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Global Positioning System

The topic on Global Positioning System (GPS) which is on the 28th slide of the week caught my

attention more than any other slide. The slide interested me because the Global Positioning

System has become a part of peoples’ lives. Many people are applying the GPS as they visit new

places. By using the GPS which are now installed in mobile phones people can easily locate

themselves and other areas that they might be looking for. The slide is short but it explains the

GPS in a deeper way. The first point of the topic defines the purpose of the GPS. It the outlines

the source of the data that is used by the System, it uses satellites to collect data. The slide them

explains how the GPS works, receivers get the data from the satellites. A minimum of three

satellites must relay their data for accuracy and the time delay is calculated through measuring

and triangulation of signals from the satellites. The have been advancement of technology in the

recent past and the handheld GPS and mobile phones are being used for data recording. The

operations of the GPS are not complicated hence it is easily used by even those who lack a

deeper knowledge in geography.

The GPS is made up of three parts that is the satellite, receivers and the ground stations. The

ground stations make use of radar to make sure they are at the exact position we anticipate them

to be. The receiver gets the data from the satellites. The GPS has made positioning easy because

the location of an object that is very high in the space can be determined from the ground (Kern

et al., 2016). The GPS is being used in large scale in the transport industry by companies such as

Uber to make sure they manage their cars and minimize theft.

Works Cited

Kern Jr, James W., et al. "System and method with automatic radius crossing notification for

global positioning system (GPS) tracker." U.S. Patent No. 9,432,807. 30 Aug. 2016.

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