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(A) Lesson Title: Art, Middle School 1 “One-Point Perspective Drawing”

(B) Standards: TEKS: (1) Foundations: observation and perception. The student develops
and expands visual literacy skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the
senses to observe and explore the world by learning about, understanding,
and applying the elements of art, principles of design, and expressive
qualities. The student uses what the student sees, knows, and has
experienced as sources for examining, understanding, and creating original
artworks. The student is expected to(B) understand and apply the elements
of art, including line, shape, color, texture, form, space, and value, as the
fundamentals of art in personal artworks using art vocabulary appropriately.
CCR: III. Geometric and Spatial Reasoning
A. Figures and their properties
1. Recognize characteristics and dimensional changes of two- and
threedimensional figures.
ELPS: (3) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking (J).
respond orally to information presented in a wide variety of print, electronic,
audio, and visual media to build and reinforce
concept and language attainment.
(C) Learning The student will create their own 3D image with either organic or geometric
Objective: shapes using only one vanishing point.
(D) Prior Learning: (1) Foundations: observation and perception. The student develops and
expands visual literacy skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the
senses to observe and explore the world by learning about, understanding,
and applying the elements of art, principles of design, and expressive
qualities. The student uses what the student sees, knows, and has
experienced as sources for examining, understanding, and creating
artworks. The student is expected to: (C) discuss the elements of art as
building blocks and the principles of design as organizers of works of art
(E) Materials: White paper, clear ruler, pencil, colored pencils, markers, assessment sheet,
organic/geometric cards

Lesson Cycle
(F) Focus (Hook):
How is the teacher introducing the learning topic? Involving the learner in a relevant way? Connecting to prior
& future learning?

Students will be sitting in their assigned seats facing the teacher. Each student will have a
copy of the assessment sheet, pencils, markers, rulers, sheets of paper, organic/geometric
cards and markers will be set in the middle of the table.

Teacher: Alright guys we are going to start a new project today. I am going to show you a few
slides of shapes. You will hold up your card to show me what you think each shape is. If it is
either an organic shape or geometric shape. We are going to learn how to turn these shapes
into a 3D image using a vanishing point.

I will then turn down the lights and turn on the projector. The first slide will be explaining what
an organic shape is with an example on the slide. The second slide will explain how to
classify a shape as geometric. I will draw a variety of shapes on the white board and ask
them how they would be classified. I have four geometric and three organic shapes. They will
hold up the card during each slide showing what they will classify the shape as.

This will serve as refresher for the students and give them an idea of what to focus on for
their own composition.

Slide 1: An image incorporating both geometric and organic shapes.

Teacher: Ok great job guys! Now that they we have an idea about how to classify our shapes
lets learn how to make them into a 3D image using a technique called the vanishing point.

What is the student doing?

The student is listening to the teacher. Once the teacher asks them to start holding up cards,
they will pick the card they think each type of shape is and hold it up for the teacher to see.

(G) Instructional Delivery (Teacher Input):

How is the teacher delivering content related to the central focus and objective? What are the key teaching
points, key vocabulary, and elements of the content? How is the teacher relating content to the learners’
world? What varied instructional strategies are being used? Is the instruction learner centered?

I will bring up the next slide that shows what a vanishing point looks like.

The next slide will have the definition of a “vanishing point” and its purpose.

Teacher: Alright let me explain to you what a vanishing point is and why artists use it to create 3D
images. A vanishing point is used to create depth in their artwork. A vanishing point is the area or spot
on the artwork where things have gradually gotten so far way that they seem to vanish or disappear.
That is why it is called a vanishing point. It is also called One- Point perspective. It is called one point
perspective because the work is focused on one point in the picture.

I will show them examples of drawings with one vanishing point.

Slide one: Is a drawing with a name.

Teacher: Here is the vanishing point and the lines from each edge. This is an example of what we are
trying to accomplish with our assignment today.
Slide two: Is a drawing of geometric shapes with one vanishing point.
Teacher: Here is the vanishing point for these shapes and the word “Geometric”

Slide three: Is a drawing with organic shapes with one vanishing point.
Teacher: Here is the vanishing point for the organic shapes. Notice how the line goes to the very edge
of the shape. Then connects to the vanishing point.

On the next slide I will ask a student to point to where the vanishing point is on the artwork.
What is the student doing?

The students are answering questions from me throughout the lesson. I ask them to classify the
shapes throughout so that they know what they need to for independent practice.

(H) Guided Practice:

How are the students practicing the skill/knowledge they just learned? How is the teacher providing
individual and whole-class feedback? Is the practice directly related to the standards, objectives, and
content? Does this activity allow students to model the behavior/skills being evaluated in the Independent

Teacher: Lets go ahead and grab a sheet of paper from the center that looks like this. (I hold up the
assessment sheet. I will also have the sheet projected on the projector) We are going to practice
together. We are going to draw the lines to the vanishing point in the first section. Grab a ruler and a
pencil. Make sure to line up the edge of the image with the vanishing point. Do your best to make it as
straight as possible. Hold your ruler firmly to the table so that the ruler does not slip. Every edge should
go to the SAME point. Let’s do the first section together. What type of shape is this? (I use the
projected image to show them how I connect the edges. I draw the same square on the white board
and connect the lines to the vanishing point) Do not draw any more dots on the page. Now go ahead
and do the last three sections.

I will let them start to work on their own. I will walk around the room and see if any individual students
have any questions or do not understand what we are doing.

What is the student doing?

The students are working on the assessment sheet independently. They can ask me or their neighbors
if they have any questions about the assignment. Once the kids are done, I will go through each
section with the kids.

(I) Independent Practice:

Does the activity described in this section directly relate to the Learning Objective? Does this activity
reinforce the learning of the lesson? Is the assessment authentic? How will this assessment be scored?
Remember that you must create the assessment, including full instructions, an answer key, rubric, and/or
grading guide.

Teacher: Okay, now it is time for you to make your own artwork using a vanishing point. Feel free to
play with a variety of shapes and compositions. Grab a new sheet of paper, a ruler, and a pencil. Use
either geometric OR organic shapes for your composition. Does anyone have any questions about
what we are doing? I cannot wait to see what you guys come up with! Make sure to write your name on
the back of your artwork.
What is the student doing?

The students all grab a fresh sheet of paper, pencil, and ruler. They begin to draw their shapes. I walk
around and make sure to help anyone who maybe needing help.

(J) Closure:
Does the closure summarize the learning? Does it involve the learner? Does it connect to future learning?

The final project brings together prior learning by making them classify shapes as either organic or
geometric. Their individual artwork will showcase new learning by showing that they can make the
shapes 3D using a vanishing point. We will show each assignment to each other at the end of class.

What is the student doing?

The student is working independently on their assignment. They can show their neighbor and
the rest of class towards the end of the period.

(K) Enrichment: (L) Reteach:

What learning opportunities will you offer to Describe different instructional strategies you will
students who have already mastered or quickly use to reteach the material if students do not
master the objective? master the objective?

[You will not complete this section for Lesson [You will not complete this section for Lesson
Plan/Micro-Teach1. This section will be completed Plan/Micro-Teach1. This section will be completed
in Module 11. Describe activities and materials in Module 11. Describe how you will re-teach the
you will provide for students who quickly master lesson content for students who did not show
the content of this lesson. This should be mastery the first time. You must describe a
additional content that supplements students’ different content delivery method than you used
knowledge, not just extra work.] originally.]

(M) Modifications: (N) Accommodations:

[You will not complete this section for Lesson [You will not complete this section for Lesson
Plan/Micro-Teach 1. In this section, you will Plan/Micro-Teach 1. In this section you will
describe the modifications you will provide for describe the accommodations you will offer to all
students based on IEPs. These are modifications students who are struggling with content or
that are required by law for student in Special activities related to this lesson. This is not
Education or who are classified as 504.] restricted to students who have IEPS.]

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