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What's intelligence?

In cognitive terms, intelligence is general capacity of our minds that allows us to

raciocinate, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas,
learn quickly and by experience, to resume we could say its the cognitive efficient
of someone, just like the knowledge than the capacity of process and armazenate it

Its important to clarify intelligence isn't just the capacity of learning, as a

example, i can be very smart in a specific topic and you in another, that doesn't
mean we are both stupid cause there are things we don't know, since we both have
the capacity of learning whatever it is

Lets talk about the difference of fluid and crystallized intelligence, fluid
intelligence the major capacity of dealing with new challenges, wich requires speed
of process information, flexibility of correlating thoughts and the maintenance of
it. Fluid intelligence allow us to compreehend new information in a specific
moment. But crystallized intelligence is the accomulated knowledge and learned
abilities in your whole life, it refers to problems that we already passed through,
as a example, if someone can't get good grades in math, thats probably because they
didn't pay attention to a major concept on class, which reffers to crystalized
intelligence, since it is knowledge that you learn one time and remember it if
needed later, but to have good grades in math it isnt enough to just remember these
concepts, here comes fluid intelligence, if i just came up here with a random math
problem for you its very unprobably that you already have came through it to
remember the result but you still know what you have to do to get the result (if
you studied it before, for sure) so to have good grades in math its necessary to
use both intelligences, fluid and crystallized

intelligences fluid and crystallized can still be diveded in lower capacities, as a

summary example about it are; verbal capacity, work memory, process velocity and
visual-personal ability. Which of them are together to formulate our intelligence,
our verbal capacity is used to make us comunicate in a viable way and answer
already known demands, as a example to write a text about a movie that you already
watched. Work memory would be the capacity of store and manipulate information, as
a example if i asked you to make a addition with 4 random numbers you would have to
store them and make the math with it knowing what you've been doing since the
start. The process velocity is the mental agility of and basically thinking
quickly, as a example thinking of a fast move in a critical situation. And visual-
personal ability is the capacity of manipulating concrete elements.

IQ, what is it? How do we messure it? Different from any physical characteristic,
iq isn't something easy to messure, normally iq is messured by putting someone in a
situation with tests that requires a specific intelligence or it in general, and
then it's messure by the performance of the individual on the test. IQ can be
affected by a lot of factors, the ambient you are born on and so Genetics defines
IQ, but in a life time your IQ can change, remember IQ is your perfomance in
intelligence requested quests, and so if you are bad at some of them if you study
to try again you have a higher chance of going well, and so your IQ in that
specific quest has increased. Traning memory, logical puzzles, leaving your confort
zone are all ways to significantly make yourself more propense to deal with these
intelligence requesting quests, physical exercise is also a good way to keep your
intelligence from decreasing, it wont make you any smarter than you normally are
but it will prevent your brain from the lose of oxygen and thus prevent it from
making extra effort to keep the everyday possible and decreasing this effort in
intelligence, remember your brain is smart by itself and it will make the possible
to keep your body working fine, that includes removing effort from a specific quest
to do another more important.

Healthy things for your brain, just as i said, exercising. Exercising is of the
same importance as studying or trying new things for your brain, your body needs to
be healthy for your brain to be, keep that in mind. Leave your confort zone, try
new things, no one can know anything by simply achism, if you think you know
enough, think again. If you don't know what you would like to do to leave your
confort zone, simply look at what makes you confortable, and in times to times
substituate it by something you never tried, or something you aren't specialized
in. Intelligence is a mechanism to solve problems, if you never try new things you
will never find a problem in the current state of yours, therefore you won't be
using intelligence in a healthy way.

We are all smart in some way, but that will never mean we know everything about
something in specific, learn the most you can, knowledge is precious, and the only
thing no one can take from you.

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