Revisao 1

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1° ANO ( A , B )


Hello, how are you? I would like to introduce my family to you. My name is Levi, I am 8 years old and
I live with my father, mother and my 3-year-old brother. My mother is pregnant and she will
have a baby, her name will be Marina. I love to play with my soccer cousins. At my grandmother's
house, I play video games. My best friend is Allen.

1. The narrator is presented:

a) his home.

b) his family.

c) his friends.

d) his toys.

e) his school

2. Who tells his/her story is:

a) the Marina.

b) Levi.

c) Allen.

d) the mother.

e) the father.

3. According to the text, Marina is:

a) a baby.

b) his brother.

c) your grandmother.

d) your mother.
e) the grandmother.

4. The narrator of the text likes to play with:

a) your brothers.

b) Your family.

c) your cousins.

d) your friends.

e) your sister

5. The genre of the text is:

a) advertising.

b) comic strip.

c) autobiography

d) biography.

e) song.

6. Where does Levi play video games?

a) Na casa de sua mãe.

b) Na locadora.

c) Na casa de seus primos.

d) Na casa de sua avó.

e) Na casa de seu amigo.

7. Levi's brother's age is

a) three years old.

b) four years old.

c) seven years old.

d) eight years old.

e) six years old.

8. Complete com AM, ARE or IS.

a) He_______________ my brother.

b) They_______________ students.

c) I _______________ a boy.

d) Mary _______________ my cousins.

e) Susan_______________ a good friend.

a) is – is – am – is – aren’t.

b) is – is – am – is – is.

c) are – is – am – is – aren’t.

d) is – is – are – isn’t – aren’t.

e) is – are – am – is – is.

9. It ________ winter, but it __________ cold.

a) is / isn't

b) are / is

c) are / aren't

d) is / am

e) is / is

10. John and Ann __________ good friends.

a) are

b) is

c) has

d) was

e) am
11) Com relação aos adjetivos estudados é correto afirmar:

a) Adjective is a word that modifies a verb,adjective, other adverb, determiner, noun phrase, clause,
or sentence.

b) Adjective is a word that is used with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the

c) Adjective is a word used to describe the nouns and pronouns in a sentence, and we use them to
give information about people, ideas and things.

d) Adjective is a word which come at the beginning of the noun phrase, they tell us whether the
noun phrase is specific or general

e) Every adjective must have a clear antecedent.

12) Segundo os nossos estudos sobre adjetivos marque a opção verdadeira onde o adjetivo é usado
com mais frequência após verbos de ligação?

a) asleep b) big

c) small d) rich

e) young

13) Escolham a opção que melhor traduz os adjetivos em inglês:

( weird , racy, nasty)

a) Estranho, atrevido, desagradável.

b) desagradável, Egoísta estranho , atrevido .

c) atrevido , estranho , desagradável .

d) racista , estranho , Egoísta.

e) Egoísta, desagradável, racista.

14) Escolha a ordem correta do adjetivo:

She was wearing a________,________,________ blouse which she got from her grandparents for
her birthday.

A) Small, old, cotton B) Cotton, small, old

C) Small, cotton, old d) Big, round, plastic

e ) Round, big, plastic

15) podemos utilizar os verbos can e may para dar um permissão porem qual dos dois e utilizado de
modo mais formal e mais gentil para se dar permissão?

a) o verbo can pois, podemos usar can para dar permissão formal .

b) o verbo may pois é utilizado de modo mais formal para se dar uma permissão .

c) o verbo may pois ele não e um verbo auxiliar .

d) o vedo can pois ,poderia fazer uma pergunta ou um convite .

e)usamos o can apenas no presente e futuro .

16)Marque a única opção verdadeira quando se trata de usar o verbo modal Must :

“you must be the change you want to see in the world”

⦁ Nós usamos must para nos referirmos a algo que precisa ser feito, obrigatoriamente

B)Usamos must to quando nos referirmos a algo que precisou ser feito no passado.

C)Às vezes, nós podemos usar o must para se oferecer para fazer algo.

D) Usamos must para convites.

E) Usamos o must apenas para futuro .

17. Qual a tradução correta da frase abaixo?

When I was in hospital, I couldn't get out of bed.

a) Quando eu estava no hospital, eu não saí da cama.

b) Quando eu estava no hospital, eu não devia sair da cama.

c) Quando eu estava no hospital, eu não conseguia sair da cama.

d) Quando eu estava no hospital, eu não queria sair da cama.

e)estava no hospital e queria muito sair da cama .

18)Indique a ordem correta das frases abaixo :

“ will you do me a favor” “ It will they move to Ireland next year ?” “I will not travel to England next

a)Afirmativa , negativa, interrogativa.

b)Negativa, afirmativa ,interrogativa.

c)Negativa ,interrogativa, interrogativa.

d)Interrogativa, afirmativa , negativa

e)Afirmativa , afirmativa ,negativa

19) Preencha os espaços em brancos com os verbo modal mais adequado :

He _______lift a car. You _______ be careful what you say to him as he _____ get angry

A)Can, must, can B) must, shoud, can C) may , mast , shoud D) can ,can mast

E) caan, mayy,can

20) A frase “ you must not take medicine “ expressa :

A) Uma ordem B ) uma obrigação C) uma proibição D) uma advertência E) um convite

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