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Abraham Hicks ~ But My Mother Does Not Love Me

- she took the path of least resistance - to be mad at you

- she gets some relief from that (anger is better than regret and guilt)
- your happiness cannot depend on what she figures out
- from your place of despair
- your balance and alignment must be more important to you +
- cause if not, in time you''ll have nothing to give her +
- the pain doesn't bother your mother like it bothers you +

Abraham: Feeing Inferior Around Others

- when your looking for others to see how they feel about you, your in trouble
- cause they're not as interested in u as u would like them to be
- they're not connected to the source energy either
- your counting on positive feedback from a place you can't get positive feedback

Abraham Hicks the truth about judgement

- regardless of conditins i can feel love & peace because i have the power of focus
- everyone naturally love themselves
- how do i love myself? just stop not liking yourself
- 7:44 rampage (i'm not afraid of not feeling good cause it's easy to feel little
bit better)

Abraham Hicks - Healthy eating - the easy way!

- 3:59
- 8:44

Abraham Hicks - Eat What You Want & Get Slimmer

- 5:35
- 9 57 - 11.00

abraham hicks II

Abraham Hicks - Exploring The Freedom Of Abundance

- do you ever feel like your desire is calling you forward, like it doesn't matter
what anybody thinks about this thing you want
- you know you want it and therefore you know it's gonna be
- i'm really picky about things i think, we offer vibrations everyday all day
- i tkink about thing based on how it feels to me
- it's set on you loving, it's set on you suceeding, you happy
- you can go against you or you can go towards you, and you'll know what you chose
by the emotion ur feeling
- you know the difference between love and fear, insecurity and confidence, clarity
and confuison,
- you can tell when you're tuned in and you can tell when you're not
- you're source into this body, it wants you to expend by chosing what you prefer
- doors are openinhg & people re smiling, and things are helpful , and you can feel
the power of your attnetion
- the question is how long until you're ready for the things you put in the vortex
- just get in the vortex where everything you want is
- we want you to be happy in the absence of manifestation, in the belief and trust
that it is there
- you came for the pleasure of manifestation
- it's not about what village, culture, your family wants - it' about you being
creator of your own experience
- when you chose what you want, you gotta committ to it, you got to feel it as if
it was yours right now
- alright already, how to get money from the vortex and in to the bank
- you have to believe rather than doubt and come cloer and closer to the vortex,
feel exiliration rather than sadness,
- 13:07

Abraham Hicks - Relax And Receive Absolute Power

- you throw resistance on your trail
- i got beliefs in a way
- and that's alright, your inner being doesnt hold it against you
- inner being guide us around the resistance

Abraham Hicks - The Rich Life

- i'm afraid of success cause i don't think i deserve it - i'm resisting it ->
don't worry, cause it won't come then
- not to kick a puppy when it's down, what justification do you use for lack of
- who told you that, some fool? so why do you repeat the foolishness.
+ what good think you think you have from self-depricating? what sort of
satisfaction there must be in it?
+ fear of unknowng which is not trusting yourself, controling the outcome
- you are judging your worth based on manifestation!because i'ne never done it, i
can't do it
- when you're opposing your desire you won't feel good -> is my desire right or is
it a belief
- we are in war wihin ourselves
+ maybe unworthiness is a scale up from something worse (like depression), what is
better than unworhiness - loving yrself - that's way to fa
+ i'm angry about myself cause i don't feel worthy, i'm angry at my mother...i'm
sort of mad at everybody
- frsutration - it's frustrating not to get any movement when i want it
- it's so fun to start experiencing life in which your attention is acknowledged by
you consttnly
- the only thing you need (not need but gona want to do) is meditating eveyday
- you're the only one declaring if you're worthy or not (you:worthy, you: not so
- there's no one else, and if you feel worthy you are tuned with inner self

Abraham Hicks ?? You Can't Even Imagine How Close You Are From What You Want!
- when you feel emotion, that means you're translating the vibration
- od 5:00
+ they will say you were lucky, you were born under the lucky star; not true, you
were focused
+ freedom that you want is to control your vibration, no matter what's going on
everywhere around you
+ you're looking for love in all the wrong places, where it is - it's in harmonics
between you & you
- when you foster that relationship and feeling good is the priority, everything
else will fall into place
- you don't get to like things you don't like to like, we want you to use your
guidance to gravitate to things you do like
- we don't want you to need the condition to feel good because it's backwards
- if you can find the feeling of something, than you're home, free and the
manifestation is very short to come
- we think it's nice to feel now!
+ it's freedom to oppresion of thoughts

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