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22 Ch-b clASSMAte

Chalcnqes to And Restorcuioo of The

Conge css System

Jawabarlal Nehru the firstpsime

Minise y_oE_lndia died on 27 h May
164and Vacum uwcs reated in
h e Cong Kegs

MyLal Bahodur shastri

wa the second
period J- (1964 - 1 6 6)
P.Mot Indlot Ound ne a s ci mited-
Period d ime onen ne udent o Rus Sice
He uwcLS a noo- cootroverial leadex


Onen didTauooncrlal Nehr die

May 27h KA 1964.

2. Ohic h period lo the indiao History is

nsidered aS the dcLaqerous deaade)


ident of lnalian Naho 8 h o 3tgnea t h e Tashken qneemen t

S Oho uOaS 4he DEes lhe hen P.MoE inda loulBahatu
chen 0 a harlall
na conqres Snoutci anq eqenerab Ayuo kihan, Lhe
passed cuoay pesidento t P k i s h o u n

K.Kamraf . Oho Oere tiae (ompe h o r s os He nost

feAAE PM alte he deah ot lal Baadur
the Nex
A D h e e a m eloecame
Minister_af India o t ker_ Shasi
sim Desai and indiraa
J.N Aerct
Lal: 3coadur Sloaste Morarni
ioOe gas ae chet inisker E BomloC
e ima eeperiod OF_la sare
Bahodur_sehshastri as the prme -Monári Des
minis ker of dia2
964-1a66 hy did he senia CDnqcesseadex
ScopporE Indir ex nand D
6 OhA ao/e Hae sloqan fau ufauOan Sa The enior conacess leed er Supported
kisan 1 oeauSe Hoe euived Ho ladir oa
Lol BabadrShacta Gnandh's CLdm nistraive ndpOuAO
inexpecience UDOUld comp<k ne
LOben did Bahadu ghasto died) depedento n h em eo supper cc
10h panuoY1AG henane d e ucomte.
yisted anKent
12:Orile tne i m e Peciod of todir a aa
as he P.M o Ladia
Date Date

BeLane me PMOE (ndi iyDeplahbn d foreiqo enLxchanK

ndi fa nand n
dugicq H e periDe O
e hos E
1 a g o - I 34
1a66- 1} TLeeond
Drop in iustialprodechon aDd
n e n Lndir av_aandne a sassassiakd) expDrA
Cn 31 ockz ber q84
pi/There alasSharp rite
3062 axpencl hire
3 ) hen_canas Lbe forEh 9eneral com lans e Leen2mi duulicp
e t e o o n opk _pla
1 Haa did he
Ehe 4 t h
2 hat a s the contexE be
k n e r l e l e chon) maporiy sk)
There awcre carieusyperOE
preuiusly h e conduchen h e pel
problems cal pariies ppase o
D 4h_qeneral eleelionf realLLL PA ha he
oisioD harqeoele KLpr
lhere ala Sucess ve louluye _ congreK
mo asamn
6 h e (Otnk dN
ceaseLhe term nen- c00greisiom
iyhile cpcecd brOugh
ar Monaham 2ho lohia, he
il, Deelinelnricellora hraduahot SeaLst leaudep
ado srioUShhl shor tate

tya ses hes h

ine LIbrngal
20 /ame be Lates ahere be

n pab , bariyaaan ar p o a adbs

2 Name ihe peL'bicol
mi/ as

Drarida, Lroe tca, kozhagaM k

hgeneral 22 ahen wa

Half h e _ a i n i s te

Cekam204 a l a a i l -

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