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Evidence in Action Leading Question

JUSTICE RICARDO L. PRONOVE, JR. -A question is leading when it suggests, urges, and
prompts the witness to give the answer, the
RULE: Evidence is admitted if not objected to. examiner wants to hear
-timely objection must be made -Questions that begin with “did” or “didn’t” or
ending with phrases such as “didn’t he” or
Oral Evidence “doesn’t” are often leading.
-Ground for objection: Immaterial, irrelevant, or “Objection, YH, the question is leading.”
incompetent “Objection, YH, the question is misleading.”
-made after the offer of testimony
-If the witness is already testifying… Compound Questions
-Answer is objectionable  Strike the -Contains two or more questions which are usually
answer off the records connected by the conjunctions “and” and “or.”
-Motion to Strike : if an objection is “Objection, YH, counsel is asking a compound
sustained and inadmissible evidence was question.”
nonetheless set forth on the record, the
counsel must make a motion to “strike” the General Questions
evidence from the record or the objection is “Objection, YH, the question is too general.”
deemed forfeited.
Question calling for Narration
Documentary Evidence “YH, the question calls for a narration or narrative
-Object when offered answer.”
-If the Court excludes the doc/things being
presented, the movant may have it attached to the Vague Questions
record so that its exclusion can be reviewed -Those that cannot be answered specifically
properly on appeal.
Ambiguous Questions
Irrelevant and Immaterial Evidence -Those which are capable of double meaning
-Evidence that is offered to prove a fact no longer in
dispute Unintelligible Question
“Objection, Your Honor (YH), it is irrelevant or -One that cannot be understood because of the way
immaterial to the issue.” it is framed
“Objection, YH, the question calls for an improper -To make the question clear, preliminary statements
answer.” like repeating the previous testimony of a witness is
-Material evidence is always relevant. permissible – Laying down the predicate (R132,
Sec. 13).
Incompetent evidence
-Inadmissible if its presentation is forbidden by law Hypothetical Question
or rules -Usually begin with words like “if,” “suppose,”
“Objection, YH, the evidence is incompetent “assuming” or “isn’t it possible.”
because it is excluded by the rules or by law.”
“Objection, YH, on the ground that the question Argumentative/Harassing Question
calls for the opinion of the witness” (Opinion of “Objection, YH, the question is argumentative or
Ordinary Witness) harassing the witness.”
“Objection, YH, because the question calls for the
opinion of an expert and the witness has not been Embarrassing Question
qualified as such.” (Expert Opinion) -Exception : If it refers to the very fact in issue or to
a fact from which the fact in issue can be inferred
“Objection, YH, because the question tends to “Objection, YH, no basis. It has not been shown
embarrass or degrade the character of the witness.” that…”
Question on Admitted Matter -When a witness is going to describe an incident, it
-May be contradicted or set aside if it was made must first be shown as a preliminary fact that he has
through palpable mistake or it was never made at all personal knowledge of the incident because he was
“Objection, YH, counsel is presenting evidence on a at the scene and saw it, if such is the case.
matter that is already admitted.”
Photographs, X-rays, Video tape
Already Answered Question “YH, I object to the use or introduction in evidence
“Objection, YH, already answered.” of the photograph because it has not been
“YH, the witness has already answered the authenticated.”
Incompetent/Disqualified Witnesses
Self-incriminating question “Objection, YH, on the ground that the witness is
-When an incriminating question is asked, the incompetent to testify.”
lawyer should object and request the court to advise
the witness of his right against self-incrimination or Impeachment of Own Witness
the lawyer may do the advising himself with the “YH, may I be allowed to impeach my own witness
court’s permission. because I or my client was misled into calling him
to the stand. If allowed, we will show that he made
Unresponsive Answers prior inconsistent statement.”
-Cannot be objected to “Objection, YH, on the ground that the evidence
-Stricken off the record because they are irrelevant tends to impeach opposing counsel’s witness.”
“YH, the answer should be stricken off the record
because it is not responsive.” Memorandum to Aid Memory
“YH, I request that the witness be allowed to refer
Failure to make connection to a memorandum to refresh his memory.”
“YH, I move that the testimony or exhibit be “I have no objection, YH, but may I examine the
stricken off the record for failure of counsel to make notes the witness is consulting.”
the necessary connection.” -3 requirements:
1) that the witness cannot fully/completely
Inadmissible for a particular purpose remember the facts without the aid of the
“Objection, YH, on the ground that it is not alleged memorandum due to lapse of time;
or pleaded as an issue.” 2) that the witness was the one who wrote
the memo or ordered it written at the time
Beyond Scope of Direct Examination the facts occurred or while they were still in
“Objection, YH, because it is not within the scope his memory;
of, was not taken up or touched upon in the direct 3) that the memo correctly stated the
examination (JA).” fact/transaction when it was made.

Assume facts not in evidence Right to Inspect Document

“Objection, YH, the question assumes facts not yet “YH, may I inspect the document just shown
in evidence.” to the witness.”
-This type of question often begins with “Did you
know?” or “Do you know?” Exclusion and Separation of Witnesses
“YH, I move for the exclusion and/or
Lack basis or Foundation separation of the witnesses present in court
Purpose: to prevent them from hearing and
being influenced by the testimony being
given by the witness on the stand

Hearsay Evidence
“Objection, YH, the question calls for
hearsay evidence.”
“YH, I move that the testimony be stricken
off the record for being hearsay.”
-Hearsay evidence, which may be oral or
written, is one that tries to prove a fact the
existence of which is based not on what the
witness has seen or heard but on what
someone else, who is not in court, has said.
-When admitted:
1) Independently relevant statement;
2) To show the feelings or state of mind of
the declarant like his mental condition,
motive, fear, apprehension, good or bad
3) To establish notice, knowledge,
consciousness or awareness of some fact or
the condition of some fact.

Self-serving Evidence
“Objection, YH, the evidence is self-
-Self-serving evidence is usually a
statement, oral or written, made out of court
at one time that is considered favorable to
the interest of the declarant.
-Not admissible primarily because of its
hearsay character

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