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Misconceptions on Vedas >

Misconception 4: Vedas contain Polytheism

Fact: Vedas contain worship of one and only one Paramatma

Brief Analysis:
Logics given by believers of this myth areas follows:

Logic 1: Vedas contain names of many Gods and Goddesses

Refutation: (a). Paramatma is omnipotent and limitedhuman mind cannot comprehend all attributes
of Paramatma at same time. So vedas contain prayers to same one Paramatma. Different mantras
however focus on different attributes of Par
amatma and hence use different adjectives for

(b). Even Vedas claim that there is only one Ishwar and not more than that.

Logic 2: Vedic suktas have names of Devatas associated with them. These are the various Gods and
Refutation: The name of Devata associated with V
edic mantras refer to the subject of that particular
sukta. That has nothing to do with various Gods and Goddesses in conventional sense. There are 33
devatas referred in Vedic texts, but this isalso clearly elucidated that these refer to inanimate objects
and not worth being worshipped. Vedas clearly proclaim that Paramatma is One and He alone is to be

The whole confusion comes because ignor

ants assume Devata to be synonym of Paramatma. Devata
means something or someone that gives, enlighten or illuminates. So in man
y contexts, Paramatma is
also Devata. But so is soul/ Atman and all other animate and inanimate objects which satisfies this
meaning of Devata. Thus parents, teacher, scholars, spouse are also devatas. Devatas deserve respect
because they give us selfless benefits.

But Devata is not the goal of Worship, only Paramatma is, and Vedas are extremely clear on this.

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