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Examples and Problem Questions on Open-Loop Constant Volts/Hz Control from Dubey, G.K., Fundamentals of lectric Drives, 2nd ed., Alpha Science Int. Ltd, UK, 2001 pg. 199-205. Bowie 69 AY-connested squirtel-cage induction motor has following ratings and parameters O,X52X;=352 400 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole, 1370 rpm. R, = 2.2 Motor is controlled by 2 voltage source inverter at constant Vif ratio. Inverter allows frequency variation from 10 10 50 Hi. @) Obtain a plot between the breakdown torque and frequency. (i) Caleulate starting torque and current of this drive asa ratio of their values when motor is started at rated voltage and frequency. Solution On Os From Eq, (6.13), fora frequency K times the rated ftequency and with Vif ratio constant git pags Key? mS TRO me” |B, + JRE + KX, + XO me ve ogi x __ 20m * (RIK) + JORIR)? + Ok Substitution of values of parameters gives 508.296 Gey lara o From Eq, (1), values can be caleulated for various v From Eg (0, vals of Tag canbe aed values of frequency. These results ore F a agian eae ee a a ee eee ee TaoNm Mae S30 Si) 690 Sa Sa Bon en ee) A plot between Trae and fis given in Fig. E.6.9 which shows that for @ constant (Vif) ra breakdown torque decreases with frequency aes Co Tage Nm Fig. B69 (i) Since the minimum frequency available is 10 Hz, motor will have to be started at 10 Hz. From Eq. (6.10) starting torque is given by ore | 3 Teak Om laa +(X, + XD? @ 3. (400/43)? x3 AtSO He ee MOL Exa ) 7 aa i rs 120.5 pw curren = + @ Fe * a [ime Ry + (kek 400/45 = OB 2 2685.0 ort jth variable trequency control and constant Vif ratios for frequency K times rated, from Eq. (2) ri VERIK “ (x2) sce] Ts @ K Similarly from (3) a o (4) + 4x08 for 10 Hr, 10/50 = 0.2. Substitution in Eqs. (4) and (5) gives 3, OOV)® x 310.2 [ey +7] =2267N-m Now Ty 7 2685 ~ Note, as compared to start at rated frequency, the ratio (torque/current) has increased from 1.54 to 2.55 Exanrie 6.10 Vif ratio of variable frequency drive of Example 6.9 is controlled to get a constant breakdown torque at all speeds. Lowest frequency of inverter is also extended to 5 Hz. Calculate and plot V ‘against f and compare with that used in Example 6,9, Sotion From Eq. (6.13) breakdown torque for « frequency X times rated is given by ee _. Ry + RE + K(X, + XP) « vi = KO Tin yg [RFE RR AED Substitution of parameter Values and value of Tiay = 54.88, us obtained in Example 6.9 for rated operation, gives B¥y x50 2x 54.88 K (3 4 44 49K7] = IMM K 2+ {OF OR} @ Line voltage for various frequencies zs calculated from Eq, (2) roo 09 08 07 06 OSs f 9 8 © 8 0 8 » 1 ww 5 Ve_400 3655382867203 BT 158237 ‘These results are plotted in Fig. £.6.10. For constant breakdown torque at all frequencies Vif ratio is 10 be progressively increased with the decrease in frequency, ExaMoe 6.11 ; . Calculate approximate values of the following for inverter-fed induction motor drive of Exampl 69: (0 Speed for a frequency of 30 Hz and 80% of full-load torque. Gi) Frequerey for a speed of 1000 rpm and full-oad torque. (Gi) Torque for a frequency of 40 Hz and speed of 1100 rpm. Solution Motor speed-torque curves for various Frequencies from full-load motoring to full-Toad braking ccan be assumed to be parallel straight lines, each passing through corresponding synchronous speed without significant error, as shown in Fig. E.6.11. ig. BL {0 At50 Hs, érop in sped from no load to Fal-load torque = 1500 ~ 1370 = 130 pm Drop in speed from no load to 80% of full-toad = 130 x 0.8 = 104 rpm ‘Synchronous speed at 30 Ha my = 12030 = 900 romm Therefore, motor speed = 900 — 104 = 796 cpm. (i) Drop im speed from no load to fall load woruge = 130 rpm. Synchronous speed N= 1000 + 130 = 1130 rpm 42 A120 apo 120f _ 120 x 40 ? 7 Drop in speed from no load to 1100 rpm = 1200 ~ 1100 = 100 rpm Git) At 40 Hz synchronous speed N, 1200 rpm 100 = Torque = 10 7, = 0.769 7 ‘Where Ty is the full load torque 1500 - 1370 At fall load Tae 08667 ViRls 1 (% By cose 3, (400/V3)? x 370.0867 ey (2+ aban) +72 Hence torque = 0.7697, = = 25.37N-m 169 x 25.37 = 19.51 Nem EXAMPLe 6.12 1 For regenerative braking operation of inverter fed induction motor drive of Example 6.9, determing approximate values of (8) Speed for the frequency of 30 Hz and 80% of full load torque. ii) Frequency for « speed of 1000 rpm and full load torque. (iii) Torque for a frequency of 40 Hz and speed of 1300 rpm. (iv) What will be the answers to (i) 10 (i), ifthe drive works under dynamic braking? Solution ()) Increase in speed from no-load to full Joad torque = 130 rpm. Increase in speed from no load to 0,8 of full load-torque = 0.8 x 130 ‘Synchronous speed at 30 Hz = 2 x 1500 = 900 rpm. Machine speed = 900 + 104 = 1004 rpm i) Synchronous speed = 1000 - 130 = 870 rpm f (iii) At 40 Hz synchronous speed 120f _ 19040 y= EOL = Ut = 1200p Increase in speed from no load speed = 1300 ~ 1200 = 100 rpm = - 107, -_ 100, i I-m Motor torque = — 199.7; = - 190 395.37 = - 19.51 N (iv) In both regenerative and dynamic braking motor works as a generator. The two braking ‘methods of inverter-ed induction motor differ only in the way braking energy is disposed off, n former itis transferred to the source and in latter it is dissipated in a resistor. Hence answers to (i-(ii) will be the same. Exampue 6.13 Calculate motor breakdown torque for inverter-fed induction motor drive of Example 6.9 for a frequency of 60 Hz as a ratio of its value at 50 Hz. Solution Up to 50 Hz motor operates with a constant Vif ratio and above $0 Hz with constant terminal voltage, Hence at 60 Hz, motor will be operated at a voltage of 400 V. From Eq. (6.13), for a frequency K times the rated and constant terminal voltage. 7 Bs y? mn 2 KOs | B+ [R? + KX, +X) At 60 Hz, os 3 (400/-V3)* a! -m Ton = FETT x STOR iz Javdzete | PN [ 2 ] ALSOHZ Tax = 53> L == Tou *|Ra qPCR | =~ 3 (4001 /3)*_] _ 24 Ja 49 Problem Questions on Open-Loop Constant Volts/Hz Control 646 6.48 649 650 651 632 A 440 ¥, 50 He, 6 pole, Yeconnectedsquirtel-cage induction moter has Following paraneters: R= 062.8) =032.X, 0X) 012 The normal full load slip is 0.08, ‘The motor i fed from a voltage sourve inverter, which malitains& constant Vifrati, For an operating frequency of 10 Hz, calculate the breakdown torque as a rato ofits value atthe rated frequency, ‘What should be V//ratio at 10 Hz 50 that the breakdown len a this frequency remains the sume as a rated frequency. Inthe drive of Prem 6.46, the inverter frequency range is Irom 60 to $ Hz. Caleulate the stating torque and curent of this drive as wraio oF their values whem the motor is started a the rated voltae and frequency ‘A Sphase, delia-connected, 6 pole, $0 Hz, $00 ¥, 925 rpm, suitel-cge induction motor has the following parameter: By 020, A; =03.0,X, = 052, ‘The motor i fed from a vollage sore inverter witha constant Visti From 0 0 $0 Wz and consant voltage of 400 V above $0 He frequency (@)_Detervine the breakdown tongue for a Fequency of 100 7 as a ratio of is value st SO He (ii) Also obtain the torque a the rated moter current and 75 He as the rato a rated fal-oad lee of the motor (ii) Caleutate the motor tongue at 80 Hy aed a ship-spoed of 60 rpm, Calculate the following for inverter-ied inaction motor deve of Problem 6.48. (1), Speed forthe frequency of 38 Hz aa half of fall-Joad torque (ii) Frequency and motor current for speedo 600 rpm and 89% of full-loud toque Git) Torque fora frequency of 35 Hz aa speed of 650 rom ‘Assume motor speedtorque curves to be pall straight lines in the region of interest For dynamic braking of inverter fed induction moioe drive of Problem 6.48 deiermine: ()- Speed forthe frequency 40 He and ful: torque. Gi) Frequency fora speed of 709 sp and ful-lad torque, i) Torque fora frequeney of 35 Hz and speed of 750 rpm. ‘Assume the speeds-iorque curves in he region of itcrest (0 be straight lines. A 440 V, Hz, 4 pole, 1420 rpm, delta-connected squirrel-cage induction motor has the Prrameiers following K,=O35 2, Rj = 04.0.8, 20.72, x7 = 08.0 ‘The motor i fed fiom a voltage source inverter, The erie i oper 1 50 He and at rated voltage above $0 Ha A) Caleulate the breakdown torques for ‘operations, i) Frequency for motoring operation a 950 rpm and ful-ioa torque. i) Frequeney forthe regenerative braking operation at 1000 py and full-Koad ton: Assuive speed:toruge curves to be parallel sraght lines in Une region of ierest ‘A440 ¥, 50 Hz 4 pole, 1418 rpm, delta connected squrtel-

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