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Team Charter

Team Name Team Leader

Project Management Consulting Group 8
Project Name Duration
EverGreen Organization Training Modules 7.5 Weeks

● Project Summary: To develop a series of training modules on

Background project quality management for mid-level managers for the
EverGreen Organization. The EverGreen Organization has had a
series of concerning product failures. EverGreen has decided to
focus on quality issues and hired Project Management
Consulting-Group 8 to train upper and middle level employees
through the developed modules (Allen, 2022).
● Team: “You are a diverse team with experience in developing
training at multiple organizational levels.  While feeling a bit
overwhelmed and excited your team is committed to this project.
You embark on your new task with knowledge and confidence from
your numerous classes in Organizational Leadership at ASU as well
as your work experience in your organization” (Allen, 2022).
● Stakeholders: Project Management Consulting-Group 8, EverGreen
Organization, End Users including mid-level management team at
EverGreen, Dr. Allen.

● Who is doing what and for who?

Mission o Project Management Consulting Group Eight will create a
And comprehensive training plan for mid and upper-level
Objectives managers at the EverGreen Organization to improve overall
project quality management within the organization to set
the standard going forward.
● What is a successful project at completion look like?
o Having a fully developed introductory training presentation
that is 10 minutes in length with narration and or video
presentation of the chosen developed training materials
● Benefit and/or business reason for project
o Our goal is to provide leaders the tools to lead projects
sustainably through the lens of quality management. After
our training course, leaders will have the tools and
confidence to grow their business from within.

Budget ● Funding will come from the EverGreen Organization. Our team will
And be allotted $10,000 which will cover training software, equipment,
Resources facility and seating.
● Allotted Budget will not include staff salaries and consultant
● Portable Projector
● Adaptor Cords
● Presentation Remote
● Protable Speakers
● Microphone
● Power Point
● Smart Pen

● Team: Who is on the team and what are they responsible for?
Responsibilities Amanda Piotrowski: Project Management Consultant
o Creating Team Charter
o Developing Presentation Subject Matter
Ashley Wilson: Project Management Consultant
o Submitting Team Milestones
o Creating Team Charter
o Developing Presentation Subject Matter
o Leading Change Management
Brianda Bombela: Project Management Consultant
o Defining and summarizing overview of Project Quality
o Developing Presentation Subject Matter
Jay Haggs: Project Management Consultant
o Defining and summarizing overview of Project Quality
o Developing Presentation Subject Matter
Shelly Bethard: Project Management Consultant
o Creating Team Charter
o Developing Presentation Subject Matter

● What is the team’s decision-making process?

Team o Peer-Review and editing with final group approval of
Operations completed documents/work packages
● How do new people enter, and others leave the team?
o Not Applicable
● Detail operating rules, relationships, logistical support, etc.

● What is the project scope?

o To develop a series of training modules on project quality
Scope management for mid-level managers for the EverGreen
● How will the team participate in the project scope?
○ Each team member will work collectively and individually in
their assigned roles on the project. Creating a Team Charter,
developing a plan for the training modules, and creating the
training module presentation.

● How will progress and performance be measured?

Performance o Upon assessment of milestone submissions that will be
Assessment reviewed and given a value within a predetermined scoring
system in place by Dr. Maggie Allen
● Who will assess the team?
o Dr. Maggie Allen
● What are the major tasks in the project?
Activities o Develop Team Charter model
And o Create 3 bullet-points of duties/expectations for team
Milestones members
o Develop due dates and elements for group assignments
o Develop purpose/goal
o Define role of Quality in project management
o Develop 6 key attributes of Project Quality Management
o Develop presentation outline
o Create Introduction, Overview of situation in organization,
key elements of QM, role of management, and overview
of TQ tools, “take-aways”, conclusion, and references

● What are the milestones in the project?

o Team Charter

o Create Plan for Presentation for Project

o Develop Introduction Training Session

o Complete Presentation

● What are the methods of communication?

Guide o Slack for direct messaging and collaboration which allows
To flexibility in response timing due to varying time zones
Communications and work schedules within the team members.
o Google Docs as a collaborative method of working on our
documents as a team.
● How often will teams meet?
o Team members will set up collaborative sessions as
needed outside of the preferred communication
channels, Slack & Google Docs
● What is the frequency of filing status reports?
o Every 2 weeks, 2 days prior to milestone submissions
Team’s Dated Signatures

Team Member Date

Amanda Piotrowski 07/17/2022
Team Member Date
Ashley Wilson 7/17/2022
Team Member Date
Brianda Bombela 07/16/2022
Team Member Date
Jay Haggs 07/16/2022
Team Member Date
Shelly Bethard 07/15/2022

While the meaning of “quality” may differ from person to person, our goal should be to

always produce high-quality work. In project management, it is crucial that a company's outward

perception and level of quality does not decrease to its customers and clients. Project quality

management “...​include all the activities of the performing organization that determine quality

policies, objectives, and responsibilities so that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was

undertaken.” (Rose, p. 41, 2014). A common misconception amongst organizations is how

quality is measured once the project is completed. There are three components of project

quality management that establish and play key roles in project development, and they consist

of Quality Planning, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control.

The first element in project quality management is Quality Planning. This activity lays the

foundation and design for quality in a project. Quality planning can be defined as “…identifying

which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them” (Rose,

p. 42, 2014). In the use of conformance and prevention, project managers are able to achieve

quality and reach certain milestones. The second element, Quality Assurance, focuses mainly

on making sure processes are being followed, that planned activities are being completed, and

that everyone is working towards delivering a quality end product. Running routine audits and

using checklists will ensure that your project remains up to quality standards. The third element,
Quality Control, provides an opportunity to identify problems and consider methods of

improvement, including adjusting risk factors and contingency plans. This method provides

feedback reassuring the project is meeting the desired level of quality, and highlighting any

areas of weakness moving forward. The benefits of project quality management include,

financial growth, increased productivity, higher levels of customer and stakeholder satisfaction,

and quality products. Ensuring processes are optimized for quality, will benefit all who are

involved and affected by its deliverables.

In the development of PQM practices, the role of management is to act as a facilitator in

the workplace. It is the responsibility of the manager to select and appoint the right individuals

who can work as line managers and take charge of the entire project. Assigning resources

including training resources will help the organization develop superior quality products.

Customer feedback should be carefully monitored and taken into consideration while

formulating the company's major strategies. In the development of project quality management,

establishing standards by conforming to the policies and procedures in place, ultimately will

ensure the projects remain under budget, on time, and within project scope.

In a project some of the most common quality characteristics that attribute to the

strength and success of a project are communication, consistency, functionality, performance,

suitability, and reliability. Managing and ensuring quality in services to the client is the ultimate

goal. The overall project delivery should ensure quality management throughout the length of

the project and this is where quality doesn’t always necessarily mean perfection and high quality

services, but maintaining a consistency in quality across the project until the completion of it.

The quality of standards to be maintained or met is decided by the stakeholders, owners and

clients that are funding the project and when meeting with a project manager discuss their

Since many factors come into play, considering the quality of deliverables and ensuring

quality has remained consistent throughout the project from communication between

stakeholders to project managers, tasks, staff and milestones, and all involved in getting

deadlines met. Quality management remains until the end of the project and will ultimately

determine if a project is successful based on these standards that the client had envisioned and

set for the project. The levels of quality in these situations are measured per project and

organizational standards set by project managers and stakeholders and it should be noted also

as the project moves along it can cause these levels to change as the project is ongoing. The

stakeholders expectations are what the client expects in terms of the project quality. Managing

and ensuring quality in services to the client’s needs is the ultimate goal upon delivery. The

project delivery should ensure quality management throughout the time of the project and this is

where quality doesn’t always necessarily mean there is perfection and high quality services, but

maintaining consistency long term in quality across the project's lifespan and up until the

completion of it.


Team charter template. ProjectManager. (2022, March 30). Retrieved July 17, 2022, from

Rose, K. (2014). Project quality management: Why, what and how. Boca Raton, Fla: J. Ross


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