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DILG PPAs: Anchor to Development

May 5, 2022

Executive Summary

The city that I was assigned as an LGOO had problems with peace and order which

involves the youth. My recommended plan of action is to suggest to the POC to conduct

an emergency meeting which must be compulsory in attendance of the following

members of the council: SAC on Anti-criminality; DOH; DSWD; DOJ; PNP; PDEA and

PIA. Another recommendation is to strengthen peace and order council membership and

attendees to gather more in-depth information of the situation that would particularly

address youth offenders. Finally, to enhance the 3-year Local Peace and Order Plan by

introducing programs that involves the youth.

Statement of the Problem

In a forum that I attended, one of the topics discussed was the role of the Local

Government Unit in addressing the problem of peace and order. My city was being

highlighted having an alarming increase in petty crimes that involve the youth. It was

later followed on occasion that involve gang wars in the most depressed urban area in

the city.
Causes of the problem

The main cause of the problem being highlighted in the forum was that the POC where I

am assigned have not been active in delivering a holistic program that wound respond to

the issues pertaining to peace and order.

Recommended solution, implementation, and justification

Before I dwell on the topic of finding solution against violence to achieve peace, allow

me first to explain the basic concepts and theories on peace studies. This is important so

we could properly identify what courses of action we should take after identifying what

type of peace that we wanted to achieve. One peace study that is known came from a

Norwegian sociologist, John Vincent Galtung, who explained violence in 3 dimensions,

namely: Direct violence (what we see and experience like physical assault, etc.);

Structural violence (racism, ageism, etc.), and Cultural Violence (Culture exemplified by

religion and ideology). In the formulation of the LGU’s roadmap, we need to understand

that direct violence are those that are visible and easily determined. While structural and

cultural violence need to be analyzed and deeper study should be conducted to know

the real causes and issues of the problem.

Also, Galtung defined two types of peace, namely: negative peace as the absence of

direct violence; and positive peace as the absence of indirect violence enabling to be

All the information above can be surmised in the following idea below.

1. To achieve peace brought by direct violence, we need to find negative peace for

the immediate cessation of violence, and at the same time positive peace for its

long term solution. For instance, in times of prevalent and rampant criminal

activities, we need to find negative peace through law enforcement for the

immediate cessation of violence. On other hand, we also need to find positive

peace by introducing social reform programs for a true, lasting, and sustainable

peace built for the community.

2. Both structural and cultural violence need to be analyzed and deeper study

should be conducted to know the real causes and issues of the problem. For

instance, the issue on racism and ageism is structural violence, while cultural

violence involves issues on religion. Without deeper study on the problems, we

cannot end this type of violence with the ultimate goal of lasting positive peace.

After understanding what “peace” is all about, we can now properly identify the right

course of action of the above stated problem.

As the Secretariat of the City Peace and Order Council (CPOC), below is my process of

involvement and contribution in introducing the program/s to the LGU:

1. I would request for an emergency POC meeting, which must be compulsory in

attendance of the following members of the council: SAC on Anti-criminality;

DOH; DSWD; DOJ; PNP; PDEA and PIA. Other members are also enjoined to

attend the meeting for additional inputs;

2. Once approved, I would then recommend that the agenda of the meeting will be

all about “alarming increase in youth offenders in the City”;

3. If the agenda is approved by the chairperson, then I will set the date of the

meeting and send invitations to the members afterward upon concurrence by the


4. During the meeting, I will assist the Chairperson in the conduct of the meeting by

acting as a secretariat that will record the minutes of the meeting;

5. I will let the Chairperson do the presiding and set the tone of the meeting;

6. Once my attention is called for any recommendation for the solution of the

problem, I will present it to them in the following manner:

Towards achieving Negative Peace

a. Explain briefly the concept of “peace” as explained above;

b. I will suggest the immediate activation of the SAC on Anti-criminality

headed by the highest ranking PNP officer in the AOR and ask for their

identified specific PPSAs that will prevent and counter the existing

problem at hand to achieve negative peace, and provide point person and

anticipated timelines pertaining to the activities;

c. I will also suggest that DOH should also be involve for possible

intervention, particularly, if physical injuries cannot be avoided during law

enforcement activities of the PNP;

d. Suggest also to include DSWD for possible intervention in case if the

youth offender is a minor;

e. PDEA as well for any possible intervention for any presence of anti-drugs;

f. PIA for media coverage during law enforcement operations; and

g. All other agencies may provide inputs for any possible intervention that

they can suggest.

Towards achieving Positive Peace

a. Suggest for the strengthening and enhancement of the 3-year Local

Peace and Order and Plan (POPS) Plan, and this time to include PPSAs

for the youth offenders;

b. Suggest to create TWG for the purpose of POPS planning, following the

guidelines of DILG issuances;

c. Open the floor for inter-disciplinary dialogue and deliberation of major

issues affecting the youth;

d. Open the floor for any inter-agency strategic actions or activities aimed at

promoting peace and order involving the youth.

7. After the end the meeting with all the deliberation of the proposed PPSAs, LPOC

plan action, and intervention, I will finalize the minutes of the meeting and

prepare a resolution to solidify all the commitments undertaken;

8. Submit such resolution to the POC for record purposes; and

9. Conduct periodic dialogue and consultation for any updates of all the

commitments undertaken.

All measures undertaken above will be achieved if all the stakeholders are committed to

undertake their plan of action to end the increasing youthful offenders in the city.
External sourcing

Oshadhi Herath , “A critical analysis of Positive and Negative Peace Oshadhi Herath”




DILG MC NO. 2019-143, Omnibus Guidelines for Peace and Order Councils (POCs)


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