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Animals have been used as medicinal resources for the treatment and relieve of a myriad of
illnesses and diseases in practically every human culture.
Many important drugs are derived from animal source. In most instances, these medicinal
substances are derived from the animal’s body secretions, fluid or glands. Insulin, heparin,
adrenaline, thyroxin, cod liver oil, musk, beeswax, enzymes, and antitoxins sera are some
examples of drugs obtained from animal sources. Like plant products, drugs from animal sources
may be crude (unrefined) or refined material.

Drugs obtained from animal’s sources are whole animals, glandular products (thyroid organ),
liver extract, polypeptide venoms, non-peptide toxins, etc. Fish liver oil, musk, beeswax,
hormones, enzymes, and antitoxins sera are the products obtained from animal sources. A large
number of other natural products from animal sources are used as pharmaceutic excipient and
others are used as important drugs or as nutritional supplements.

The healing of human ailments by using therapeutics that are obtained from animals or
ultimately are derived from them is known as zoo therapy. Animal based medicines have been
elaborated from parts of the animal body, from products of its metabolism or from non-animal
materials (nests and cocoons)
 Gelatin. This is a protein that’s often found in gel capsules — it may come from animal
skin or bones (usually from beef or pork).
 Lactose. A type of sugar that comes from cow’s milk, it’s sometimes used as a binder or
filler in some tablet medications.
 Glycerin (or glycerol). This can be used as a sweetener and may come from animal fats.
 Stearic acid. Found in some tablets and capsules — especially controlled-release
medications — this sometimes originates from animal fats. But, it can also come from
vegetable sources.
 Omega-3 acid ethyl esters (Lovaza), a medication used to lower triglycerides (a type of
fat in the blood) present in fish oil
 Icosapent ethyl (Vascepa), a medication used to lower triglycerides (a type of fat in the
blood) present in fish oil.
 Intralipid 20%, an injectable product used for people who need intravenous (IV) nutrition
present in Chicken egg.
 Pancreas is a source of Insulin, used in treatment of Diabetes.
 Urine of pregnant women gives human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) used for the
treatment of infertility.
 Sheep thyroid is a source of thyroxin, used in hypertension.
 Cod liver is used as a source of vitamin A and D.
 Anterior pituitary is a source of pituitary gonadotropins, used in treatment of infertility.
 Blood of animals is used in preparation of vaccines.
 Stomach tissue contains pepsin and trypsin, which are digestive juices used in treatment
of peptic diseases in the past. Nowadays better drugs have replaced them.

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