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Finally Got The News

Information for Union Workers at the CTA/Pace Bus

Protest at Howard Terminal on June 25th

The fight for our dignity started at 95th and “President Dixon shares almost nothing about
continues at Howard Terminal! Coworkers voted the new Contract with members, blatantly told
online for the next Hour of Power to be held on me he wants to run Local 308 his way and is
Friday, June 25th at noon. not interested in the rights of the members to
Organizers are gearing up to promote the democratically direct their union. So we will
protest with newsletters, petitions, fliers and organize protests and member education with or
gathering input for the Worker’s Contract—a without him and President Hill.”
union member created Contract alternative that Register for next Virtual Organizing Meeting.
puts the workers’ wants as priority over what at this link:
upper management, their friends in the union
office and City Hall will accept.
“We do not trust whatever the union lawyers,
Your Rights To Protest
Type in this case-sensitive
Presidents Hill and Dixon are cooking up with
link or scan the QR-code with
the CTA and Pace in their secret meetings about
your smartphone now:
our Contract,” said co-organizer Eric Basir
(Local 308 Rail Car Repairer at Howard).

Hill Doesn’t Learn Local 308 Union Latest Local 241 LM-2
The Coalition is calling Meeting Report Read the eye-opening LM-2
for victims of President about how Local 241 is
View or listen through our
Hill’s alleged collusion spending our dues money.
private Facebook Group:
with managers to submit
complaints. See p. 2. Issue No. 3, Vol. II

President Hill Must Respect

Did You
Union Members Rights!
Know? President Keith Hill can be allegations to submit their
a very helpful servant of Local story through our website:
241 members—as long as you
[Unpaid] Vacation For do not criticize or disobey him. union.html
PT Employees 3.6 (Q) The Justice Coalition is We are also calling for
gathering allegations of threats, potential Local 241 election
Part-time employees with assaults and collusion with CTA candidates who will pledge
one (1) or more years of managers to file a “class action” to promote union democracy
service shall be permitted charge to the International and never collaborate with
one (1) week off per year ATU and the ILRB. managers to punish members.
without pay. Part-time The Justice Coalition is Text or call us now at 224-
employees with two (2) calling on ALL members who 935-3075. Do not wait. Time
or more years of service have been a victim of such is not on our side now.
shall be permitted two (2)
weeks off per year without
pay. The timing of such Local 308 The Money
absence will depend upon
staffing requirements as
determined by manage-
ment. Eligible part-time Dixon: Some corrupt union
employees in the Local officers love to tell members
241 bargaining unit shall
pick their earned, unpaid
Where Is He? that the CTA does not have
money to give us hazard
Since winning the election,
vacation at the end of the pay. It is always excuses with
our new president has been
full-time vacation pick. them, Pandemic or not.
mostly unseen. Call him
The Authority will set the We have done a little
and ask what he is up to and
vacation week controls. research to prove the money
remind him that he works for
exists and how we can get it
you, the member:
Type this case-sensitive if we do not give up fighting.
link or scan the QR-code Use this case-sensitive link
with your smartphone to or scan the QR-code with
your smartphone now:
search and read the ATU
Local 241/308 Contract:

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