Previous Year Problems: Subjective Questions

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1. Draw a diagram of human brain and label any four parts. Write one function each of any two parts.
[CBSE 10TH BOARD: 2013]

2. What is chemotropism ? Give one example. Name any two plant hormones & mention their
functions. [CBSE 10TH BOARD: 2014]

3. Give a reason to explain why : [CBSE 10TH BOARD: 2014]

(i) Adrenaline helps in dealing emergency situations ?
(ii) Secretions of growth hormone should be specific in the human body ?
(iii) Some patients of diabetes are treated by giving injections of insulin.

 Marked Questions can be used as Revision Questions.

Subjective Easy, only learning value problems
A-1 Name the chemical substances which control and coordinate in plants.
A-2 What do you mean by tropic and nastic movements ? Give one example of each.
A-3 What is 'Phototropism' ? How does it occur in plants ? Describe an activity to demonstrate phototropism.
A-4 What is ‘hydrotropism‘ ? Describe an experiment to demonstrate ‘hydrotropism’’.
A-5 Write down the source, site of action and functions of the following hormones / substances.
(i) Auxins (ii) Ethylene


B-1 Differentiate between endocrine and exocrine glands. Write the characteristics of hormones.
B-2 Name the different types of hormones secreted by pituitary. Also mention their functions.
B-3 What are the hormones of the following endocrine glands ?
(i) Pancreas (ii) Thyroid (iii) Adrenal (iv) Ovaries (v) Testes
B-4 Name the parts of endocrine system called as super master and master, also write their functions.
B-5 What is hypothalamus ? Where it is situated ? What are its main functions and secretions ?
B-6 Which hormone is responsible for the development of moustache and beard in men?
B-7 Why are some patients of diabetes treated by giving injections of insulin ?
B-8 Define hormones. Name the hormones secreted at puberty in males and females?


C-1 Name the part of hind brain which takes part in regulation of respiration.
C-2 What is reflex action and reflex arc ?
C-3 How are involuntary actions and reflex actions different from each other ?
C-4 Describe the structure of neuron with the help of a well labelled diagram.
C-5 Define ‘nerve impulse’. Which structure in neuron helps to conduct a nerve impulse ?
(i) Towards the cell body (ii) Away from the cell body
C-6 What is the difference between sensory and motor neurons ? Which parts of human brain are responsible for
auditory reception and sensation of smell ?
C-7 Describe the forebrain of a mammal.
C-8 Draw a diagram of human brain and label the following part on it :
(i) Cerebrum (ii) Medulla oblongata (iii) Cerebellum
C-9 We suddenly withdraw our hand when a pin is pricked. Name the type of response involved in this action.
C-10 Which signals will get disrupted in case of a spinal cord injury?

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Single choice objective, straight concept/formula oriented
A-1 The movement of plant organs in response to the force of gravity is called
(A) hydrotropism (B) geotropism (C) heliotropism (D) phototropism
A-2 Movement of pollen tube towards ovule is :
(A) Chemotropism (B) Hydrotropism (C) Thigmotropism (D) Phototropism
A-3 Phytohormones are
(A) hormones regulating growth from seed to adulthood
(B) hormones regulating secondary growth
(C) growth regulators synthesized by plants and influencing physiological processes
(D) hormones regulating flowering
A-4 The natural plant hormones were first isolated from
(A) cotton fruits , spinach leaves, rice plant (B) avena coleoptile, fungus gibberella
(C) corn germ oil, human urine (D) human urine, rice plant
A-5 f the tip of a seedling is cut off, growth as well as bending ceases because it hampers
(A) perception of light stimulus (B) transpiration
(C) respiration (D) photosynthesis
A-6 A plant bends towards the source of light when exposed to the light on only one side. Which of the following is
the best explanation of the phenomena ?
(A) t needs light for photosynthesis
(B) The apices of their stems are attracted by light
(C) Some auxin accumulates on the shaded side to induce greater cell elongation on that side
(D) Light stimulates the cells on the illuminated side to increase in length
A-7 Cytokinins are known to
(A) inhibit cytoplasmic movement (B) help in retention of chlorophyll
(C) influence water movement (D) promote abscission layer formation
A-8 Ethylene is a
(A) solid hormone (B) gaseous enzyme (C) gaseous hormone (D) liquid gas mixture
A-9 Pineapple can be made to flower in off season by
(A) zeatin (B) ethylene (C) temperature (D) short days
B-1 The pineal body is considered as
(A) an endocrine gland (B) an organ concerned with voluntary actions
(C) an organ concerned with vision (D) a vestige of third eye and endocrine gland
B-2 The hormone that promotes reabsorption of water from glomerular filtrate is –
(A) oxytocin (B) relaxin (C) vasopressin (D) calcitonin
B-3 In human body which is the master gland ?
(A) Adrenal (B) Pancreas (C) Pituitary (D) None of the above
B-4 Hypersecretion of growth hormone in a period of growth leads to
(A) Midget (B) Anemia (C) Acromegaly (D) Cushing syndrome
B-5 Failure or reduced insulin production causes
(A) Diabetes insipidus (B) Diabetes mellitus (C) both A and B (D) Cretinism
C-1 Reflex action in a body is not
(A) inborn (B) automatic & quick (C) voluntary (D) protective in nature
C-2 Synapse is a close proximity of -
(A) two veins (B) two arteries (C) two lymphatics (D) two neurons.
C-3 The largest part of brain is
(A) Corpora quadrigemia (B) Medulla oblongata (C) Cerebellum (D) Cerebrum
C-4 The centre for the sense of smell in brain is -
(A) cerebellum (B) cerebrum (C) midbrain (D) olfactory lobes
C-5 Part of brain involved in muscular movement .
(A) Mid brain (B) cerebrum (C) sensory area (D) cerebellum

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C-6 Autonomic nervous system controls
(A) reflex action (B) sense organs (C) internal organs (D) skeletal muscle
C-7 The study of nervous system and its disorders is called
(A) neurogenesis (B) hematology (C) neuroglia (D) neurology 
C-8 In reflex action the reflex arc is formed by
(A) brain  spinal cord  muscles (B) receptor  spinal cord  muscles
(C) muscle  receptor  brain (D) muscles  spinal cord  receptor
C-9 The sensation of sight in human brain is perceived by
(A) optic lobe (B) occipital lobe (C) frontal lobe (D) parietal lobes

Marked Questions can be used as Revision Questions.

1. Intercellular communication in multicellular organisms occur through
(A) digestive system only (B) nervous system only
(C) both nervous and endocrine system (D) respiratory system only
2. Hormones influence body parts for bringing about
(A) proper growth (B) co – ordination
(C) stimulation of body parts (D) proper functioning of body parts
3. Leuteinising hormone in female
(A) helps in the appearance of secondary sexual characters
(B) stimulates ovary to secrete esterogen
(C) helps in release of the ovum from the ovary
(D) control of blood pressure
4. Which one is not secreted by pituitary ?
(A) Thyroxine (B) FSH (C) GH (D) ACTH
5. Temperature in human beings is controlled by
(A) hypothalamus gland (B) thyroid gland (C) pituitary gland (D) adrenal gland

6. Chemically hormones are

(A) biogenetic amines only (B) proteins, steroids and biogenetic amines
(C) proteins only (D) steroids only
7. Hormone concerned primarily with cell division is
(A) GA3 (B) IAA (C) NAA (D) Cytokinins
8. What will happen, if the thyroid is removed from a tadpole ?
(A) The tadpole will grow into a dwarf frog (B) The larva will produce giant frog
(C) It will continue indefinitely in larva stage (D) The larva will die
9. Which part of brain is more developed in man ?
(A) Medulla (B) Cerebellum (C) Cerebrum (D) Optic lobes
10. Which cell organelle is absent in neuron ?
(A) mitochondria (B) ribosomes (C) centrioles (D) nucleus

11. Myelin sheath is a covering of

(A) muscle cell (B) axon (C) blood vessels (D) osteocyte
12. Which part of the brain act as Relay centre?
(A) hypothalamus (B) cerebrum (C) cerebellum (D) thalamus
13. Two halves of the cerebrum are connected through
(A) cerebral hemispheres (B) medulla oblongata (C) corpus callosum (D) pons varolii
14. Tick the right statement -
(A) Spinal cord is a part of central nervous system. (B) Nerves are continuous fibres
(C) Reflexes are not controlled by nerves (D) None of the above
15. Which part of the brain is affected first in a drunk person ?
(A) Cerebrum (B) Medulla oblongata (C) Cerebellum (D) Olfactory lobe
16. Cerebral hemisphere are the centres for
(A) thinking (B) taste (C) smell (D) all the above

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Marked Questions can be used as Revision Questions.


1. Which of the following is not a plant harmone?
(Raj/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/13)
(A) Auxin (B) Gibberellins (C) Cytokinin (D) Adrenaline

2. Lack of melanin synthesis may cause the genetic disorder.

(Raj/NTSE Stage-1/Control and Coordination/07)
(A) Colour blindness (B) Haemophilia (C) Albinism (D) Hypertrichosis

3. The essential hormome for ripening of fruits is :

(Raj/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/06)
(A) Auxin (B) Cytokinin (C) Ethylene (D) Gibberellin

4. Cut leaves remain green for longer time if dipped in :

(Delhi/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/2013)
(A) Auxins (B) Cytokinins (C) Ethylene (D) Gibberellins

5. Neurons have a unique property that makes them to communicate with other cells via :
(Delhi/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/2013)
(A) Nerve cords (B) Glial cells (C) Synapses (D) Schwann cells

6. Hormone which stimulate initiation of flowering process is :

(MP/NTSE Stage-1/Conrol Coordination/2013)
(A) Gibberellin (B) Ethylene (C) Vernalin (D) Florigen

7. Choose the right option from the following.

(Chandidarh/NTSE/Stage-1/Control Coordination/2013)
i. In light, hormone auxin, helps the cells to grow longer in plants.
ii. Plant hormone gibberellins helps in growth of a stem.
iii. Cytokininis inhibits cell division.
iv. Abscisic acid promote growth in plants.
(A) i and iii are correct (B) ii and iv are correct (C) i and ii are correct (D) i and iv are correct

8. One of the basic characteristics of living organisms which is well developed in nervous system is :
(Karnataka /NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Movement (B) Growth (C) Irritability (D) Nutrition

9. If a person cannot walk in a straight line or cannot balance a ride on bicycle, probably which part of his brain is
not working properly ?
(Karnataka /NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Cerebrum (B) Cranium (C) Cerebellum (D) Hypothalamus

10. Choose the corret alternate in which the type of tropism exhibited by plants is correctly matched with the
stimulus to which they respond
(Karnataka /NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
Tropism Stimulus
1) Hydrotropsin i) Earth
2) Geotropism ii) Light
3) Chemotropism iii) Water
4) Phototropism iv) Chemical
(A) 1 – ii, 2 – i, 3 – iv, 4 – iii (B) 1 – iii, 2 – i, 3 – iv, 4 – ii
(C) 1 – iv, 2 – iii, 3 – i , 4 – ii (D) 1 – iii, 2 – i , 3 – ii, 4 – iv

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11. The two hormones secreted by adrenal glands which regulates the concentration of salts in blood and
prepares the body to face the emergency are .................and ..................
(Karnataka /NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Insulin and Glucagon (B) Testosterone and Estrogen
(C) Cortisone and Dopamine (D) Cortitisone and Adrenaline

12. Which one is anti transpirant hormones ?

(West Bengal/NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Auxin (B) Cytokinin (C) Abscisic Acid (D) Gibberellin

13. The functional junction between two neurons is called

(Mizoram/NTSE Stage-1/Control & coordination/2013)
(A) synapse (B) axon (C) dendrites (D) none of these

14. Which of the following ion is needed for nerve conduction?

(A) Ca (B) Zn (C) Mg (D) Na
15. When we smell a flower, which one of the following first receives the scent?
(Orrisa/NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Dendrite of motor neuron (B) Dendrite of sensory neuron
(C) Axon of motor neuron (D) Axon of sensory neuron
16. Which one of the following is secreted by pituitary gland?
(Orrisa/NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Insulin (B) Estrogen (C) Adrenaline (D) Growth hormone
17. Which two of the following are growth promoting hormones in plant ?
(Orrisa/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/2013)
(A) Auxin and Cytokinin (B) Gibberelin and Ethylene
(C) Abscisic acid and Auxin (D) Cytokinin and Ethylene
18. Which part of the brain controls co-ordinated movements of our body, such as riding a bicycle ?
(Punjab/NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Cerebrum (B) Cerebellum (C) Medulla (D) Pons
19. The correct order of the parts of a nerve cell through which a nerve impulse is transmitted is.
(Punjab/NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Nerve endings-dendrites-axon-cell body (B) Cell body-axon-dendrites -nerve endings
(C) Dendrites-nerve endings-cell body axon (D) Dendrites - cell body-axon-nerve endings
20. Which is the largest endocrine gland in human beings.
(Punjab/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/2013)
(A) Pituitary (B) Adrenal (C) Thyroid (D) Parathyroid
21. Show the pathway of electric impulse :
(Maharashtra/NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Dendrite  Cell body  Axon  to its end (B) Cell body  Dendrite  Axon  to its end
(C) Axon  Cell body  Dendrite  to. its end (D) Dendrite  Axon  Cell body  to its end
22. The systematic regulation of various activities means :
(Maharashtra/NTSEStage-1/Control coordination /2013)
(A) Control (B) Co-ordiantion (C) Taming (D) Randomness
23. Which is the hormone that brings about changes in girls during puberty?
(Maharashtra/NTSE Stage-1/Control coordination/2013)
(A) Estrogen (B) Progesterone (C) Testosterone (D) Thyroxine
24. If the apical parts of the negative geotropic roots of mangrove plant are pasted with wax, which function of
these roots will be affected ?
(Raj/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/05)
(A) Exchange of O2 and CO2 (B) Water absorption
(C) Fixation of plant (D) Photosynthesis
25. In plants abscisic acid controls
(Raj/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/05)
(A) growth in shoot (B) flower formation (C) cell division (D) fall of leaf

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26. How many nerves arise from spinal cord ?
(Gujarat/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/05)
(A) 21 (B) 31 (C) 41 (D) 51
27. What is the weight of an adult person's brain?
(Gujarat/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/05)
(A) 900 (B) 1350 (C) 1500 (D) 2350
28. What is called of movement occurred in a plant due to light ?
(Gujarat/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/05)
(A) Thermonasty (B) Thigmonasty (C) Yearmonasty (D) Photonasty
29. Insulin hormone is secreted by .... gland -
(M.P/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/05)
(A) lymphatic gland (B) Salivary gland (C) Pancreas (D) Pitutary gland
30. A hormone secreted by mixocrine gland :
(Karnataka/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/05)
(A) Paratharmone (B) Thyroxine (C) Glucagon (D) Adrenaline
31. Which of the following activity is controlled by medulla oblongata ?
(Karnataka/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/05)
(A) Maintain balance of the body (B) Peristalitc movement alimentary canal
(C) Controlling body temperature (D) Facial expression
32. Match each item in Column A with suitable one in column B :
(Karnataka/NTSE Stage-1/Control Coordination/05)
Column A Column B
A. CO2 (i) Regulation of body temperature
B. Hypothalamus (ii) Green House effect
C. Corpus luteum (iii) Balancing the body
(iv) Secretion of dopamine
(v) Required to plants for respiration
(vi) Secretion of progesterone
(A) A = (v) , B = (iii),C = (iv) (B) A = (ii), B = (i), C = (iv)
(C) A = (ii), B = (i), C = (vi) (D) A = (v), B = (ii), C = (vi)
33. Which of the following is a plant hormone ?
(Rajasthan/ntsestage I 2015)
(A) Insulin (B) Thyroxin (C) Cytokinin (D) Oestrogen
34. The hormone present in higher concentration in fruits and seeds is
(Haryana/ntsestage I 2015)
(A) Auxin (B) Gibberellin (C) Cytokinin (D) Ethylene
35. The outermost layers of meninges is
(W.B./ntsestage I 2015)
(A) Myelin membrane (B) Arachnoid mater (C) Dura mater (D) Pia mater
36. Which part of the human brain is more developed than other mammals ?
(Bihar/ntsestage I 2015)
(A) Cerebellum (B) Cerebrum (C) Sensory lobes (D) none of the above
37. In plants “Auxin” is used for ..................
(M.P./ntsestage I 2015)
(A) Division of cell. (B) Ripening of fruits.
(C) Root growth inhibition. (D) Elongation and division of cell
38. Which hormone is not found in plants ?
(M.P./ntsestage I 2015)
(A) Gibberellin (B) Auxin (C) Cytokinin (D) Glucagon
39. Phototropic and geotropic response of a plant is under control of following hormone :
(Delhi/ntsestage I 2015)
(A) Auxin (B) Gibberlin (C) Cytokinin (D) Ethylene
40. Spinal cord originates from :
(Delhi/ntsestage I 2015)
(A) Cerebrum (B) Cerebellum (C) Medulla (D) Pons

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41. Which one of the following represents the correct sequence of reflex action ?
(Control Co-ordination / 2015 NTSE Stage-2)
(A) Receptor sensory nerve motor nerve spinal cord muscle
(B) Receptor motor nerve spinal cord sensory nerve muscle
(C) Receptor sensory nerve spinal cord muscle motor nerve
(D) Receptor  sensory nerve spinal cord motor nerve muscle
42. Which of the following cannot be considered as a receptor ?
(M.P./ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) Muscle (B) Ear (C) Eye (D) Nose
43. The part of brain which controls the balance and posture of the body is
(Delhi/ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) Cerebellum (B) Cerebrum (C) Pons (D) Medulla

44. Growth of plants is not promoted by

(Delhi/ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) Cytokinins (B) Auxins (C) Gibberellins (D) Abscisic acid

45. Which one of the following pairs is not correct ?

(Gujrat/ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) The pituitary gland – Adrenalin (B) Pancreas – Insulin
(C) Ovary – Estrogen (D) Testis – Testosterone
46. Find the odd one out
(W.Bengal/ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) Gonadotropins (B) Thyrotropins (C) Corticotropins (D) Vasopressin.
47. Involuntary actions like blood pressure salivation and vomiting are controlled by this part of hind
(Bihar/ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) Medals (B) Cerebellum (C) Medulla (D) Cerebrum
48. The endocrine gland in which both exocrine and endocrine parts are present :
(Utrakhand/ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) Pancreas (B) Adrenal gold (C) Thyroid (D) Pitutary gland
49. Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of which of the following hormones :
(Utrakhand/ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) Insulin (B) Adrenaline (C) Thyroxine (D) Auxin
50. An injury in accident has disturbed regulation of body temperature, water balance and hunger. The
part of brain affected is :
(Hariyana/ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) Cerebellum (B) Cerebrum (C) Medulla oblongata (D) Hypothalamus
51. If a rat is given an injection of sodium iodide with radioactive iodine, then in which of the following
most of iodine would be incorporated ?
(Hariyana/ntse/stage I 2015)
(A) Cartilage (B) Thyroid (C) Parathyroid (D) Lymph nodes
52. Which among the following hormones is associated with wilting of leaves ?
(Rajasthan/stage I 2015)
(A) Abscisic acid (B) Gibberellin (C) Cytokinin (D) Auxin.
53. Synapse is
(Rajasthan/stage I 2015)
(A) gap between two muscle cells (B) gap between two bones
(C) gap between two neurons (D) gap between muscle and bone

54. Which of the following is a plant hormone ?

(Rajasthan/stage I/ Control and Coordination/2018)
(A) Insulin (B) Thyroxine (C) Cytokinin (D) Oestrogen
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55. The nature of nerve impulse is
(Rajasthan/stage I/ Control and Coordination/2018)
(A) Chemical (B) Magnetic (C) Electrochemical (D) Electromagnetic

56. Which of the following is a plant hormone?

(MP/stage-I/Control and Coordination/2017)
(A) Insulin (B) Cytokinin (C) Thyroxin (D) Oestrogen

57. Which of the following helps in formation of insulin ?

(Delhi/stage-I/Control & Coordination/2018)
(A) Islets of Langerhans (B) Pituitary gland
(C) Thyroid gland (D) Adrenal gland
58. Our skin becomes dark in colour when exposed to excess of sunlight. It is due to the presence of :
(Jharkhand/stage-I/Control & Coordination/2017)
(A) Carotene (B) Melanin (C) Flavoxanthin (D) Haemotoxylene
59. Which of the following is a plant hormone? (Bihar/stage-I/Control & Coordination/2018)
(A) Insulin (B) Thyroxin (C) Oestrogen (D) Cytokinin
60. The gap between two neurons is called a : (Bihar/stage-I/Control & Coordination/2018)
(A) dendrite (B) Synapse (C) Axon (D) Impulse
61. The brain is responsible for :
(A) Thinking (B) Regulating the heart beat
(C) Balancing the body (D) All of the above
62. The spinal cord originates from where ? (Gujrat/stage-I/Control & Coordination/2017)
(A) Cerebrum (B) Cerebellum (C) Medulla oblongata (D) Pones
63. Which part of brain shows pituitary gland ? (Chandigrah/stage-I/Control & Coordination/2017)

(A) B (B) C (C) D (D) A

64. The hormone which promote cell division in plants is(Rajasthan/stage I/ Control and Coordination/2019)
(A) Gibberellins (B) Abscisic acid (C) Cytokinins (D) Auxins
65. The part of human brain, which controls involuntary actions is
(Rajasthan/stage I/ Control and Coordination/2019)
(A) Cerebrum (B) Cerebellum (C) Medulla oblongata (D) Optic lobe
66. The hormone , not secreted by ovary is (Rajasthan/stage I/ Control and Coordination/2019)
(A) Testosterone (B) Estrogen (C) Progesterone (D) Relaxin
67. Which is the main thinking part of the brain ? (Gujrat/stage I/ Control and Coordination/2019)
(A) Forebrain (B) Midbrain (C) Hind Brain (D) Pons
68. Which hormone regulates metabolism for body growth?
(Gujrat /stage I/ Control and Coordination/2019)
(A) Adrenaline (B) Thyroxine (C) Growth hormone (D) Insulin

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69. Choose the correct option to complete ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ in the following table?
(Delhi/stage I/ Control and Coordination/2019)
Hormone Function
A Stimulates growth in all organs
B Stimulates igituitary to release growth
C Controls blood sugar lever
D Regulates carbohydrate metabolism
(A) A – Insulin, B – Thyroxine, C – Growth Hormone, D – Growth Hormone Release Factor
(B) A – Growth Hormone, B – Insulin, C – Thyroxine, D – Growth Hormone Releasing Factor
(C) A – Thyroxine, B – Insulin, C – Growth Hormone, D – Growth Hormone Releasing Factor
(D) A – Growth Hormone, B – Growth Hormone Releasing Factor, C – Insulin, D – Thyroxine
70. Correct sequence of reflex are is? (Delhi/stage I/ Control and Coordination/2019)
(A) Receptor  Motor Neuron  Sensory Neuron  Effector organ  Relay Neuron
(B) Receptor  Sensory Neuron  Motor Neuron  Effector organ  Relay Neuron
(C) Receptor  Sensory Neuron  Motor Neuron  Relay Neuron  Effector organ
(D) Receptor  Sensory Neuron  Relay Neuron  Motor Neuron  Effector organ
71. Which of the following is a plant Hormone (MP/stage I/ Control and Coordination/2019)
(A) Insulin (B) Thyroxin (C) Cytokinin (D) Oestrogen


This Section is not meant for classroom discussion. It is being given to promote self-study and self
testing amongst the Resonance students.
1. The chemical substance P is made and secreted by the meristematic tissue at the tip of stem (or
shoot) of a plant. The chemical substance P is responsible for a phenomenon Q in plants in which
the stem bends towards a source of light. The same chemical substance P has an opposite effect
on the root of a plant. It causes the root of a plant to bend away from the source of light in a process
called R.
(A) What is the chemical substance P ?
(B) State whether P prefers to remains in the sunlit side of a stem or in shade.
(C) What is the effect of substance P on the rate of growth of (i) a root, and (ii) a stem ?
(D) What is the name of process (i) Q, and (ii) R ?
(E) What is the general name of chemical substances like P ? Name another substance which
belongs to this class of chemical substances.
2. The top part a of the flask-shaped reproductive organ X in the flower of a plant secretes a surgery
substance into its lower part B which goes towards the bottom part C of the flask -shaped organ.
When a tiny grain D coming from the top part E of another reproductive organ Y in the flower falls
on part A, it grows a long tube F through the organ X in response to the sugary substance and
reaches the bottom part C of flask -shaped organ to carry out fertilisation.
(A) What is (i) organ X, and (ii) organ Y, inside the flower ?
(B) Name parts (i) A (ii) B and (iii) C, of flask -shaped organ.
(C) Name (i) grain D, and (ii) part E of organ Y.
(D) Name the tube F.
3. The gland A is attached to the wind pipe in the human body. The gland A makes and secretes a
hormone B which controls the metabolism of carbohydrates , fats and proteins in the body, The
non-metal element C is necessary for the formation of hormone B. The deficiency of C in the diet
can cause a deficiency of hormone B in the body leading to a disease D in which the neck of a
person appears to be swollen. People are advised to use salt E in cooking food so as to avoid
disease D.
(A) Name (i) gland A, and (ii) hormone B.
(B) What is the element C ?
(C) Name one type of food which can provide sufficient C i the diet of a person.
(D) Name (i) disease D, and (ii) salt E.
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A-1B A-2A A-3 C A-4C A-5A A-6C A-7B A-8C A-9B


B-1D B-2C B-3C B-4C B-5B


C-1C C-2D C-3D C-4D C-5B C-6C C-7D C-8B C-9A

Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
A. C B C A A B D C C C B D C A C D


Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A. D C C B C D C C C B D C A D B
Q. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A. D A B D C A B A A D B B D C C
Q. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
A. B C C C C B D D A C D A A D A
Q. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
A. D C A C D B A C C C B A B D B
Q. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
A. D C A C C A A B D D C

Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Website : | E-mail :
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

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