Mock Exam For Civil Service

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Subject-Verb Agreement exercises

A. DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct verb in these sentences.

1. Sally (run, runs) to the park every day.
2. The dogs (bark, barks) at strangers.
3. Ted and Mary (is, are) going to the movies. 4. The game (was, were)
5. They (worry, worries) too much.
6. She (study, studies) every night.
7. Black or white (is, are) your choice.
8. That (was, were) incredible.
9. Those (is, are) pretty shoes.
10. The cat or dog (is, are) in the yard.
B. DIRECTIONS: Write C if the sentence is correct, an X if it is not
1. ___ They have been waiting a long time.
2. ___ The pen or the pencil are lost.
3. ___ Someone don’t understand.
4. ___ Those has been cheaper in the past.
5. ___ Randy and Juan like sports.
6. ___ These are really special.
7. ___ You rides with me.
8. ___ All of them goes to school.
9. ___ Tony likes Mary.
10. ___ That movie was awesome.
C. Neither /Either
1. Neither of them (know, knows) how to get to Red Deer.
2.It will be hard for them to get there, as neither Kate nor her friends (know,
knows) how to drive.
3. Usually, either my niece or my nephew (pick, picks) me up at the airport.
4. (Does, Do ) either of you speak Russian?
5. Did you know that neither Norway nor Switzerland ( is, are ) in the European
6. Either Tracy or her sisters (is, are) supposed to prepare dinner, but nothing is
7. Neither of my daughters (looks, look) old enough to go on that amusement
8. It’s a shame that neither the pink one nor the white one (come, comes) in size
9. Either he or you (has, have ) cleaned up this room.
10. Either (is, are )fine with me.
D. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.
3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.
6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.
7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.
8. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.
10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.
11. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
12. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.
13. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.
14. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?
15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's
favorite subject.
16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.
17. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
18. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.
19. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one
20. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
21. The committee members (leads, lead) very different lives in private.
22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press
23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.
E.For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subject and
verb agree.
1. A) Every one of the shirts has a green collar.
B) Every one of the shirts have a green collar.
2. A) This singer, along with a few others, play the harmonica on stage.
B) This singer, along with a few others, plays the harmonica on stage.
3. A) Sandals and towels are essential gear for a trip to the beach.
B) Sandals and towels is essential gear for a trip to the beach.
4. A) The president or the vice president are speaking today.
B) The president or the vice president is speaking today.
5. A) Either Cassie or Marie pays the employees this afternoon.
B) Either Cassie or Marie pay the employees this afternoon.
6. A) Six dollars is too much to pay for a gumdrop.
B) Six dollars are too much to pay for a gumdrop.
7. A) The weather in the Western states are cold sometimes..
B) The weather in the Western states is cold sometimes.
8. A) The water polo team have won the state championship for the second
B) The water polo team has won the state championship for the second time.
9. A) That skier is one of those who compete nationally.
B) That skier is one of those who competes nationally.
10. A) There have to be some people left who care about English.
B) There has to be some people left who care about English.
11. A) A number of suggestions was made.
B) A number of suggestions were made.
F. Choose the correct verb.
1._______ anyone ________ a pencil I could borrow?
a. Do / have b. Does/ have
2. No one _____ finished reading the book yet.
a. has b. have
3. Hurry up! Everyone ____ waiting for you to get here.
a. are b. is
4. No, my family ________ live nearby.
a. doesn't b. don't
5. Our swimming club ______ going to compete on Saturday.
a. are b is
6, The police officer _____ talking to the parents of the missing child.
a. is b are
7. The police _______ released any information about the case.
a. hasn't b. haven't
8. Most women _______ getting flowers.
a. love b. loves
9. Some of the people waiting in line ______ getting impatient.
a. are b. is
10. Both of you _______ the rules.
a. know b. knows
11. Several of my teeth ______ cavities.
a. has b. have
12. Most of this software _____ outdated.
a. are b. is
13. Some of the children _______ have cell phones.
a. don't b. doesn't
14. Almost all of the water _____ contaminated.
a. is b. are
G. Look at each sentence and think about subject/verb agreement. Which
is the correct answer?
1. Everyone have done the homework as expected.
a. Correct
b. Not Correct
2. Some of the money is missing.
a. Correct
b. Not Correct
3. Somebody has forgotten to turn off the TV.
a. Correct
n. Not Correct
4. Each of the cars in the street are new.
a. Correct
b. Not Correct
5. The President as well as his brother was a guest.
a. Correct
b. Not Correct
6. Neither of the computers are working.
a. Correct
b. Not Correct
7. Either wine is fine, thank you.
a. Correct
b. Not Correct
8. The pair of gloves isn't mine.
a. Correct
b. Not Correct
9. The Stars and Stripes fly over the court building.
a. Correct
b. Not Correct
10. Twelve miles is a long distance to run.
a. Correct
b. Not Correct
ANSWER KEY 5. don't
6. doesn't
9. a
A. 7. is 11. b
1. runs 8. lives 12. b
2. bark 9. takes 13. a
3. are 10. want 14. a
4. was 11. is
5. worry 12. is G.
6.studies 13. knows 1. b
7. is 14. is 2. a
8. was 15. is
9. are 3. a
16. is
10. is 4. b
17. Are
5. a
18. are
B. 6. b
19. were
1. C 7. a.
20. debates
2. X 8. a.
21. lead
3. X 9. b
22. greets
4. X 10.a
23. are
5. C
6. C E.
7. X 1. A
8. X 2. B
9. C 3. A
10. C 4. B
5. A
C. 6. A
1. knows 7. B
2. know 8. B
3. picks 9. A
4. Does 10. A
5. is 11. B
6. are
7. looks F.
8. comes 1. b
9. have 2. a
10. is 3. b
4. a
D. 5. b
1. are 6. a
2. is 7. b
3. are 8. a
4. is

MOCK EXAM : ANALOGY find out the pair that has the same
(Q.1 – 50)Choose the correct option relationship at the original pair given in
from the given choices. You have to the question.
1) Poverty: Prosperity d) Lion: Stride
a) Love: Sorrow e) None of these
b) Train: Cart
c) Rain: Flood Cricket: Pitch
d) Intelligence: Stupidity a) Ship: Dock
e) None of these b) Boat: Harbour
c) Wrestling: Track
2) Stage: Theatre d) Boxing: Ring
a) Bedroom: House e) None of these
b) Car: Road
c) Patient: Hospital 9) Coffee: Beverages
d) School: Education a) Bread: Butter
e) None of these b) Milk: Tea
c) Burger: Snacks
3) Tree: Sapling d) Grapes: Wine
a) Rock: Mountain e) None of these
b) Horse: Foal
c) Giant: Dwarf 10) Graphite: Lubricant
d) Hut: Mansion a) Movement: Friction
e) None of these b) Iron: Steel
c) Wool: Cloth
4) Monk: Monastery d) Diamond: Abrasive
a) Noble: House e) None of these
b) Lon: Hole
c) Nun: Convent 11) Illiterate: Uneducated
d) Peasant: Village a) Country: State
e) None of these b) City: Village
c) Palace: Hut
5) Laboratory: Germs d) Vision: Sight
a) School: Students e) None of these
b) Playground: Games
c) Library: Books 12) Duralumin: Aircraft
d) Observatory: Planets a) Brass: Alloy
e) None of these b) Stone: Sculptor
c) Iron: Steel
6) Cool: Frigid d) Bronze: Statue
a) Livid: Lurid e) None of these
b) Poll: Placid
c) Tepid: Torrid 13) Ribs: Lungs
d) Lack: Abundant a) Ball: Sphere
e) None of these b) Hand: Fingers
c) Shell: Net
7) Lamb: Frisk d) Coat: Tie
a) Deer: Swoop e) None of these
b) Cat: Steal
c) Bear: Leap 14) Expend: Replenish
a) Exhort: Encourage e) None of these
b) Formant: Rebellion
c) Defect: Rejoin 21) Blister: Skin
d) Encroachment: Occupy a) Sore: Toe
e) None of these b) Sty: Eye
c) Ball: Pitcher
15) Money: Transaction d) Wound: Arm
a) Life: Death e) None of these
b) Water: Drink
c) Ideas: Exchange 22) Horse: Mare
d) Language: Conversation a) Duck: Geese
e) None of these b) Dog: Puppy
c) Donkey: Pony
16) Fare: Absurdity d) Fox: Vixen
a) Disease: Medicine e) None of these
b) Charity: Generosity
c) Tragedy: Comedy 23) Water: Thirst
d) Energy: Electricity a) Ripe: Harvest
e) None of these b) Book: Ignorance
c) Needle: Stitch
17) Visitor: Welcome d) Rain: Drought
a) Beggar: Hungry e) None of these
b) Worship: God
c) Criminal: Prosecute 24) Sale: Purchase
d) Warrior: Conquer a) Give: Receive
e) None of these b) Shop: Market
c) Cash: Credit
18) Garbage: Dustbin d) Profit: Loss
a) Tree: Honey e) None of these
b) Medicine: Capsule
c) Kitchen: House 25) Read: Legible
d) Bangles: Hand a) Hear: Audible
e) None of these b) Qualify: Eligible
c) See: illegible
19) Overlook: Aberration d) Require: Admissible
a) Mitigate: Penitence e) None of these
b) Condone: Offence
c) Error: Omission 26) Locks: Warble
d) Conviction: Criminal a) Crows: Cackle
e) None of these b) Tiger: Yelp
c) Owls: Hoot
20) Mongoose: Snake d) Camel: Bleat
a) Milk: Goat e) None of these
b) Fish: Crane
c) Whale: Crow 27) Parsing: Grammar
d) Water: Sky a) Running: Health
b) Praying: God 34) Executioner: Criminal
c) Para trooping: Air force a) Florist: Flowers
d) Cleaning: House b) Convict: Murderer
e) None of these c) Butcher: Animals
d) Worker: Manager
28) Story: Novel e) None of these
a) Sea: Ocean
b) School: University 35) Karnataka: Bangalore
c) Book: Dictionary a) Mysore: Vrindaban
d) Poetry: Drama b) Haryana: Sonepat
e) None of these c) Gujarat: Anand
d) Orissa: Bhubaneswar
29) Balled: Song e) None of these
a) Envelope: Letter
b) Prose: Literature 36) Thermometer: Temperature
c) Cat: Leopard a) Length: Breadth
d) Ode: Poem b) Millimeter: Scale
e) None of these c) Cardiograph: Heart rate
d) Solar Energy: Sun
30) Fish: Mermaid e) None of these
a) Cat: Lion
b) Horse: Centaur 37) Portfolio: Securities
c) Unicorn: Tapestry a) Lecture: Consignment
d) Pegasus: Fly b) Star: Class
e) None of these c) Trustee: Company
31) Loath: Coercion d) Panel: Jurors
a) Irate: Antagonism e) None of these
b) Irritate: Caressing
c) Reluctant: Persuasion 38) Biography: Autobiography
d) Contemplative: Meditative a) Memories: History
e) None of these b) Author: Performer
c) Mobile: Automobile
32) Iodine: Goitre d) Testimony: Confession
a) Insulin: Diabetes e) None of these
b) Mango: Anemia
c) Hormones: Hemophilia 39) Kangaroo: Australia
d) Fat: Obesity a) Whale: River
e) None of these b) Elephant: Russia
c) Penguin: Antarctica
33) Water: Tip d) India: Peacock
a) Student: Marks e) None of these
b) Worker: Bonus
c) Employee: Wages 40) Hitler: Germany
d) Clerk: Bribe a) Shakespeare: England
e) None of these b) Mussolini: Italy
c) Tulsidas: India
d) Boris Yeltsin: Russia a) Nadir: Zenith
e) None of these b) Zenith: Apex
c) Zenith: Root
41) Sip: Gulp d) Apex: Pinnacle
a) Touch: Push e) None of these
b) Cup: Glass
c) Tent: Hut 48) Wan: Colour
d) Soup: Water a) Enigmatic: Puzzle
e) None of these b) Pallid: Complexion
c) Insipid: Flavour
42) Poultry: Farm d) Copulent: Weight
a) Rice: Granary e) None of these
b) Child: Playground
c) Bee: Hive 49) Hook: Fish
d) Rubber: Estate a) Stadium: Games
e) None of these b) Glove: Ball
c) Symphony: Music
43) Artist: Troupe d) Word: Alphabets
a) Market: Crowd e) None of these
b) Flowers: Garland
c) Singer: Chorus 50) Moon: Satellite
d) Fishes: Pond a) Earth: Planet
e) None of these b) Flowers: Garland
c) Singer: Chorus
44) Pulp: Paper d) Fishes: Pond
a) Rope: Hemp e) None of these
b) Rayon: Cellulose
c) Thread: Needle
d) Yarn: Fabric
e) None of these

45) Lok Sabha: Legislature

a) President: Executive
b) Minister: Meeting
c) Judge: Court
d) People: Election
e) None of these

46) Greed: Corruption

a) Insult: Enemy
b) Sleep: Dream ANSWER KEY
c) Goodwill: Friendship 1. D (Explanation- The words in each
d) Knowledge: Book pair are antonyms of each other)
e) None of these 2. A (Explanation- First is a part of
47) Basement: Attic
3. B (Explanation- Second is the young 24. A (Explanation- Sale corresponds
one of the first) to giving and purchase corresponds to
4. C (Explanation- Second is dwelling receiving)
place of first) 25. A (Explanation- Legible means
5. D (Explanation- First is the place to able to read and audible means able to
study the second) heard)
6. C (Explanation- Frigid is the extreme 26. C (Explanation- Second is the
of cooling to make things to freeze sound produced by the first)
likewise, tepid is only lukewarm and 27. C (Explanation- First is an essential
torrid is to dry by heating) part of second)
7. B (Explanation- Seconds denote the 28. A (Explanation- Second is more
manner of walking of the first) voluminous form of the first)
8. D (Explanation- Cricket is playing 29. D (Explanation- First is a type of
on pitch likewise, boxing is done in second)
ring) 30. B (Explanation-A mermaid is a fish
9. C (Explanation- Seconds denotes the imaginary creature, similarly a centaur
class to which first belongs) is a horse like imaginary creature
10. D (Explanation- Graphite is used as 31. C (Explanation-Loath and
a lubricant and diamond as an abrasive) Reluctant are synonyms and Coercion
11. D (Explanation- The word in each and Persuasion are synonyms)
pair is synonyms) 32. A (Explanation- Lack of first
12. D (Explanation- First is an alloy causes the second)
used to make the second) 33. B (Explanation- Second is the
13. C (Explanation- First encloses the additional money given to the first for
second and protects it) good service)
14. C (Explanation- The words in each 34. C (Explanation- First is responsible
pairs are antonyms of each other) for the death of the seconds)
15. D (Explanation- We transact with 35. D (Explanation- Second is the
money and converse in a language) capital of the first)
16. B (Explanation- The words in each 36. C (Explanation- First is the
pairs are synonyms) instrument to be measured the second)
17. C (Explanation- A visitor is given a 37. D (Explanation- A portfolio is the
welcome and a criminal is prosecuted) entire group of securities a person
18. B (Explanation- Second contains holds for investment, similarly, a panel
the first) is a whole group of jurors)
19. B (Explanation- First is the act of 38. D (Explanation- A biography is a
neglecting the second) person’s life story written by someone
20. B (Explanation- First is eaten by else. Whereas autobiography is one’s
the second) story written by oneself. Similarly, a
21. B (Explanation- Blister is an testimony is a solemn declaration of
infection of skin. Sty is the affection of one’s wrong doing by someone while a
eye) confession is a one’s claim of oneself
22. D (Explanation- Second is the being a wrong doer.
female of the first) 39. C (Explanation- Kangaroo is the
23. D (Explanation- Lack of water is native of Australia likewise, Penguin is
thirst and lack of rain is drought) the native of Antarctica)
40. B (Explanation- Hitler was a tyrant 46. C (Explanation- First leads to the
belonging to Germany, likewise second)
Mussolini was a tyrant belonging to 47. A (Explanation- Nadir (lowest
Italy) point) and Zenith (highest point) can be
41. A (Explanation- Second is the compared to basement and attic
higher intensity than the first) respectively)
42. D (Explanation- Poultry is reared in 48. B (Explanation- Wan refers to pale
a farm. Similarly, rubber is grown in an colour; likewise pallid refers to pale
estate) complexion)
43. C (Explanation- Second is a 49. B (Explanation- First is used to
collective group of the first) help catch the second)
44. D (Explanation- First is used to 50. A (Explanation- Moon is a satellite,
make the second) likewise earth is a planet)
45. A (Explanation- First is the part of


1. On March 15, 2006, the Maywood Recreation Department requested a grant
from the state to rebuild the community center that ______ in the recent fire.
a. destroys
b. will be destroyed
c. had been destroyed
d is being destroyed

2. Matthew Morris and Jessica Glassman hosted a holiday party that The River
Bank Café_____.
a. caters
b. will cater
c. is catering
d. catered

3. Megan is trying to read all three books in the series before summer
a. ended
b. will have ended
c. will end
d. ends

4.We have _________________more sweets since that wonderful bakery

opened down the block.
a. ate
b. been eating
c. been eat
d. eat

5. While attempting to _____________ his broken bicycle, Leo Donner realized

that he didn’t have the proper tools.
a. be repairing
b. have repaired
c. repair
d. repaired

6. ___________ the police immediately.

a. Call
b. Called
c. Been calling
d. To call

7. The biggest problem with Martha’s garden__________ too many weeds.

a. will have been
b. were
c. will have
d. was

8. Last week, Tracy and Shane were honored at a luncheon for their part in
rescuing a child who ____________________ into an icy pond.
a. falls
b. would fall
c. had fallen
d. has fallen

9. The woman who confronted the owner of the unleashed dog ____________
a. were
b. was
c. are
d. have been

10. The boy ______________ the bat and ran to first base as fast as he could.
a. swings
b. swinged
c. swung
d. swing

11. There ___________ four excellent restaurants in the center of town.

a. is
b. are
c. was
d. being

12. The noise from the lawn mowers______________ louder as the morning
a. gets
b. get
c. have gotten
d. are getting


Replace the italicized words with the phrase that best completes the sentence. If
the sentence is correct as is, choose a.
13. The words Equal Justice Under Law is carved above the main entrance to
the Supreme Court.
a. is carved
b. carved
c. has been carved
d. are carved
e. been carved

14. In classical economic theory, the relationship between supply and demand
determines the price of a commodity.
a. between supply and demand determines
b. among supply and demand determines
c. among supply and demand determine
d. between supply and demand determine
e. with supply and demand determine

15. A corporation created by the federal government during the Great

Depression, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is responsible for flood
control, must generate electric power, and soil conservation.
a. flood control, must generate electric power, and soil conservation.
b. flood control, generating electric power, and for soil conservation.
c. controlling floods, generating electric power, and soil conservation.
d. flood control, the generation of electric power, and soil conservation.
e. flood control, for the generation of electric power, and conserving the soil.

16. According to traditional Chinese medicine, people with healthy livers are
said to be calm and that they possess unerring judgment.
a. are said to be calm and that they possess
b. are said to be calm and to possess
c. said to be calm and possessing
d. have said to be calm and to possess
e. are said to be calm and possessive of

17. When the phone is ringing, Jacoby had been writing in his journal.
a. is ringing, Jacoby had been writing
b. rings, Jacoby was writing
c. rang, Jacoby was writing
d. had rung, Jacoby was writing
e. rang, Jacoby will be writing

18. To determine the speed of automobiles, radar is often used by the state
a. To determine the speed of automobiles, radar is often used by the state police.
b. To determine the speed of automobiles, it is often necessary for the state
police to use radar.
c. In determining the speed of automobiles, the use of radar by state police is
often employed.
d. To determine the speed of automobiles, the state police often use radar.
e. Radar by state police in determining the speed of automobiles is often used.

19. Everyone signed the petition before submitting to the city council.
a. submitting
b. one submits it
c. you submit it
d. we will submit it
e. we submitted it

20. I have a cross-training exercise program: I swim laps, play tennis, the
weight machines, and bicycle riding.
a. I swim laps, play tennis, the weight machines, and bicycle riding.
b. I swim laps, play tennis, lift weights, and ride a bicycle.
c. I swim laps, play tennis, I lift weights, and bicycle riding is a change.
d. swimming laps, tennis, lifting weights, and the bicycle.
e. swim laps, play tennis, lifting weights, and riding a bicycle.

21. We all arrived at the theater on time, but before we bought our tickets,
Candace says that she’s changed her mind and doesn’t want to see the movie
after all.
a. says that she’s changed her mind and doesn’t
b. said that she had changed her mind and didn’t
c. is saying that she’d changed her mind and doesn’t
d. told us that she is changing her mind and didn’t
e. tells us that she had changed her mind and doesn’t

22. State Senator Partridge wished to insure the people that their tax dollars
would be spent wisely.
a. to insure the people that their tax dollars would be spent wisely.
b. that the people would be insured of tax dollars wisely spent.
c. in assuring the people, that their tax dollars would be wisely spent.
d. to assure the people that he would spend their tax dollars wisely.
e. to assure and promise the people of his intentions to spend their tax dollars

23. Because he was given a local anesthetic, Josh was conscience throughout
the operation.
a. Josh was conscience throughout the operation.
b. Josh had a conscience during the operation.
c. the operation was completed with Josh consciousness.
d. the operation was done while Josh held consciousness.
e. Josh remained conscious throughout the operation.


Find the sentence that has a mistake in grammar or usage. If you find no
mistakes, mark choice d.
a. No, it’s not true.
b. The closed, and the people curtain will applaud.
c. My sister is a nurse practitioner.
d. No mistakes.
a. They talked through the entire movie.
b. The plants in this garden does not require much water.
c. She always brings turkey sandwiches for lunch.
d. No mistakes.
a. Where are Gianna’s art supplies?
b. Darren should of been given a chance to audition.
c. It’s going to take all day.
d. No mistakes.
a. Olivia took her older sister out for lunch.
b. Nicholas is learning to speak German.
c. Franklin drunk three bottles of water after the game.
d. No mistakes.
a. She showed us five different shades of blue paint.
b. The liveliest one of the three puppies are not adopted yet.
c. This is the best birthday party I have ever had.
d. No mistakes.
a. When I go the museum, I wore comfortable shoes.
b. She was approached, but she declined the offer.
c. There are seven floors in this building.
d. No mistakes.
a. David and Mickey danced in the street.
b. Here is the photographs I wanted to show you.
c. My grandfather owns a 1967 Mustang.
d. No mistakes.
a. It has not rained since last April.
b. The jurors walked solemnly into the room.
c. Had we known, we would not have come.
d. No mistakes.
a. The dog’s barking woke us.
b. Ursula has broke one of your plates.
c. The sun rose from behind the mountain.
d. No mistakes.
a. After we sat down to eat dinner, the phone rung.
b. “Keep a positive attitude,” he always says.
c. Sign here.
d. No mistakes.
a. The children’s books are over there.
b. She missed the bus and arrives late.
c. There is hardly enough food for a mouse.
d. No mistakes.
a. The winners were announced yesterday.
b. Liam is the only one of the boys who were chosen.
c. Although Nick was not selected, he was happy for the others.
d. No mistakes.
a. He shook the crumbs from the tablecloth.
b. We will strive to do our best.
c. I see that Fred has wore his old shoes.
d. No mistakes.
a. When I heard the alarm, I jump out of bed.
b. Mr. Fox is the president of his own company.
c. At night, I listened to jazz on the radio.
d. No mistakes.


Choose the sentence that is the most clearly written and has the best
a. All the children got out their rugs and took a nap.
b. All the children have gotten out their rugs and took a nap.
c. All the children got out their rugs and have taken a nap.
d. All the children gotten out their rugs and taken a nap.
a. At first I was liking the sound of the wind, but later it got on my nerves.
b. At first I liked the sound of the wind, but later it has gotten on my nerves.
c. At first I like the sound of the wind, but later it got on my nerves.
d. At first I liked the sound of the wind, but later it got on my nerves.
a. I became ill from eating too many fried clams.
b. I became ill from eaten too many fried clams.
c. I ate too many fried clams and becoming ill.
d. I ate too many fried clams and become ill.
a. As the old saying goes, a cat may look at a king.
b. A cat looking at a king, according to the old saying.
c. The old saying being, a cat may look at a king.
d. A cat looking at a king, in the old saying.
a. A longer happier life, caused by one’s owning a pet.
b. Owning a pet, for one to live a longer, happier life.
c. To live a longer, happier life by one’s owning a pet.
d. Owning a pet can help one live a longer, happier life.
a. One of the first modern detectives literature were created by Edgar Allan Poe.
b. One of the first modern detectives in literature was created by Edgar Allan
c. Edgar Allan Poe having created one of the first modern detectives in
d. In literature, one of the first modern detectives, created by Edgar Allan Poe.
a. My brother and I going to see the ball game.
b. My brother and I are going to see the ball game.
c. My brother and I seeing the ball game.
d. My brother and I to the ball game.
a. I don’t like fish as well as my sister does.
b. I don’t like fish as well as my sister.
c. Fish isn’t liked by me as well as my sister.
d. My sister likes it, but I don’t like fish as well.
a. After renting him the room, Alvin discovered Mr. Morris owned a cat.
b. After renting him the room, a cat was discovered to belong to Mr. Morris.
c. A cat belonging to Mr. Morris was discovered by Alvin after renting him a
d. After renting him a room, Mr. Morris was discovered by Alvin to own a cat.
a. We ate the popcorn and watch the movie.
b. While watching the movie, the popcorn was eaten.
c. Popcorn, while watching the movie, was eaten.
d. We ate the popcorn while we watched the movie.


Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.
48. That fine circus elephant now belongs to my sister and ________.
a. I
b. me
c. mine
d. myself

49. The person ________ made these delicious candied figs has my vote.
a. that
b. whom
c. who
d. whose

50. If you don’t stop playing ________ video games, you will miss the bus.
a. that
b. those
c. them
d. this

51. George and Michael left ________ backpacks at school.

a. his
b. their
c. there
d. its

52. If you steal ________ artichoke from Petra’s garden, you’ll be sorry.
a. them
b. those
c. that
d. these

53. We arranged the flowers and placed ________in the center of the table.
a. it
b. this
c. them
d. that
54. ________ met more than ten years ago at a mutual friend’s birthday party.
a. Her and I
b. Her and me
c. She and me
d. She and I

55. My parents approved of ________ taking guitar lessons.

a. my
b. me
c. I
d. mine


Find the sentence that has a mistake in grammar or usage. If you find no
mistakes, mark choice d.
a. Of the four of us, I am the tallest.
b. Wilson’s brother is a chemical engineer.
c. That fine circus elephant now belongs to my sister and I.
d. No mistakes.
a. Help is on the way.
b. The firemen used a ladder to reach the kitten.
c. Don’t slip on the icy sidewalk.
d. No mistakes.
a. His family has lived in this town for thirty-five years.
b. You’re the only one who can remember that song.
c. That’s the quickest way to get to Sylvia’s house.
d. No mistakes.
a. “Meet me at six o’clock,” she said.
b. Tired of running, she slowed her pace to a fast walk.
c. Gabriel and me will attend the geography bee.
d. No mistakes.
a. Sheila’s sister wanted to accompany us to the party.
b. Who’s scarf is this?
c. “Be sure to wear something comfortable,” she said.
d. No mistakes.

a. The main problem Jim had was too many
parking tickets.
b. As the bears ran toward us, it was growling.
c. Try using less butter next time.
d. No mistakes.
a. Kamala was the most intelligent person in the group.
b. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, France.
c. Nick Carraway is a character in The Great Gatsby.
d. No mistakes.
a. They weren’t the only ones who didn’t like the movie.
b. “Please come back another time,” Aunt Julie begged.
c. “Threes a crowd,” he always says.
d. No mistakes.
a.The first house on the street is there’s.
b. I love the fireworks on the Fourth of July.
c. My grandparents live in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
d. No mistakes.
a.Either Cassie nor I heard the door open.
b. How many people signed the Declaration of Independence?
c. Draw up a plan before you make your decision.
d. No mistakes.
a.It’s not my fault that you and him got caught.
b. “Do you brush twice a day?” Dr. Evans asked.
c. What’s the weather report?
d. No mistakes.
a.Couldn’t you arrive fashionably late?
b. You’re assumption is correct.
c. I know that Bowser will be well treated.
d. No mistakes.
a.We invited Mayor Chen to speak at our school.
b. The alarm sounded, and the firefighters jumped into the truck.
c. The committee members should work as hard as one can.
d. No mistakes.

a. He wore two different shoes to class.
b. Rhonda’s sister bought a new Pontiac.
c. Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes.
d. No mistakes.
a. She and I have been friends for more than ten years.
b. Is that one of the O’Farrell children?
c. They took too much time to answer.
d. No mistakes.


Fill in the blank with the correct adjective or adverb.
71. In many popular movies today, the heroes are________ armed than the
a. more heavily
b. more heavy
c. heavier
d. more heavier

72. The cake I made last week tasted ________ than the one I made today.
a. best
b. more better
c. better
d. more good

73. After winning the yo-yo contest, Lydia skipped ________ down the street.
a. happy
b. happiest
c. more happily
d. happily

74. Of the three brothers, Andre is the ________.

a. taller
b. tallest
c. more tall
d. most tallest

75. Riding the Tornado at the amusement park was ________ than I thought it
would be.
a. more terrifying
b. more terrifyingly
c. terrifying
d. most terrifying
76. This year our company sold ________ magazine subscriptions than ever
a. less
b. lesser
c. few
d. fewer

Replace the italicized words with the word or phrase that is grammatically
correct. If the sentence is correct as is, choose answer a.
77. The book had a frighteningly and unhappy ending.
a. a frighteningly and unhappy ending.
b. a frighteningly and unhappily ending.
c. an ending that was frightening and unhappily.
d. a frightening and unhappy ending.
e. an ending that was frightening and it was also an unhappy one.

78. Since her graduation from business school last spring, Adela has become
known as the more important member of her graduating class.
a. as the more important
b. as the most important
c. as the most importantly
d. as the more importantly
e. like the most important

79. Surprisingly, my younger sister dresses more conservatively than I do.

a. more conservatively than I do.
b. more conservative than I do.
c. more conservative than me.
d. more conservatively than me.
e. the most conservative in opposition to me.

80. There wasn’t nothing that could have been easier.

a. There wasn’t nothing that could have been easier.
b. There was nothing that could have been more easier.
c. Nothing could have been more easier.
d. Nothing couldn’t have been more easy.
e. Nothing could have been easier.

81. I was clearly the happiest person in the crowd.

a. I was clearly the happiest person in the crowd.
b. It was clear that I was the happier person in the crowd.
c. Of all the people in the crowd, I was clearly the happier.
d. In the crowd, clearly, I was the happier person.
e. Of all the people in the crowd, clearly, I being the happiest.

82. Our team scored less baskets today than we did last Tuesday.
a. less baskets today than we did
b. today less baskets than were scored
c. fewer baskets today then on
d. fewer baskets today than we did
e. a lesser number of baskets today then we did

83. Strip mining, the cheaper method of mining, is controversial because it

jeopardizes the environment.
a. cheaper
b. more cheap
c. most cheapest
d. cheapest
e. more cheaply


Find the sentence that has a mistake in grammar or usage. If you find no
mistakes, mark choice d.
a. The steam rose up from the hot pavement.
b. She put the kitten down carefully beside its mom.
c. Neither of us is going to the party.
d. No mistakes.
a. The lost dog wandered sad through the streets.
b. Frustrated, Boris threw his pencil across the room.
c. We’ll stop at their house first.
d. No mistakes.
a. I don’t want to participate no longer.
b. If you’re not sure, look in the dictionary.
c. “I will try to do better,” Lauren promised.
d. No mistakes.
a. Have you ever read the book Little House on the Prairie?
b. She urged me not to go.
c. Stop, look, and listen
d. No mistakes.
a. Anne will head out first, and Nick will follow her.
b. Maya Angelou, a famous poet, has recently directed a movie.
c. The clerk asked for my address and phone number.
d. No mistakes.
a. We sold less cookies this year than we did last year.
b. That parrot doesn’t talk.
c. Don’t spend too much money.
d. No mistakes.
a. She spread the frosting too thickly.
b. “What is your answer?” she asked.
c. We waited while he stopped to make a phone call.
d. No mistakes.
a. Between the three of us, we should find the answer.
b. Alberto laughed loudly when he saw us.
c. They’re looking for another apartment.
d. No mistakes.
a. The Adirondacks are mountains in New York.
b. President Carter gave the Panama Canal back to Panama.
c. That river is terribly polluted.
d. No mistakes.
a. Trading Spaces is probably the most daring show on television.
b. Which color do you like better, the teal or the flamigo pink?
c. Mango-peach berry juice is the most awfulest drink.
d. No mistakes.


Fill in the blank with the word that creates the most logical sentence. (Hint: Use
a dictionary to determine which words best complete the sentence’s meaning.)
94. ___________ he waited for the doctor to call him in, Sam sat in the waiting
room and read the newspaper.
a. So that
b. While
c. Even if
d. Besides when

95. Ruby loves blueberry pie _________ it is made with freshly picked
a. whether
b. because
c. when
d. as if

96. Mitchell loves listening to jazz and rhythm and blues. Greg, ____________,
will only listen to country.
a. however
b. then
c. too
d. therefore

97. __________ our low annual fee, you will receive a 20% discount if you sign
up this week.
a. Because
b. While
c. In spite of
d. In addition to

98. The ticket said the show would start at 8:00, but the curtains didn’t go up
_________ 8:30.
a. less than
b. until
c. about
d. since

99. My neighbor is deathly afraid of dogs;___________, I never let my Golden

Retriever, Sandy, outside without a leash.
a. moreover
b. yet
c. mainly
d. consequently

100. The wedding quilt was designed as a sentimental way to make use of fabric
taken ______________ blankets and bedding that belonged to older couples in
her family.
a. from
b. with
c. in
d. at

1. c. The sentence requires a verb in the past tense.
2. d. The sentence requires a verb in the past tense.
3. d. The appropriate tense for this verb is the present tense.
4. b. The verbal form been eating fits with the verb have.
5. c. The infinitive form of the verb repair, goes with to in the sentence.
6. a. This is a command; the subject of the sentence is understood (You call).
7. d. The verb was agrees with its subject, problem, and is in the past tense.
8. c. Since the action takes place in the past, the only correct choice is the past perfect had fallen.
9. b. This is the only choice that is in agreement with the singular subject woman.
10. c. The correct verb form is the past tense swung.
11. b. The verb are agrees with the plural noun restaurants.
12. a. The singular verb gets agrees with the singular noun noise.
13. d. A plural subject takes a plural verb; since the subject words is plural, the verb to be carved must
also be plural.
14. a. Correct as is. There are two possible errors in this sentence: One is subject/verb agreement and
the other is the use of the words between and among. Between is used to compare two things; among
is used to compare more than two things. Since the subject relationship is singular, the verb to
determine must also be singular. Only choice a makes the comparison between two things and uses
the singular verb determines.
15. d. The three underlined elements make a coordinated series; to clearly express their relationship to
each other, they need to abide by one consistent grammatical construction. In choice a, the verb must
generate breaks the parallelism. In choice b, the word for breaks the parallelism. In choice c, the series
changes construction, adopting a different type of parallel construction; however, the third element,
soil conservation, does not use a present participle verb before it. It breaks the parallelism. In choice e,
none of the three elements are parallel.
16. b. The two underlined elements make a coordinated pair; they need to abide by one grammatical
construction. Only in choice bare both verbs in their infinitive form.
17. c. In choice c, the tense of to ring and to write agree; there is no shift in tense.
18. d. Choice d is best because it is written in the active voice.
19. e. Choice a is ambiguous: Is everyone submitting to the council? Choices b, c, and d make an
illogical shift in verb tense.
20. b. The second clause of this sentence requires a parallel construction. Choice b is the only one in
which all four elements use the same grammatical construction, a verb in the present tense followed
by a noun.
21. b. This is the best answer because there are no shifts in verb tense. For the sentence to be logical,
all the verbs should remain in the past tense.
22. d. To ensure means to make certain; to assure means to cause a feeling of certainty. The Senator
wants his constituents to feel secure; he is not actually securing the money by putting it in a vault.
Choice e is redundant; the verbs to assure and to promise mean the same thing.
23. e. Conscience is a moral awareness; conscious is a physical awareness. Josh was awake and
physically aware of his environment. Choices a and b use the wrong word to describe Josh’s
condition. In choice d, it seems the operation was given a local anesthetic, not Josh.
24. b. The correct verb form is applauded.
25. b. There is no subject-verb agreement. The verb should be plural because the subject, plants, is
26. b. The verb is used incorrectly. The correct usage is should have been.
27. c. The verb in this sentence has been incorrectly formed; it should be drank, not drunk.
28. b. There is no subject-verb agreement. The verb should be singular because the subject, the
liveliest one, is singular.
29. a. The sentence makes an illogical shift in tense from the present to the past tense.
30. b. There is no subject-verb agreement. The plural verb should be plural because the subjects,
photographs, is plural
31. d. There are no errors.
32. b. The correct verb form is has broken.
33. a. The correct verb form is rang.
34. b. The sentence makes an illogical shift in tense—from the past to the present tense.
35. b. There is no subject-verb agreement. The verb should be singular because the subject, one (not
boys), is singular.
36. c. The correct verb form is has worn.
37. a. This sentence makes an illogical shift in tense—from the past to the present tense.
38. a. The verbs got and took agree in tense.
39. d. The verbs liked and got agree in tense.
40. a. Became and eating are the correct forms of the verbs.
41. a. This is a complete sentence; the others are fragments.
42. d. This is a complete sentence; the others are fragments.
43. b. This is a complete sentence; c and dare fragments; in choice a the verb does not agree in
number with its subject, one.
44. b. This is a complete sentence; the others are fragments.
45. a. The comparison between the speaker’s and his or her sister’s taste for fish is clearest in this
sentence. In choice b, the speaker likes/her sister better than fish. Choice c does his not make sense.
Choice d has an ambiguous pronoun: It probably refers to fish, but who can tell?
46. a. In choice b, the cat seems to be renting the room. In choice c, it’s unclear whether he refers to
the cat or to Mr. Morris; choice d implies that Mr. Morris rented himself a room.
47.d. In this sentence, the verb tense between the independent clause and the subordinating clause
agree. In choice a, the lack of agreement in tense makes the sentence unclear as to time; choice b
doesn’t make it clear who ate the popcorn; choice c implies that the popcorn watched the movie.
48. b. The correct form of the pronoun is me (objective case).
49. c. The correct pronoun is who, because it refers to a person, and it is the subject form of who (not
the object form, whom), because who is doing something, making candied figs.
50. b. The pronoun agrees in number with the noun to which it refers.
51. b. The antecedent, George and Michael, is plural, so the plural pronoun their is the correct choice.
52. c. The pronoun that agrees in number with the noun to which it refers, artichoke.
53. c. The pronoun them agrees with the plural noun flowers.
54. d. She and I is the subject of the sentence, so the subjective case is needed.
55. a. The possessive case is used before the word taking, because it functions like a noun in this
56. c. The word I should be replaced with the word me, because the pronoun is the object, not the
57. d. There are no errors.
58. d. There are no errors.
59. c. The correct pronoun is I, not me.
60. b. The contraction who’s is incorrect. The correct usage is the possessive whose.
61. b. This sentence contains a shift in number. Bears is a plural noun, so the clause should read: they
were growling.
62. d. There are no errors.
63. c. The contraction Three’s, which means Three is, is the correct usage.
64. a. The correct usage is the possessive theirs, not there’s.
65. a. Either is incorrect. Use either with or and neither with nor.
66. a. The pronoun him is incorrect. He should be used because you and he are the subjects of the
dependent clause.
67. b. The contraction You’re should be replaced with the possessive Your.
68. c. This sentence makes a shift in person. It should read: The committee members should work as
hard as they can.
69. d. There are no errors.
70. d. There are no errors.
71. a. The missing phrase modifies the verb are armed and creates a comparison between two types of
people, heroes and villains. Therefore, you need a comparative form of the adverb heavily.
72. c. The comparison is between two things, a cake made last week and a cake made this week;
choices a and d can be ruled out. Choice b, more better, is redundant. Choice c, better, is the best
choice to make the comparison.
73. d. The missing phrase modifies the verb; therefore the sentence requires an adverb. Choices a and
b are adjectives and can be ruled out. Choice c makes an unnecessary comparison.
74. b. The comparison is being made among three brothers; therefore, this sentence requires a
superlative. Choices a and c only compare two things, and choice d is redundant.
75. a. The missing phrase modifies a noun and makes a comparison between two things, what he
thought and what it was; therefore the sentence requires a comparative adjective. Choice bis an
adverb. Choice c does not make a comparison, and choice d is a superlative, a comparison of three or
more things. Choice a, more terrifying, is the best choice.
76. d. Use fewer with nouns that can be counted.
77. d. Adjectives modify nouns and adverbs modify verbs. In choice d, the adjectives frightening and
unhappy correctly modify the noun ending. In choices a and b, the adverb frighteningly incorrectly
attempts to modify a noun. In choice c, the adverb— unhappily—incorrectly attempts to modify a
noun. Choice e is unnecessarily wordy.
78. b. The sentence makes a comparison between Adela and all other members of the graduating
class; therefore, the superlative form most should be used. Choices a and d are wrong because they
use the comparative more. Choice c is wrong because the word importantly is an adverb and cannot
modify the noun member. Choice e is wrong because it uses the word like incorrectly.
79. a. The word than is a conjunction used to indicate a comparison, and used as a conjunction, it is
followed by the pronoun I. The word conservatively is an adverb modifying the verb dresses. Choice
a is the only one that correctly makes the comparison and uses the adverb correctly.
80. e. This is the correct choice because the sentence does not contain a double negative. The other
choices either use two negative words within a single sentence or use an incorrect comparative form
of easy.
81. a. The sentence compares an individual and an entire crowd of individuals; therefore, it requires a
superlative. Only choice a coherently uses the superlative happiest to make the comparison among all
the many people in the crowd.
82. d. When a comparison is made, the word fewer is used with nouns that can be counted; the word
less is used with quantities that cannot be counted.
83. d. This sentence makes a comparison between strip mining and all other types of mining;
therefore, it requires a superlative. Choices a and b compare only two things while choice e
inappropriately uses an adverb. Choice c uses a double superlative and is redundant.
84. d. There are no errors.
85. a. The adjective sad should be replaced with the adverb sadly, which correctly modifies the verb
86. a. This sentence contains a double negative.
87. d. There are no errors.
88. d. There are no errors.
89. a. This sentence has a usage error: fewer cookies, not less cookies.
90. d. There are no errors.
91. a. Between is only used to refer to two things. Among is the correct word to use in this sentence.
92. d. There are no errors.
93. c. Most awfulest is a double superlative, and therefore redundant.
SET 10
94. b. While suggests that two things are happening simultaneously; it is the only logical choice.
Choice a implies that Sam could control when the doctor called him in. Choices c and d are unclear.
95. c. The sentence requires a condition—Ruby likes blueberry pie on one condition: freshly picked
blueberries. Choice b can be ruled out because blueberry pie is not always made with freshly picked
blueberries. Choices a and d result in unclear sentences.
96. a. However indicates an impending contradiction; it is the best choice because the two clauses
compare musical tastes. In this case, the comparison contrasts Mitchell’s preference to Greg’s.
97. d. If you rearrange the sentence, it would read: If you sign up this week, you will receive a low
annual fee and a 20%
discount. In addition means and; it is the best choice. Choices a, b, and c result in an awkward
98. b. The two clauses make a reference to time— more specifically, to two different times. Choice b
is the only logical response.
99. d. The golden retriever is never outside without a leash because the neighbor is afraid of dogs; one
is the effect of the other. Consequently means following as an effect or as a result. This is the best
100. a. This sentence speculates that quilts were made from fabrics taken from somewhere. Only from
completes this idea
I.HOMOPHONES- magkatunog pero magkaiba ang spelling at kahulugan
For each of the following sentences, choose the correct spelling for the
missing word. The words in each set of choices are homophones—words
that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings.
751. My favorite ________ is peach pie with vanilla ice cream.
a. desert
b. dessert
752. Do you think I should run for a seat on the city ________?
a. counsel
b. council
753. The amount for the carpet was a ________price.
a. fair
b. fare
754. This is the ________ of the new art museum.
a. sight
b. cite
c. site
755. Come ________ the park later this evening
to see the sunset.
a. buy
b. bye
c. by
756. This is the ________ book George has read.
a. fourth
b. forth
757. When the driver slammed on the ________, his car slid into the ditch.
a. breaks
b. brakes
758. A very experienced guide ________ the group on a hike into the
a. lead
b. led
759. Have dinner with us at the restaurant; we’ll meet you ________.
a. they’re
b. their
c. there
760. May I have a ________ of cheese?
a. piece
b. peace
761. All children have the ________ to an education.
a. write
b. rite
c. right
762. It is a good idea to exercise on a ________bicycle during inclement
a. stationery
b. stationary
763. At the beach, we went digging for clams and________.
a. mussels
b. muscles
764. We ________ the exit and had to turn around.
a. past
b. passed
765. The French Revolution was known as the“________ of Terror.”
a. Rain
b. Reign
c. Rein
766. I don’t understand today’s math ________.
a. lesson
b. lessen
767. While nuclear energy is efficient, storing nuclear ________ is always a
a. waste
b. waist
768. The acoustics in the auditorium made it easy for the audience to
________ the melodic sounds of the soloist.
a. here
b. hear
769. This problem is ________ complex.
a. two
b. to
c. too
770. My grandmother is an ________ historian.
a. imminent
b. immanent
c. eminent
771. She had to buy a ________ of shoes to match her dress.
a. pair
b. pear
c. pare
772. The ________ of the school asked all faculty members to attend a
a. principal
b. principle
773. The ________ of the perfume was intoxicating.
a. sent
b. cent
c. scent
774. The room was completely ________ of furniture.
a. bear
b. bare
775. ________ only four o’clock in the afternoon.
a. It’s
b. Its
776. Creativity is ________ best asset.
a. you’re
b. your
777. The ________ in the mountains was peaceful and still.
a. air
b. heir
778. Take the ________ to the second floor.
a. stares
b. stairs
779. She boarded a ________ to San Francisco last night.
a. plane
b. plain
For the following questions, choose the sentence in which the italicized
word is spelled incorrectly. All of the choices are homophones—words that
sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings. If there
are no mistakes, choose answer d.
a. I will take a course in economics next semester.
b. Follow the river’s coarse.
c. Sandpaper is always coarse.
d. No mistakes.
a. Do you want to meet at nine or ten? The latter is better for me.
b. Let’s go shopping later this week.
c. Later, he told us of his plans to build a new house.
d. No mistakes.
a. We will bored the plane at 4:00.
b. The board members will all attend.
c. He used his drill and bored a hole in the wall.
d. No mistakes.
a. Terrence is old enough to pour his own glass of milk now.
b. There are some very poor people living in that part of the United States.
c. Josie pours over the catalogs she receives in the mail.
d. No mistakes.
a. He had a reputation for being very vane and self-centered.
b. We studied the veins in the leaves.
c. Mr. Hanson put a weather vane on his roof.
d. No mistakes.
a. The sun shone brightly.
b. The house was shown by the real estate agent.
c. Why wasn’t I shown how to operate this machine?
d. No mistakes.
a. They will raze this old building and build a skyscraper in its place.
b. Raise your hand if you know the answer.
c. Many farmers raise chickens.
d. No mistakes.
a. The first graders were learning how to write capital letters.
b. We don’t have enough capitol to buy a new building.
c. What is the capital of North Dakota?
d. No mistakes.
a.The great majority of the class will attend the pep rally.
b. Be sure to clean the grate in the fireplace.
c. That music greats on my nerves.
d. No mistakes.
a. I prefer to eat plain, home-cooked meals.
b. Some people say it is a boring landscape, but I like the planes of the
c. We need to use a plane to make the top of the door level.
d. No mistakes.
a. There are holes in your socks.
b. I found a whole set of dishes at a garage sale.
c. He ate the hole pie.
d. No mistakes.
a. What is the morale of the story?
b. Have you no moral standards?
c. Employee morale was low.
d. No mistakes.
PART II. Plurals, IE/EI Rule, and Prefixes and Suffixes
For each of the following questions, choose the correct plural form.
792. a. pianos b. pianoes
793. a. skys b. skies
794. a. mouses b. mice
795. a. bunches b. bunchs
796. a. strawberrys b. strawberries
797. a. shelfs b. shelves
798. a. boxs b. boxes
799. a. deer b. deers
800. a. stimuluses b. stimuli
801. a. son-in-laws b. sons-in-law
802. a. attorneys b. attornies
803. a. industries b. industrys
804. a. handsful b. handfuls
805. a. tomatoes b. tomatos
806. a. crises b. crisises
807. a. turkies b. turkeys
808. a. species b. specieses
809. a. valley b. vallies
For each of the following questions, choose the correct spelling for the
words that contain ei or ie.
810. a. recieve b.receive
811. a. piece b. peice
812. a. reign b. riegn
813. a. neither b. niether
814. a. weight b. wieght
815.a. decieve b. deceive
816. a. yeild b. yield
817. a. caffeine b.caffiene
818. a. friendly b. freindly
819. a. greif b. grief
820. a. efficeint b.efficient
821. a. concieted b.conceited
822. a. achieve b.acheive
823. a. foreign b. foriegn
824. a. vareity b. variety
825. a. pateint b. patient
826. a. queitly b. quietly
827. a. chief b. cheif
828. a. sleigh b. sliegh
829. a. leisure b . liesure
830. a. seize b . sieze
831. a. beleive b.believe
For each of the following questions, choose the correct spelling for the
words that have prefixes or suffixes.
832. a. ilegal b.illegal
833. a. mispelled b. misspelled
834. a. unnecessary b. unecessary
835. a. ilegible b. illegible
836. a. overrated b.overated
837. a. driving b. driveing
838. a. suddenness b. suddeness
839. a. disatisfy b.dissatisfy
840. a. finaly b. finally
841. a. truely b. truly
ANSWER KEY - I. Homophones 766. a. Lesson is something to be learned;
lessen means to reduce.
751. b. Dessert is an after-dinner treat; a
desert is an arid land. 767. a. Waste means material that is
rejected during a process; the waist is the
752. b. A council is a governing body; to
middle of the body.
counsel is to give advice.
768. b. Hear means to perceive sound with
753. a. Fair means equitable; a fare is a
the ear; here is a location, place, or
transportation fee.
754. c. Site refers to a place; cite means to
769. c. Too means more than is needed or
refer to; sight is the ability to see.
also; two is a number; to is a preposition
755. c. By means near; bye is used to that refers to direction.
express farewell; buy means to purchase.
770. c. Eminent refers to a prominent
756. a. Fourth refers to the number four; person; imminent means something is
forth means forward. about to happen; immanent means existing
757. b. Brakes are used for stopping in the mind.
vehicles; breaks means to destroy. 771. a. A pair is a set of two things; a pear
758. b. Led is the past tense of the verb is a fruit; and to pare is to peel.
lead; the noun lead means the foremost 772. a. A principal is the head of a school;
position or initiative. a principle is a belief or rule of conduct.
759. c. There refers to a place; their is a 773. c. A scent is a smell; sent is the past
possessive pronoun; they’re is a tense of send; and cent is a coin.
contraction for they are.
774. b. Bare means devoid of; a bear is an
760. a. A piece is a portion; peace means animal.
775. a. It’s is the contraction for it is; its is
761. c. A right is a privilege; to write is to a possessive pronoun.
put words on paper; a rite is a ceremonial
776. b. Your is a possessive pronoun;
you’re is a contraction for you are.
762. b. Stationary means standing still;
777. a.The air is the atmosphere
stationery is writing paper.
enveloping the earth; an heir is a person
763. a. Mussels are marine animals; who inherits the estate of another.
muscles are body tissues.
778. b.The stairs are a flight of steps;
764. b. Passed is the past tense of pass; stares are very intent gazes.
past means a time gone by.
779. a. A plane is a winged vehicle; plain
765. b. Reign means royal authority; rein means open or clear.
means a strap as on a horse’s bridle; rain
780. b. Course means path or class at
means precipitation.
school; coarse means rough.
781. d.There are no mistakes. 796. b.strawberries
782. a.The verb board means to get on an 797. b. shelves
air- plane; the noun board is a plank of 798. b. boxes
wood or a group of advisors; the adjective
bored means uninterested; the verb to bore 799. a. deer
means to make a hole in or through. 800. b. stimuli
783. c.The verb to pore means to read 801. b.sons-in-law
attentively; the noun pore means a small
opening; the 802. a. attorneys
verb to pour means to dispense from a 803. a. industries
container. 804. b. handfuls
784. a. If someone is vain, he or she is 805. a. tomatoes
excessively prideful; a weather vane is a
moveable device that rotates to show the 806. a. crises
direction of the wind; a vein is a narrow 807. b. turkeys
channel, like a blood vein or the vein in a
808. a. species
809. a. valleys
785. d. There are no mistakes.
810. b. receive
786. d. There are no mistakes.
811. a. piece
787. b. Capital means monetary assets; it
also means the seat of government; or it 812. a. reign
can refer to the letters of the alphabet; 813. a. neither
capitol is a government building.
814. a. weight
788. c. To grate means to cause irritation;
great means notably large or numerous. 815. b. deceive
789. b. A plain is an expansive area of flat, 816. b. yield
treeless country; plain also means 817. a. caffeine
818. a. friendly
by simplicity; a plane is a tool used to
smooth wood. 819. b. grief

790. c. Whole means complete or all of 820. b. efficient

one thing; a hole is an opening. 821. b. conceited
791. a. Morale refers to a condition or 822. a. achieve
state of confidence, cheerfulness,
823. a. foreign
enthusiasm or willingness to perform
tasks; moral means good in character or a 824. b. variety
lesson from a story. 825. b. patient
II. Plurals, IE/EI Rule, and Prefixes and 826. b. quietly
827. a. chief
792. a. pianos
828. a. sleigh
793. b. skies
829. a. leisure
794. b. mice
830. a. seize
795. a. bunches
831. b. believe 837. a. driving
832. b. illegal 838. a. suddenness
833. b. misspelled 839. b. dissatisfy
834. a. unnecessary 840. b. finally
835. b. illegible 841. b. truly
836. a. overrated
Fill in the correct prepositions
about – at – by - for – from – in – of – on – to - with

1. She learned Russian ____________ the age of 45.

2. The book was written ____________ Mark Twain.
3. I’ll show you the picture ____________ the palace.
4. We can only get to the camp ____________ foot.
5. He reminds me ____________ his old history teacher.
6. What are you talking ____________ ?
7. ____________ the end of next year we will have made over P 100,000.
8. She always gets up early ____________ the morning and goes to bed late
____________ night.
9. I went to work ____________ Tuesday but I didn’t go ____________
10.You’ll have to wait. He’ll be with you ____________ a minute.
11.Philip waited ____________ her at the movie theatre.
12.He started learning English ____________ 2005.
13.You have to pay ____________ the tickets on the day you order them.
14.We are very proud ____________ this company.
15.It’s very kind ____________ you to help us.
16.The old man suffered ____________ a heart attack.
17.Please write ____________ pencil.
18.It’s ____________ time you told him the truth.
19.The manager didn’t take part ____________ the discussion.
20.He‘s very good ____________ telling jokes.
21.I’ll see you ____________ the conference
22.We sat down ____________ the grass and ate our lunch.
23.My parents got married ____________ the 1970s.
24.There’s a good restaurant ____________ the end of the street.
25.We usually have turkey ____________ Thanksgiving.
26.I would like to travel ____________ Italy next summer.
27.I took a plane ____________ Munich to Rome.
28.I’d like to speak ____________ the manager please.
29.I don’t usually feel tired ____________ the morning.
30.My mother is abroad so my dad is taking care ____________ us
____________ the moment.
31.Sonja gets ____________ the seven o’clock bus in the morning.
32.She always looks ____________ herself in the mirror.
33.I met Donna ____________ a party ____________ Friday night.
34.My friend always borrows money ____________ me.
35.Daria’s books are lying ____________ the floor.
36.He arrived at the school building just ____________ time.
37.The audience threw tomatoes ____________ him.
38.Passengers are not allowed to use cell phones ____________ airplanes.
39.He is responsible ____________ what he does.
40.I’m sorry ____________ the job you didn’t get.
41.I’m very bad ____________ mathematics.
42.We had to climb slowly ____________ the hill.
43.He is always ____________ time.
44.How many people are ____________ your team?
45.A university is where you study ____________ a degree.
46.Her next birthday will be ____________ a Sunday.
47.The new factory is expected to go online ____________ May.
48.Many of us eat ____________ fork and spoon.
49.We have been searching ____________ a web designer for a few weeks
50.The TV is ____________ the corner of the room.
The meanings of prepositions
The following gives the most usual meanings of English prepositions. Each
meaning is illustrated by an example.
1. On the subject of: This is a story about elephants.
2. Approximately: He is about ten years old.
1. Higher than; over: The plane flew above the clouds.
2. Earlier on a page: There is a heading above each diagram.
1. From one side to the other: We walked across the field.
2. On the other side of: There is a store across the street.
1. Later in time: after ten o'clock; after lunch
2. Later in a series: Q comes after P in the alphabet.
3. In pursuit of: The dog ran after the cat.
1. In opposition to: Theft is against the law.
2. Touching; supported by: I leaned my bicycle against the wall.
1. Following the length of: We walked along the road.
1. Within a group: The money was shared among three people.
Note: In formal English, among is usually used only when referring to more
than two persons or things. In contrast, between is used when referring to two
persons or things.
1. Circling something: We walked around the block.
2. Surrounding: There is a fence around the garden.
3. In different parts of: I looked around the house for the keys.
4. In the other direction: We turned around and went back home.
5. Approximately: He is around six feet tall.
1. A specific location: at 23 Chestnut Street; at the park
2. A point in time: at 5 o'clock; at Christmas
3. A condition: at peace; at war; at rest
4. An activity: at work; at school; at play
5. Towards: Look at someone; wave at someone
Note: When referring to a specific location or to a point in time, at is usually
When referring to a certain street or a certain day, on is usually used.
When referring to a location as an area, or when referring to a unit of time
longer than a day, in is usually used.
e.g. at Christmas; on Christmas day; in the Christmas holidays
1. Earlier in time: before two o'clock; before Christmas
2. Earlier in a series: S comes before T in the alphabet.
1. At the back of: The little girl hid behind her mother.
2. Late: I am behind in my work.
3. Cause; origin: Who was behind that idea?
1. Lower than; under: below freezing; below sea level
2. Later on a page: Footnotes are provided below the text.
1. Lower than; below: beneath the earth
1. Next to; at the side of: I sit beside her in class.
1. Also; as well as: We study other languages besides English.
Note the differing meanings of beside and besides. Beside is usually used with
reference to a physical location.
1. An intermediate location: Toronto lies between Montreal and Vancouver.
2. An intermediate time: between Christmas and New Year's Day
3. Intermediate in a series: B comes between A and C in the alphabet.
4. An intermediate amount: between five and ten people
5. Within a group of two: The money was shared between two people.
1. Farther than: The mountains lie beyond the horizon.
2. Further than; exceeding: That was beyond my expectations.
1. Except: I have read all but the last chapter.
Note: But is used more often as a conjunction than as a preposition.
1. Near: a house by the sea
2. Past: He waved as he drove by the house.
3. Not later than: Try to finish the work by next week.
4. In units of: cheaper by the dozen; sold by weight
5. Through the means of: travel by plane; written by him
Note: By is often used in combination with verbs in the Passive Voice.
1. Connected with; about: He studies everything concerning trees.
1. In spite of: We walked downtown despite the rain.
1. To a lower position: The ball rolled down the hill.
2. Further along: He lives down the street.
1. Throughout a period: She works during the day.
2. Sometime within a period: An accident occurred during the night.
1. Not including: I have visited everyone except him.
1. Duration of time: We walked for two hours.
2. Distance: I walked for five kilometers.
3. Purpose: I bought this jacket for you.
4. In the direction of: She left for New York.
5. In favor of: We are for the proposal.
6. Considering: The boy is clever for his age.
1. Place of origin: We left from Boston; he comes from Mexico
2. Start of a period of time: from now on; from yesterday until today
3. Start of a range: From 20 to 30 people were present.
4. Cause: He suffers from nervousness.
5. Source: I first heard the story from you.
1. Place thought of as an area: in London; in Europe
2. Within a location: in the room; in the building
3. Large units of time: That happened in March, in 1992.
4. Within a certain time: I will return in an hour.
5. By means of: write in pencil; speak in English
6. Condition: in doubt; in a hurry; in secret
7. A member of: He is in the orchestra; in the navy
8. Wearing: the boy in the blue shirt
9. With reference to: lacking in ideas; rich in oil
1. Within: They are inside the house.
1. To the inside of: We stepped into the room.
2. Change of condition: The boy changed into a man.
1. Resembling: That looks like him.
2. Appearing possible: It looks like rain.
3. Be in a suitable mood for: I feel like going swimming.
1. Less: Three minus two equals one.
1. Close to: near the school; near the ocean
1. Location: east of here; the middle of the road
2. Possession: a friend of mine; the sound of music
3. Part of a group: one of us; a member of the team
4. Measurement: a cup of milk; two meters of snow
1. Not on; away from: Please keep off the grass.
2. At some distance from: There are islands off the coast.
1. Touching the surface of: on the table; on the wall
2. A certain day: That happened on Sunday, on the 6th of June.
3. A certain street: on South Street
4. About: a book on engineering
5. A state or condition: on strike; on fire; on holiday
6. By means of: live on a pension; shown on television
1. To a position on: The child climbed onto the table.
1. Facing: The library is opposite the fire station.
Out of
1. To the outside of: She went out of the room.
2. From among: We won two games out of three.
3. Motive: We spoke to them out of politeness.
4. Material: The bridge is made out of steel.
5. Beyond: out of control; out of danger
1. On the outer side of: outside the house
2. Beyond the limits of: outside my experience
1. Above; higher than: There are cupboards over the sink.
2. Covering: We spread an extra blanket over the bed.
3. Across: I jumped over a puddle.
4. More than: It cost over ten dollars; it took over an hour
5. During: I saw him several times over the past week.
6. By means of: We made plans over the telephone.
1. Up to and beyond: I walked past the house.
2. After (in time): It was past 2 o'clock; half past two
3. Beyond: past belief
1. For each: 60 kilometers per hour; price per liter
1. With the addition of: Six plus four equals ten.
1. From a specific time in the past: I had been waiting since two o'clock.
2. From a past time until now: I have been waiting here since noon.
Note: Because of its meaning, the preposition since is usually used in
combination with a perfect tense. It should be noted that the preposition for can
also be used with a perfect tense. However, when used with reference to time,
for is usually followed by a phrase referring to a period of time; whereas since
is usually followed by a phrase referring to a specific time.
--> I have known him for six months.
--> I have known him since January.
In the first example, for is followed by six months, which refers to a period of
time. In the second example, since is followed by January, which refers to a
specific time.
1. Across; from end to end of: the main road through town
2. For the whole of a period: I slept through the night.
3. By means of: Skill improves through practice.
1. In every part of: throughout the world
2. For the whole of a period: throughout the winter
Note: Till can be used instead of until. However, at the beginning of a sentence,
until is usually used.
1. In the direction of: Turn to the right.
2. Destination: I am going to Rome.
3. Until: from Monday to Friday; five minutes to ten
4. Compared with: They prefer hockey to soccer.
5. With indirect object: Please give it to me.
6. As part of infinitive: I like to ski; he wants to help.
7. In order to: We went to the store to buy soap.
Toward (or Towards)
1. In the direction of: We walked toward the center of town.
2. Near; just before (time): It rained towards evening.
1. Beneath: under the desk; under the trees
2. Less than: Under 100 people were present.
3. In circumstances of: under repair; under way; under discussion
1. Below, under: underneath the carpet
1. Up to a certain time: She will stay until Friday; until 5 p.m.
Note: On and upon have similar meanings. Upon may be used in certain
expressions, as in once upon a time, and following certain verbs, as in to rely
upon someone.
1. To a higher place: We went up the stairs.
2. In a higher place: She lives up the hill.
Up to
1. As far as: up to now; I have read up to page 100.
2. Depending on: The decision is up to you.
3. As good as; ready for: His work is up to standard.
1. Against (sports, legal): The next game is England versus Australia.
1. By way of: He went to Los Angeles via San Francisco.
1. Accompanying: He came with her; I have my keys with me.
2. Having; containing: Here is a book with a map of the island.
3. By means of; using: I repaired the shoes with glue.
4. Manner: with pleasure; with ease; with difficulty
5. Because of: We were paralyzed with fear.
1. Inside of: within twenty minutes; within one kilometer
1. Not having: Do not
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1. When the subject of a sentence is composed of two or more nouns or

pronouns connected by and, use a plural verb.
She and her friends are at the fair.
2. When two or more singular nouns or pronouns are connected by or or nor,
use a singular verb.
The book or the pen is in the drawer.
3. When a compound subject contains both a singular and a plural noun or
pronoun joined by or or nor, the verb should agree with the part of the subject
that is nearer the verb.
The boy or his friends run every day.
His friends or the boy runs every day.
4. Doesn't is a contraction of does not and should be used only with a singular
subject. Don't is a contraction of do not and should be used only with a plural
subject. The exception to this rule appears in the case of the first person and
second person pronouns I and you. With these pronouns, the contraction don't
should be used.
He doesn't like it.
They don't like it.
5. Do not be misled by a phrase that comes between the subject and the verb.
The verb agrees with the subject, not with a noun or pronoun in the phrase.
One of the boxes is open
The people who listen to that music are few.
The team captain, as well as his players, is anxious.
The book, including all the chapters in the first section, is boring.
The woman with all the dogs walks down my street.
6. The words each, each one, either, neither, everyone, everybody, anybody,
anyone, nobody, somebody, someone, and no one are singular and require a
singular verb.
Each of these hot dogs is juicy.
Everybody knows Mr. Jones.
Either is correct.
7. Nouns such as civics, mathematics, dollars, measles, and news require
singular verbs.
The news is on at six.
Note: The word dollars is a special case. When talking about an amount of
money, it requires a singular verb, but when referring to the dollars themselves,
a plural verb is required.
Five dollars is a lot of money.
Dollars are often used instead of rubles in Russia.
8. Nouns such as scissors, tweezers, trousers, and shears require plural verbs.
(There are two parts to these things.)
These scissors are dull.
Those trousers are made of wool.
9. In sentences beginning with "there is" or "there are," the subject follows the
verb. Since "there" is not the subject, the verb agrees with what follows.
There are many questions.
There is a question.
10. Collective nouns are words that imply more than one person but that are
considered singular and take a singular verb, such as group, team, committee,
class, and family.
The team runs during practice.
The committee decides how to proceed.
The family has a long history.
My family has never been able to agree.
The crew is preparing to dock the ship.
This sentence is referring to the individual efforts of each crew member.
11. Expressions such as with, together with, including, accompanied by, in
addition to, or as well do not change the number of the subject. If the subject is
singular, the verb is too.
The President, accompanied by his wife, is traveling to India.
All of the books, including yours, are in that box.


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