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Boliarian Republic of Venezuela

Rafael Maria Baralt National Experimental University

Chair: Technical English

Program: Administration

Unit II

Student: Vicmary Gonzalez

Section: 33211

Identity Card: 23480616

Activity: translate the following sentences into Spanish

1. You need to build up experience and usually take further qualifications to then progress
through the career.

Necesita acumular experiencia y, por lo general, obtener más calificaciones para luego progresar
en la carrera.

2. Many companies operated 24 hours a day, all year round and, in some industries, people
worked shifts that cover nights, weekendsand early mornings.

Muchas empresas operaban las 24 horas del día, durante todo el año y, en algunas industrias, la
gente trabajaba turnos que cubren noches, fines de semana y madrugadas.

3. Most companies will provide structured training programmers, which will offer cross-
functional experience and, where necessary, specialist courses.

La mayoría de las empresas proporcionarán programadores de formación estructurados, que

ofrecerá experiencia multifuncional y, cuando sea necesario, especialistas cursos.

4. The industry has experienced a number of technological improvements.

La industria ha experimentado una serie de Mejoras.

5. I'm not working at all. So how can I apply for that job.

No estoy trabajando en absoluto. Entonces, ¿cómo puedo solicitar ese trabajo?

6. Designed procedure manuals /expensive / for companies (superlative grade)

Manuales de procedimientos diseñados / costosos / para empresas (grado superlativo)


1. Engineering profession/old/Management.(comparative grade)

Engineering profession is older than management

2. Working on water/dangerous/working on land(comparative grade)

Working in water is more dangerous than working on land

3. The comparative/easy/in English.(superlative grade)

The comparative is the easiest in English

4. These instruments/effective/the old one. (comparative grade).

These instruments are more effective tham the old one

5. Computers/good/for working in offices (superlative grade)

Computers are the best for working offices

6. Designed procedure manuals/expensive/for companies(superlative grade)

Designed producer manualss are the most expesive for companies


1. Signal point plus is designed for use in the toughest environmental conditions where
temperatures range from 50º to 55º Centigrade. (superlative grade)

Environmental: adjective: relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its

2. Ford’s most famous idea was to standardize manufacturing process in such a way that
large numbers of identical cars could be produced cheaply and quickly. (superlative grade)

Standardize: verbo: cause (something) to conform to a standard

3. The cost of electric heating is usually higher than that of gas or oil heating. (comparative

Usually: adverbio de frecuencia: they are usually placed just before the main verb.

4. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge, often referred to together as Oxbridge,

compete to be seen as the strongest overall university in the UK.(superlative grade)

University: noun: an educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of

students in many branches of advanced learning, conferring degrees in various faculties, and often
embodying colleges and similar institutions

Decide which country the following statements refer to:

1. Need specialized training to become a manager (France)

2. Have extreme authority over their superiors (Germany)

3. Don´t encourage employees to work as a team (United Kingdom)

4. Care a great deal for the working environment (Sweden)

5. Think carefully before making any type of decision (France)

6. Believe in continual training (United Kingdom)

7. Are open to change (USA)

8. Have a high percentage of female managers (Sweden)

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