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1. The early humans were dependent on ______ which is the primary mode of substinence.

2. From hunting and gathering the early humans invented _______ which encouraged them to
have permanent settlement. (Agriculture)
3. The early civilizations were characterized by city-states, system of writing, and a ________
where public debates and decisions were made. (ceremonial center)
4. A _____ is a political entity that has four elements that include territory, sovereignty, people
and government. (state)
5. This theory says that rulers ascended to power convinced that their rule is based on their filial
relationship with the supernatural forces and entities. Divine right theory
6. When a group forces members of other group to subject themselves to their rules it falls under
what theory? Force theory
7. Aristotle describe humans as ______. (political animals)
8. It is the mutual agreement of the ruler and the ruled. (Social contract)
9. The early states were governed by a limited few who ascended into power through wealth,
______ and religious dogma. (birth right)
10. An Athenian statesman named _______ proposed demokratia as a political ideology that aimed
at dispersing power from the monopoly of the elites to the masses. (Cleisthenes)
11. According to Keane democracy was first practiced in the sacred city of ______. Nippur
12. UNESCO stands for ______ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
13. This type of heritage is evident in the form of structures, monuments, historical sites, and other
artifacts. (Tangible)
14. This category of tangible heritage is often left to the elements of nature which makes them
vulnerable to decay and corrosion. (immovable)
15. Give at least 1 of the 10 most famous museums in the world.

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