Vandana2009 - Parametrer Influencing The Fabrication of Protein-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles

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Optimization of physicochemical parameters

influencing the fabrication of protein-loaded
chitosan nanoparticles
Aim: In the development of controlled-release protein therapeutics, the high encapsulation of proteins
into biodegradable nanoparticles with uniform size in an anhydrous process along with an excellent
redispersion is of practical interest. The objective of this work was to study the physicochemical and
in vitro release properties of chitosan nanoparticles with different molecular weights (low, medium and
high) using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a model protein for developing nanoparticle formulations
that were stable and reproducible after lyophilization. Materials & methods: The BSA-loaded chitosan
nanoparticles were prepared by an ionic gelation method using pentasodium tripolyphosphate as the
polyanions. The physicochemical properties and in  vitro release kinetics of the nanoparticles were
evaluated along with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy studies. Furthermore, the nanoparticles
were freeze-dried for long-term stability in the formulation. To optimize the size of the freeze-dried
nanoparticles after redispersion, various types of lyoprotectants (natural and synthetic) were tested in
varying concentration in the process of lyophilization. Results: The dynamic light scattering measurements
revealed the increase in size of chitosan nanoparticles with the increase in molecular weight of chitosan
with no significant change, irrespective of the concentration of BSA entrapped. In addition, the
entrapment efficiency of the nanoparticles increased with the increasing molecular weight of chitosan
and BSA concentration. By contrast, the redispersity of the freeze-dried samples resulted in further
increase of the mean diameter of the nanoparticles. Conclusion: Among the various types of
lyoprotectants (natural and synthetic) examined, sucrose proved to be very effective in reducing the
size of freeze-dried nanoparticles on redispersion without significant change in surface charge of
nanoparticles. Finally, the in  vitro release kinetics of BSA from nanoparticles of different molecular
weights of chitosan, with and without sucrose, was evaluated and found to depend upon the molecular
weight of chitosan.

KEYWORDS: chitosan n freeze-drying n lyoprotectants n nanoparticles Mallaredy Vandana

n redispersibility n sucrose
& Sanjeeb K Sahoo†

Author for correspondence:
The development of recombinant therapeu- chemical conjugation of proteins/peptides to Laboratory for Nanomedicine,
tic proteins and peptides has enhanced tech- PEG, leading to an increase in the shelf-life of Institute of Life Sciences,
nological advancements for the successful the therapeutic proteins/peptides along with a Nalco Square,
form­u lation of proteins as therapeutic agents. reduction in the plasma clearance rate and pre- Chandrasekharpur,
However, various problems such as short cir- vention from immunogenicity [5,6] . However, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India
culating half-life of peptides, immunogenecity, some problems still persist in PEGylation, such Tel.: +91 674 230 2094;
extensive hydrolysis of proteins and peptides as increased polydispersity in high-MW PEG Fax: +91 674 230 0728;
in the gastrointestinal tract, proteolytic attack conjugates, difficulty in removal of unreacted
by several endo- and exo-peptidases and rapid PEG from low-MW PEG conjugates and unde-
elimination of peptides and/or proteins with sirable interactions of PEG with active sites of
molecular weights (MW) of less than 30 kDa the proteins, which reduces the bioactivity of
through processes such as renal ultrafiltration these therapeutic agents [7,8] . Owing to these
mask the therapeutic potential of the peptides difficulties, uses of polymeric nanoparticle
and proteins [1–3] . Thus, the optimal delivery formulation for protein/peptide encapsula-
and efficiency of these therapeutic agents can tion have been most extensively investigated
be accomplished effectively either by polyethyl- [9,10] . The protein-loaded nanoparticles, which
ene glycol (PEG)ylation or nanoparticle form­ possess nano-size and a polymeric nature,
ulation as a protein delivery system that can have efficient transport, sustained release and
be administered into the body system through protection from gastrointestinal tract deg-
various routes, such as parental, oral, ocular, radation in the body after administration.
nasal and pulmonary [4] . PEGylation involves Various polymers of synthetic nature, such as

10.2217/NNM.09.54 © 2009 Future Medicine Ltd Nanomedicine (2009) 4(7), 773–785 ISSN 1743-5889 773
Research Article Vandana & Sahoo

poly(d,l‑lactide-co-glycolide), poly(d,l‑lactic during administration, direct the potential

acid), polyethylene oxide, and natural ori- efficacy of the drug-loaded nanoparticles in
gin, such as chitosan and gelatin, have been industrial aspects. Thus, a stable formulation
approved by the FDA for the preparation of can be designed to avoid the loss of biological
nanoparticles. In the midst of the range of activity and provide enhanced redispersion of
polymers available, natural polysaccharides nanoparticles with high entrapment efficiency
such as chitosan are the most suitable for pro- and improved features of size for administra-
tein delivery since they avoid the use of harm- tion as a drug through parental, oral, ocular,
ful organic solvents and high shear stress in the nasal and/or pulmonary routes [4] . Freeze-
fabrication of the nanoparticles [11–13] . drying or lyophilization with the choice of
Chitosan (b[1→4] 2‑amino 2‑deoxy a-d- an appropriate lyoprotectant is an ideal way
glucan) is a modified natural cationic carbo­ to retain the long-term stability and better
hydrate polymer prepared by the partial redispersion of nanoparticles developed on an
N‑deacetylation of chitin, a natural copolymer industrial scale.
of glucosamine and N‑acetyl glucosamine, Therefore, the objectives of this work have
which is derived from crustacean shells such as been to develop nanoparticle formulations that
crabs, shrimps and lobsters [14,15] . Chitosan can can optimize the physicochemical properties of
be degraded into glucosamine by general lyso- protein-loaded different-MW chitosan nanopar-
zymes in the body and subsequently excreted as ticles, which were stable and reproducible using
carbon dioxide via the glycoprotein synthetic various lyoprotectants. Also, to confirm the
pathway [16] . The percentage of glucosamine above, studies were done on the protein-release
units in the chitosan is known as its degree behavior of the chitosan nanoparticles having
of deacetylation and N‑deacetylated chitosan different MWs with and without the presence
has a high density of amine groups, permitting of the lyoprotectants.
strong electrostatic interactions with proteins
that carry an overall negative charge at neu- Materials & methods
tral pH conditions [17] . Furthermore, positively „„ Materials
charged chitosan nanoparticles have an added Chitosan with three different MWs were
advantage of electrostatically interacting with obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Munich,
the mucin on the mucosal surface and hence Germany) with a deacetylation degree of
improving its bioavailability [18] . As a result, 80–85% as reported elsewhere [22] . TPP, bovine
chitosan has been recognized as a promising serum albumin (BSA) and PEG with different
natural polymer for protein and peptide thera- MWs of 8000  Da and 10000  Da were pur-
peutics that can be administered either orally chased from Sigma-Aldrich. PEG with MWs
or parentally. 2000 Da and 6000 Da along with D + ‑sucrose
There are several methods employed in the was availed from Fluka (Germany). D + ‑glucose,
preparation of the chitosan nanoparticles: ionic D + ‑mannose and D + ‑mannitol were obtained
gelation, desolvation, ionic complexion and from Hi-Media (India). Micro Bicinchoninic
microemulsions. The preparation of chitosan Acid [BCA] Protein Assay Reagent was pur-
nanoparticles using ionic gelation in mild con- chased from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
ditions by reversible electrostatic interactions (USA). The rest of the chemicals and reagents
between positively charged chitosan chains used were from Sigma-Aldrich.
and polyanions employed as cross-linkers,
mainly pentasodium tripolyphosphate (TPP), „„ Preparation of BSA-loaded
is the most widely accepted method [4,11,19,20] . chitosan nanoparticles
Various studies have shown that the physico- Bovine serum albumin-loaded chitosan
chemical properties of the nanoparticles not nanoparticles were prepared according to the
only affect the absorption and release processes method based on the ionic gelation of chito-
but also govern the interaction of the particles san and TPP, with the concentration adjusted
with different biological compounds (proteins to get a chitosan/TPP ratio of 3:1 [23] . Briefly,
or membranes) of the tissue where they are 17.5 mg of chito­san was dissolved in 10 ml of
introduced into the biological environment 1% (v/v) acetic acid and the pH of the solution
[21] . Nonetheless, some critical factors, such as was adjusted to 5.0. Various concentrations of
stability of the protein in the nanoparticulate BSA (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg/ml) were dis-
system during long-term storage and redis- solved in 1 ml of 0.1 N NaOH, and later mixed
persion of the nanoparticles in the solutions with 1  ml of aqueous TPP solution with a

774 Nanomedicine (2009) 4(7) future science group

Fabrication of protein-loaded chitosan nanoparticles Research Article
concentration of 5.82 mg/ml and incubated for „„ Fourier transform infrared
25 s. Thereafter, the incubated BSA–TPP solu- spectroscopy analysis
tion was added drop-wise into chitosan solu- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR;
tion under constant magnetic stirring at room Perkin Elmer [MA, USA], FTIR Spectrometer,
temperature. The colloidal solution was kept SPECTRUM RX I) was used to characterize
for overnight stirring. Later, the colloidal sus- the surface composition of the different form­
pension of the BSA-loaded chitosan nanopar- ulations of chitosan nanoparticles. The spec-
ticles obtained from overnight stirring was tra were detected in KBr disks over a range of
centrifuged using SIGMA 3K30 (Germany) at 3800–350 cm-1.
40,000 g and 10°C for 30 min. The process
of centri­f ugation was repeated three times to „„ Encapsulation efficiency
remove the unencapsulated BSA present on measurement
the surface of nanoparticles. Each time, the The encapsulation efficiency (EE) of BSA-loaded
pellets were dispersed in Milli Q water and nanoparticles was determined through an indi-
the supernatant was pooled and kept aside for rect method by using the supernatant obtained
entrapment-efficiency measurement. Finally, during the BSA-loaded nanoparticle preparation,
the pellets were frozen at -80°C and then as mentioned above. The supernatant was ana-
lyophilized using a lyophilizer (LABCONCO lyzed by micro-BCA protein assay to determine
Corporation, USA) for 48 h at temperature of free BSA concentration with reference to the ear-
‑48°C and 0.05 mbar to get a powdered form lier protocol [24] . Briefly, 500 µl of the supernatant
of the BSA-loaded nanoparticles. The same obtained from centri­f ugation was mixed with
method was applied for different-MW chito- equal amount of phosphate buffer saline (PBS;
san nanoparticles (low, medium, and high) for 0.02 M, pH 7.4) followed by the addition of 1 ml
the encapsulation of various concentrations of of the working solution of micro-BCA assay. The
BSA (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg/ml).
„„ Particle size & z‑potential analysis H
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) was used to H H OH H
measure the hydrodynamic diameter (diameter O O Chitosan
in nanometer range [d. nm]) and laser Doppler OH H H OH H
anemometry (LDA) was used to determine O
z‑potential (mV). DLS and LDA analyses were H NH3+ CH2OH
performed using a Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern
Instruments, Malvern, UK). The DLS mea-
surements were done with a wavelength of O
532 nm at 25°C and an angle detection of 90°. HO P O
Approximately 1  mg of the lyophilized sam-
ple was dissolved in 1  ml Milli  Q water and
100 µl of this solution was further diluted to HO P O
1 ml for the measurements of particle size and TPP
z‑potential. All measurements were performed
in triplicate. HO P O

„„ Morphological analysis of
chitosan nanoparticles
Morphological characteristics of the nano­ H NH3+ CH2OH
particles were examined using a high-resolu- O
tion transmission electron microscope (TEM) OH H H H
(Philips FEI, Inc., OR, USA). The lyophilized O O
BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles with and O
without sucrose were analyzed under a TEM. To
improve the contrast, the samples were treated
with 1% uranyl acetate solution for 10  min,
deposited on a carbon-coated film 150‑mesh Figure 1. Chitosan–pentasodium tripolyphosphate ionic gelation
copper grid, and allowed to dry before TEM interaction during nanoparticle formation.
TPP: Pentasodium tripolyphosphate.
examination. Images were taken at 100 kV.

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Research Article Vandana & Sahoo


1651.62 1242.00


3316.01 1453.64
T (%)

1579.34 1879.73 798.66

1316.19 894.16 535.43
1540.41 1516.10
1636.29 537.46

3409.83 798.31

3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 450


45 1313.32

1636.54 1391.76
1541.19 894.55


T (%)

1076.06 700.31
15 1380.21

3414.01 1313.10
10 893.67
3409.33 1053.96
3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600

Figure 2. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectra. (A) Bovine serum albumin (BSA; top), chitosan–pentasodium
tripolyphosphate nanoparticles (middle) and BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (bottom). (B) BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles before
lyophilization (top) and after lyophilization (bottom).

solution was then incubated for 60 min at 60°C. The BSA EE of the nanoparticles was
The samples were later cooled and read at 562 nm calculated from the following equation:
using UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (BioTek® EE (%) = ([total amount of BSA - free amount
Instruments, Inc., USA). of BSA]/total amount of BSA) × 100.

776 Nanomedicine (2009) 4(7) future science group

Fabrication of protein-loaded chitosan nanoparticles Research Article
„„ Freeze-drying of nanoparticles & „„ Statistical analysis
redispersion of freeze-dried samples All of the experiments were performed in tripli-
For this experiment, we used chitosan nanopar- cate. Data were expressed as mean values ± stan-
ticles with a chitosan:TPP ratio of 3:1 and BSA dard deviation and were analyzed by Student’s
(1  mg/ml) of different MWs (low, medium t‑test; the level of significance was a p-value
and high). We thereby studied the effects of below 0.05.
different lyoprotectants with different con-
centrations on the nanoparticles prepared Results & discussion
as mentioned above. Before the particles are „„ Characterization of BSA-loaded
lyophilized, the centrifuged nanoparticles were chitosan nanoparticles
divided into two groups. One group was freeze- In view of our aim to study different parameters
dried with different synthetic lyoprotectants related to protein-loaded chitosan nanoparticles,
such as PEG  2000, PEG  6000, PEG  8000, BSA as a model protein was selected for encap-
and PEG 10,000 in concentrations of 20 mg/ sulation in different-MW chitosan nanoparticles
ml. To the other group, different natural lyo- in this experiment. The chitosan nanoparticles
protectants such as sucrose, glucose, mannose were prepared in mild conditions by the ionic
and mannitol with concentrations of 20 mg/ gelation method [23,24] . TPP in the aqueous solu-
ml were added. The samples were frozen at tion is ionized, which results in its dissociation
‑80°C and then lyophilized using a lyophi- to OH - and TPP ions (HP3O104- and P3O105‑).
lizer (LABCONCO Corporation, USA) for Chitosan, being a weak polybase upon dissolv-
48 h at temperature of ‑48°C and 0.05 mbar. ing in aqueous acidic solution, forms cations that
After lyophilization, approximately 1  mg of have –NH3 + groups at the end. The gelation pro-
the freeze-dried samples were redispersed in cess occurs by the addition of an alkaline phase
1 ml of Milli Q water with vortexing and the (pH 5) to form inter- and intramolecular cross-
particle size was analyzed with the same dilu- linkage between TPP phosphates and chitosan
tion as mentioned earlier. According to the data –NH3 + group [25–30] (Figure 1) . In this study FTIR
obtained, it was conferred that PEG 2000 and was used as a tool to analyze the physical stability
sucrose gave better results among the various and the possible interaction of BSA with chito-
synthetic and natural lyoprotectants, respec- san–TPP nanoparticles. Figure 2A (top) shows the
tively. Thus, to further assess the effect of FTIR spectra of BSA with characteristic peaks
PEG  2000 and sucrose on BSA-loaded chi- of BSA for Acetylamino  I at 1651  cm-1, II at
tosan nanoparticles, an increasing concentra- 1537 cm-1 and III at 1242 cm-1 with 3316 cm-1
tion of these lyoprotectants was added to the for stretching vibration of (–NH2) [31] . In the
nanoparticle solution and freeze-dried using FTIR spectra of chitosan nanoparticles shown
similar parameters. Later, these lyophilized in Figure  2A (middle), the carbonyl-stretching
samples were redispersed as described above,
followed by particle-size ana­lysis.
600 ‡

„„ BSA release from the 500

Size of NP (d.nm)

nanoparticles in vitro *
The BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles were
redispersed in PBS (0.02  M, pH  7.4) and 300
incubated at 37°C with constant shaking at 200
150 rpm in Wadegati Orbit Shaking Incubator
(Wadegati Labequip Pvt. Ltd., India). At peri-
odic time intervals, individual samples were 0
centrifuged using SIGMA 1–15K (Germany) LMW MMW HMW
chitosan chitosan chitosan
at 13,800  rpm for 10  min at 25°C and the
supernatant was removed. The exact volume Figure 3. Comparison of the size of
of supernatant removed was replaced by the different-molecular-weight chitosan
same amount of fresh PBS (0.02 M, pH 7.4). nanoparticles. Data presented are
mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
The amount of the protein in the supernatant
*p < 0.05 MMW chitosan versus LMW chitosan.
of release medium was evaluated by micro-BCA ‡
p < 0.005 HMW chitosan versus LMW chitosan.
protein assay as described in the Materials & HMW: High molecular weight; LMW: Low
Methods section. All measurements were molecular weight; MMW: Medium molecular
­performed in triplicate. weight; NP: Nanoparticle.

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Research Article Vandana & Sahoo

Table 1. z‑potential (in mV) of the spectral band at 3300–3500 cm-1 indicates

different-molecular-weight enhanced hydrogen bonding, possibly due to the
chitosan nanoparticles. interaction of BSA with non-cross-linked amino
groups of chitosan [35] . Also, the FTIR spectra
Type of NPs Without BSA With BSA
shown in Figure 2B (top and bottom) reveals that
LMW chitosan 42.9 ± 6.6 39.4 ± 5.1 BSA maintains its stability even after its incor-
MMW chitosan 46.2 ± 5.8 44.2 ± 2.6 poration into the chitosan nanoparticles due to
HMW chitosan 43.6 ± 5.5 40.6 ± 4.0 the presence of acetylamino I and II bands – that
Data presented are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
BSA: Bovine serum albumin; HMW: High molecular
is, carbonyl (C=O–NHR) and amine-group
weight; LMW: Low molecular weight; MMW: Medium (–NH2) bands at 1636 cm-1 and 1540 cm-1 peaks,
molecular weight; NP: Nanoparticle.
respectively, with the same intensity before and
after lyophilization.
(amide  I band) at 1636  cm-1, amine-bending The BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles thus
(amide  II band) at 1540  cm-1 and the broad obtained using different-MW chitosan exhibited
band ascribed to stretching vibration of –NH2 an increasing size with similar z‑potential. The
and –OH group at 3300–3500  cm-1 can be data obtained by DLS measurements showed
observed. The results indicate the cross-linkage the formation of these nanoparticles in the
between TPP ions and the –NH3 + groups of chi- range of 300–350 nm for the low-MW chitosan,
tosan along with hydrogen bonding due to inter- 400–450 nm for medium-MW chitosan and
action of chitosan and TPP [32–35] . The bands at 550–600 nm for high-MW chitosan as shown
1000–1200 cm-1 are attributed to the symmetric in Figure 3. As the MW of chitosan increases, the
stretch of C–O–C of the saccharide structure particle size of chitosan nanoparticles become
of chitosan [36] .However, in the FTIR spectra of larger, possibly attributable to the increasing
BSA-chitosan nanoparticles as shown in Figure 2A chain length of chitosan [35,37] . However, the
(bottom) no band-shift could be detected. But z‑potential measurements showed that all three
some bands of chitosan nanoparticles overlapped different-MW chitosan nanoparticles have
with those of BSA, which resulted in more inten- more-or-less similar z‑potential in the range of
sive peaks of the carbonyl (1636 cm-1) and amine 40–50 mV, as in Table 1. This can be explained
bands (1540 cm-1). In addition, the widening of as when the degree of deacetylation is approxi-
mately the same for different-MW chitosan, the
120 number of functional groups on the chitosan
remains the same, which may be the reason
100 ‡

‡ for getting similar results in the z‑potential of
* our formulation  [35,38,39] . The particle size and
Entrapment efficiency (%)

* z‑potential have a crucial impact on the fate of
the protein-delivery system. Depending on the
particle size, the surface-to-volume ratio and
60 specific surface area varies, which directly cor-
relates to the dissolution and bioavailability of
40 the proteins [40,41] . On the other hand, stabil-
ity and bioadhesion of the particulate system
depends upon the z‑potential or surface charge
20 of the nanoparticles [42] .
Using the ionic gelation method, BSA load-
0 ing was optimized. Analysis was conducted for
0.5 1 1.5 2 the entrapment efficiency of the different-MW
BSA in NP (mg/ml) chitosan nanoparticles loaded with different
LMW MMW HMW concentrations of BSA. There was an observed
increase in the entrapment of BSA with the
increasing MW of chitosan and concentration
Figure 4. Entrapment efficiency of different-molecular-weight chitosan NPs of BSA, as shown in Figure 4. These results were
with increasing concentration of BSA. Data presented are mean ± standard
deviation (n = 3).
similar to studies by Lim et al. and Ko et al., who
*p < 0.05 MMW chitosan versus LMW chitosan. found that the increase in MW of chitosan leads

p < 0.005 HMW chitosan versus LMW chitosan. to higher viscosity of the chitosan solution, form-
BSA: Bovine serum albumin; HMW: High molecular weight; LMW: Low molecular ing strong and highly cross-linked chitosan–TPP
weight; MMW: Medium molecular weight; NP: Nanoparticle. chains that can effectively entrap more of the

778 Nanomedicine (2009) 4(7) future science group

Fabrication of protein-loaded chitosan nanoparticles Research Article
drug. As a cross-link and condensing agent, TPP
forms further hydrogen bonding with free –NH2
groups on both chitosan and protein macromol-
ecules, resulting in more compact protein–chi-
600 *
tosan nanoparticles [43,44] . Additional adsorp-
tion of protein macromolecules on the surface
of the formed particles may occur in sequence,
leading to additional protein loading on the par- 500
ticles [35,38] . However, the entrapment efficiency
of BSA remained more than 80% in all cases,

Size of NP (d.nm)
signifying the effectiveness of the entrapment of 400
proteins in the chitosan nanoparticles. Moreover,
the concentration of the protein along with the
MW of the chitosan influences the release of 300
therapeutic proteins, as studies have shown that
proteins cross-link with chitosan during ionic
gelation [35,45] . 200

„„ Influence of freeze-drying
& redispersability of BSA-loaded 100
chitosan nanoparticles
The protein-loaded chitosan nanoparticles syn-
thesized by an ionic gelation method degrade
with time when dissolved in aqueous media, LMW chitosan MMW chitosan HMW chitosan
due to physical instability (aggregation/parti-
cle fusion/protein degradation) and/or chemi- Before lyophilization After lyophilization
cal instability (hydrolysis of polymer materials
forming nanoparticles [46–48] . Such disintegra- Figure 5. Comparison of the particle size of different-molecular-weight
tions are observed due to the mild conditions chitosan nanoparticles before and after lyophilization. Data presented are
adopted during the synthesis of chitosan–TPP mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
nanoparticles, rendering them to behave as a *p< 0.05 different-molecular-weight chitosan NPs after lyophilization versus
metastable system, hence restricting the neces- before lyophilization.
HMW: High molecular weight; LMW: Low molecular weight; MMW: Medium
sity of fresh aqueous solutions prepared only molecular weight; NP: Nanoparticle.
when required. However, freshly preparing
the particles at the point of requirement is not nanoparticles in a very dilute state are transferred
recommended in large-scale synthesis. To over- to a highly concentrated state with the crystal-
come this limitation, the BSA-loaded different- lization and sublimation of water, resulting in
MW chitosan nanoparticles were freeze-dried a change of pH. �����������������������������
This highly concentrated par-
or lyophilized. For pharmaceutical aspects, the ticulate system may induce aggregation and in
freeze-dried nanoparticles should have the abil- some cases irreversible fusion of nanoparticles.
ity to be stable for a long time and reconstitute or Furthermore, the crystallization of ice may exer-
redisperse in solution without aggregation dur- cise a mechanical stress on nanoparticles, leading
ing parental administration. Our studies showed to their destabilization [51] .
that these nanoparticles had a poor dispersion In the case of protein-encapsulated nanopar-
in aqueous solution and an increased particle ticles, various studies have revealed that, as the
size after lyophilization, as confirmed by DLS solute from the proteins starts to freeze, pure
measurements shown in Figure 5. water separates as ice and the proteins are likely
The most commonly used process for long- to undergo physical stress due to ice, air and the
term stability and storage is freeze-drying [49] . salts that are excluded from ice crystals. This
Freeze-drying, also known as lyophilization, is a leads to increased high-salt/solute concentra-
technique involving the freezing of the colloidal tion, which may denature the protein or induce
suspension of nanoparticles followed by elimina- partial unfolding, resulting in aggregation on
tion of their water content by sublimation under redispersion [52,53] . The nanoparticles thus
reduced pressure. Freezing is a very aggressive obtained during the process of lyophilization
step of freeze-drying of colloidal solution [50] . are in the form of a dry powder that is easy to
During this process, the colloidal suspension of handle and store.

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Table 2. Comparison of mean particle size of different-molecular- 2000 and sucrose with an increasing concentration
weight chitosan nanoparticles loaded with bovine serum albumin on the nanoparticles, both lyoprotectants were
(1 mg/ml) using synthetic lyoprotectants (20 mg/ml). added separately to BSA-loaded different-MW
chitosan nanoparticles. The results demonstrated
Type of chitosan Mean particle size (d. nm)
that the nanoparticles after lyophilization with
NP with BSA
(1 mg/ml) PEG 2000 PEG 6000 PEG 8000 PEG 10,000 PEG 2000 had inconsistent sizes with an increas-
ing concentration, while the formulation with
LMW 466.0 ± 4.7 654.0 ± 5.3 671.0 ± 2.3 825.0 ± 4.0
sucrose showed reduction in size (Figures 6A–C) .
MMW 580.0 ± 2.6 348.7 ± 4.5 460.8 ± 5.6 898.0 ± 1.5
There are variety of lyoprotectants used for
HMW 771.0 ± 6.1 758.0 ± 5.9 712.4 ± 3.5 916.3 ± 6.0
conserving the integrity of the colloidal sus-
Data presented are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
BSA: Bovine serum albumin; HMW: High molecular weight; LMW: Low molecular weight; pension of protein-loaded nanoparticles dur-
MMW: Medium molecular weight; NP: Nanoparticle; PEG: Polyethylene glycol. ing freeze-drying, such as carbohydrates, poly-
ols, PEGs and various water-soluble polymers.
„„ Effect of lyoprotectants on Several mechanisms such as water-replacement
nanoparticle size during theory, the single amorphous state immobiliza-
freeze-drying tion mechanism and the scavenger mechanism
To optimize fabrication of improved redispersion have been proposed to explain the mode of action
and stability of freeze-dried BSA-loaded nanopar- of the lyoprotectants during freeze-drying [54–57] .
ticles, the addition of suitable lyoprotectants is But the most widely accepted theories regard-
necessary. Experiments with various lyoprotect­ ing the action of lyoprotectants are the water-
ants of carbohydrate origin, such as D+ ‑sucrose, replacement theory and vitrification theory.
D+ ‑glucose, D+ ‑mannose, D+ ‑mannitol and PEG Water-replacement theory studies have shown
with different MWs such as PEG 2000 Da, PEG that lyoprotectants such as disaccharides serve as
6000 Da, PEG 8000 Da and PEG 10,000 Da were a ‘water substitute’ when the hydration shell of the
evaluated in the BSA-loaded chitosan nanopar- proteins and nanoparticles are removed during
ticle formulation. A particular amount of the the drying process upon lyophilization. Water is
aforementioned lyoprotectants were added to the hydrogen-bonded to the surface of the proteins
BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticle solutions in and nanoparticles during the drying process. It
each vial to be lyophilized. The experiment dem- is replaced by the lyoprotectants that protect the
onstrated that the effect of PEG with increasing native conformation of the protein along with
MW did not exhibit consistent results for the the structural entity of the nanoparticles from
freeze-dried chitosan nanoparticles compared dehydration stress [51,56,58,59] . By contrast, the vit-
with natural lyoprotectants, which reduced the rification mechanism states that the glassy state of
size of the nanoparticles considerably, as shown the lyoprotectants maintains the individual par-
in Tables 2 & 3. The nanoparticles lyophilized with ticles in a state of low molecular mobility, thereby
PEG could not completely redissolve in water even reducing the surface tension of the particles dur-
after sonication, whereas the nanoparticles redis- ing freeze-drying, a factor responsible for the sta-
solved completely without the need for sonication bility of the nanoparticles. Among the range of
when lyophilized with natural lyoprotectants. different lyoprotectants, sucrose is considered as
However, PEG 2000 showed satisfactory results the most versatile and the best nonspecific stabi-
among the synthetic lyoprotectants and sucrose lizer. Generally, sucrose is considered a classical
showed superior results among the natural lyo- amorphous lyoprotectant and forms glassy state
protectants. To further evaluate the effect of PEG with the protein in lyophilization [58] . Vermuri
et al. have studied the effect of sucrose as a lyopro-
Table 3. Comparison of mean particle size of different-molecular- tectant in the freeze-drying of liposomes and solid
weight chitosan nanoparticles loaded with bovine serum albumin lipid nanoparticles and found that it maintains
(1 mg/ml) using natural lyoprotectants (20 mg/ml). uniformity and redispersibility by decreasing the
osmotic activity of water of crystallization and
Type of chitosan Mean particle size (nm)
NP with BSA
favors the glassy state of the lyophilized formula-
(1 mg/ml) D + ‑sucrose D + ‑glucose D + ‑mannose D + ‑mannitol tion [60] . To confirm the same, studies were done
using sucrose as a lyoprotectant in our BSA-
LMW 218.0 ± 2.3 221.0 ± 3.2 295.3 ± 1.2 470.1 ± 5.1
loaded different-MW chitosan nanoparticles.
MMW 285.0 ± 1.2 290.0 ± 5.2 294.0 ± 3.3 383.0 ± 4.8
As shown in Figure 6, there was no considerable
HMW 431.0 ± 7.0 440.0 ± 2.6 503.0 ± 8.0 577.0 ± 7.1
size difference in the formulation as measured by
Data presented are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
BSA: Bovine serum albumin; HMW: High molecular weight; LMW: Low molecular weight; DLS. Furthermore, the effect of sucrose on the
MMW: Medium molecular weight; NP: Nanoparticle. formulation was studied by analyzing the TEM

780 Nanomedicine (2009) 4(7) future science group

Fabrication of protein-loaded chitosan nanoparticles Research Article
images. Figure 7 shows the TEM images indicating
that the size range of BSA-loaded low-MW chi- ‡ ‡

tosan nanoparticles with sucrose is around 200– 700

300 nm, similar to size of the low-MW chitosan
nanoparticles before lyophilization. The shapes of 600 ‡

Size of NP (d.nm)
the particles are approximate to spheres, smooth 500 ‡

with an almost homogeneous structure for the

nanoparticles. As stated above, sucrose being 400
hydrophilic helps in dispersion without affect- 300
ing the structural entity of nanoparticles in the
aqueous medium. Conversely, PEG polymers are 200
a series of nonionic polyhydroxyl compounds that
are miscible with water and display colligative
properties in solution. They act as a steric stabi- 0
5 10 20 30 50
lizer by protecting the surface of the nanoparticles
Concentration of lyoprotectant (mg/ml)
during the freeze-drying process [61] .
Therefore, it can be concluded that use of
sucrose as lyoprotectant for BSA-loaded chito- 1000 ‡ ‡

san nanoparticles is very effective in controlling 900

the size of nanoparticles without affecting the 800 ‡

physicochemical characteristics after redispersion

Size of NP (d.nm)

700 ‡
of the freeze-dried samples. 600

„„ In vitro release kinetics
In order to investigate the feasibility of chito- 400
san nanoparticles as drug carriers for therapeu- 300
tic proteins, an in vitro release study was done 200
on the different-MW chitosan nanoparticles 100
loaded with BSA. In addition, a sequential time 0
frame of TEM images of BSA-loaded chitosan 5 10 20 30 50
nanoparticles during release studies reported by Concentration of lyoprotectant (mg/ml)
Gan et al. was taken into consideration for pro- 900
viding an insight to the protein-release mecha- *
nism. The TEM images demonstrated that the
BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles maintained 700 *
their shape, size and integral structure during
Size of NP (d.nm)

the burst release of BSA, whereas consider- *
able particle swelling with loss of density and 500
increase in particle size after burst release of 400
protein resulted in loss of physical integrity of
the particle [22] . Also, a comparative study of 300
FTIR spectra, as shown in Figure 8 (top and bot- 200
tom) of the BSA-loaded nanoparticles before
and after release (from first 12 h) was carried
out. The spectra indicated the decreased inten- 0
5 10 20 30 50
sity in main characteristic bands of carbonyl Concentration of lyoprotectant (mg/ml)
(C =O–NHR) and amine group (–NH 2 ) at
1636 cm-1 and 1540 cm-1, respectively, from the Sucrose PEG 2000
BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles during the
release process. Figure 6. Comparison of polyethylene glycol 2000 and sucrose of different
In relation to the above-mentioned protein- concentrations. (A) Low-molecular-weight chitosan NPs loaded with bovine
serum albumin (BSA) (1 mg/ml). (B) Medium-molecular-weight chitosan NPs
release mechanism, the other parameter respon- loaded with BSA (1 mg/ml). (C) High-molecular-weight chitosan NPs loaded with
sible for the slow release of BSA from nanoparticles BSA (1 mg/ml). Data presented are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
is due to the isoelectric point effect of BSA in the *p < 0.05 PEG 2000 versus sucrose.
release medium, having a pH  7.4. The release ‡
p < 0.005 PEG 2000 versus sucrose.
profiles of the BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles NP: Nanoparticle; PEG: Polyethylene glycol.

future science group 781

Research Article Vandana & Sahoo

was done on the BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparti-

cles with sucrose as a lyoprotectant during lyophi-
lization (Figure 9B) . This was done to investigate
whether the use of sucrose has any significant
effect on the release of the nanoparticles. From
the results it was revealed that the release of BSA
in the presence of sucrose as a lyoprotectant was
moderately different from BSA-loaded nanoparti-
cle without sucrose in the formulation. As depicted
in Figure 9B, the slight increase of the burst release
(approximately 1–2%) was possibly attributable to
the increased hydrophilicity of the nanoparticles
in release media due to the presence of sucrose.
As evident from the decrease in intensity of
the characteristic bands in FTIR spectra shown
100 nm 100 nm
in Figure 8 (top and bottom), the burst release in
the first 12 h can be attributed to rapid surface
Figure 7. Transmission electron microscope images of (A) low-molecular- desorption of BSA from a large surface area pro-
weight chitosan nanoparticles loaded with bovine serum albumin vided by huge numbers of nanoparticles to the
(1 mg/ml) and (B) low-molecular-weight chitosan nanoparticles external medium mimicking the physiological
loaded with bovine serum albumin (1 mg/ml) with sucrose (20 mg/ml) pH, here PBS (pH 7.4). Then, a slow release of
as lyoprotectant.
BSA from the chitosan nanoparticles as shown in
with different MWs were conducted at pH 7.4. Figures 9A & B of an in vitro release study, is due to
At this pH, BSA, having the isoelectric point the slow release of protein macromolecules from
value  4.8, is negatively charged, and therefore the pores of the nanoparticles. The porosity in
its interaction with the –NH3+ group of chitosan the nanoparticle structure is due to sw­elling, with
is highly favored. This perhaps is also a factor loss of density and increase in particle size, as
responsible for the slow release of BSA from the apparent from the TEM studies of Gan et al. [22] .
chitosan nanoparticles. All of the nanoparticles But the release rate of proteins from the high-
showed a small burst release in an increasing mode MW chitosan nanoparticles was slow compared
with decreasing MW of chitosan (approximately with those of medium- and low-MW chitosan
35–40% BSA in low-MW chitosan, 15–20% BSA nanoparticles, as shown in Figures 9A & B. These
in medium-MW chitosan and 10–15% BSA in results indicate that the increased cross-linking
high-MW chitosan nanoparticles) in the first between chitosan–TPP complexes with increas-
12 h, followed by slow release at a constant but ing MW of chitosan may lead to the higher vis-
different rate (Figure 9A). Also, a release-profile study cosity of chitosan solution due to the formation

1319.28 894.99 800.46
1381.62 1077.99 700.29
T (%)

894.55 559.69
10 3420.09 1541.19
1696.54 1381.76

0 3414.01 1076.06
3800 3000 2000 1500 1000 500

Figure 8. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectra of bovine serum albumin-loaded

chitosan nanoparticles after release (in first 12 h) (top) and before release (bottom).

782 Nanomedicine (2009) 4(7) future science group

Fabrication of protein-loaded chitosan nanoparticles Research Article
of a relatively strong matrix of nanoparticles 100
[23,44] . The nanoparticle matrix is also diffu-
sion-controlled and obeys the Higuchi equation

Cumulative % release of BSA

[62] . Studies confirmed that the rate of release is 80
directly proportional to the size of nanoparticles. 70
Release from smaller-sized nanoparticles is faster 60
than those from large-sized nanoparticles owing 50
to smaller diffusion path length for the drug and
larger surface area of contact of smaller particles
with the dissolution medium [63] . 30
Conclusion 10
This work shows a systematic study on the
physico­chemical characteristics of protein-encap- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sulated chitosan–TPP nanoparticles formed by Time (days)
the ionic gelation technique. The study ana- LMW MMW HMW
lyzed different parameters, such as particle size,
z‑potential, entrapment efficiency and in vitro 100
release of the protein-loaded different-MW chito- 90
Cumulative % release of BSA

san nano­particles, that proved these nanoparticles 80

to be an ideal protein/drug delivery vehicle. 70
By contrast, the postpreparative steps, such as
stability and redispersion of the nanoparticles, have
certain limitations that make the final product not 50
viable. The most common method to curb these 40
factors is lyophilization or freeze-drying. This pro- 30
cess involves various stresses during freezing and 20
drying. The stability and phase transitions of the
lyophilized chitosan–TPP particles are effectively
controlled by the use of lyoprotectants. Stability of 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
the BSA-loaded different-MW chitosan nanopar- Time (days)
ticles was achieved using synthetic lyoprotectants
such as PEG 2000  Da, PEG 6000  Da, PEG Figure 9. Release kinetics of bovine serum albumin from different-
8000 Da and PEG 10,000 Da, along with those molecular-weight chitosan nanoparticles (A) without and (B) with sucrose
of natural origin such as D + ‑sucrose, D+ ‑glucose, (20 mg/ml) as lyoprotectant.
BSA: Bovine serum albumin; HMW: High molecular weight; LMW: Low molecular
D+ ‑mannose, D+ ‑mannitol. The BSA-loaded chi- weight; MMW: Medium molecular weight.
tosan nanoparticles were effectively stabilized by
D + -sucrose during lyophilization. Furthermore, therapeutics. The application of polymer nano-
the TEM examination and in vitro release stud- technology, using natural polymers such as chito-
ies of the chitosan nanoparticles with sucrose as san in the form of nanoparticles, has proved to be
lyoprotectants showed similar results as shown potential tool for the delivery of these proteins via
by BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles with no a safer route – either oral or parental. The system-
lyophilization. Essentially, a systemic fabrication atic fabrication conditions using different-MW
of the preparation conditions for protein encapsu- c­hitosan and BSA as model proteins were done by
lation with desired physicochemical properties by optimizing the different parameters such as par-
using suitable lyoprotectants can make chitosan ticle size, z‑potential, entrapment efficiency and
nanoparticles a potential candidate as a delivery in vitro release to obtain the desired physicochemi-
carrier for therapeutic proteins and peptides for a cal properties for enhanced encapsulation and sus-
sustained period. tained release of the protein. The use of a suitable
lyoprotectant such as sucrose further improves the
Summary use and storage of chitosan nano­particles for the
The significant advancement in recombinant bio- delivery of proteins for oral or parental adminis-
technology has initiated the use of proteins and tration purposes. Thus, an ideal delivery vehicle
peptides as therapeutic agents. But the challenges, for therapeutic proteins and peptides can be fab-
such as short half-life, immunogenecity and deg- ricated by optimizing the various physicochemical
radation, have hampered their successful role in properties of chitosan nanoparticles.

future science group 783

Research Article Vandana & Sahoo

Financial & competing interests disclosure employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or
The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or
involvement with any organization or entity with a finan‑ pending, or royalties.
cial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes this manuscript.

Executive summary
ƒƒ Natural nanoparticles, such as chitosan, synthesized for delicate protein molecules with high encapsulation efficiency are
enormously appealing.
ƒƒ To date, most of the protein-based drug formulations are either suspensions in a ready-to-use form or lyophilized products for redispersion.
ƒƒ The fabrication of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with proteins involves no harmful organic solvents and is done under mild conditions.
ƒƒ The chitosan polymer is available in a range of different molecular weights and studies showed that low-molecular-weight chitosan was
an ideal protein-delivery device, having a desirable release profile.
ƒƒ For clinical purposes the protein-loaded chitosan nanoparticles are freeze-dried with lyoprotectants to have a stabilized formulation with
conserved physicochemical properties and good redispersability for an oral or parental administration.
ƒƒ The choice of a suitable lyoprotectant and its concentration is crucial during lyophilization to ensure maximum stability of the
nanoparticles. Thus, various synthetic and natural lyoprotectants were analyzed for BSA-loaded chitosan nanoparticles.
ƒƒ Addition of a natural lyoprotectant such as sucrose provides a desirable release profile similar to that of the chitosan nanoparticles
devoid of it.

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