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Name Contact ID Contract ID Contract Name Royalty Month Invoice Number

Sales Date Collection Sale Region Product Type Notes File Size Agent
Customer Name Credit Line Asset Number Alternate Asset Number Asset
Description Rights: Industry Rights Usage Rights: Use Territory/Duration
Sales Territory Percent of Product Purchase from Site License Fee
in USD Royalty Rate Gross Royalty in USD Royalty Pay Date Contributors
Net payment (summary for full stmt) Currency
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610394696 06-Apr-2022 Moment Open
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited SANOMA
EDUCACIN S.L.U. Emilija Manevska 692252289 20170107232326_14336_DSC_0155-
1A.jpg_320438 692252289-New Year, New Ideas! 2022 Jan 28 - 2023 Jan
27. Publishing: Books. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Spain 1.000000000 Getty
4.408640000 0.200000000 0.881730000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134363453 19-Apr-2022 Moment Open
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 688863487 20161203215924_14336_DSC_6686-1.jpg_317434
688863487-Getting Cozy China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-126953647 16-Sep-2021 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
cankaoxiaoxi Emilija Manevska 1312512108 dsc_2806b.jpg 1312512108-
Digital vaccine passport China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
-4.020000000 0.200000000 -0.804000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-126945155 14-Oct-2021 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1193037054 dsc_2665123a.jpg 1193037054-White Marble Rock
Background China 1.000000000 Partner Portal -0.080000000
0.200000000 -0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000
USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-126946344 14-Oct-2021 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 619036648 dsc_6312-1.jpg 619036648-Best friends
smiling under confetti rain China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
-2.480000000 0.200000000 -0.496000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2600043168 23-Mar-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thema
Contents and Digital Pub Emilija Manevska 1147092757 dsc_4930koregirana.jpg
1147092757-Four whole eggs and one broken egg on yellow back
Spain 1.000000000 Getty -2.269450000 0.200000000 -0.453890000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607363247 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BONNIER
PUBLICATIONS A/S Emilija Manevska 1296312098 dsc_7853123d.jpg 1296312098-Smart
phone love connection 2021 Nov 05 - 2022 Nov 04. Publishing: Print &
Online. Nordic Region. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital
distribution platforms. Benjamin media Magazine. Print & Digital. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Editorial.
Denmark 1.000000000 Getty 44.448590000 0.200000000 8.889720000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2608848067 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst
Russia Global Deal Emilija Manevska 1296312098 dsc_7853123d.jpg 1296312098-
Smart phone love connection 2022 Jan 11 - 2022 Apr 10. Publishing:
Newspapers. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial -
Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Editorial Rights on
Hearst Properties. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In
perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Russian Federation 1.000000000 Getty 3.440000000 0.200000000 0.688000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609951105 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited RADIO FRANCE
Emilija Manevska 1296312098 dsc_7853123d.jpg 1296312098-Smart phone love
connection 2022 Mar 03 - 2023 Mar 02. Broadcasting & Video on Demand.
French-speaking Countries. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. France
1.000000000 Getty 3.857560000 0.200000000 0.771510000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620581652 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Central
Mediacsoport Emilija Manevska 1296312098 dsc_7853123d.jpg 1296312098-Smart
phone love connection 2022 Feb 10 - 2023 Feb 09. Publishing: Online.
Hungary. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. Unlimited number of uses
per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Hungary 1.000000000 Getty 0.396780000 0.200000000 0.079360000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624041385 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 1296312098 dsc_7853123d.jpg 1296312098-Smart phone
love connection 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Newspapers. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607464604 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited PZA SA, PZU
na ZYCIE SA / PA Emilija Manevska 875294102 untitled-3b.jpg 875294102-Young
woman looking at map 2021 Nov 30 - 2022 Apr 01. Financial Services. World.
Commercial - limited rights for RF Content. all projects for PZU. Print & Digital.
Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. Poland 1.000000000 Getty 31.202120000
0.200000000 6.240420000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618657597 18-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Readers
Digest Emilija Manevska 875294102 untitled-3b.jpg 875294102-Young woman
looking at map 20th May 2021 - 19th May 2022. All print and digital.
Territory: Australia. unlimited number of users per download. Archival rights in
perpetuity In perpetuity within the context of original use. Australia
1.000000000 Getty 3.166610000 0.200000000 0.633320000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137141791 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1059955560 dsc_8283a.jpg 1059955560-Dried dog foods,
biscuits and treats China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607316183 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 695556138 dsc_3221123.jpg 695556138-Student
writing on blackboard 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Newspapers.
World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624258224 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited METROPOLES
MIDIA E COMUNICACAO Emilija Manevska 695556138 dsc_3221123.jpg 695556138-
Student writing on blackboard 2022 Feb 03 - 2023 Feb 02. Publishing: Online.
Brazil. Editorial - website(s). Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. Brazil 1.000000000 Getty
0.442710000 0.200000000 0.088540000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607335009 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 1183937063 tamponic1.jpg 1183937063-Tampons on
pink background 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Newspapers. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607335103 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 645670466 dsc_7790-1.jpg 645670466-Tampons on
pink background 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Newspapers. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607356644 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited KUNDE & CO
A/S Emilija Manevska 1193039335 dsc_2694123a.jpg 1193039335-Stone Wall
Background 29.09.2021-28.09.2022: Worldwide commercial rights. Reproduction
rights unlimited. Archival rights in perpetuity. Denmark 1.000000000
Getty 2.089080000 0.200000000 0.417820000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619440138 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Posterton AB
Emilija Manevska 1193039335 dsc_2694123a.jpg 1193039335-Stone Wall
Background 2022 Feb 26 - 2023 Feb 25. Retail. World. Commercial - limited
rights for RF Content. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content. Print. Unlimited
number of uses per download. During the term of the agreement. Sweden
1.000000000 Getty 26.137640000 0.200000000 5.227530000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619646139 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DuMont
Regionalmedienholding G Emilija Manevska 1193039335 dsc_2694123a.jpg 1193039335-
Stone Wall Background 2022 Apr 06 - 2023 Apr 05. Publishing: Print &
Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial
- Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s)
(cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital
distribution platforms. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In
perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Germany 1.000000000 Getty 0.837640000 0.200000000 0.167530000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607443044 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Marquard
Media Emilija Manevska 937291856 dsc_3299123.jpg 937291856-Direct view at
womans hands writing on a blank pap 2022 Jan 05 - 2023 Jan 04. Publishing:
Online. Hungary. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. Unlimited number of uses
per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Hungary 1.000000000 Getty 2.314530000 0.200000000 0.462910000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607569887 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 695555630 dsc_3220123.jpg 695555630-A student
tries to solve a math problem 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing:
Newspapers. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United
Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607745077 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited SX
TECNOLOGIA E SERVICOS CORPO Emilija Manevska 1078223236 dsc_0360a.jpg
1078223236-Green Background Basic Limited to terms of the Premium
Access agreement Brazil 1.000000000 Getty 7.612180000 0.200000000 1.522440000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2608972993 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Immediate
Media Company London Emilija Manevska 1078223236 dsc_0360a.jpg 1078223236-
Green Background 2022 Feb 02 - 2022 May 01. Publishing: Print & Online.
World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print &
Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 3.201500000
0.200000000 0.640300000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609921279 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited FRBS
PARTICIPAES S.A. Emilija Manevska 1078223236 dsc_0360a.jpg 1078223236-Green
Background 10/6/2021-10/5/2022. Editorial - Brazil; Commercial Rights
granted for print and Web publications (excludes cover use). Reproduction rights
limited to the terms of the agreement. Archival rights are limited to the terms of
the agreement Brazil 1.000000000 Getty 3.894230000 0.200000000
0.778850000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611611647 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited NEWZROOM
AFRIKA PTY LTD Emilija Manevska 1078223236 dsc_0360a.jpg 1078223236-Green
Background 2021 Nov 03 - 2022 Nov 02. Broadcast & Motion Picture Production.
Africa. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial
- Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms;Commercial - Other.
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. South Africa
1.000000000 Getty 11.800000000 0.200000000 2.360000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137142886 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image 48mb Havas Life Bird & Schulte
GmbH Emilija Manevska 1138335226 dsc_3402a.jpg 1138335226-Bruised Knee
Germany 1.000000000 Getty 286.561370000 0.200000000 57.312270000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2608541832 03-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BURDA
PUBLISHING POLSKA SP. Z Emilija Manevska 966243024 dsc_8798s.jpg 966243024-
Portrait of beautiful woman with problematic face 2022 Jan 01 - 2022 Dec
31. Publishing: Online. Poland. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Poland 1.000000000 Getty 2.281470000 0.200000000
0.456290000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2608966814 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited RTBF - Radio
Television Belge Emilija Manevska 1181888467 dsc_7938a.jpg 1181888467-
Shopping and delivery concept 2022 Feb 24 - 2023 Feb 23. Broadcasting & Video
on Demand. Belgium. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms;Commercial - Other. .. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context
of the original use. Belgium 1.000000000 Getty 1.928780000 0.200000000
0.385760000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609072058 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Nueva
Walmart de Mxico S. de Emilija Manevska 648585768 dsc_8550-1.jpg 648585768-
Fresh Mocktails with mint leaf on wooden backgroun Standard Limited to
terms of the Premium Access agreement Mexico 1.000000000 Getty 1.517600000
0.200000000 0.303520000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609243496 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Promotora de
Informaciones, S. Emilija Manevska 1167539194 dsc_0905a.jpg 1167539194-Row of
white pencils lying on a white background 2022 Jan 28 - 2022 Apr 27.
Publishing: Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Editorial Rights- Print & Web Usages- Editorial Text Books & E books- Territory:
World Rights Print & Web & All Apps Usages-Social Media usages- Self autopromotion
editorial rights in self context. Reproduction rights: Limited to term of
agreement. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Spain 1.000000000 Getty 0.947860000 0.200000000 0.189570000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609439121 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Medibank
Private Emilija Manevska 1322499124 dsc_3910123.jpg 1322499124-Pregnant
woman taking a vaccination Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement Australia 1.000000000 Getty 6.075470000 0.200000000 1.215090000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625326487 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited AUFEMININ
Emilija Manevska 1322499124 dsc_3910123.jpg 1322499124-Pregnant woman
taking a vaccination 2022 Feb 16 - 2023 Feb 15. Publishing: Online. World.
Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. France 1.000000000
Getty 2.094100000 0.200000000 0.418820000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2608813259 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Roularta
Media Group Emilija Manevska 1147557169 dsc_5071a.jpg 1147557169-Galaxy
Lemonade. Close changing lemonade 2022 Feb 03 - 2023 Feb 02. Publishing:
Print & Online. Belgium;Germany;Netherlands. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF
rights (all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Print & Digital. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Belgium
1.000000000 Getty 4.662130000 0.200000000 0.932430000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2608941647 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst -
Italy Emilija Manevska 1150514541 dsc_5542123.jpg 1150514541-Bamboo tooth
brushes 2022 Jan 11 - 2022 Apr 10. Publishing: Print & Online. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Editorial Rights on Hearst
Properties. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. Italy 1.000000000 Getty 3.350560000
0.200000000 0.670110000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609090727 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DPG Media NV
Emilija Manevska 1216617147 dsc_4184a.jpg 1216617147-Mold on wall
2022 Feb 28 - 2022 May 27. Publishing: Print & Online. Belgium;Netherlands.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs. Print. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Belgium 1.000000000 Getty 3.174220000 0.200000000 0.634840000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2612600979 08-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Nationwide
News Pty Limited - Emilija Manevska 1216617147 dsc_4184a.jpg 1216617147-
Mold on wall 28 Aug 2021 to 26 June 2022 - Editorial use in Your
Properties – one use per download (for clarity, re-use in any compilation (e.g.,
best of) format constitutes a new use). For the avoidance of doubt, use of an item
of Content in the same context across multiple publications shall be considered one
use.In-context self-promotional rights: Licensee may reproduce, in whole or in
part, concurrent or prior editorial content from Your Properties containing
Content, within the context of the original uses in which such Content originally
appeared during the Term, for the purpose of promoting Your Properties.
Australia 1.000000000 Getty 5.280130000 0.200000000 1.056030000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614562547 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited RTBF - Radio
Television Belge Emilija Manevska 1216617147 dsc_4184a.jpg 1216617147-Mold on
wall 2022 Feb 24 - 2023 Feb 23. Broadcasting & Video on Demand. Belgium.
Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms;Commercial - Other. .. Print & Digital. Unlimited
number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Belgium 1.000000000 Getty 1.928780000 0.200000000 0.385760000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614673334 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DPG Media NV
Emilija Manevska 1216617147 dsc_4184a.jpg 1216617147-Mold on wall
2022 Feb 28 - 2022 May 27. Publishing: Print & Online. Belgium;Netherlands.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs. Print. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Belgium 1.000000000 Getty 3.174220000 0.200000000 0.634840000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609138709 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited MCCANN
ERICKSON PARIS Emilija Manevska 1289557906 dsc_9620a.jpg 1289557906-Vial
bottles 6 Avril 2021 - 5 Avril 2022 Worldwide. All advertising uses + all
commercial and editorial uses. Reproduction rights: Unlimited number of uses per
download, in perpetuity Archive right: In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use France 1.000000000 Getty 60.739990000 0.200000000
12.148000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609149382 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Ringier AG
Emilija Manevska 1268874193 dsc_6708ba.jpg 1268874193-Covid-19 test
tubes 2021 Dec 31 - 2022 Dec 30. Publishing: Print & Online. Switzerland.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution
platforms. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Switzerland 1.000000000 Getty 8.609740000 0.200000000
1.721950000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609392812 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited THX MEDIOS S
A Emilija Manevska 675912980 dsc_8006-1.jpg 675912980-Woman grabbing at
her buttocks 2022 Mar 29 - 2023 Mar 28. Publishing: Online. Latin
America. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Royalty Free &
Editorial. Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within
the context of the original use. Argentina 1.000000000 Getty 2.605510000
0.200000000 0.521100000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614657503 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Burda
Procurement GmbH Emilija Manevska 675912980 dsc_8006-1.jpg 675912980-Woman
grabbing at her buttocks 2022 Mar 11 - 2023 Jan 10. Publishing: Print &
Online. German-speaking Countries. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial
- digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. Germany 1.000000000 Getty
3.967770000 0.200000000 0.793550000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609255902 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited METROPOLES
MIDIA E COMUNICACAO Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-
Rustic homemade dark chocolate 2022 Feb 03 - 2023 Feb 02. Publishing:
Online. Brazil. Editorial - website(s). Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Brazil 1.000000000
Getty 0.442710000 0.200000000 0.088540000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609906081 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst Espaa
S.L Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic homemade
dark chocolate 2022 Jan 11 - 2022 Apr 10. Publishing: Print & Online.
World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Editorial Use on Hearst
Properties. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. Spain 1.000000000 Getty 3.350560000
0.200000000 0.670110000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610420065 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst -
Italy Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic homemade
dark chocolate 2022 Jan 11 - 2022 Apr 10. Publishing: Print & Online.
World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Editorial Rights on Hearst
Properties. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. Italy 1.000000000 Getty 3.350560000
0.200000000 0.670110000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611319717 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic
homemade dark chocolate 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Newspapers.
World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2612239177 08-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Future
Publishing Ltd Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic
homemade dark chocolate 2022 Feb 05 - 2022 Oct 04. Publishing: Print &
Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial
- Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000
Getty 2.266080000 0.200000000 0.453220000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2612282471 08-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited AUFEMININ
Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic homemade
dark chocolate 2022 Feb 16 - 2023 Feb 15. Publishing: Online. World.
Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. France 1.000000000
Getty 2.094100000 0.200000000 0.418820000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615118521 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Are Media
Pty Limited Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic
homemade dark chocolate 5/1/2021 - 4/30/2022Magazine Use. Territory:
Australia & NZ. Editorial image rights granted for print publications. Video
content for web/editorial. Reproduction rights limited to the terms of the
agreement.Archival rights in perpetuity within the context of the original use.
Australia 1.000000000 Getty 9.926950000 0.200000000 1.985390000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621070233 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Axel
Springer SE Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic
homemade dark chocolate 2022 Jan 02 - 2023 Jan 01. Publishing: Print &
Online. Germany. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs.
Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Germany 1.000000000 Getty 6.888490000 0.200000000
1.377700000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625233979 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Axel
Springer SE Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic
homemade dark chocolate 2022 Jan 02 - 2023 Jan 01. Publishing: Print &
Online. Germany. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs.
Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Germany 1.000000000 Getty 6.888490000 0.200000000
1.377700000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609107774 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited G.IE.MC2M
Emilija Manevska 1369405170 dsc_6683bcopy.jpg 1369405170-Baby with skin
rashes 29/09/21 to 28/09/22, Periodical industrie : online Magazine,
worldwide, digital use only. Reproduction rights : one use per download. Archival
Rights : in perpetuity, within the context of the original use France
1.000000000 Getty 1.091140000 0.200000000 0.218230000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137835357 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image 48mb Constantin Entertainment GmbH
Emilija Manevska 1024737842 dsc_5380a.jpg 1024737842-Dying plant
Germany 1.000000000 Getty 137.769890000 0.200000000 27.553980000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137847754 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image Gallo Images RUS LLC / Portal Emilija Manevska 875294102 untitled-3b.jpg 875294102-Young
woman looking at map Russian Federation 1.000000000
Partner Portal 2.169130000 0.200000000 0.433830000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609606035 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Funke
Digital GmbH Emilija Manevska 1042280032 dsc_7099a.jpg 1042280032-Empty
Wallet 10/05/2021-10/04/2022 Media- Internet Publisher Territory:
Germany. Editorial use in Licensee's Media: Electronic Media (Licensee Website(s)),
Editorial use and, In-context self-promotional rights,In-context editorial mobile
WAP rights; Reproduction/sync Rights: one use per download during the Agreement
Term; Archive Rights: in perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Germany 1.000000000 Getty 2.634160000 0.200000000 0.526830000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616874221 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Konbini SAS
Emilija Manevska 1042280032 dsc_7099a.jpg 1042280032-Empty Wallet
2021 Dec 06 - 2022 Dec 05. Creative Agency. World. Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms;Commercial - Other. Editorial Web &
Social Media. Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. France 1.000000000 Getty 7.164030000
0.200000000 1.432810000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619579630 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited RTBF - Radio
Television Belge Emilija Manevska 1042280032 dsc_7099a.jpg 1042280032-Empty
Wallet 2022 Feb 24 - 2023 Feb 23. Broadcasting & Video on Demand.
Belgium. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms;Commercial - Other. .. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context
of the original use. Belgium 1.000000000 Getty 1.928780000 0.200000000
0.385760000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609937191 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Future
Publishing Ltd Emilija Manevska 1139052855 dsc_3584a.jpg 1139052855-Small
empty jar 2022 Feb 05 - 2022 Oct 04. Publishing: Print & Online. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000
Getty 2.266080000 0.200000000 0.453220000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610317211 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Syvertsen &
Brthen-Nordland A Emilija Manevska 1298908591 dsc_0082b.jpg 1298908591-
Decorative golden stars on pink background Basic Limited to terms of the
Premium Access agreement Norway 1.000000000 Getty 6.903370000 0.200000000
1.380670000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609839425 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited WEBEDIA
INTERNET BRASIL S.A Emilija Manevska 1070544220 dsc_0142a.jpg 1070544220-
Hair Loss. Hairbrush with hair stuck in it 2021 Dec 31 - 2022 Dec 30.
Publishing: Online. Brazil. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication. Digital/web dor editorial and OOH for RF. One use per
download. During the term of the agreement. Brazil 1.000000000 Getty
1.362180000 0.200000000 0.272440000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610119963 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited THX MEDIOS S
A Emilija Manevska 1311116289 dsc_2806b.jpg 1311116289-Digital
certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination. 2022 Mar 29 - 2023 Mar 28.
Publishing: Online. Latin America. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution
platforms. Royalty Free & Editorial. Digital. Unlimited number of uses per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Argentina
1.000000000 Getty 2.605510000 0.200000000 0.521100000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611134602 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BBC News &
Sport Emilija Manevska 1311116289 dsc_2806b.jpg 1311116289-Digital
certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination. 01/08/2021 -31/08/2022 -
Broadcasting, Territory: WW. Usage Rights: Editorial use in Licensee's Media, In-
context self-promotional rights, In-context syndication rights for Licensee Work;
an unlimited number of UK/Irish-based, third-party websites which are owned or
operated by affiliates with whom Licensee has entered into agreements providing for
such syndication, Social media rights, Licensee mobile/tablet app rights, For Print
Publication(s): Cover use (only available for Editorial and RF) including BBC
Monitoring. Reproduction rights: One use* per download, during the Term only (for
clarity, re-use in any compilation (e.g., best of) format constitutes a new use).
Archive rights: 1In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Term: 1
Year. United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 0.724620000
0.200000000 0.144920000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611222515 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Seven
Network Operations Lim Emilija Manevska 1311116289 dsc_2806b.jpg 1311116289-
Digital certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination. 2022 Feb 28 - 2023 Feb 27.
Broadcasting & Video on Demand. Australia. Editorial - website(s);Editorial -
social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution
platforms. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs.
Digital. One use per download. During the term of the agreement. Australia
1.000000000 Getty 14.875690000 0.200000000 2.975140000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616964266 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 1311116289 dsc_2806b.jpg 1311116289-Digital
certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination. 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30.
Publishing: Newspapers. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United
Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618466292 18-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Australian
Radio Network Emilija Manevska 1311116289 dsc_2806b.jpg 1311116289-Digital
certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination. 2022 Feb 24 - 2023 Feb 23.
Broadcast & Motion Picture Production. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. One use per download.
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Australia
1.000000000 Getty 7.364200000 0.200000000 1.472840000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137847488 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image Gallo Images RUS LLC / Portal
WWW.KO.RU Emilija Manevska 1262971583 dsc_5772a.jpg 1262971583-
Variation of Milk Canisters Russian Federation 1.000000000
Partner Portal 3.795970000 0.200000000 0.759190000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610554702 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited AG DIGITAL
MEDIA S.P.A. Emilija Manevska 898304930 218ced61-e5a2-4e54-847a-
77f2ec45bca2.jpg 898304930-Fresh Arugula plant in soil 2022 Jan 01 - 2022
Dec 31. Publishing: Online. Italy. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use. Editorial contents for other customers.
Digital. One use per download. During the term of the agreement. perpetually in
context. Italy 1.000000000 Getty 6.976670000 0.200000000 1.395330000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610795924 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 1175652162 dsc_1926123.jpg 1175652162-Close up of
man using smart phone app to adjustin 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30.
Publishing: Newspapers. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United
Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610812115 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 1215334526 dsc_4071a.jpg 1215334526-Close up of
man cleaning TV screen 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Newspapers.
World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610434444 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Promotora de
Informaciones, S. Emilija Manevska 956369004 dsc_9191a.jpg 956369004-Portrait
of a young woman reading bad letter 2022 Jan 28 - 2022 Apr 27. Publishing:
Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Editorial Rights- Print & Web Usages- Editorial Text Books & E books- Territory:
World Rights Print & Web & All Apps Usages-Social Media usages- Self autopromotion
editorial rights in self context. Reproduction rights: Limited to term of
agreement. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Spain 1.000000000 Getty 0.947860000 0.200000000 0.189570000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134496219 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 922526404 dsc_6334-1123.jpg 922526404-Cocktails
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138549031 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 922526404 dsc_6334-1123.jpg 922526404-Cocktails
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 2.040000000 0.200000000 0.408000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134490673 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1164305150 dsc_8726a.jpg 1164305150-Young woman with
eyeglasses working in her home o China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134488179 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 684820142 dsc_7937-1.jpg 684820142-Occasions
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611144538 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Roularta
Media Group Emilija Manevska 901494458 2018-01-0308.39.561.jpg 901494458-
Agriculture 2022 Feb 03 - 2023 Feb 02. Publishing: Print & Online.
Belgium;Germany;Netherlands. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses,
in perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial
- Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Belgium 1.000000000
Getty 4.662130000 0.200000000 0.932430000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134493892 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1216616523 dsc_4151a.jpg 1216616523-Renovating home.
Painting activity China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610384743 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DPG Media NV
Emilija Manevska 1281117571 dsc_9484a.jpg 1281117571-Close up of woman
applying injection with syringe 2022 Feb 28 - 2022 May 27. Publishing:
Print & Online. Belgium;Netherlands. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial -
Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s)
(cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs. Print. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Belgium 1.000000000 Getty 3.174220000 0.200000000
0.634840000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625231676 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Mediahuis nv
Emilija Manevska 1281117571 dsc_9484a.jpg 1281117571-Close up of woman
applying injection with syringe 19/06/2021 - 18/06/2022. Publishing
periodicals, territory Benelux and Ireland. Editorial rights granted for print
publication and websites. Reproduction rights One use per download, during the Term
only. Archive rights in perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Belgium 1.000000000 Getty 5.069930000 0.200000000 1.013990000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134467425 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1209250954 dsc_3427a.jpg 1209250954-Three vial bottles
against white background China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134487400 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 622026972 dsc_1642a.jpg 622026972-Happy Birthday
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000
0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134494106 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1150545166 dsc_5241a.jpg 1150545166-Micro Greens
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134395944 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1042559534 dsc_7184a.jpg 1042559534-Messy Desk with
office and school supplies China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134465425 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1216622030 dsc_4211a.jpg 1216622030-Renovating home.
Painting activity China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134466386 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 684893916 dsc_4805-1.jpg 684893916-Newborn baboon
laying on bed China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611380146 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ELEVEN
INTERNET SERVICES LLP Emilija Manevska 639751968 dsc_5966123-1.jpg 639751968-
Young woman receive bad text message 03/26/20 - 3/25/21 Editorial -
Editorial rights granted for Licensee's Media;Editorial - Electronic
Media/Website;Editorial - In-Context self-promotional rights;Editorial - In-context
editorial mobile WAP rights. Territory: India. One use per download. Archive 5
years after initial publication, in perpetuity within the context of the original
use. India 1.000000000 Getty 0.524990000 0.200000000 0.105000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621725791 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Mediengruppe
sterreich GmbH Emilija Manevska 639751968 dsc_5966123-1.jpg 639751968-Young
woman receive bad text message 2021 Dec 23 - 2022 Dec 22. Publishing:
Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital
distribution platforms. Print & Digital. One use per download. During the term of
the agreement. Austria 1.000000000 Getty 2.645180000 0.200000000
0.529040000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625221056 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Axel
Springer SE Emilija Manevska 639751968 dsc_5966123-1.jpg 639751968-Young woman
receive bad text message 2022 Jan 02 - 2023 Jan 01. Publishing: Print &
Online. Germany. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs.
Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Germany 1.000000000 Getty 6.888490000 0.200000000
1.377700000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611382903 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited WJEC CBAC
Ltd Emilija Manevska 695555636 dsc_3214123-1.jpg 695555636-Male student
writing on blackboard Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 7.246190000
0.200000000 1.449240000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611434145 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited I B I
Investment House Ltd Emilija Manevska 956372044 dsc_9334a.jpg 956372044-
Young woman shopping online 2021 Dec 12 - 2022 Dec 11. Financial Services.
Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity). Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. Israel 1.000000000 Getty
14.730000000 0.200000000 2.946000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611341901 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DPG Media NV
Emilija Manevska 1357542188 dsc_5943123.jpg 1357542188-Bowl of Popcorn
with TV Remote Control 2022 Feb 28 - 2022 May 27. Publishing: Print &
Online. Belgium;Netherlands. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs.
Print. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Belgium 1.000000000 Getty 3.174220000 0.200000000 0.634840000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611359465 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Atmosphere
Communications Emilija Manevska 1056782942 dsc_8166a.jpg 1056782942-
Homemade Crunchy Apple Pie 2022 Mar 01 - 2023 Feb 28. PR Agency. South
Africa. Commercial - Other. Royalty Free basic rights. Print & Digital. Unlimited
number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
South Africa 1.000000000 Getty 1.070000000 0.200000000 0.214000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611365860 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Bank fr
Tirol und Vorarlberg Emilija Manevska 668046308 dsc_3899-1.jpg 668046308-
Filmmakers clapboard Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement Austria 1.000000000 Getty 12.895260000 0.200000000 2.579050000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620908996 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Bank BGZ BNP
Paribas S.A. / PA Emilija Manevska 668046308 dsc_3899-1.jpg 668046308-
Filmmakers clapboard Extended Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement Poland 1.000000000 Getty 13.942310000 0.200000000 2.788460000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137871976 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image 10mb Emilija Manevska
1138418293 dsc_3486.jpg 1138418293-Young woman handwriting at notebook
while looking Japan 1.000000000 Getty 169.148800000
0.200000000 33.829760000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000
USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2612490696 08-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Corus
Television Limited Partn Emilija Manevska 645064338 dsc_7786-1.jpg
645064338-Tampons on pink background 09/23/2020-09/22/2021 TV
Broadcaster, Territory: Canada.Editorial rights granted for web and broadcast use.
Reproduction rights limited to the term of the agreement.Archive rights in
perpetuity within its original context. Canada 1.000000000 Getty
5.447350000 0.200000000 1.089470000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-132830822 10-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image Fotocadeau B.V. COO / Portal NA
Emilija Manevska 646421788 dsc_7906-1.jpg 646421788-Cinnamon sticks and
cinnamon powder Netherlands 1.000000000 Partner Portal
1.653240000 0.200000000 0.330650000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2613819189 10-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Pack Stills BARMER
Emilija Manevska 1056431092 dsc_7791123a.jpg 1056431092-Little baby feet
in parents hands Creative royalty-free images and videos are licensed for
worldwide commercial and editorial use in perpetuity. Editorial images are licensed
for worldwide editorial use only (excluding book and magazine covers) for 15 year
duration. Germany 1.000000000 Getty 297.582970000 0.200000000
59.516590000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2613893516 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited GREENFLEX
Emilija Manevska 1001115014 dsc_3410c.jpg 1001115014-Wet footprints on
the edge of the wooden dock Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement France 1.000000000 Getty 14.757910000 0.200000000 2.951580000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620182447 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Paul
Hartmann AG Emilija Manevska 1001115014 dsc_3410c.jpg 1001115014-Wet
footprints on the edge of the wooden dock 2022 Apr 01 - 2023 Mar 31. Health
Care. Commercial and Editorial - Full RR rights (all uses);Commercial and Editorial
- Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial -
social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution
platforms;Commercial - Other. commercial and editorial. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Germany 1.000000000
Getty 15.749850000 0.200000000 3.149970000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614225497 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited 300 DPI SRL
Emilija Manevska 1139038629 dsc_3557a.jpg 1139038629-Colored Cardboard
Texture 07/21/2021-07/20/2022 Territory: worldwide. Commercial uses BASIC
LICENSE. Reproduction rights: one use per download. Archival rights: within the
context of the original use in perpetuity. Argentina 1.000000000 Getty
10.114190000 0.200000000 2.022840000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134539996 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 684932680 dsc_9723123-1.jpg 684932680-Young Woman in
fashion clothing store, searching t China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134581589 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 897399582 dsc_3032a.jpg 897399582-Hospitals
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000
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100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134588685 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 868465182 dsc_3837a.jpg 868465182-Wine Time. Man
pouring white wine China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134590552 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 964766780 dsc_0838a.jpg 964766780-Young woman crying
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000
0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614010147 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Fadaat Media
Ltd Emilija Manevska 1385114023 dsc_8736copy2.jpg 1385114023-Airplane on blue
background 30/06/2021 – 29/06/2023- Media, broadcast - Middle East, Gulf
States, North & North-west Africa, Europe, Editorial - website(s);Editorial -
social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Syndication ;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use ;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms -
Unlimited number of uses per download, during the Term only (only available for RF
Stills/Video/Music) - In perpetuity, within the context of the original use
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.383360000 0.200000000
0.276670000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134591428 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 922624288 dsc_3258123.jpg 922624288-Young man using
laptop with green screen ,chroma k China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134594154 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 684823206 dsc_7952123.jpg 684823206-Birthday
decoration. Colorful candy, sweets and ba China 1.000000000
Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614496541 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited COMERCIAL
ECCSA S.A. Emilija Manevska 1253635991 dsc_0860a.jpg 1253635991-Portrait of a
dog for adoption Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access agreement
Chile 1.000000000 Getty 11.457570000 0.200000000 2.291510000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614510010 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Pacifico
Cia. de Seguros y Rea Emilija Manevska 923202352 dsc_0668b.jpg 923202352-
Video game gadgets on white background Basic Limited to terms of the
Premium Access agreement Peru 1.000000000 Getty 7.060240000 0.200000000
1.412050000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134590470 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 806199708 dsc_9050123a.jpg 806199708-Group of young
people having fun at the rooftop pa China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614557571 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited bTV Media
Group Emilija Manevska 964766710 dsc_0800a.jpg 964766710-Young woman Spy on
Boyfriend Cell Phone 2022 Jan 26 - 2023 Jan 25. Publishing: Online.
World;Bulgaria. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial
- Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Bulgaria 1.000000000 Getty 4.408640000 0.200000000 0.881730000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619594377 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Future
Publishing Ltd Emilija Manevska 964766710 dsc_0800a.jpg 964766710-Young
woman Spy on Boyfriend Cell Phone 2022 Feb 05 - 2022 Oct 04. Publishing:
Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 2.266080000 0.200000000 0.453220000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620038190 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited THX MEDIOS S
A Emilija Manevska 964766710 dsc_0800a.jpg 964766710-Young woman Spy on
Boyfriend Cell Phone 2022 Mar 29 - 2023 Mar 28. Publishing: Online. Latin
America. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Royalty Free &
Editorial. Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within
the context of the original use. Argentina 1.000000000 Getty 2.605510000
0.200000000 0.521100000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620589425 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Assembly
Technologies Inc Emilija Manevska 964766710 dsc_0800a.jpg 964766710-Young
woman Spy on Boyfriend Cell Phone 2021 Oct 24 - 2022 Oct 23. Publishing:
Online. World. Editorial - website(s). Editorial - website(s).. Digital. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Canada
1.000000000 Getty 0.189470000 0.200000000 0.037890000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614931716 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BANCO DE
AMRICA CENTRAL HONDU Emilija Manevska 821525154 dsc_8838123.jpg 821525154-
Excited young woman getting engaged 2022 Jan 13 - 2023 Jan 12. Financial
Services. Latin America. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content. Credomatic
Honduras. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context
of the original use. Honduras 1.000000000 Getty 0.880000000 0.200000000
0.176000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134232291 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 619472154 dsc_7480123-1.jpg 619472154-Bottle of white
wine China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000
0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134232623 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
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Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134153205 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
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simulator on white background China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
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Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134373201 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1176520757 dsc_6517_1.jpg 1176520757-Exercise equipment
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Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134235025 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
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Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134265146 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 829592268 dsc_0542.jpg 829592268-Stringing machine
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134297594 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1005873818 dsc_1492a.jpg 1005873818-Young woman
wearing long dress China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134377046 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1205956770 dsc_2565a.jpg 1205956770-Colorful towels
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134377195 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1074164804 dsc_0241a.jpg 1074164804-A pair of knitting
needles, knitting and cell pho China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134215606 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1205965713 dsc_1946123.jpg 1205965713-Man using digital
tablet with smart home control China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134194452 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 684820152 dsc_7908123.jpg 684820152-Occasions
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615331250 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Infosys
Limited Emilija Manevska 926125442 dsc_8395a.jpg 926125442-Man using
virtual reality simulator headset 30/05/2021 to 29/05/2022:- Industry -
IT , India, Commercial and Promotional Use:- Licensees digital platforms, Corporate
– internal or external use ; Social media rights: In-context, New use, Reproduction
Rights- Unlimited number of uses per download, in perpetuity,Archival rights : In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. (if applicable) India
1.000000000 Getty 2.386320000 0.200000000 0.477260000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134425937 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 684820150 dsc_7901123.jpg 684820150-Occasions
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615353602 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited G.IE.MC2M
Emilija Manevska 1140352484 dsc_4305a.jpg 1140352484-Strawberry Chia
Seed Pudding 29/09/21 to 28/09/22, Periodical industrie : online
Magazine, worldwide, digital use only. Reproduction rights : one use per download.
Archival Rights : in perpetuity, within the context of the original use
France 1.000000000 Getty 1.091140000 0.200000000 0.218230000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615583269 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited AUFEMININ
Emilija Manevska 1140352484 dsc_4305a.jpg 1140352484-Strawberry Chia
Seed Pudding 2022 Feb 16 - 2023 Feb 15. Publishing: Online. World.
Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. France 1.000000000
Getty 2.094100000 0.200000000 0.418820000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615364268 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited MEDIA 24
MAGAZINES PA Emilija Manevska 1292379231 dsc_8388a.jpg 1292379231-Young
woman shopping online, e-shopping 2022 Jan 01 - 2022 Dec 31. Publishing:
Print & Online. South Africa. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses,
in perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial
- Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s)
(cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Print and online. Print &
Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. South Africa 1.000000000 Getty 13.290000000 0.200000000
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NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Future
Publishing Ltd Emilija Manevska 937291664 dsc_3360123.jpg 937291664-Directly
above view of a working table 2022 Feb 05 - 2022 Oct 04. Publishing: Print &
Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial
- Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000
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Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134147995 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134151236 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 687418326 dsc_4184123-1.jpg 687418326-Young couple
watching boring television program China 1.000000000 Partner
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138006096 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image 28mb John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Emilija Manevska 1054248224 8626a039-04d2-4a3d-aa8b-e10d916a7883.jpg
1054248224-Rotten Apples On Ground United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 92.224180000 0.200000000 18.444840000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134213275 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1016083758 dsc_2088.jpg 1016083758-Wooden fence
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2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134154223 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
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working on her motorcycle China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615513201 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BRONSON
TRADE DESIGN Emilija Manevska 1089267864 dsc_0960ac.jpg 1089267864-Pastel
Multi Color Background Extended Limited to terms of the Premium Access
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Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615908741 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited
Emilija Manevska 932141370 dsc_1559a.jpg 932141370-Ice coffee with
cream 08/08/2021-07/08/2022. Web Media Company, Territory: Global. Editorial
Rights. include In-context promotion & In-context syndication rights. Reproduction
rights limited to term of contract, Archival rights are perpetual in context.
Japan 1.000000000 Getty 0.947230000 0.200000000 0.189450000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615922200 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Emilija Manevska 1306526663 dsc_1362123a.jpg 1306526663-
Young woman moving in into new apartment Editorial Australia
1.000000000 Getty 8.542480000 0.200000000 1.708500000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619443586 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Virgin
Active Emilija Manevska 1306526663 dsc_1362123a.jpg 1306526663-Young woman
moving in into new apartment Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 8.893050000
0.200000000 1.778610000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
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0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621466058 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Promotora de
Informaciones, S. Emilija Manevska 1306526663 dsc_1362123a.jpg 1306526663-Young
woman moving in into new apartment 2022 Jan 28 - 2022 Apr 27. Publishing:
Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Editorial Rights- Print & Web Usages- Editorial Text Books & E books- Territory:
World Rights Print & Web & All Apps Usages-Social Media usages- Self autopromotion
editorial rights in self context. Reproduction rights: Limited to term of
agreement. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Spain 1.000000000 Getty 0.947860000 0.200000000 0.189570000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615931143 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BBC Studios
Australia Pty Ltd Emilija Manevska 1097787208 dsc_1918.jpg 1097787208-Wild
Flowers In Windy Day Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement Australia 1.000000000 Getty 8.505660000 0.200000000 1.701130000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616096945 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited We are
Sunday Emilija Manevska 1164361555 dsc_8902a.jpg 1164361555-Young woman
using laptop in bedroom Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 7.246190000
0.200000000 1.449240000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134044569 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1205958784 dsc_2586a.jpg 1205958784-Colorful towels
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-133982732 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1205958784 dsc_2586a.jpg 1205958784-Colorful towels
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134148293 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 867149980 dsc_6491123.jpg 867149980-Wine Time
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-133842352 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1283687260 dsc_9112a.jpg 1283687260-Close-up of rose
hips China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-133821495 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 813081650 dsc_1530123.jpg 813081650-Test tubes with
various colors China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134025123 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 684893908 dsc_4801-1.jpg 684893908-Newborn baboon
laying on bed China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
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0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-133821512 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1216618896 dsc_4324a.jpg 1216618896-Renovating home.
Painting activity China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
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0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134044531 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1178618244 dsc_1170a.jpg 1178618244-Gluten free Corn
bread China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000
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0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134425883 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1032033012 dsc_5576a.jpg 1032033012-Businessman using
mobile phone China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
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0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134220818 18-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1032033012 dsc_5576a.jpg 1032033012-Businessman using
mobile phone China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
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0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616276335 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited MMI
INFRASTRUCTURE Emilija Manevska 637875948 dsc_0143-1a.jpg 637875948-Colorful
Crumpled Paper Balls 2022 Apr 01 - 2023 Mar 31. Financial Services. South
Africa. Commercial - Other. Print, web, social media. Print & Digital. Unlimited
number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
South Africa 1.000000000 Getty 10.780000000 0.200000000
2.156000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623780712 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited LES ECHOS
MANAGEMENT SAS Emilija Manevska 637875948 dsc_0143-1a.jpg 637875948-Colorful
Crumpled Paper Balls 2022 Apr 19 - 2023 Apr 18. Publishing: Print &
Online. France. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial
- Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Editorial rights, Print & web. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per
download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
France 1.000000000 Getty 1.300550000 0.200000000 0.260110000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616363293 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited METROPOLES
MIDIA E COMUNICACAO Emilija Manevska 1319979182 dsc_3211123.jpg 1319979182-
Young pregnant woman in pain 2022 Feb 03 - 2023 Feb 02. Publishing: Online.
Brazil. Editorial - website(s). Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. Brazil 1.000000000 Getty
0.442710000 0.200000000 0.088540000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616703569 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Promotora de
Informaciones, S. Emilija Manevska 1306879067 dsc_1530123a.jpg 1306879067-Dog
eating dog cake. Dogs Birthday Party 2022 Jan 28 - 2022 Apr 27.
Publishing: Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Editorial Rights- Print & Web Usages- Editorial Text Books & E books- Territory:
World Rights Print & Web & All Apps Usages-Social Media usages- Self autopromotion
editorial rights in self context. Reproduction rights: Limited to term of
agreement. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Spain 1.000000000 Getty 0.947860000 0.200000000 0.189570000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134043474 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 868465218 dsc_5108a.jpg 868465218-Restaurant table
setting China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
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0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-133857317 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1074164728 dsc_0243a.jpg 1074164728-A pair of knitting
needles, knitting and cell pho China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134046058 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 684823132 dsc_7939-1.jpg 684823132-Gumball Machine
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616881869 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 648741816 dsc_8063-1.jpg 648741816-Young woman
buttoning tight jeans - dieting concep 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30.
Publishing: Newspapers. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United
Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617340800 16-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BURDA
PUBLISHING POLSKA SP. Z Emilija Manevska 999101830 dsc_1519a.jpg 999101830-
Woman holding plant 2022 Jan 01 - 2022 Dec 31. Publishing: Online.
Poland. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms. Digital. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Poland
1.000000000 Getty 2.281470000 0.200000000 0.456290000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617420926 16-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DPG Media NV
Emilija Manevska 1176521978 dsc_5305123.jpg 1176521978-Chess Board
2022 Feb 28 - 2022 May 27. Publishing: Print & Online. Belgium;Netherlands.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs. Print. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Belgium 1.000000000 Getty 3.174220000 0.200000000 0.634840000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617342988 16-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Fadaat Media
Ltd Emilija Manevska 1150510345 dsc_5478123.jpg 1150510345-Bamboo tooth
brushes 30/06/2021 – 29/06/2023- Media, broadcast - Middle East, Gulf
States, North & North-west Africa, Europe, Editorial - website(s);Editorial -
social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Syndication ;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use ;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms -
Unlimited number of uses per download, during the Term only (only available for RF
Stills/Video/Music) - In perpetuity, within the context of the original use
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.383360000 0.200000000
0.276670000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617357515 16-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited JWT Uganda
PA Emilija Manevska 637875952 dsc_0153-1a.jpg 637875952-Yellow crumpled
paper 6/11/21-6/10/22. Worldwide commercial rights. Reproduction rights
unlimited. Archival rights in perpetuity. Uganda 1.000000000 Getty
1.070000000 0.200000000 0.214000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617488877 16-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Player Emilija Manevska 922526404 dsc_6334-1123.jpg 922526404-
Cocktails 2021 Dec 01 - 2022 Nov 30. Publishing: Online. Hungary.
Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Editorial - website(s);Editorial -
social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional
Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. website, print
magazine. Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context
of the original use. Hungary 1.000000000 Getty 1.653240000 0.200000000
0.330650000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617668017 16-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Grupa
Wirtualna Polska Sp. z o Emilija Manevska 627001770 dsc_3919-1.jpg
627001770-Dry Coconut Flakes 2022 Jan 01 - 2022 Dec 31. Publishing:
Online. World. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Poland 1.000000000 Getty 1.300550000 0.200000000 0.260110000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618077846 17-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ByteDance
Emilija Manevska 926168548 dsc_1029123.jpg 926168548-Makeup Bag with
variety of beauty products Basic Japan 1.000000000 Getty 7.713190000
0.200000000 1.542640000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618098863 18-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited TURKUVAZ
DERGI Emilija Manevska 926168548 dsc_1029123.jpg 926168548-Makeup Bag with
variety of beauty products 13/9/2020-12/9/2022; MAGAZINE PUBLISHING,
6.000000000 0.200000000 1.200000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138172269 17-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress UU / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1195098292 dsc_9536a.jpg 1195098292-Green eucalyptus
branch on dark background China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
5.020000000 0.200000000 1.004000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618193487 18-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Asianet News
Media & Entertain Emilija Manevska 1160214642 dsc_7564a.jpg 1160214642-Green
smoothie 2022 Feb 28 - 2022 Jun 27. Publishing: Online. India. Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. India 1.000000000 Getty
1.509330000 0.200000000 0.301870000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618555849 18-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ScienceAlert
Pty Ltd Emilija Manevska 1042558974 dsc_7113a.jpg 1042558974-
Anthropomorphic object. Tennis ball Basic Australia 1.000000000 Getty
5.795630000 0.200000000 1.159130000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134364029 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1061051784 dsc_8341123.jpg 1061051784-Young woman
wrapping Christmas presents on wooden China 1.000000000
Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134201165 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1248129149 dsc_4681123a.jpg 1248129149-Sanitary pad on
pink background China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134201356 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1216623516 dsc_4223a.jpg 1216623516-Renovating home.
Painting activity China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-133884315 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 923202418 dsc_0631123.jpg 923202418-Virtual reality
simulator on white background China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138189019 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image 48mb Photowall - Nordic e Trade AB
Emilija Manevska 922526846 dsc_6343-1123.jpg 922526846-Cocktails
Sweden 1.000000000 Getty 53.948090000 0.200000000 10.789620000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-133976442 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 699334236 dsc_3107123.jpg 699334236-Fresh Organic
Cherry Tomatoes on Weighting scale China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138199858 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image 48mb Emilija Manevska
1024737838 dsc_5375a.jpg 1024737838-Dying plant Japan
1.000000000 Getty 154.771150000 0.200000000 30.954230000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618700434 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited MONDADORI
MEDIA S.P.A. Emilija Manevska 1070543788 dsc_0080a.jpg 1070543788-
Drafting Compasses Drawing Square Shape 2022 Apr 13 - 2023 Apr 12.
Publishing: Online. Italy. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use. Editorial
usages on Licensee's websites. Digital. One use per download. During the term of
the agreement. Perpetually in context. Italy 1.000000000 Getty 1.102160000
0.200000000 0.220430000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618727826 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Connect
Emilija Manevska 926168318 dsc_1032123a.jpg 926168318-Beauty products
2021 Nov 22 - 2022 Nov 21. Software & Services. Japan. Commercial - limited
rights for RF Content. Digital Ad. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. Japan 1.000000000 Getty 6.774410000
0.200000000 1.354880000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618736373 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited OBI GmbH &
Co. Deutschland KG Emilija Manevska 1279518632 dsc_7259a123.jpg 1279518632-
Young craftwork woman using laptop in wood worksh 2021 Dec 15 - 2022 Dec
14. Consumer Goods & Manufacturing. German-speaking Countries. Commercial and
Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity). Print & Digital. Unlimited
number of uses per download (In perpetuity). During the term of the agreement.
Germany 1.000000000 Getty 35.820170000 0.200000000 7.164030000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618757782 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Future
Publishing Ltd Emilija Manevska 917587798 dsc_8889123.jpg 917587798-Young
woman getting ready for training 18/06/2021 - 31/03/2022 - Publishing
Periodicals, Territory Worldwide,Editorial rights granted for print and web
publication (excludes cover use). Reproduction rights limited to the terms of the
agreement. Archival rights limited to the terms of the agreement. United
Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 2.964350000 0.200000000 0.592870000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618935113 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited
Emilija Manevska 999101526 dsc_1097a.jpg 999101526-Female legs in
knitted socks 08/08/2021-07/08/2022. Web Media Company, Territory:
Global. Editorial Rights. include In-context promotion & In-context syndication
rights. Reproduction rights limited to term of contract, Archival rights are
perpetual in context. Japan 1.000000000 Getty 0.947230000 0.200000000
0.189450000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618985427 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 687415766 dsc_4264123-1.jpg 687415766-Young woman
Spy on Husbands Cell Phone 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing:
Newspapers. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United
Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623193101 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited KELI NETWORK
Emilija Manevska 687415766 dsc_4264123-1.jpg 687415766-Young woman Spy on
Husbands Cell Phone 2022 Feb 25 - 2023 Feb 24. Publishing: Online. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps. Websites, social media, apps mobile/tablets. Digital. One use per download.
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Perpetuity. France
1.000000000 Getty 2.678250000 0.200000000 0.535650000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134047635 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 837193748 dsc_4824-1.jpg 837193748-Clothes in laundry
basket China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134201978 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 937302334 dsc_3383.jpg 937302334-Working desk
China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-133972518 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1215335976 dsc_4010aa.jpg 1215335976-Close up of woman
disinfecting laptop China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619439508 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Posterton AB
Emilija Manevska 978988814 dsc_1518.jpg 978988814-Chia Seed Pudding
With Fresh Blueberries 2022 Feb 26 - 2023 Feb 25. Retail. World. Commercial
- limited rights for RF Content. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content. Print.
Unlimited number of uses per download. During the term of the agreement.
Sweden 1.000000000 Getty 26.137640000 0.200000000 5.227530000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619583473 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst -
United Kingdom Emilija Manevska 912168380 dsc_8569a.jpg 912168380-Aloe
Vera plant in white flowerpot 2022 Apr 11 - 2022 Jul 10. Publishing: Print &
Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial
- print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only). Editorial Use on all Hearst
Properties. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great Britain)
1.000000000 Getty 3.333250000 0.200000000 0.666650000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619666624 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DuMont
Regionalmedienholding G Emilija Manevska 959459498 dsc_9869123.jpg 959459498-
Woman designer makes and design jewelry in worksho 2022 Apr 06 - 2023 Apr
05. Publishing: Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial
- print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Print & Digital. Unlimited number
of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Germany 1.000000000 Getty 0.837640000 0.200000000
0.167530000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625924749 29-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Old Mutual
Investment Group Emilija Manevska 959459498 dsc_9869123.jpg 959459498-Woman
designer makes and design jewelry in worksho 2021 Dec 15 - 2022 Dec 14.
Financial Services. South Africa. Commercial - Other. Print, web, social media.
Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. South Africa 1.000000000 Getty 8.450000000
0.200000000 1.690000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619668106 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DuMont
Regionalmedienholding G Emilija Manevska 1127509654 dsc_2306a.jpg 1127509654-
Woman making contact less payment with smartphone 2022 Apr 06 - 2023 Apr
05. Publishing: Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial
- print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Print & Digital. Unlimited number
of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Germany 1.000000000 Getty 0.837640000 0.200000000
0.167530000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138204524 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 695556186 dsc_3253123.jpg 695556186-Young man using his
laptop to try to solve problem China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.390000000 0.200000000 0.078000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138325956 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 695556186 dsc_3253123.jpg 695556186-Young man using his
laptop to try to solve problem China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 1.100000000 0.200000000 0.220000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138205945 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1056431092 dsc_7791123a.jpg 1056431092-Little baby feet
in parents hands China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.390000000
0.200000000 0.078000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-139113333 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image 48mb DDB Health GmbH Emilija
Manevska 1056431092 dsc_7791123a.jpg 1056431092-Little baby feet in parents
hands Germany 1.000000000 Getty 99.194320000 0.200000000
19.838860000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138215876 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1216622274 dsc_4313a.jpg 1216622274-Close up Of Empty
Dirty Refrigerator China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
6.270000000 0.200000000 1.254000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619455539 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited MEDIA 24
MAGAZINES PA Emilija Manevska 964766788 dsc_0833a.jpg 964766788-Couple
having fight in the park 2022 Jan 01 - 2022 Dec 31. Publishing: Print &
Online. South Africa. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s)
(cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Print and online. Print &
Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. South Africa 1.000000000 Getty 13.290000000 0.200000000
2.658000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138212430 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1181889248 dsc_7912a.jpg 1181889248-Shopping and
delivery concept China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.700000000
0.200000000 0.140000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138539698 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1181889248 dsc_7912a.jpg 1181889248-Shopping and
delivery concept China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 2.200000000
0.200000000 0.440000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138549395 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1181889248 dsc_7912a.jpg 1181889248-Shopping and
delivery concept China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 2.900000000
0.200000000 0.580000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620065565 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Fadaat Media
Ltd Emilija Manevska 917587722 dsc_8885123.jpg 917587722-Young sport woman
with injured ankle 30/06/2021 – 29/06/2023- Media, broadcast - Middle
East, Gulf States, North & North-west Africa, Europe, Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication ;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional
Use ;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution
platforms - Unlimited number of uses per download, during the Term only (only
available for RF Stills/Video/Music) - In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty
1.383360000 0.200000000 0.276670000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138211009 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1356368079 dsc_5784a.jpg 1356368079-2022 Number. New
Year Concept China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.700000000
0.200000000 0.140000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620372354 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ENRJ
Emilija Manevska 624690852 dsc_2964-1.jpg 624690852-Vintage Vinyl
Records 2022 Jan 10 - 2023 Jan 09. Entertainment & Art Services. French-
speaking Countries. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. RF and Editorial. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. France
1.000000000 Getty 3.416690000 0.200000000 0.683340000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623246472 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited THX MEDIOS S
A Emilija Manevska 624690852 dsc_2964-1.jpg 624690852-Vintage Vinyl
Records 2022 Mar 29 - 2023 Mar 28. Publishing: Online. Latin America.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Royalty Free & Editorial. Digital.
Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Argentina 1.000000000 Getty 2.605510000 0.200000000
0.521100000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620515915 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst -
United Kingdom Emilija Manevska 1307254769 dsc_6893a.jpg 1307254769-Fresh
black currant 2022 Apr 11 - 2022 Jul 10. Publishing: Print & Online.
World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only). Editorial Use on all Hearst
Properties. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great Britain)
1.000000000 Getty 3.333250000 0.200000000 0.666650000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620189511 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited RTBF - Radio
Television Belge Emilija Manevska 1005873792 dsc_1601a.jpg 1005873792-Young
woman standing in front of her closet choos 2022 Feb 24 - 2023 Feb 23.
Broadcasting & Video on Demand. Belgium. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights
(all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution
platforms;Commercial - Other. .. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Belgium
1.000000000 Getty 1.928780000 0.200000000 0.385760000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620301723 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited RTBF - Radio
Television Belge Emilija Manevska 1158763762 dsc_5937a.jpg 1158763762-
Electric Push Scooter For Public Use 2022 Feb 24 - 2023 Feb 23.
Broadcasting & Video on Demand. Belgium. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights
(all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution
platforms;Commercial - Other. .. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Belgium
1.000000000 Getty 1.928780000 0.200000000 0.385760000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620309325 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Grupa
Wirtualna Polska Sp. z o Emilija Manevska 1306526783 dsc_1291123a.jpg
1306526783-Young woman moving in into new apartment 2022 Jan 01 - 2022
Dec 31. Publishing: Online. World. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all
uses, in perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution
platforms. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Poland 1.000000000 Getty 1.300550000 0.200000000
0.260110000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620689532 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Assembly
Technologies Inc Emilija Manevska 912168376 dsc_8568a.jpg 912168376-Aloe
Vera plant in white flowerpot 2021 Oct 24 - 2022 Oct 23. Publishing: Online.
World. Editorial - website(s). Editorial - website(s).. Digital. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Canada
1.000000000 Getty 0.189470000 0.200000000 0.037890000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138310615 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 919739062 dsc_2052.jpg 919739062-Empty home office
desk China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 2.200000000 0.200000000
0.440000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138345187 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image 48mb Ernst & Young LLP Emilija
Manevska 1292379231 dsc_8388a.jpg 1292379231-Young woman shopping online,
e-shopping United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty
296.434880000 0.200000000 59.286980000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621693432 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BALENAZ
Media Consulting SRL Emilija Manevska 1056431092 dsc_7791123a.jpg 1056431092-
Little baby feet in parents hands 10/08/2021 - 09/08/2022, Territory
Romania, editorial use on websites ( and social media platforms.
Romania 1.000000000 Getty 1.377700000 0.200000000 0.275540000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2622003091 23-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited AUFEMININ
Emilija Manevska 641849484 dsc_4643123-1.jpg 641849484-Woman receiving wax
hair removal 2022 Feb 16 - 2023 Feb 15. Publishing: Online. World.
Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. France 1.000000000
Getty 2.094100000 0.200000000 0.418820000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138506358 24-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 926168548 dsc_1029123.jpg 926168548-Makeup Bag with
variety of beauty products China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138507584 24-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 962481736 dsc_9977123.jpg 962481736-Woman holding
welding torch melting silver China 1.000000000 Partner Portal
0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138507585 24-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 962482074 dsc_0052123.jpg 962482074-Woman holding
welding torch and melting silver in China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138545338 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1199731531 studiosession-229a.jpg 1199731531-Sugar Cubes
On Ping Background. Knolling Concept China 1.000000000
Partner Portal 37.460000000 0.200000000 7.492000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138543468 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 637558032 dsc_6160g.jpg 637558032-Young man with
vintage camera on yellow background China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 0.080000000 0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138549158 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1043066108 dsc_1788a.jpg 1043066108-Air Monitoring
Station China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 2.900000000
0.200000000 0.580000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623669520 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited
Emilija Manevska 1147784676 dsc_5104a.jpg 1147784676-Close up of young
woman taking care of her plants 08/08/2021-07/08/2022. Web Media Company,
Territory: Global. Editorial Rights. include In-context promotion & In-context
syndication rights. Reproduction rights limited to term of contract, Archival
rights are perpetual in context. Japan 1.000000000 Getty 0.947230000
0.200000000 0.189450000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623717994 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Malayan
Banking Berhad Emilija Manevska 1285067621 dsc_8133a.jpg 1285067621-Muslim
businesswoman working from home Standard Malaysia 1.000000000
Getty 14.292690000 0.200000000 2.858540000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623735183 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Burda
Procurement GmbH Emilija Manevska 1305852232 dsc_1994a.jpg 1305852232-Young
farmer protecting his plants with chemicals 2022 Mar 11 - 2023 Jan 10.
Publishing: Print & Online. German-speaking Countries. Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional
Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Germany 1.000000000 Getty 3.967770000 0.200000000 0.793550000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2622968081 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 945033754 dsc_9416a.jpg 945033754-Red wooden
front door 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Newspapers. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623773511 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 945033754 dsc_9416a.jpg 945033754-Red wooden
front door 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Newspapers. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623035877 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited AUFEMININ
Emilija Manevska 1296308226 dsc_9897123a.jpg 1296308226-Sport and fitness
equipment 2022 Feb 16 - 2023 Feb 15. Publishing: Online. World. Commercial
and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. France 1.000000000
Getty 2.094100000 0.200000000 0.418820000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623719638 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited
Emilija Manevska 1323009276 dsc_8212a.jpg 1323009276-Home Office
Interior 2022 Apr 11 - 2022 Jul 10. Publishing: Print & Online. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only). Editorial use on Hearst Properties
Globally. Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context
of the original use. Japan 1.000000000 Getty 3.330030000 0.200000000
0.666010000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138539478 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 638038024 dsc_0205g.jpg 638038024-Clean white
tampons, mobile phone and Calendar China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 2.200000000 0.200000000 0.440000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138549413 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1020197190 dsc_1601a.jpg 1020197190-A fruit and
vegetable stand at a local market China 1.000000000 Partner
Portal 2.900000000 0.200000000 0.580000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-138698699 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES RF Image 10mb Emilija Manevska
1289557906 dsc_9620a.jpg 1289557906-Vial bottles Japan
1.000000000 Getty 169.148800000 0.200000000 33.829760000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623789976 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited MMI Holdings
Limited Emilija Manevska 1262973001 dsc_5608a.jpg 1262973001-Wall paper
with flowers and butterfly 6/1/21-5/31/22. South Africa. Commercial
rights. Reproduction rights unlimited. Archival rights in perpetuity. South
Africa 1.000000000 Getty 12.480000000 0.200000000 2.496000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623887052 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Telegraph
Media Group Limited Emilija Manevska 672458532 untitled-1bb.jpg 672458532-
Hands holding a globe on fire 2022 Mar 01 - 2022 May 31. Publishing:
Newspapers. United Kingdom. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial -
Film/TV programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Editorial. Unlimited
number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 3.873420000
0.200000000 0.774680000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625651906 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited RADIO FRANCE
Emilija Manevska 672458532 untitled-1bb.jpg 672458532-Hands holding a
globe on fire 2022 Mar 03 - 2023 Mar 02. Broadcasting & Video on Demand.
French-speaking Countries. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. France
1.000000000 Getty 3.857560000 0.200000000 0.771510000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624081895 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited
Emilija Manevska 684448310 dsc_5778g.jpg 684448310-Teens Using Social
Media Editorial Japan 1.000000000 Getty 6.343080000 0.200000000
1.268620000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623760513 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Funke
Digital GmbH Emilija Manevska 926168506 dsc_1050a.jpg 926168506-A smear
of black mascara brush 10/05/2021-10/04/2022 Media- Internet Publisher
Territory: Germany. Editorial use in Licensee's Media: Electronic Media (Licensee
Website(s)), Editorial use and, In-context self-promotional rights,In-context
editorial mobile WAP rights; Reproduction/sync Rights: one use per download during
the Agreement Term; Archive Rights: in perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. Germany 1.000000000 Getty 2.634160000 0.200000000
0.526830000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624054203 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Pack Stills Christian Dietrich
Emilija Manevska 806199264 dsc_9112123.jpg 806199264-Young man
practicing parkour on a rooftop Creative royalty-free images and videos
are licensed for worldwide commercial and editorial use in perpetuity. Editorial
images are licensed for worldwide editorial use only (excluding book and magazine
covers) for 15 year duration. Switzerland 1.000000000 Getty 484.297980000
0.200000000 96.859600000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000
USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624599631 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Reach
Publishing Emilija Manevska 945033752 dsc_0133a.jpg 945033752-Brick Facade
Houses 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Newspapers. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print
publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great
Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 1.080340000 0.200000000 0.216070000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624730355 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited RADIO FRANCE
Emilija Manevska 1248128217 dsc_4562123a.jpg 1248128217-Tampons on pink
background 2022 Mar 03 - 2023 Mar 02. Broadcasting & Video on Demand.
French-speaking Countries. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. France
1.000000000 Getty 3.857560000 0.200000000 0.771510000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624705886 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited YNNOVADORES
PUBLICIDADE LTDA Emilija Manevska 665548816 dsc_0923-1.jpg 665548816-
Intercity-Express (ICE) train at platform 6/15/21-6/14/22. Advertising;
Brazil; Commercial Rights granted for print and Web publications (excludes cover
use). Reproduction rights: unlimited number of uses per download, in perpetuity.
Archival rights are in perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Brazil 1.000000000 Getty 0.530850000 0.200000000 0.106170000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625416361 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BBC News &
Sport Emilija Manevska 665548816 dsc_0923-1.jpg 665548816-Intercity-Express
(ICE) train at platform 01/08/2021 -31/08/2022 -Broadcasting, Territory: WW.
Usage Rights: Editorial use in Licensee's Media, In-context self-promotional
rights, In-context syndication rights for Licensee Work; an unlimited number of
UK/Irish-based, third-party websites which are owned or operated by affiliates with
whom Licensee has entered into agreements providing for such syndication, Social
media rights, Licensee mobile/tablet app rights, For Print Publication(s): Cover
use (only available for Editorial and RF) including BBC Monitoring. Reproduction
rights: One use* per download, during the Term only (for clarity, re-use in any
compilation (e.g., best of) format constitutes a new use). Archive rights: 1In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. Term: 1 Year. United
Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000 Getty 0.724620000 0.200000000 0.144920000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624584747 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Future
Publishing Ltd Emilija Manevska 922527790 dsc_6689123.jpg 922527790-Martini
Cocktail 2022 Feb 05 - 2022 Oct 04. Publishing: Print & Online. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. United Kingdom (Great Britain) 1.000000000
Getty 2.266080000 0.200000000 0.453220000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625225814 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Axel
Springer SE Emilija Manevska 1138418299 dsc_3491.jpg 1138418299-Young woman
looking at map 2022 Jan 02 - 2023 Jan 01. Publishing: Print & Online.
Germany. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs. Print & Digital.
One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
Germany 1.000000000 Getty 6.888490000 0.200000000 1.377700000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625985752 29-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst Espaa
S.L Emilija Manevska 1168937677 dsc_9515123a.jpg 1168937677-Walking shoes
2022 Apr 11 - 2022 Jul 10. Publishing: Print & Online. World. Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional
Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. Editorial Use on Hearst Properties. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context
of the original use. Spain 1.000000000 Getty 3.328520000 0.200000000
0.665700000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2626075686 29-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DIGITAS
POLAND SP. Z O.O. Emilija Manevska 1016103320 dsc_2846a.jpg 1016103320-
Collection of different kind of herbs. Herbarium 6/19/21-6/18/22. Poland.
Commercial and promotional rights granted for Licensee's Media. Unlimited number of
uses per download, in perpetuity. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. Poland 1.000000000 Getty 0.969900000 0.200000000 0.193980000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625972013 29-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DZ Bank AG
Emilija Manevska 930410582 dsc_8404ac.jpg 930410582-Young man watching
live concert on virtual reality 06/04/2020 - 06/03/2022 Financial
Services. Territory: worldwide. Commercial usage rights - RF only. Reproduction and
archival rights unlimited in the context of the original use. Germany
1.000000000 Getty 11.021590000 0.200000000 2.204320000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625978950 29-Apr-2022 Moment RF
NON US SALES Premium Access Time Limited EDELMAN SA
Emilija Manevska 1175075599 dsc_1797123.jpg 1175075599-Young man under
the shower in bathroom Standard Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement France 1.000000000 Getty 11.782080000 0.200000000 2.356420000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-134154020 13-Apr-2022 Moment
Unreleased RF NON US SALES RF Image China FotoPress / Portal
Emilija Manevska 1043100780 dsc_7259a.jpg 1043100780-Bitcoin coin
and a piggy bank China 1.000000000 Partner Portal 0.080000000
0.200000000 0.016000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607710339 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Buzzfeed PA Access
Full Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic homemade
dark chocolate 2022 Mar 02 - 2022 Oct 31. Publishing: Online. World.
Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Editorial - website(s);Editorial -
social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Syndication;Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital
distribution platforms. limited commercial rights on RF. Digital. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK
1.000000000 Getty 3.750000000 0.200000000 0.750000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617485245 16-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Bloomberg LP Group
Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic homemade
dark chocolate 2022 Jan 16 - 2023 Jan 15. Publishing: Print & Online.
World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Editorial as per agreement.
Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. PERP REPRO RIGHTS FOR RF. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty
24.720000000 0.200000000 4.944000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620168579 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst Magazines
International Emilija Manevska 936924800 dsc_1566a.jpg 936924800-Rustic
homemade dark chocolate 2022 Apr 11 - 2022 Jul 10. Publishing: Online. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Editorial Rights on Hearst
Properties. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty
3.330000000 0.200000000 0.666000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607757406 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Learn and Get
Smarter, Inc Emilija Manevska 637875898 dsc_0152-1a.jpg 637875898-Colorful
Crumpled Paper Balls Basic CALIFORNIA 1.000000000 Getty 5.230000000
0.200000000 1.046000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137162665 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES RF Image 48mb Entre Health Princeton - INTE
Emilija Manevska 1199736736 dsc_1959b.jpg 1199736736-Hourglass with
golden sand on white background NEW JERSEY 1.000000000 Getty
3.000000000 0.200000000 0.600000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607686443 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Haymarket Media
Emilija Manevska 1289557906 dsc_9620a.jpg 1289557906-Vial bottles
2021 Apr 15 - 2022 Apr 14. Publishing: Print & Online. World. Commercial -
limited rights for RR Content;Commercial - limited rights for NSEA
Content;Commercial and Editorial - Full RR rights (all uses);Commercial and
Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in perpetuity);Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print publication(s)
(cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet
apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms;Commercial - Other. .. Print &
Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original
use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 6.460000000 0.200000000 1.292000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623980437 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited CARGILL CORPORATE
AFFAIRS Emilija Manevska 1289557906 dsc_9620a.jpg 1289557906-Vial bottles
{09/23/2021 - 09/22/2022 }; Marketing; Worldwide; Usage Rights: Commercial
use as set forth in the Licensee's Media Section of contract; Unlimited number of
uses per download, in perpetuity; Archive Rights: In perpetuity, within the context
of the original use. MINNESOTA 1.000000000 Getty 1.980000000 0.200000000
0.396000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624294000 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited HCA - TN
Emilija Manevska 1289557906 dsc_9620a.jpg 1289557906-Vial bottles
2021 Oct 26 - 2022 Oct 25. Health Care. World. Commercial - limited rights
for RF Content. RF Rights. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download
(In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
TENNESSEE 1.000000000 Getty 11.220000000 0.200000000 2.244000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2607749547 01-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thryv, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 1132762927 dsc_3241a.jpg 1132762927-Happy Mothers Day
Written On Wooden Block 2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Software & Services. North
America;Australia. Commercial - Other. No Products for Resale , No Electronic /
Digital Templates Intended for resale,Sharing / DAM Rights: Perpetual. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 2.360000000
0.200000000 0.472000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2608444795 03-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thryv, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 1134257812 dsc_3336a.jpg 1134257812-Girl on home
weight scales 2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Software & Services. North
America;Australia. Commercial - Other. No Products for Resale , No Electronic /
Digital Templates Intended for resale,Sharing / DAM Rights: Perpetual. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 2.360000000
0.200000000 0.472000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2608785239 03-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Yahoo Inc.
Emilija Manevska 1207691564 dsc_3305b.jpg 1207691564-Black Alarm Clock
On Blue Background 2022 Apr 01 - 2022 Jun 30. Telecommunication
Services. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Editorial
Web and apps. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 12.170000000 0.200000000
2.434000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609276655 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited CONDE NAST DIGITAL
PA Emilija Manevska 926168548 dsc_1029123.jpg 926168548-Makeup Bag with
variety of beauty products 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Print &
Online. World. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 8.630000000 0.200000000
1.726000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615003652 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Dow Jones &
Company, Inc. - Wa Emilija Manevska 926168548 dsc_1029123.jpg 926168548-
Makeup Bag with variety of beauty products 2022 Mar 01 - 2023 Feb 28.
Publishing: Newspapers. North America. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial
- print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps.
print and online. Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 50.000000000
0.200000000 10.000000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000
USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2608818073 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited AmerisourceBergen
Emilija Manevska 1297595852 untitled-1a.jpg 1297595852-Medical glass
vials of vaccine 2021 Dec 06 - 2022 Dec 05. Financial Services. World.
Commercial - limited rights for RF Content. Commercial - Other (No Creative RM).
Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. PENNSYLVANIA
1.000000000 Getty 15.440000000 0.200000000 3.088000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618936565 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Proquire LLC
Emilija Manevska 1297595852 untitled-1a.jpg 1297595852-Medical glass
vials of vaccine 9/11/2021 - 9/10/2022- Business Services, Territory:
World.Commercial rights granted.Unlimited reproduction rights in perpetuity.
Archive rights in perpetuity, within the context of original use.
ILLINOIS 1.000000000 Getty 2.930000000 0.200000000 0.586000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619266989 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Mayo Clinic Dept
of Marketing, Emilija Manevska 1297595852 untitled-1a.jpg 1297595852-Medical
glass vials of vaccine 2022 Apr 06 - 2022 Dec 26. Health Care. North
America. Commercial - Other. RF Extended Rights. Unlimited number of uses per
download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
MINNESOTA 1.000000000 Getty 28.100000000 0.200000000 5.620000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137836299 04-Apr-2022 Moment RF
Emilija Manevska 1167542790 dsc_0974a.jpg 1167542790-Group of school or
office supplies on white table MASSACHUSETTS 1.000000000
Getty 185.000000000 0.200000000 37.000000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610019643 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ViacomCBS Promo
Emilija Manevska 1193039335 dsc_2694123a.jpg 1193039335-Stone Wall
Background 2022 Mar 17 - 2022 Jun 16. Broadcasting & Video on Demand. World.
Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Commercial - limited rights for NSEA
Content. Full RF rights. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 5.050000000
0.200000000 1.010000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615848806 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Bed Bath & Beyond
Getty Vendo Emilija Manevska 1193039335 dsc_2694123a.jpg 1193039335-Stone Wall
Background Extended Limited to terms of the Premium Access agreement
NEW JERSEY 1.000000000 Getty 18.450000000 0.200000000 3.690000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610042690 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ViacomCBS ED
Emilija Manevska 964766804 dsc_0850a.jpg 964766804-Young man
supporting female friend 2022 Mar 17 - 2022 Jun 16. Broadcasting & Video
on Demand. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download.
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK
1.000000000 Getty 5.050000000 0.200000000 1.010000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609619198 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Yahoo
Entertainment Emilija Manevska 1009163156 dsc_1774a.jpg 1009163156-
Uncooked Chicken 2022 Apr 01 - 2022 Jun 30. Telecommunication Services.
World. Editorial - website(s). Editorial Web use. Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. CALIFORNIA 1.000000000
Getty 12.170000000 0.200000000 2.434000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614757525 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst Magazines
International Emilija Manevska 1009163156 dsc_1774a.jpg 1009163156-
Uncooked Chicken 2022 Apr 11 - 2022 Jul 10. Publishing: Online. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Editorial Rights on Hearst
Properties. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty
3.330000000 0.200000000 0.666000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2609779139 05-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Microsoft
Multimedia Publishin Emilija Manevska 1306526783 dsc_1291123a.jpg 1306526783-
Young woman moving in into new apartment 2022 Apr 01 - 2022 Jul 31. Software
& Services. World. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional
Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Commercial and Editorial. Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. WASHINGTON 1.000000000
Getty 14.280000000 0.200000000 2.856000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624347555 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited AD SHOP
Emilija Manevska 1306526783 dsc_1291123a.jpg 1306526783-Young woman moving
in into new apartment 4/28/2021-4/27/2022. Ad Shop End-Clients
GEORGIA 1.000000000 Getty 9.500000000 0.200000000 1.900000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625450814 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Meredith
Operations Corporatio Emilija Manevska 1306526783 dsc_1291123a.jpg 1306526783-
Young woman moving in into new apartment 2022 Jan 09 - 2022 Jul 08.
Publishing: Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Commercial - Other. print. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000
Getty 7.700000000 0.200000000 1.540000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610326400 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Affinity Express
Inc Emilija Manevska 1137904196 dsc_3808.jpg 1137904196-Spring flower on
white background 2021 Jun 21 - 2022 Jun 20. Creative Agency. World.
Commercial - limited rights for RF Content. Unlimited. Digital. Unlimited number of
uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. ILLINOIS 1.000000000 Getty 1.070000000 0.200000000
0.214000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2610890080 06-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited CONDE NAST DIGITAL
PA Emilija Manevska 922624122 dsc_5381a.jpg 922624122-Decorative golden
stars on white background 2022 Feb 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing: Print &
Online. World. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital distribution platforms.
Print & Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the
original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 8.630000000 0.200000000
1.726000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611419448 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Exxon Mobil
Corporation-Public Emilija Manevska 695908234 dsc_3488123.jpg 695908234-
Blank blackboard with board eraser 2022 Mar 31 - 2023 Mar 30. Energy. World.
Commercial - Other. Commercial - Other. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use.. Digital. One use per download.
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000
Getty 4.000000000 0.200000000 0.800000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624043770 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Wildfire Contact,
LLC Emilija Manevska 695908234 dsc_3488123.jpg 695908234-Blank blackboard
with board eraser Basic IOWA 1.000000000 Getty 10.000000000
0.200000000 2.000000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625549099 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ViacomCBS Promo
Emilija Manevska 695908234 dsc_3488123.jpg 695908234-Blank blackboard
with board eraser 2022 Mar 17 - 2022 Jun 16. Broadcasting & Video on Demand.
World. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Commercial - limited rights for
NSEA Content. Full RF rights. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within
the context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 5.050000000
0.200000000 1.010000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611462343 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited NYU Langone
Medical Center Emilija Manevska 1209028906 dsc_3392a.jpg 1209028906-Vial
and Syringe 2022 Jan 15 - 2023 Jan 14. Health Care. World. Commercial -
limited rights for RF Content. Full RF. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW
YORK 1.000000000 Getty 12.500000000 0.200000000 2.500000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137888869 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES RF Image 48mb GroupeConnect Emilija Manevska
1292379231 dsc_8388a.jpg 1292379231-Young woman shopping online, e-
shopping NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 285.000000000
0.200000000 57.000000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000
USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2611553428 07-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Scripps Networks,
a Division o Emilija Manevska 1262973001 dsc_5608a.jpg 1262973001-Wall
paper with flowers and butterfly 2022 Feb 28 - 2023 Feb 27. Broadcasting &
Video on Demand. World. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity). Rights as per agreement. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per
download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
GEORGIA 1.000000000 Getty 15.750000000 0.200000000 3.150000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617962741 17-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Rutgers, The State
University Emilija Manevska 1262973001 dsc_5608a.jpg 1262973001-Wall paper
with flowers and butterfly Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement NEW JERSEY 1.000000000 Getty 16.750000000 0.200000000 3.350000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621518246 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Center for
Creative Leadership Emilija Manevska 1262973001 dsc_5608a.jpg 1262973001-
Wall paper with flowers and butterfly Basic Limited to terms of the
Premium Access agreement NORTH CAROLINA 1.000000000 Getty 7.760000000
0.200000000 1.552000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2612487018 08-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited UAB Creative and
Marketing Emilija Manevska 1163742244 dsc_8403a.jpg 1163742244-Beautiful
woman working on laptop Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement ALABAMA 1.000000000 Getty 8.450000000 0.200000000 1.690000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2612551314 08-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thryv, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 919739006 dsc_2048.jpg 919739006-Home office desk
2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Software & Services. North America;Australia.
Commercial - Other. No Products for Resale , No Electronic / Digital Templates
Intended for resale,Sharing / DAM Rights: Perpetual. Print & Digital. Unlimited
number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of
the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 2.360000000 0.200000000 0.472000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2612100899 08-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Commonwealth
Charter Academy Emilija Manevska 684823162 dsc_7950123.jpg 684823162-Birthday
decoration. Colorful candy, sweets and ba 2022 Jan 16 - 2023 Jan 15.
Education. North America. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
Other. Online curriculum and live streams. Print & Digital. One use per download.
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. PENNSYLVANIA
1.000000000 Getty 6.340000000 0.200000000 1.268000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624919810 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Comporium
Emilija Manevska 684823162 dsc_7950123.jpg 684823162-Birthday
decoration. Colorful candy, sweets and ba Basic Limited to terms of the
Premium Access agreement SOUTH CAROLINA 1.000000000 Getty 2.940000000
0.200000000 0.588000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2612569682 08-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Lockton
Emilija Manevska 651971304 dsc_8728123-1.jpg 651971304-Walnuts, almonds
and hazelnuts in a bowl on black Basic Limited to terms of the Premium
Access agreement MISSOURI 1.000000000 Getty 3.750000000 0.200000000 0.750000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-137955820 08-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES RF Image 1mb Marketing Arm, The Emilija
Manevska 1216617147 dsc_4184a.jpg 1216617147-Mold on wall
TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 100.000000000 0.200000000 20.000000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2612964196 09-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Buzzfeed PA Access
Full Emilija Manevska 1138418293 dsc_3486.jpg 1138418293-Young woman
handwriting at notebook while looking 2022 Mar 02 - 2022 Oct 31.
Publishing: Online. World. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication;Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. limited commercial rights on RF. Digital. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW
YORK 1.000000000 Getty 3.750000000 0.200000000 0.750000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614177380 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Microsoft
Multimedia Publishin Emilija Manevska 693443296 dsc_1788123.jpg 693443296-
Portrait of a young woman getting the mail 2022 Apr 01 - 2022 Jul 31.
Software & Services. World. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional
Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
mobile/tablet apps. Commercial and Editorial. Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. WASHINGTON 1.000000000
Getty 14.280000000 0.200000000 2.856000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614343074 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited UL LLC
Emilija Manevska 1305852232 dsc_1994a.jpg 1305852232-Young farmer
protecting his plants with chemicals 2022 Jan 24 - 2023 Jan 23. Business
& Consumer Services. World. Commercial - Other. UL & Affiliate Properties. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. ILLINOIS 1.000000000 Getty
40.000000000 0.200000000 8.000000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614163123 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Outdoor Management
Services, I Emilija Manevska 1140984823 studiosession-069a.jpg 1140984823-
Cosmetic products on white background 2022 Apr 01 - 2023 Mar 31. Creative
Agency. World. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Commercial - Other. All
Media on Licensee's owed properties and billboards. Print & Digital. Unlimited
number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of
the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 4.350000000 0.200000000 0.870000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2613833250 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thryv, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 1319039905 dsc_3046b.jpg 1319039905-Pregnant woman
having Video call 2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Software & Services. North
America;Australia. Commercial - Other. No Products for Resale , No Electronic /
Digital Templates Intended for resale,Sharing / DAM Rights: Perpetual. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 2.360000000
0.200000000 0.472000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614066212 11-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited American City
Business Journal Emilija Manevska 624690852 dsc_2964-1.jpg 624690852-Vintage
Vinyl Records 2022 Feb 08 - 2023 Feb 07. Publishing: Print & Online.
World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per
download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
NORTH CAROLINA 1.000000000 Getty 1.500000000 0.200000000 0.300000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617187966 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited WSECU Emilija
Manevska 624690852 dsc_2964-1.jpg 624690852-Vintage Vinyl Records
Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access agreement WASHINGTON
1.000000000 Getty 8.800000000 0.200000000 1.760000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620678470 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Okayplayer
Emilija Manevska 624690852 dsc_2964-1.jpg 624690852-Vintage Vinyl
Records 2021 Nov 12 - 2022 Nov 11. Publishing: Online. North America.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. and Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000
Getty 12.070000000 0.200000000 2.414000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614914706 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited OC TANNER
Emilija Manevska 1020173686 dsc_3547a.jpg 1020173686-Young woman
receiving a package Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement UTAH 1.000000000 Getty 7.770000000 0.200000000 1.554000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2614919233 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited HTV Digital Studio
Emilija Manevska 1322513867 dsc_3303.jpg 1322513867-Red picnic blanket
2022 Apr 11 - 2022 Jul 10. Publishing: Online. World. Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional
Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. Editorial Right on Hearst TV properties, RF is
granted commercial use for only this division. Digital. Unlimited number of uses
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
NEBRASKA 1.000000000 Getty 3.330000000 0.200000000 0.666000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615009985 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Sunday Riley
Modern Skincare L Emilija Manevska 1138335226 dsc_3402a.jpg 1138335226-Bruised
Knee 2022 Mar 07 - 2023 Mar 06. Consumer Goods & Manufacturing. North
America. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context
of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 24.000000000 0.200000000
4.800000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615138511 12-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited
Emilija Manevska 1149270387 dsc_4840a.jpg 1149270387-Young beautiful
woman in car using mobile phone 2022 Mar 25 - 2023 Mar 24. Entertainment
& Art Services. World. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity). Standard RF rights. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per
download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 16.000000000 0.200000000 3.200000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615610781 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Endurance
International Group Emilija Manevska 875294102 untitled-3b.jpg 875294102-
Young woman looking at map Standard MASSACHUSETTS 1.000000000
Getty 2.000000000 0.200000000 0.400000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615641429 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited HCA - TN
Emilija Manevska 946048198 dsc_2620a.jpg 946048198-fresh grapefruit
2021 Oct 26 - 2022 Oct 25. Health Care. World. Commercial - limited rights
for RF Content. RF Rights. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download
(In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
TENNESSEE 1.000000000 Getty 11.220000000 0.200000000 2.244000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615669623 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Buzzfeed PA Access
Full Emilija Manevska 851905618 dsc_7803123.jpg 851905618-Human hand holding
deletions gyro pita 2022 Mar 02 - 2022 Oct 31. Publishing: Online. World.
Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Editorial - website(s);Editorial -
social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Syndication;Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital
distribution platforms. limited commercial rights on RF. Digital. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK
1.000000000 Getty 3.750000000 0.200000000 0.750000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615709270 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited The Ken Blanchard
Companies Emilija Manevska 637875948 dsc_0143-1a.jpg 637875948-Colorful
Crumpled Paper Balls Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement CALIFORNIA 1.000000000 Getty 8.240000000 0.200000000 1.648000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2615823127 13-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Disney DTC, LLC
Emilija Manevska 668046434 dsc_3927-1.jpg 668046434-Marshmallows in a
small jar 2021 Nov 23 - 2022 Nov 22. Broadcasting & Video on Demand. World.
Commercial - limited rights for RF Content. commercial. Digital. Unlimited number
of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
CALIFORNIA 1.000000000 Getty 86.000000000 0.200000000 17.200000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616298107 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thryv, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 1063242184 dsc_2499.jpg 1063242184-Yarrow Flowers
Blooming 2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Software & Services. North
America;Australia. Commercial - Other. No Products for Resale , No Electronic /
Digital Templates Intended for resale,Sharing / DAM Rights: Perpetual. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 2.360000000
0.200000000 0.472000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616500982 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited PERKINELMER
Emilija Manevska 639013380 dsc_1037-1.jpg 639013380-Rechargeable
batteries Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access agreement
CONNECTICUT 1.000000000 Getty 8.250000000 0.200000000 1.650000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616638417 14-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Leaf Group Ltd. -
API Emilija Manevska 1193037056 dsc_2670123a.jpg 1193037056-White Marble Rock
Background 2022 Jan 18 - 2023 Jan 17. Technology Hardware & Equipment.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital
distribution platforms. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of
the original use. CALIFORNIA 1.000000000 Getty 2.250000000 0.200000000
0.450000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621185468 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Sherwin Williams -
Diversified Emilija Manevska 1193037056 dsc_2670123a.jpg 1193037056-White Marble
Rock Background Extended Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement OHIO 1.000000000 Getty 18.450000000 0.200000000 3.690000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621298148 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Accenture LLP
Emilija Manevska 1193037056 dsc_2670123a.jpg 1193037056-White Marble Rock
Background 8/3/2021-8/2/2022. Limited Use Rights. Industry: Agency
Territory: United States, United Kingdom, and People's Republic of China. Usage
Rights: Commercial and promotional use in Licensee's media. Reproduction Rights:
Unlimited number of uses per download, during Term only. Indemnification Limited to
$250,000/photo, Archival Rights: In perpetuity within the original use.
ILLINOIS 1.000000000 Getty 8.660000000 0.200000000 1.732000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2626064443 29-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Wyndham
Destination Inc Emilija Manevska 1193037056 dsc_2670123a.jpg 1193037056-White
Marble Rock Background 2021 Dec 01 - 2022 Nov 30. Commercial or Corporate
Media Production. World. Commercial and Editorial - Full RR rights (all uses).
commercial and editoiral. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download
(In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
FLORIDA 1.000000000 Getty 6.250000000 0.200000000 1.250000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616937830 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited iHeartMedia
Emilija Manevska 1269077834 untitled-2aa.jpg 1269077834-Yellow Rotary
Phone 2022 Apr 01 - 2023 Mar 31. Broadcasting & Video on Demand. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial -
Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social
media platforms;Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Digital.
Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 2.360000000 0.200000000
0.472000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2616965075 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Meredith
Operations Corporatio Emilija Manevska 1306526663 dsc_1362123a.jpg 1306526663-
Young woman moving in into new apartment 2022 Jan 09 - 2022 Jul 08.
Publishing: Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial -
Other;Commercial - Other. print. Print & Digital. One use per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000
Getty 7.700000000 0.200000000 1.540000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617031564 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Erie Indemnity
Company Emilija Manevska 1306526663 dsc_1362123a.jpg 1306526663-Young woman
moving in into new apartment Standard PENNSYLVANIA 1.000000000
Getty 12.700000000 0.200000000 2.540000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619049407 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ABOUT INC
Emilija Manevska 1306526663 dsc_1362123a.jpg 1306526663-Young woman moving
in into new apartment 2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Publishing: Online. North
America. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional
Use;Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital
distribution platforms. Limited Rights for RF Content; Editorial - Website(s)..
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context
of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 4.830000000 0.200000000
0.966000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617100048 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Forbes - Editorial
Team Emilija Manevska 1311116289 dsc_2806b.jpg 1311116289-Digital
certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination. 9/30/21-9/29/22 Publishing-
Periodicals, Territory: United States, Editorial rights granted for print and web
publications (excludes exclusive content).Archive Rightsduring the term, within the
context of the agreement. NEW JERSEY 1.000000000 Getty 7.250000000
0.200000000 1.450000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617119321 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Leaf Group Ltd. -
API Emilija Manevska 636824334 dsc_9054.jpg 636824334-The hands of a man
planting seeds 2022 Jan 18 - 2023 Jan 17. Technology Hardware & Equipment.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - digital
distribution platforms. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of
the original use. CALIFORNIA 1.000000000 Getty 2.250000000 0.200000000
0.450000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2617128330 15-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Spothero
Emilija Manevska 1167539194 dsc_0905a.jpg 1167539194-Row of white
pencils lying on a white background Basic ILLINOIS 1.000000000 Getty
7.800000000 0.200000000 1.560000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618019838 17-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Yahoo Inc.
Emilija Manevska 964766788 dsc_0833a.jpg 964766788-Couple having fight
in the park 2022 Apr 01 - 2022 Jun 30. Telecommunication Services. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Editorial Web and apps. One
use per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 12.170000000 0.200000000 2.434000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618302455 18-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Boeing Shared
Services Group Emilija Manevska 849821980 dsc_3492123-1.jpg 849821980-Barbecue
Grill 2021 Nov 19 - 2022 Nov 18. Aviation (excluding airlines: see
Transport). World. Commercial - Other. Commercial. Print & Digital. Unlimited
number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
WASHINGTON 1.000000000 Getty 6.500000000 0.200000000 1.300000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618323559 18-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thryv, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 1216617147 dsc_4184a.jpg 1216617147-Mold on wall
2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Software & Services. North America;Australia.
Commercial - Other. No Products for Resale , No Electronic / Digital Templates
Intended for resale,Sharing / DAM Rights: Perpetual. Print & Digital. Unlimited
number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity, within the context of
the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 2.360000000 0.200000000 0.472000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618416333 18-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ViacomCBS ED
Emilija Manevska 1281117571 dsc_9484a.jpg 1281117571-Close up of woman
applying injection with syringe 2022 Mar 17 - 2022 Jun 16. Broadcasting &
Video on Demand. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover
use for RF/NSEA only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV
programs;Editorial - digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download.
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK
1.000000000 Getty 5.050000000 0.200000000 1.010000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620708530 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Group Nine Media
Emilija Manevska 1281117571 dsc_9484a.jpg 1281117571-Close up of woman
applying injection with syringe 2022 Apr 01 - 2022 Apr 30. Publishing:
Online. World. Commercial - limited rights for RR Content;Commercial - limited
rights for RF Content;Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial
- digital distribution platforms. Rights as per agreement. Digital. One use per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK
1.000000000 Getty 5.000000000 0.200000000 1.000000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2626335335 29-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Buzzfeed PA Access
Full Emilija Manevska 1281117571 dsc_9484a.jpg 1281117571-Close up of woman
applying injection with syringe 2022 Mar 02 - 2022 Oct 31. Publishing:
Online. World. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-
Context Syndication;Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. limited commercial rights on RF. Digital. One use
per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW
YORK 1.000000000 Getty 3.750000000 0.200000000 0.750000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618748896 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Commonwealth
Charter Academy Emilija Manevska 1132754811 dsc_3110a.jpg 1132754811-Single
Word Taxes On Wooden Block 2022 Jan 16 - 2023 Jan 15. Education. North
America. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
Other. Online curriculum and live streams. Print & Digital. One use per download.
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. PENNSYLVANIA
1.000000000 Getty 6.340000000 0.200000000 1.268000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618839731 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Yellobee Studio
LLC Emilija Manevska 1008988348 dsc_3801ab.jpg 1008988348-Landing airplane
Extended Limited to terms of the Premium Access agreement GEORGIA
1.000000000 Getty 42.190000000 0.200000000 8.438000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2618942097 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Freedom Project
Emilija Manevska 695556206 dsc_3410123.jpg 695556206-Student student
preparing hard exam Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access
agreement WISCONSIN 1.000000000 Getty 13.900000000 0.200000000 2.780000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619311843 19-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Pitney Bowes
Emilija Manevska 1020173760 dsc_3552a.jpg 1020173760-Close up of a
woman receiving her package Extended Limited to terms of the Premium
Access agreement CONNECTICUT 1.000000000 Getty 20.000000000 0.200000000
4.000000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2622816226 24-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Golf Channel
Editorial Emilija Manevska 1020173760 dsc_3552a.jpg 1020173760-Close up of a
woman receiving her package 2022 Jan 01 - 2022 Dec 31. Sport & Recreation.
North America. Editorial - Film/TV programs. editorial use. One use per download.
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. FLORIDA
1.000000000 Getty 15.000000000 0.200000000 3.000000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619485127 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited GP Strategies
Corporation Emilija Manevska 621945478 dsc_4097123a.jpg 621945478-Young woman
with tape on her mouth 8/30/2021-8/29/2022. Territory: worldwide. Commercial
use MARYLAND 1.000000000 Getty 9.670000000 0.200000000 1.934000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619767875 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Global Payments
Direct , Inc. Emilija Manevska 1147784135 dsc_5201a.jpg 1147784135-Woman
using laptop, examine her plants [ Year 1: 5/21/2021-5/20/2022] Industry:
Financial, Territory: Worldwide, RF Only Agreement Stills, Video, and Music,
Rights: Editorial and Commercial Rights, Authorized Reproduction Rights
(Stills/Video) Unlimited number of uses per download, in perpetuity , Reproduction
Rights (Music) Unlimited number of uses per download, in perpetuity.Archive Rights:
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use, Print Reproductions:
Unlimited, DAM Rights for Brand Library: Host up to 300 assets in brand library
during the Term (accessible to all affiliates and creative agencies defined in
contract) GEORGIA 1.000000000 Getty 28.540000000 0.200000000
5.708000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2619810990 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited NBC Universal
Digital NBC News Emilija Manevska 695556138 dsc_3221123.jpg 695556138-Student
writing on blackboard 6/28-21-6/27-22: editorial use ; one use per DL;
archive rights in perp; worldwide NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 5.980000000
0.200000000 1.196000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620047986 20-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thryv, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 641854836 dsc_4676123-2.jpg 641854836-Woman Receiving wax
hair removal 2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Software & Services. North
America;Australia. Commercial - Other. No Products for Resale , No Electronic /
Digital Templates Intended for resale,Sharing / DAM Rights: Perpetual. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 2.360000000
0.200000000 0.472000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2620851442 21-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited BDG Media
Emilija Manevska 1319025098 dsc_3807123.jpg 1319025098-Pregnant woman
holding toilet paper and using toi 2021 Nov 11 - 2022 Oct 25. Publishing:
Print & Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media
platforms;Editorial - Other;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps. Digital Use Editorial
Publications. Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000
Getty 4.850000000 0.200000000 0.970000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621382461 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited RTI international
Emilija Manevska 1158152471 dsc_6752b123.jpg 1158152471-Pain Killers.
Pills On Pink Background Standard Limited to terms of the Premium
Access agreement NORTH CAROLINA 1.000000000 Getty 11.640000000 0.200000000
2.328000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621556026 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thryv, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 1323040153 dsc_2307123a.jpg 1323040153-Close up of man
using laptop. Making contactless 2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Software &
Services. North America;Australia. Commercial - Other. No Products for Resale , No
Electronic / Digital Templates Intended for resale,Sharing / DAM Rights: Perpetual.
Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty
2.360000000 0.200000000 0.472000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621085106 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Spectrum NLP, LLC
Emilija Manevska 684823154 dsc_7923123.jpg 684823154-Colorful shopping
bags 6/28/21 to 6/27/22 Telecommunications/Media, Territory: Worldwide,
Usage Rights: All Commercial and Editorial use in Licensee's Media. Reproduction
rights: unlimited number of uses per download in perpetuity, Archival rights in
perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000
Getty 4.520000000 0.200000000 0.904000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621225284 22-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Fitch Ratings
Emilija Manevska 1167542785 dsc_0972a.jpg 1167542785-Group of school or
office supplies on white table Basic Limited to terms of the Premium
Access agreement NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 2.900000000 0.200000000 0.580000000
2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2621934177 23-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Thryv, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 825522608 dsc_8734123.jpg 825522608-Friends playing
card games 2022 Feb 01 - 2023 Jan 31. Software & Services. North
America;Australia. Commercial - Other. No Products for Resale , No Electronic /
Digital Templates Intended for resale,Sharing / DAM Rights: Perpetual. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download (In perpetuity). In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 2.360000000
0.200000000 0.472000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -
115.328840000 -115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
0.000000000 636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2622661235 24-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited DailyWire LLC
Emilija Manevska 672458532 untitled-1bb.jpg 672458532-Hands holding a
globe on fire 2022 Feb 23 - 2023 Feb 22. Publishing: Online. North
America. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-
Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial
- digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. TENNESSEE 1.000000000 Getty
5.000000000 0.200000000 1.000000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2622886986 24-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited L.E.K. Consulting
LLC Emilija Manevska 1140984576 studiosession-080a.jpg 1140984576-Cosmetic
products on white background Extended Limited to terms of the Premium
Access agreement MASSACHUSETTS 1.000000000 Getty 25.340000000 0.200000000
5.068000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000
269.100640000 269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
115.328840000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000
636.937270000 636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000
1021.366750000 906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2623517350 25-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst - North
America Emilija Manevska 823741224 dsc_6739-1.jpg 823741224-Avocado seed
growing in glass of water 2022 Apr 11 - 2022 Jul 10. Publishing: Print &
Online. World. Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial
- print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA only). Print & Digital. Unlimited
number of uses per download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use.
NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 3.330000000 0.200000000 0.666000000 2022-
06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000
100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000
0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000 384.429480000 269.100640000
269.100640000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
636.937270000 636.937270000 0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
906.037910000 0.000000000 -115.328840000 -115.328840000
Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624236385 26-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Hearst - North
America Emilija Manevska 1193058299 dsc_7520a.jpg 1193058299-Sound mixer
2022 Apr 11 - 2022 Jul 10. Publishing: Print & Online. World. Editorial -
website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - print publication(s)
(cover use for RF/NSEA only). Print & Digital. Unlimited number of uses per
download. In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. NEW YORK
1.000000000 Getty 3.330000000 0.200000000 0.666000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2624985326 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited The StayWell
Company, LLC Emilija Manevska 1020197190 dsc_1601a.jpg 1020197190-A fruit
and vegetable stand at a local market Extended Limited to terms of the
Premium Access agreement PENNSYLVANIA 1.000000000 Getty 24.850000000
0.200000000 4.970000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625009423 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Vizient, Inc.
Emilija Manevska 1297613502 untitled-1d.jpg 1297613502-Yellow rubber
ducks in a line on colored backgrou Extended Limited to terms of the
Premium Access agreement TEXAS 1.000000000 Getty 15.250000000 0.200000000
3.050000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625059466 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited New York
Independent System Op Emilija Manevska 1062081206 dsc_7438a.jpg 1062081206-
Transmission towers at sunset Extended Limited to terms of the Premium
Access agreement NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 22.860000000 0.200000000
4.572000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000
0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625035620 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ViacomCBS ED
Emilija Manevska 1322500333 dsc_3914123.jpg 1322500333-Pregnant woman
scratching 2022 Mar 17 - 2022 Jun 16. Broadcasting & Video on Demand. World.
Editorial - website(s);Editorial - social media platforms;Editorial - Re-Display
Rights: In-Context Syndication;Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context
Promotional Use;Editorial - print publication(s) (cover use for RF/NSEA
only);Editorial - mobile/tablet apps;Editorial - Film/TV programs;Editorial -
digital distribution platforms. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity,
within the context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty
5.050000000 0.200000000 1.010000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 OD-139116847 27-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES RF Image 48mb MullenLowe Los Angeles Emilija
Manevska 1056431092 dsc_7791123a.jpg 1056431092-Little baby feet in parents
hands CALIFORNIA 1.000000000 Getty 275.000000000 0.200000000
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0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625753040 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited HAYMAKER
INDUSTRIES, LLC. Emilija Manevska 1285056627 dsc_7491a.jpg 1285056627-German
Shepard Paw On The Floor, Close- up 2022 Mar 03 - 2023 Mar 02. Creative
Agency. World. Commercial - limited rights for RF Content. Presentation PA. Print &
Digital. Unlimited number of uses per download. During the term of the agreement.
CALIFORNIA 1.000000000 Getty 6.500000000 0.200000000 1.300000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
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0.000000000 0.000000000 1021.366750000 0.000000000 1021.366750000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625631761 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Pivot Group LLC
Emilija Manevska 923202352 dsc_0668b.jpg 923202352-Video game gadgets
on white background 9/23/2021--9/22/2022.Territory:Worldwide.Usage
Rights:For all Licensed Material downloaded during the Term, Getty Images grants to
Licensee the perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable,
worldwide right to Reproduce the Licensed Material an unlimited number of times in
any and all media, for all purposes other than those prohibited under the Standard
Terms and Conditions.Reproduction Rights:Unlimited number of uses per download, in
perpetuity.Archive Rights:granted in perpetuity. OREGON 1.000000000
Getty 30.000000000 0.200000000 6.000000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00
906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000 0.000000000 636.937270000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625640447 28-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Cape Fear Valley
Hospital Emilija Manevska 623966738 dsc_3054a.jpg 623966738-Blank paper
notice Basic Limited to terms of the Premium Access agreement NORTH
CAROLINA 1.000000000 Getty 9.470000000 0.200000000 1.894000000 2022-06-
25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
100.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 384.429480000 0.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2625972925 29-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited Commonwealth
Charter Academy Emilija Manevska 1132754758 dsc_3104a.jpg 1132754758-Single
Word VAT On Wooden Block 2022 Jan 16 - 2023 Jan 15. Education. North
America. Commercial and Editorial - Full RF rights (all uses, in
perpetuity);Editorial - Re-Display Rights: In-Context Promotional Use;Editorial -
Other. Online curriculum and live streams. Print & Digital. One use per download.
In perpetuity, within the context of the original use. PENNSYLVANIA
1.000000000 Getty 6.340000000 0.200000000 1.268000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-
07:00 906.037910000 USD 0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000
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Emilija Manevska 336466 6378034 6378034;UNI5CrGINS;Emilija
Manevska#336466/UNI5CrGINS Apr-2022 DD-2626443606 29-Apr-2022 Moment RF
US SALES Premium Access Time Limited ViacomCBS Promo
Emilija Manevska 1178612570 dsc_7826a.jpg 1178612570-Gray concrete
background 2022 Mar 17 - 2022 Jun 16. Broadcasting & Video on Demand. World.
Commercial - limited rights for RF Content;Commercial - limited rights for NSEA
Content. Full RF rights. Digital. One use per download. In perpetuity, within the
context of the original use. NEW YORK 1.000000000 Getty 5.050000000
0.200000000 1.010000000 2022-06-25T00:00:00-07:00 906.037910000 USD
0.000000000 0.000000000 100.000000000 100.000000000 0.000000000
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