Nature and Elements of Communication Unit Plan: By: Jurie-Ann C. Saingga

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Intel® Teach Program

Designing Effective Projects

Nature and Elements of Communication

Unit Plan
By: Jurie-Ann C. Saingga
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Nature and Elements of Communication
Unit Summary
Students can greatly benefit from this unit by expanding their understanding of communication, the
communication process, and its models. They will be introduced to the five elements of
communication—verbal and non-verbal. They will practice effective communication skills and explore
the barriers of intercultural communication.
Curriculum Links
Oral Communication in Context
Year Level
Stage 11/12
Approximate Time Needed
6 hours (1 week, 2 days)
Unit Foundation
Standards/Syllabus Outcomes based on MELC or K12 Curriculum Guides
Prescribed Focus Area
EN11/12OC-Ia-1 & EN11/12OC-Ia-2
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of nature and
elements of communication through oral communication in context. Furthermore, the learner should
be able to convey the importance of communication and effective communication.
Knowledge and understanding.
EN11/12OC-Ia-3 & EN11/12OC-Ia-4 & EN11/12OC-Ia-5
The learner should be able to understand and explain the nature and process of communication and
differentiate the various models of communication; and distinguish the unique feature(s) of one
communication process from the other and be able to explain why there is a breakdown of
The learner should be able to demonstrate various strategies in order to avoid communication
breakdown and compensate for it, such as self-correction and constructive criticism to others
and at the same time to enhance the effectiveness of communication by utilizing effective
communication skills.
Values and Attitudes
EN11/12OC-Ia-7 & EN11/12OC-Ia-7.1
The learner demonstrates sensitivity to the socio-cultural dimension of communication situations
with a focus on culture and gender.

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Designing Effective Projects

Curriculum-Framing Questions

Essential Question Is effective communication important?

Why do we need to learn the different models of communication?

Unit Questions Why is there a breakdown in communication?
How do the elements of communication function?

What are the different models of communication?

What are the various strategies in order to avoid communication


What is the message?

What is the function of sender and receiver

Content Questions in communication?

How important is the medium in


How do gender and culture affect effective


Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
Before learning activities While students work on
After learning activities end
begin learning activities,
● Questioning ● Student quiz
● Flashcards ● Questioning
● Review of previous ● Rubrics - Products
● Research ● Reflection
● Teacher conference
● KWL chart ● Reporting
● Wordless Acting with given ● Questioning
● Game-based
dialogue ● Group Plan/ Group
● Essay writing
● Note-taking
● Talk Show
● Live presentations
● Oral Recitation
● Think Pair Share
● Extempore
● Role Play Speeches
● Brainstorming
● Message Relay

Assessment Summary
There will be a variety of tasks that will require both group and individual work for assessment. It will
cover group, think-pair share and individual informational tool design. The creation of multimedia
presentations should be evaluated by the teacher; peer evaluation would also be helpful. A topic test
and brief tests will also be used for assessment throughout the unit.

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Designing Effective Projects

Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Students Prior Knowledge

A variety of assessment tools such as flashcards, or on the spot questioning will be used to examine
students’ prior knowledge.

Group work skills and communication skills.

Fluency of English Language, reading comprehension skills and public speaking skills.

What conceptual knowledge and skills do students need to begin this unit?

How will students’ skills be enhanced, if necessary, to enable full participation in the unit?

Teachers’ Professional Learning

Revision of functions available through the use of programs utilized within the unit. For example
Microsoft PowerPoint*, Wikis*,Blogs*, Word*.
● Wiki development, using
● Intel® Teach Program to support professional development.
● Development of evaluation tools such as checklists and rubrics.
Professional Learning Team.
● Professional learning teams will be established on a grade basis.
Professional Reading.
● Oz-Teacher. Net. The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
NSW Department of Education and Training. Quality teaching framework.
Teaching and Learning Strategies

Teachers will present concepts to students to visual aids and/or tech-based instructional materials
using ICT provided by the school and traditional materials if technology is not available.
Providing scaffolding through small group work utilizing: teacher assistance, peer mentoring, planning
scaffolds, guidance sheets (steps students need to take), class charts visible around the room. Whole
class sessions to share information and research sources with the class.
Students work individually in pairs or small groups to research and complete independent tasks.
Students utilize their planning strategies to complete their independent tasks and then conference with
the teacher.

Teacher support materials include a Curriculum Framing Question Flow Chart

See also the Unit Implementation Plan

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Designing Effective Projects

Teaching and Learning Activities


In small groups students complete a brainstorming activity and create a mind map or chart of their
knowledge of different models of communication. After researching appropriate information sites,
students create a multimedia presentation to demonstrate to the class their understanding of some
strategic solutions in the breakdown of communication by performing a talk show.

Students research the communication process and its five elements. They demonstrate their
understanding of these communication processes and the functions of five elements by performing a
role play.

To further their understanding of barriers in effective communication, students individually research

some solutions and make a problem-solution graphic organizer.


Building on their knowledge from the previous activities, students work in small groups, research verbal
and non-verbal communication as an effective method in public speaking, and then create a blog as an
interactive resource for students.

Using the knowledge they have gained, students write an argumentative essay on “ Are printed books
better than e-readers? Students conduct independent research to validate their position. This essay
writing should be posted on Facebook.

Each student designs a wiki (or one wiki as a collaborative effort) to be published to students, staff, and
parents of the school explaining how intercultural communication in effective communication is


Extensions: Teachers may choose to have groups of students undertake any or all of the following
1. The teacher will prepare an activity that refreshes the knowledge of students about the nature and
elements of communication by utilizing KWL charts. Students work in small teams to finish this activity.

2. Students are divided into small groups with each group assigned to investigate one of the barriers
caused by miscommunication and misunderstanding in intercultural communication in gender and
culture. Each group researches the predicted effects of intercultural communication. Students use charts
and graphs to illustrate the information they have found and present it to the class.

3. The students are given a different scenario and dialogue of communication and they perform it
through wordless acting.

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Designing Effective Projects

4.After listening to all of the presentations, each student will write a reflection about the importance of
effective communication and present it in a persuasive speech.

Accommodations for Diverse Needs

● Use of visual and tangible aids
● Open ended questioning
● Peer coaching and support
Students with ● Pairing of technologically more able students with those less able –
Special Needs within the year group
● Supporting adults or older students
● Modified equipment and programs
● Activities organized on rubrics at different levels of complexity
● Use of visual aids to demonstrate the learning put into place.
● Strong buddy groups are set up.
English as a Second
● Extra help from peers.
Language (ESL)
● Appropriate resources include Internet sites; a variety of ways available to
demonstrate their learning, support personnel, help of peers
● Put into groups of students with superior language skills
● Use of Blooms Taxonomy
● More challenging tasks, extended investigation in related topics of the
learner’s choice
● Open-ended tasks (research into the Kyoto protocol) or projects that allow
for deeper analysis and evaluation of issues. 
Gifted Students
● Activities organized into rubrics at different levels of complexity.
● Creation of their own rubrics will allow greater ownership of their learning.
● The class wiki in particular, could be used to showcase work from gifted
● Opportunities to act as mentors.
● A wiki page dedicated to indigenous peoples survival on the planet before
European settlement.
Indigenous Groups
● A deeper look into the effects of global warming on the less populated
areas of Australia.
Materials and Resources Required for Unit

Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

Camera Laserdisc
Computer(s) Printer
Video Camera
Digital Camera Projection System
Video Conferencing Equip.
DVD Player Scanner
Internet Connection Laptop
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed) Image Processing Canva

Google documents Internet Web Browser Powerpoint
E-library Multimedia Kahoot
Weebly FUEL Quizizz

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Designing Effective Projects




Internet Resources/
Communication Tools



DVD: An Inconvenient Truth (Released February 2007 by Paramount Classics &

Other Resources
Participant Productions)

Brett Loughman participated in an Intel® Teach Essentials Course, which resulted in this idea for a
classroom project. A team of teachers expanded the plan into the example you see here.

© Copyright NSW Department of Education and Training 2008.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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