Climate Change Movie ESSAY

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Environmental Management and Sustainable



Guide Questions:
What is the story about (PLOT)? What is the main message of the movie? How is
it connected to the issue of climate change?
What lessons on climate reality have you learned from the movie?
What would you like to do about it in your personal life?
What do you like to share with your classmates about your learning through this

The Day After Tomorrow is a sci-fi film concerning the effects of climate
change and global warming. In the movie, Professor Hall predicted that the
northern hemisphere will have a new ice age. At the UN Summit in New Delhi,
Jack shares his study proving that climate change could create an ice age. He tried
to ask the politicians to make actions as soon as possible but he was rejected and
ignored. However, there is another scientist who believes in him. They both find
evidences of the disasters that was happening but the Vice President ignores them.
Due to the negligence of the Government, millions of people were killed. It was
frustrating that they never listen and take actions in the first place. They should
have let the people evacuate sooner. In the northern hemisphere, a giant storm
system was formed, dividing into three massive hurricane-like superstorms over
Canada, Scotland, and Siberia. There was giant hail storm in Tokyo and a tornado
outbreak in Los Angeles. The film ends with astronauts looking down from the
Space Station at Earth, where they see much of the northern hemisphere covered in
ice and snow, with one of the astronauts remarking "Look at that...Have you ever
seen the air so clear?"

The main message of the movie is all about the importance of our nature. I
truly believe on what Professor Hall have said, “If we do not act soon, our children
and grandchildren will have to pay the price”. and “The cost of doing nothing
Environmental Management and Sustainable
could be even higher”. This means that our action to our environment matters, even
if it is a simple task or help. We should take care of our environment because it is a
gift from our God. If we don’t do anything, there might be huge consequence for it.
Our environment is vital in our daily lives. We must protect the Love that was
given to us. Think about tomorrow. Think about the future.
This Movie is an eye-opening for everyone. I am grateful to have given this
opportunity to watch such film like this. After watching the film, I would like to
share this to my friends and family. I want to be part of the solution for the world’s
issues. Nowadays, we are experiencing a lot of problems like pollution, Climate
Change, Violence and many more. The movie tells us that as we continue to
consume the planet’s natural resources, we must learn to protect and take care of it,
if not, there would be a corresponding consequence. In addition, the film shows us
that it is also important to have a good leader in the world. We should choose a
great leader that gives importance to our environment. A leader who can make
world a better place. I am encouraging everyone to choose the right leader for our
family’s future. Indeed, “If we do not act soon, our children and grandchildren will
have to pay the price”.

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