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Certificate No:


This is to certify:
That the Reduction Gear for Propulsion

with type designation(s)


Issued to
Finnøy Gear & Propeller AS
HARØY, Norway

is found to comply with

Det Norske Veritas' Rules for Classification of Ships

Application :
The approval is valid for propulsion duty.

Products approved by this certificate are accepted for installation on all vessels classed by DNV.
Input torque See page 2
Input speed See page 2
Reduction ratio See page 2

Issued at Høvik on 2021-03-17

This Certificate is valid until 2025-11-03. for DNV
DNV local station: Kristiansund N

Approval Engineer: Geir Olav Moen

Oddvar Deinboll
Head of Section

This Certificate is subject to terms and conditions overleaf. Any significant change in design or construction may render this Certificate invalid.
The validity date relates to the Type Approval Certificate and not to the approval of equipment/systems installed.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Unless otherwise stated in the applicable contract with the holder of this document, or following from mandatory law, the liability of DNV AS, its
parent companies and their subsidiaries as well as their officers, directors and employees (“DNV”) arising from or in connection with the services rendered for the
purpose of the issuance of this document or reliance thereon, whether in contract or in tort (including negligence), shall be limited to direct losses and under any
circumstance be limited to 300,000 USD.
Form code: TA 251 Revision: 2021-03 Page 1 of 3
Job Id: 262.1-001222-4
Certificate No: TAM000003B
Revision No: 2

Product description
Single stage reduction gear with built-in oil operated clutch, servo cylinder for CP-mechanism

The reduction gear is approved for a maximum application factor, KA of 1,25. The gear sets are approved as listed

Ratio [-] Max. input torque [Nm] Input speed [rpm] Clutch
2,55:1 9191 800 Ortlinghaus 0-002-833-69-000
4,04:1 8594 1200 Ortlinghaus 0-002-833-69-000
4,56:1 6612 1500 Ortlinghaus 0-002-833-63-000
5,05:1 5968 1600 Ortlinghaus 0-002-833-63-000
5,48:1 5372 1800 Ortlinghaus 0-002-833-63-000
6,05:1 4452 1900 Ortlinghaus 0-002-833-63-000
7,06:1 2944 1200 Ortlinghaus 0-002-833-63-000
7,05:1 3104 1200 Ortlinghaus 0-002-833-63-000

Gear sets other than listed above are to be submitted for each application.

Form code: TA 251 Revision: 2021-03 Page 2 of 3

Job Id: 262.1-001222-4
Certificate No: TAM000003B
Revision No: 2

Marking of product

The product to be marked with manufacturer’s name or trademark and type number identification.

Periodical assessment
For retention of the Type Approval, a DNV surveyor shall perform a survey every second year and before the expiry
date of this certificate to verify that the conditions of the type approval are complied with.

The objective of the Periodical Assessment is to verify that the conditions for the Type Approval are not altered since the
Type Approval Certificate was issued.

Other conditions
The Type Approval does not cover:
 Ice class notations
 Electric wiring, instrumentation & automation (alarm and monitoring)
 Fastening and foundation of the gearbox incl. chocking calculations


Form code: TA 251 Revision: 2021-03 Page 3 of 3

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