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1. Obtain the coordinates of the centre of mass of the cylin-

drical shell with a closed semicircular end. The shell is made
from sheet metal with density 24 kg/m2 and the end is made
from metal plate with density 36 kg/m2 . [Ans: x̄ = 347.37
mm, ȳ = −90.47 mm]

2. Using integration compute the polar moment of inertia IO for

the circular sector. What is the moment of inertia about an axis
perpendicular to the page passing through the centroid? [Ans:

αa4 and 12 αa4 − 4 sin

a4 ]

3. Calculate the moments of inertia of the area about the x and

y axes. Use a vertical strip in both cases. Dimensions in cm.
[Ans: Ix = 1.54 cm4 , Iy = 0.33 cm4 ]

4. Show that the moment of inertia of the area about the

x axis is given by
∫ 3
(243 − 81x2 − 9x3 + 18x4 − 3x5 ) dx .

Solve this integral to find Ix . [Ans: 328.05 m4 ]

5. Use the fact that the moment of inertia of a circular area of

radius R about a diameter is πR4 /4 to obtain Ix and Iy for the
semi-circular area. What is the polar moment of inertia of the semi-
circular area? [Ans: Ix = πR4 /8, Iy = πR4 /8 and IO = πR4 /4]
6. A circular region of radius R/2 is cut out from the circular
region of radius R. For what distance d will kx for the new region
be the same as kx for the region before the cutout was removed?
[Ans: 0.43R]

7. Determine the moments of inertia of the z-section about

the centroidal x0 and y0 axes. [Ans: 22.6 × 106 mm4 and
9.81 × 10 mm ]
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