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Abraham Hicks - How Can I Help, If I`m Being Criticized

- people say i'm cold and egoistical - yeah i am and enjoying it

- but i am bothered about them being bothered
+ the reason youre not aligned with their discord is cause you're not aligned with
your discord
- it pissses you off cause they take you out of your alignement
+ make the peace with where you are. stop the judgment on yourself.
- in alignment, you ll be happy: give me your best punches, gimme your best
whatever you got
- i'm gonna be the one that dominates the vibration here
+ i know all is well even if you think it isn't
- i can benefit with contrast of someone's living
- if you're accepting contrast you have to accept it from others around you as well
- you're looking from place of demanding perfection from yourself
- perfection means endedness and you will never be done
- overwhelment (sickness) is a state in which you're summoning the more energy
you're up to speed with
- at the heart of all of that - you finding the way to be up to speed with answers
- we love the imperfect wreckness that's you

Abraham Hicks - An Easy Way To Change Old Beliefs

- specifics won't get u in the vortex when something is active
+ money: i don't have to think about it right now. i can go for a walk - relief &
escapism (escaep into vortex)
+ finding relief is the only thing that matters
- u begin breath little deeeper, feel little better
+ don't have the money, but i'm in vortex
- be easy about it, be playful - be general & specific
- not specific & positive - the specific & negative will overeule
- i want my finances to improve!rather than i need x amount

Abraham Hicks - Make it come even if youre not ready

+ i'm knowing what i want but i'm not ready for it
+ it's ok not to be ready, cause ur ready for this! (ready to be ready)
- where i am is what i'm ready for and i'm happy about it
- positive aspects of where you are
- the only thing is satisfaction right now and you being able to accomplish it
- in any moment of time there is a manifestation
- let the satisfaction be your desire for a while
- if it looks like a big thing - you're not ready (instead:looks like next logical
- the dominant desire: i want ALL that i'm ready for now. and concious awarenness
for what i am ready to be 4.

how to clear abundance block

- first expand your energy field
- if you're contracted, you're not connected, connect to the light
- ask a question out of curiosity - why am i wired like this, when is the earliest
age i didnt feel supported
- we're duplicating 0-7
- what other ages, feel where it feels dense around you,
- fill in the opposite - what would it take for me to feel supported

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