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Finally Got The News

Information for Union Workers at the CTA/Pace Bus

We Must Stand Up and Fight For Each Other!

For at least two decades, members of Local 241 Transit Justice Coalition (CTJC). The difference
and Local 308 have been organizing against the the CTJC brings is that we are taking action and
sellout union leadership and against the CTA organizing for more actions. We have rallies,
bosses. It has been a long, grueling fight. marches and informational picket lines.
The last time Local 241 was in trusteeship— Our aim is to have hundreds of members at
during contract negotiations—the members our rallies, demanding full time jobs for all,
met outside of the membership meetings. restoration of all that we have lost in the last 40
We had more than one meeting with at least years, wages that keep up with inflation and
fifty members present. Many of the same issues member-control of our union!
we discussed then, still exist now. There is no unity with sellouts!! The time to
The sellouts do not show the membership the fight back is now!!
whole Tentative Agreement, the CTA
View past and current
persistently breaks the contract and all the union
Actions at at this link or take a
does is file grievances.
photo of the QR Code:
There is a difference emerging. This is
evidenced through the work of the Chicago

Run For Office! Protest At Midway! Free Classes!

The CTJC is calling for See videos from the Hour of Learn about how a real union
militant coworkers to run for Power Protest. We spoke up fights back and become and
the upcoming Local 241/308 for the voiceless and marched. inspiration to your coworkers!
elections. Issue No. 2, Vol. III

Local 241 Delegate Disaster

Did You
The status quo of Business The problem with this is that
Know? Unionism at Local 241 scored a
point during the August 2022
it does nothing to stop the
corruption. It just keeps it going
Delegate election scored as people look elsewhere for less
another point. painful experiences. However,
Using Your Car With assistance from their they will be affected
While at Work allies in CTA management, the nonetheless.
—The “Contract” politicians and the The solution is not in officer
Article 4.5 International ATU, the election elections. That is part of it. The
proved they have effectively solution is in the membership
Mileage Allowance
broken the morale of the taking control of their
membership. workplaces and the union.
“Any employee authorized to
Like the “great resignation” in The time for tyranny at
use his or her car for
jobs with poor working 241/308 has ended. Register
conducting business of the
Authority shall receive the
conditions or poor pay, with the Justice Coalition
amount allowed by the IRS members are stopping payment TODAY and prepare to take our
per mile for such mileage. of dues and walking away from union back!
The five (5) mile allowance union “politics.”
shall remain. An employee,
to be eligible for this
allowance, shall submit Learn How Know Your
mileage data on the mileage
record sheet forms supplied
by the Authority. Any
To Make Our Bylaws!
employee authorized to use
his or her car for conducting
Union Strong
business of the Authority In the “Know Your Rights”
The elected union leaders like
shall be required to carry section at
to chant slogans about unity
automobile liability and,
and strength. Sloganeering is
property damage insurance Local 241 and Local 308
not going to help us.
with a maximum limit of members can read and
Organizing and educating
fifty thousand dollars search the union bylaws.
members is more important
($50,000)/one hundred Download is not required.
that slogans.
thousand dollars ($100,000) The bylaws help members
At the Chicago Transit Justice
public liability and ten control the union and hold
Coalition, we hold FREE
thousand doJlars ($10,000) the leadership accountable.
education and organizing
property damage to protect It is not the Contract with
the Authority while the
classes to help you be a leader
our employer. However, the
employee is conducting and inspiration to our
Contract is also available at
business of the Authority in coworkers.
the same website.
his or her personal View our recordings now:

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