute​(permanent) – You gain +1 COM [already included above]. ҆ seduce

҉ Corrupted psyker neurome​(standard) – Burn d6 GRT and roll CHA. Your target rolls
WIL. If your result is equal to or greater than hers, you quickly read her thoughts or at
least establish communication (if this being is distant, resistant, alien, extradimensional, h. pool
etc.). You have a migraine for at least an hour and are NOT happy. You may use this power
total current*
a number of times per day equal to your level +2.

details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004
e-1. class powers
total current*

Ѵ Control hell science ​(varies, typically standard) – Thanks to excruciating years of that

terrible esoteric training called the “hell science” by the Archivists, you can control the
Weird. Using a hell science power requires a few seconds of concentration. The psyonic
equivalent of COM is REA, unless otherwise stated. When you psychically attack some-
one, your opponent rolls WIL instead of MOV to resist (to mentally “dodge”). *When you rest for 5 hours, you recover dMOV + dWIL + [your level] pool, split
between HEA and GRT as you like.
҉ Call Weird (standard, usable once per day) – When you let your brain do what it wants
to do, strange things happen… Burn d3 HEA. You gain a Weird die that you may add to any i. damage reduction
roll of your choice or convert into so much GRT (roll for it). At first level, your Weird die is a
d6. Using a Weird die is a free action, and it goes away as soon as you roll it. Calling Weird armor
does not require a quiet environment, nor must your hands be free, but you must be
able to focus. Whenever you call Weird, you suddenly appear strange: Your skin appears
discolored or slimy; you smell like ozone or rotting figs; etc. This gives you away, if you are DR 0 No armor—just a scary-looking
Echo-tested-style envirosuit
pretending to be normal.
҉ Drain (ten-minute, usable once per day) – Drain your dWIL +your level GRT from
another intelligent being within 3 M. This sapient does not feel anything; her GRT simply j-1. weapons** type range damage
flows to you. This takes ten minutes and does not require a quiet environment.
҉ Memorize (ten-minute/free) – In addition to weaving the Weird in real-time by cast-
Ѿ Hatchet – d4+1 damage.
ing, you may prepare hell science powers in advance by “memorizing” them in order Ѿ Shotgun, slug – 3d4 damage. 30-M range. Two-handed. If used
to unleash them later. To memorize a power, set aside the grit that it costs; this GRT is one-handed, you suffer a −1 to hit. Doubles as a club.
unavailable to you until you use it, after which you may recover it normally. Memorizing
a power takes ten minutes; using a memorized power is a free action, regardless of the
listed casting time. Thus, at a high GRT cost, you can use more than one hell science
power per round.
j-2. oddment

Ѿ Scary mask made from the sexual organs of a dreaded jaa’aan

devourer: +1 to intimidate checks when worn, even if suited up.

**Additional equipment recorded on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0003.

For instructions on completing this form or any other game questions or feedback,
details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004 head to: or @stillfleet on social media, and then join us on Discord!
FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-QSR1B-V0001 k. place of origin e-3. advanced powers (details)

Terra—you were abducted and brought Spinside six months ago. You’ve
scarcely left the Arkheion since. N/A
l. languages
ε. the hell science (details)

Choose one of the following sets of 3 starting hell science powers:

Spin (sort of—you can barely understand these creepy chucklefucks),
Lothayan, New Tephnian (Sasparadan) ҉ The Black Gate (warp timespace)
» Bend space​(free) – Burn X GRT: you teleblink a short distance—up to X
+your level M away from your current location. Since this is a free action,
m. teloi (pick one pair) you can bend space as many times in one round as your GRT allows. You
must be able to see, visualize, or otherwise imagine based on some kind of
Knowledge and service.
data the arrival point for each bend.
Laughs and fame. » Cloak​(standard) – Burn 5 GRT: you become invisible to non-Weird detec-
tion for a number of minutes equal to your level +5. As long as you are rea-
n. presentation (choose one descriptor from each pair) sonably quiet, you don’t have to make sneak checks. As soon as you attack
or otherwise reveal your location, the cloaking is no longer as effective, but
Gaunt. / Tan.
continues to give you a +3 to sneak checks and +1 to dodge. You can use
Tall. / Mousy. non-explosive hell science powers while cloaked.
» Wrinkle​(standard) – Burn 7X GRT: you cause a target to become old be-
Sharpened teeth. / Facial tattoos.
fore her time by a factor of 5X years. Humans die immediately if wrinkled
by +100 years. Other species live some number of years as determined by
Voluminous red cape. / Blood-stained but otherwise nondescript hospital shift.
the GM. Humans in middle age (35–65) see their COM and MOV dice move
Hell science flaw: You sweat petrol. / Your every uttered syllable is backed by a very faint down one die type and their REA and WIL dice move up one die type. Hu-
tritone sound. mans older than 65 see their COM and MOV dice move down two die types
and their REA and WIL dice move up two die types. Aging even 5 years is
OFFICIAL CO. USE ONLY secret terrifying and intimidates affected targets immediately.

You actually don’t mind your new job: you’re just scared. ҉ The Mask in Yellow (control otherself)
» Benumb​(standard) – Burn 10 +X GRT, minimum 0: You cause a victim to
become divorced from reality and fall catatonic for a number of hours of
e-2. class powers (details)
your choosing equal to or less than your level +X.
» Peer in​(standard) – Burn d12 +X GRT: for the next X minutes, you can
detect the thoughts of other sapient beings whom you can see. At short
range, within 5 M, you can read the thoughts of all sapients, even if they
would prefer to resist. At longer ranges, targets roll WIL to resist your CHA.
Once you have peered into one target, you lose the thread of the thoughts
of others. You can only concentrate on one target’s mind at a time.
» Puppet​(standard) – Burn 2d8 GRT: you completely control one target
for a number of hours equal to your level. You must concentrate on
puppeting your target once you begin, meaning you can’t attack or use
other hell science powers while doing so. If you try to have the target
kill herself, she rolls WIL against your CHA to resist.

j-3. gear (continued from FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1A-V0003)

N/A Ѿ Gunch, 3 hits (bio) – “Gunch” is a class of highly addictive synthetic opioids
that affect all biological sapients. One hit of gunch heals d6 HEA. Every
time you use gunch, you have a 1 in 10 chance of becoming addicted. If you
become addicted, you must use gunch every day or suffer 20 −dWIL GRT
damage per day. After d6 days sober, you suffer d6 HEA damage as well.
Withdrawal ends after 25 −dWIL days.

j-4. voidguilders (gl) (or other currency)

9 remaining

Your signature

here Refactor’s signature

If your body plan or
understanding of
glyphs does not allow
you to sign this form,
report to the Afdeling Hire date:
of the Fleet.
CO.LVL01 a-1. ID (name) g. scores (checks)

Zizz Emyrrt #6
COM d12

҆ attack
҆ grapple
a-2. title (rank)

҆ drive/pilot
Canteen Hero/Sixth of a Doomed Septuplet

҆ dodge,

MOV d10
҆ initiate
b. species c. class ҆ run
҆ sneak

҆ heal
҆ know
pepper elf razi
REA d6+1

҆ make/repair
҆ use tech
҆ use Weird
δ. summary

You are a 1.3-M tall, vaguely child-like, smoky quartz automaton. You are technically
҆ empathize

very old but have been in stasis until recently. You have recently been trained as an ҆ perceive
official Co. razi (scout, special operative, “ranger”) and can find anybody or anything, ҆ resist
given time.

d. species powers
CHA d6
҆ control

҆ negotiate
҉ Black crustallone skyn (permanent) – You have damage reduction (DR) 3 from ҆ seduce
non-force weapons, but you make everyone slightly afraid all the time (−1 to relevant
CHA rolls).
҉ Environmental resistance (permanent) – You don’t have to breathe air, and you can h. pool
withstand the wild temperature and pressure swings of the vacuum. You cannot survive
total current*
strong acid, lava, astral hydrogen plasma, etc., any more than any other species.

҉ Rationally designed (permanent) – You gain +1 REA [already included above].

details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004
e-1. class powers
total current*

Ѵ Track (standard/day) – You follow a trail, planetside, locating any single entity. Burn 3

GRT for an easy target (clues exist, and the entity is not hiding from you), 5 for a difficult
target (clues don’t exist, or the target is hiding), and 7 for a near-impossible one (clues
don’t exist, and the target is hiding). Roll a REA check; if you succeed, you find it. If not,
you can burn more GRT and try again tomorrow. Note: you can track down anything within *When you rest for 5 hours, you recover dMOV + dWIL + [your level] pool, split
reason, planetside. Hulkside, you can use this power, but GRT costs are doubled (6 for a between HEA and GRT as you like.
non-hiding target; 10 for a hiding one).
i. damage reduction
҉ Backstab (two-round) – You wait around the bulkhead, unseen, and pop out—
finally gutting that no-good H.Co. traitor like an albino voidscrod… Burn 6 GRT before armor
you attack, and then roll to attack with advantage. If you hit your opponent, you inflict
double damage.
҉ Perfect shot (free) – Like all characters, you can make a called shot, but yours is better:
DR 3 Crustallone skyn

» Call shot (standard) – You aim, steel yourself, and strike the blow true: describe any
specific non-Weird intended effect of your attack, such as blinding or disarming your
j-1. weapons** type range damage
target. Burn 4 GRT and roll to attack with disadvantage. If you hit, the desired effect
happens, and you deal double damage. Note, you can boost neither, one, or both of
your rolls to hit with disadvantage; the lower value is taken, regardless.
Ѿ Rifle, modern, small-caliber (.22) – 2d6 damage. 400-M range.
Two-handed. Doubles as a club. 120 gl
» Perfect shot (free) – Your called shot deals an additional amount of damage equal
to your level, and you can make two called-shot attacks per round, although you still
Ѿ Very large hunting knife, well-made – 2d4 damage. 8 gl.
must pay the grit cost for each. Note, you can make a backstab a called shot to inflict
quadruple damage, but you may still only make one backstab, when you have surprise,
after two rounds (one round to aim, one to attack).
҉ Tame (standard/hour) – You either tame an alien creature (not an intelligent being), or j-2. oddment
find and then tame one (details on next page).
Ѿ Genie lamp full of baby solar whales (highly adaptable, pellucid
blue floating jellyfish) that grow to immense size when set free.

**Additional equipment recorded on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0003.

For instructions on completing this form or any other game questions or feedback,
details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004 head to: or @stillfleet on social media, and then join us on Discord!
FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-QSR1B-V0001 k. place of origin e-3. advanced powers (details)

Homeworld: Zizz Guildship 77—a deep-void pepper-elf manufacto-

rium–ship, long destroyed by void elves. You had five siblings, each a few
seconds older than you, each of whom was also named a humming sound
that fleeters translate as “Zizz Emyrrt.”

l. languages

Spin, Elf Machina (an irritating series of beeps that informatic beings
understand) N/A
m. teloi (pick one pair)

Order and inertia.

Pleasure and chaos.

n. presentation (choose one descriptor from each pair)

Your skin is slightly cracked in places from previous firefights (which you don’t remember). / Your
skin is a perfectly smooth and reflective black.

You have an inhuman pseudo-mouth panel that flickers when you speak. / You have a handsomely
ε. the hell science (details)
androgynous human face.

You wear gray and crimson camouflage and speak in a whisper. / You wear trendy human (chil-
dren’s) clothes as well as expensive perfume, of which you’re running out.

You talk like an expert detective, although perhaps you are masking a deep insecurity. / You
are genuinely fascinated by wild spaces and empty ships and generally ignore people until this
becomes impossible.


One of the other PCs did you seriously wrong (you
choose), and you can’t wait to get revenge… N/A
or force them to beg forgiveness.
e-2. class powers (details)

҉ Tame (standard/hour) – Details:

» If you’re already near a beast, you can burn 2 GRT as a standard power to
calm it so that it won’t eat you. You may then burn 8 additional GRT and
spend an hour working with it to make it your loyal pet.
» If you are not near a beast, you can burn 2 GRT and spend 3d4 hours
searching to find one to tame. Taming it requires 8 more GRT and another
hour of hard work.
j-3. gear (continued from FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1A-V0003)
» This power works planetside and hulkside, but hulkside “beasts” are
sometimes so strange that this power has little effect other than to mo-
mentarily distract them.

j-4. voidguilders (gl) (or other currency)

12 remaining

Your signature

here Refactor’s signature

If your body plan or
understanding of
glyphs does not allow
you to sign this form,
report to the Afdeling Hire date:
of the Fleet.
CO.LVL01 a-1. ID (name) g. scores (checks)

Qanton Syriachanlee
COM d8

҆ attack
҆ grapple
a-2. title (rank)

Orphaned Tramp and/or Scamp, Trained in ҆ drive/pilot

҆ dodge,

MOV d12
the Noble Arts of Gaffling & Nicking
҆ initiate
b. species c. class ҆ run
҆ sneak

҆ heal
҆ know
Fleeter mouse
REA d6

҆ make/repair
҆ use tech
҆ use Weird
δ. summary

WIL d6
҆ empathize
You are a youth from the Co.’s headquarters, the alien space station called Spindle. You

҆ perceive
have no doubt lied your way into this group, or maybe made one of these marks fall in ҆ resist
love with you.

d. species powers
CHA d10+1
҆ control

҆ negotiate
҉ Company soul (permanent) – You gain +125 voidguilder at start [already included ҆ seduce
҉ Cosmopolitan style (permanent) – You gain +1 CHA [already included above].
h. pool
҉ “Modern” (permanent) – You gain +1 rolls related to clank, comm, or force tech.
҉ Voidborn (permanent) – Whenever the GM requires you to roll a WIL check because total current*

something in space is scary, you gain a +1 to the roll and don’t appear as phased as the
other non-Fleeter characters. This does not apply to Escheresque nausea.

details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004

e-1. class powers

total current*

Ѵ Con (standard) – Burn 4 GRT and tell a lie: everyone believes it, no check required. This

is not a Weird power and won’t work forever, if the lie is unreasonable or easily disproved,
but it will allow you to fool anyone briefly.
҉ Kawaii (passive) – You simply don’t appear to be a threat. An opponent cannot inflict
damage against you unless you attack, steal from, or otherwise attempt to harm her first. *When you rest for 5 hours, you recover dMOV + dWIL + [your level] pool, split
between HEA and GRT as you like.
҉ Steal (standard) – Name a stealable object—or overhearable or glance-at-able phrase
or password, etc.—and burn d8 GRT. Roll a dMOV +your level check. If you succeed, you i. damage reduction
steal the thing without being caught. If you fail, the entity from whom you’re stealing
makes a dWIL check: if she succeeds, she catches you; if she fails, you still didn’t steal

DR 0
the thing, but at least you didn’t get caught. A 1 is always a failure. You also begin play
with a free well-made dagger (stolen or of your own design). But at character creation, if No armor—just a modified
anyone asks you for help buying essential starting gear, you must give them d12 gl (rep- small envirosuit
resenting the fact that you are a prisoner or orphan and thus cash-strapped); each other
player can ask for your money. They must ask; if they don’t read about this rule, then they
miss out. j-1. weapons** type range damage
҉ Vanish (free) – Once per round, you may simply disappear. Burn 7 GRT: you vanish into
the air or void around you, undetectable by anyone except through the use of Weird
Ѿ Dagger, well-made – 2d4 damage. 8 gl.
powers, no matter how implausible this seems. Simply describe what happens in detail. Ѿ Fragmentation grenades, Ancient, 2 – 2d20 damage. 5-M
N.B., this power does not count as a standard action and can be used once per round in range. Damages all targets within 3 M of impact site.
addition to attacking or parrying (etc.).

j-2. oddment

Ѿ A miniature polyforge (nano-scale 3D printer) that seems to only

be able to create candy-coated chewing gum, at present.

**Additional equipment recorded on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0003.

For instructions on completing this form or any other game questions or feedback,
details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004 head to: or @stillfleet on social media, and then join us on Discord!
FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-QSR1B-V0001 k. place of origin e-3. advanced powers (details)

Spindle—you were born in the Arkheion to a wealthy subdirector and

her wife, but she abandoned you (or lost you!?) when you were three
years old.

l. languages

Spin, a few common wetan rasp-words

m. teloi (pick one pair)

Vengeance and survival.

Conversion and service.

n. presentation (choose one descriptor from each pair)

Your hair is a snaky mess. / Your hair is shaved.

Your face is greasy and/or covered in food. / You are always immaculate.
ε. the hell science (details)
You wear an ambiguous cloak–dress and huge boots. / You rock a variety of colorful rags, scarves,
and belts, perhaps with sequins, perhaps with bells attached.

You are creepily quiet. / You are the loud-mouthed center of attention.


You enjoy (become aroused by!?) telling truths that
sound like lies but aren’t.

e-2. class powers (details)


j-3. gear (continued from FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1A-V0003)

Ѿ Pet “crow” (albino pterodactyl) – COM d4, MOV d10, REA 1, WIL 1, CHA 1,
HEA 4, GRT 1, d4 damage (bite). Name your pet! She gives you a +1 bonus to
checks related to stealing small objects.

Ѿ Graxanna, 8 patches – Gigoix “goblynmoss” is a bitter-tasting but edible

nonvascular plant that acts as an anti-inflammatory and stimulates the hu-
man body’s immune response. Each patch, if chewed for one round, heals
d4 HEA. A human can safely heal 4d4 HEA in this way per day; additional
chewed patches carry a 1 in 6 risk of serious liver disease.


j-4. voidguilders (gl) (or other currency)

15 remaining

Your signature

here Refactor’s signature

If your body plan or
understanding of
glyphs does not allow
you to sign this form,
report to the Afdeling Hire date:
of the Fleet.
CO.LVL01 a-1. ID (name) g. scores (checks)

Dktr. Tros “Elbows” Vulsone

COM d4

҆ attack
҆ grapple
a-2. title (rank)

҆ drive/pilot
Rake, Barber, & Chirurgeon

҆ dodge,

MOV d8+1
҆ initiate
b. species c. class ҆ run
҆ sneak

҆ heal
҆ know
harajoon pir
REA d12

҆ make/repair
҆ use tech
҆ use Weird
δ. summary

You are a chimpanzee with flight-enabling membranes (“wings”) stretching from your
҆ empathize

wrists to your ankles. You are from a poor section of the Co.’s headquarters, the alien ҆ perceive
space station called Spindle. You have been trained as an official Co. pir (dockteur, biolo- ҆ resist
gist, genesmith, scholar).

d. species powers
CHA d8
҆ control

҆ negotiate
҉ Chuntish mega-dentition (permanent) – Your fearsome bite inflicts d8 +your level ҆ seduce
҉ Gracile (permanent) – You gain +1 MOV [already included above].
h. pool
҉ Travel lust (free) – When traveling through the blackness of space, as long as you have
never been in this room before, you may make a WIL check. If you do, you gain +1 on your total current*
next action. If you come back here, you can no longer use this power.

details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004
e-1. class powers
total current*

Ѵ Heal (standard) – You practice trauma medicine, using your training and a small kit of

useful medi-gewgaws. Burn 2 GRT and treat a person, you or someone else: that person
regains 2 HEA. You may also burn an additional X GRT, where X is equal to or less than
your level, to heal an additional X HEA. Note: healing also cures bleed and stun.
҉ Augur (delayed–standard) – Burn 10 −dREA GRT, minimum 2, and 1 HEA: ask any *When you rest for 5 hours, you recover dMOV + dWIL + [your level] pool, split
between HEA and GRT as you like.
answerable (short) question. At the end of the round, after everyone else in initiative has
acted, the nameless things whom you contacted reply with the answer. This answer may i. damage reduction
be vague, depending on the question, but will not be malicious, a lie, or incomplete.
҉ Listen (hour) – You practice basic psychology and can help someone relieve stress: you

DR 3
talk to someone, and they feel much better. At no cost other than time, one person, not
you, reagins your dCHA +your level GRT. This requires a relatively safe environment (quiet Bend hauberk, underneath a
room, empty saloon, office). Listening only works once per day on the same person, but modified small envirosuit
you can listen to up to three people per day.
҉ Bioengineer (day) – You can, with proper lab equipment and some serious tools,
j-1. weapons** type range damage
conduct advanced bioengineering experiments. You don’t really know what you’re doing,
of course, but you’re learning rapidly… First, declare your intention (make that jackal
slightly sneakier by making her express the genes for body-silencing micro-hairs; make
Ѿ Boomerang, returning – d4 damage. 40-M range. If you roll a 6
or above to hit but your target still dodges, the boomerang returns
the cloned assassin stronger; make it possible for a wetan to make a baby with a human). to you. Doubles as a club. 6 gl.
Second, roll dREA and add your level × 2. Third, burn this much GRT. Fourth, check the
list of possible results and talk with the GM about what happens. Describe your result in Ѿ Nunchaku, well-made – 2d4 damage. 8 gl.
garish sci-fi terms! (See next page for bioengineering results.)

j-2. oddment

Ѿ A large, floating amethyst cookbook for an advanced alien species

you’ve never encountered (can be used as a shield if held).

**Additional equipment recorded on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0003.

For instructions on completing this form or any other game questions or feedback,
details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004 head to: or @stillfleet on social media, and then join us on Discord!
FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-QSR1B-V0001 k. place of origin e-3. advanced powers (details)

Spindle—a poor, majority-harajoon neighborhood of the Flats called “Little


l. languages

Spin, Chuntish (the old Harajoon tongue), Mossish (Gigoix),

the proto-language of apes and monkeys N/A
m. teloi (pick one pair)

Passion and adrenaline.

Loot and care.

n. presentation (choose one descriptor from each pair)

Your hair is a deep green–brown. / Your hair is a graying black.

You smile often and laugh heartily. / You nod often and punctuate your head motions with meaning-
ε. the hell science (details)
ful huffs.

You wear extremely fine clothes and one of several dapper, floppy hats. / You dress in worn scrubs
that fit you perfectly.

You are a hothead who always speaks the truth. / You are a serene, angelic presence.


When you were training in the college of chirurgeons,
you couldn’t save the person you loved most from dying N/A
on the table, and this failure haunts you to this day.
e-2. class powers (details)

҉ Bioengineer (day) – Results:

≤ 11 – Your experiment fails. Roll a d6: on a 1, you suffer
d30 damage and gain a permanent, terrifying scar.
12 – Switch two scores permanently or cure a nanite disease (e.g., the Gray
13 – Harden epidermis/exoskeleton (subject gains +1 DR).
14 – Add one working limb.
15 – Change sex or impregnate, regardless of species. j-3. gear (continued from FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1A-V0003)
16 – Add +1 to a check (e.g., attack, sneak, deceive, research) or radically
change the patient’s entire appearance. Ѿ Dowser – This strange biosensor (looks like a horseshoe crab/worn like a
17 – Change respiration (allow to breathe water or some other medium). glove) gives you a +4 to finding food and water on any planet, whether you’re
18 – Add +d4 to a check. rolling REA, WIL, or luck.
19 – Add some combination of limbs that allow the patient to fly. Ѿ Stimtenyl strips, 4 – These non-addictive strips heal d4 HEA each.
20 – Add +d6 to a check or add 1 more attack per round.
21 – Add organs to the patient that allow her to shoot missiles that cause Ѿ Thinkyboost pills, 3 – Manufactured by the Archive, these popular and highly
addictive pep pills allow you to recover d4 GRT per dose. You can use dWIL
d20 damage.
doses per day safely (roll each day); if you have one dose more, you go insane
22 – Add +1 to a score.
for 10 −dWIL days, minimum 1.
23 – Add +d8 to a check.
24 – Add +d4 to a score.
25 – Add +d10 to a check.
26 – Add +d6 to a score or add 2 more attacks per round. j-4. voidguilders (gl) (or other currency)
27 – Add +d12 to a check.
28 – Add +d8 to a score or create one unit of the Blood. 51 remaining
29 – Add organs to the patient that allow her to shoot missiles that cause
3d30 damage.

30 – Port one sapient mind into a new body or bring someone back from Your signature

the dead.

here Refactor’s signature

If your body plan or
understanding of
glyphs does not allow
you to sign this form,
report to the Afdeling Hire date:
of the Fleet.
CO.LVL01 a-1. ID (name) g. scores (checks)

COM d8

҆ attack
҆ grapple
a-2. title (rank)

Mercer–Errant, Seeking
҆ drive/pilot
Enlyghtenment & Coin

҆ dodge,

MOV d6
Amid Howling Infinity parry
҆ initiate
b. species c. class ҆ run
҆ sneak

҆ heal
҆ know
shoodtha factor
REA d10+1

҆ make/repair
҆ use tech
҆ use Weird
δ. summary

You are a metal humanoid with a large metal bag for a head and no face. You are from…
҆ empathize

can’t remember. You are a fascinating, well-learnèd, and confident entity, and the Co. ҆ perceive
classes you as an “officer-quality” merchant–marine. You, however, may have joined ҆ resist
this group just for “fun!”

d. species powers
CHA d6
҆ control

҆ negotiate
҉ Genius (permanent) – Your REA die is one die type higher; if it already is a d12, it ҆ seduce
becomes a d12+1.
҉ Metalotroph (permanent) – You eat metal, not other things. If you can’t eat roughly
2 Kg of metal every day, you die. h. pool
҉ Sink (permanent) – You absorb 1 GRT per hour from your surroundings. total current*

҉ Swordly (permanent) – You are trained (+3 to attack/parry) with all swords.
details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004
e-1. class powers
total current*

Ѵ Command (standard) – Burn 5 GRT and give a non-suicidal command to someone who

understands you; that person must act upon the command. This is not a Weird power,
however, and thus can be overruled by the hell science.
҉ ‘Avvenge (hour) – Burn 3X GRT, consult your notes, and search for X hours: you discover
an archaetech object of complexity level X (1–6). This can be exactly the item the group *When you rest for 5 hours, you recover dMOV + dWIL + [your level] pool, split
between HEA and GRT as you like.
needed. You can also reduce the time required by spending more GRT; each additional
point shaves off 15 minutes from the search. i. damage reduction
҉ Detect (standard) – Burn 3 GRT and call bullshit on something someone said: the
GM must tell you if that something is a lie. This can’t counteract mind control; it just

DR 1
represents thinking deeply and trusting a gut instinct.
Stylish provincial livery
҉ Requisition (standard) – You contact the Company using your tachyon lantern (void-
combined with an envirosuit
crossing mini-comm). Burn 2 GRT and roll dREA: if you succeed, you establish a link and
can begin talking next round. If you fail, you may try again next round. If you are in an
enigmadrome or the Escheresque, you must roll a 9 or higher to succeed. The Co. can’t
j-1. weapons** type range damage
always help, but they can often answer basic informational questions and can provide
desperately needed small items up to 20 g in mass (vaccines, spare parts, bullets) by
one-way de-immertense catafalque within twenty-four hours of a request from a factor.
Ѿ Katana – d12 damage, +3 to attack. 80 gl.
Your relationship with your refactor will determine the quality and expedience of aid you Ѿ Darts, colorfully feathered, in a bandoleer (4) – 1 damage. 3-M
receive. range. 4 gl.

j-2. oddment

Ѿ A phostwood bonsai tree that glows serenely in the dark. Must be

watered once per week or die. Otherwise immortal.

**Additional equipment recorded on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0003.

For instructions on completing this form or any other game questions or feedback,
details on FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1B-V0004 head to: or @stillfleet on social media, and then join us on Discord!
You’re probably 1st level because you reset yourself…

FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-QSR1B-V0001 k. place of origin e-3. advanced powers (details)

Long forgotten—you have literally no idea when or where you started

your random walk across the void.

l. languages

Spin (you speak an archaic version), Malteni (you once lived on Calayat) N/A
m. teloi (pick one pair)

Knowledge and power.

Penance and melancholy.

n. presentation (choose one descriptor from each pair)

Skin so shiny it’s glowing. / Matte, duct-tape like skin.

You have a very regular “head” (who knows what’s actually in there), shaped like a d20. /
ε. the hell science (details)
Saggy bag “head.”

You wear bright pink hammer pants and matching jumper. / You wear voluminous dark violet robes.

Hilariously formal. / Excessively mysterious.


You downloaded a copy of a previous stable build somewhere,
but you have no idea where, and you worry this build could N/A
have been stolen or corrupted… or activated itself.

e-2. class powers (details)

j-3. gear (continued from FORM WCOSF-VMAPP-PRE1A-V0003)

Ѿ Blendypaint, 2 applications left – Active camo. Sprays on to make you ef-

fectively invisible until you attack or otherwise give up your location.

Ѿ Venturer’s pack – Rations, water, glowsticks, torches, hemp rope, first aid
kit—enough of each for one venture lasting up to 24 hours. 5 gl.


j-4. voidguilders (gl) (or other currency)

34 remaining

Your signature

here Refactor’s signature

If your body plan or
understanding of
glyphs does not allow
you to sign this form,
report to the Afdeling Hire date:
of the Fleet.

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