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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4


I. Objective: Uses the past form of the regular verbs.


II. Content and Materials:

A. Topic: Using the Past Form of the Regular Verbs

B. References: MELC p. 135, Teacher’s Guide p. 179, Learner’s Materials pp. 193-195
C. Materials: charts, flashcards, pictures, powerpoint presentation
D. Values Integration: Science, ESP

III. Procedures:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill: Oral Practice (using flashcards)
/t/ /d/ /id/
asked ruled wanted
laughed loved planted
kicked watered waited
picked prepared harvested
kissed called visited
watched cleaned carried

2. Review: What tense of the verb if the action is done regularly or habitually?
Direction: Use the correct form of the verb in the parentheses to complete the
1.Mang Pedro (go,goes) fishing everyday.
2. His son (clean, cleans) the banca every morning.
3. They (ride, rides) on their banca everyday.
4. The fish vendors (wait, waits) for them at the seashore every afternoon.
5. Mother (prepare, prepares) food for the family everyday.
3. Motivation:
Present the picture during typhoon Odette.

Ask: What can you see in the picture. When did this typhoon occur?
Let the pupils formulate simple sentences using the pictures.
B. Presentation: Let the pupils read sentences with pictures then identify actions from the

The people observed social distancing The child washed her hands with soap
last week. and water yesterday.
The boy placed his face mask on his The girl used face shield in going out
mouth a couple of minutes ago. of the house last Monday.

The children liked to eat fruits and vegetables.

Ask: What can you see in the pictures? What are they doing? What are the verbs in the
sentence? When did the actions happen? What letter is added to the base form of the
Say: These words are called verbs. They are action words. Verbs that happened in the
past are in the past tense of the verb. We must add –d or –ed to most of the verbs. We
call it regular verbs.

Infusion of values: As a child like you, how can you help prevent the COVID-19 virus from
Say: You can help preventing the COVID-19 virus from spreading by following safety

Say: There are times when there are changes in the spelling of the word. The following
rules will help you.
(The teacher gives the rules.)

C. Guided Practices:
Activity 1: Directions: Read the sentences. Use the past form of the verb in the
parentheses to complete the sentence.
1. Roy (live) in a far barangay.
2. He (walk) two kilometers yesterday.
3. They (arrive) in school the other day.
4. The principal (conduct) meeting last Monday.
5. He (wrap) his book using acetate.

Activity 2: Directions: Pick a strip of cartolina with verbs. Then, use the past form of the
verb to complete the sentence.

1. Alice (roast) the peanuts.

2. Laura (place) some fruits in the blender.
3. My brother (study) agriculture last year.
4. The teacher (compose) a poem.
5. Joy ( join) in the singing contest.

Activity 3: Group Activity: Divide the class into three. Provide them activity sheets to
answer. Let them read their work after answering.

Group 1: Complete the sentences by using the past form of the verb on the
1. Last vacation, my mother ____(receive) a gift box from her sister in
2. She ___(open) it with great joy.
3. My sister ___(dance) with joy because of her new bag.
4. My brother ___(look) for his pair of shoes in the box.
5. We ___ (call) my Aunt to thank her for the surprises.

Group 2: Complete the story using the verbs found in the box.

called shouted laughed stopped cleaned

One day, Mother and Mario ________ the house. Mother ________
because she saw a snake. Mario ________ Father because he was afraid of it.
Father ________ at them because it wasn’t real, it was only a toy. All of them
________ working.
Group 3: Read the paragraph. Underline the verb.
Every Saturday, Mang Gerry and his wife pick orchids from his
They gather the eggs that the ducks lay and sell them at the market. They earn
money by selling products from their farm.

Group 3: Read the sentences under Column A. Make sentences for column B.
Use the past form of the verb for your sentences.

Column A Column B
1.Mother talks to the visitor. 1.
2. Roy carries the package to the room. 2.
3.The boys gather stones near the 3.
4.Father travels all day. 4.
5.They love music and dancing. 5.

Ask: Children, what tense of the verb did we discussed today? What letters are added
to form the past tense?

D. Application: Use the past tense of the verb in the parentheses to complete the
1.The child (ask) for candy from her sister.
2. Shiela (visit) her grandfather’s farm.
3. Marie (turn) the peanuts into peanut butter.
4. The doctor (invite) Mr. Santos to come.
5. The parents (donate) money to the school.

IV. Evaluation: Direction: Complete the sentences by using the past form of the verb on the
1. Father _____(harvest) the ripe tomatoes.
2. The police officer____(guide) him to the police station.
3. Raul and Tony____(play) the guitar.
4. The pupils _____(pick) their trashes.
5. He ____(work) in the garden.
V. Assignment: List 5 regular verbs and use them in a sentence.

Prepared by:

Observed by:

Master Teacher I

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