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Sustainable food supplies

Reducing Food Waste:

• Developed nations waste a lot of food. Buying only the food that
is needed is more sustainable as there is more food left to feed
Urban Farming
• Growing food using space in and around citie
• They can produce more food than equivalent farm area
• This also reduces food miles, better for environmen
Organic farming
• Uses natural methods to grow foo
• Yields of crops are initially low, but increase over time until they
are in line with inorganic crop
• This is also environmentally sustainabl
Sustainable sh and meat supplies
• This involves catching fewer sh, these include having better net
designs and using traditional shing method
• Sustainable meat production involves using grass as animal
• Farming in a sustainable and self-suf cient manner

Case study: Keny

Where is Makueni
Makueni is a region in the southern part of Kenya. This is a country
in eastern Africa
Name of the programme
The Makueni food and water security programme
What food do they grow in Makueni
Beans and maiz





What problems do they face growing food in Kenya

It is hot and dry in that region
Explain 3 ways this programme is increasing sustainable food
• Planting trees to stabilise the soil reducing erosion
• Educating farmers about crops that grow well in Kenya’s climat
• Just a Drop charity is helping the region as it is poor
How do we know it is working
Crop yields increase and diseases have decreased

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