No. 06/Qd-Ttg

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________ Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 06/QD-TTg ________________________
Hanoi, January 06, 2022

Approving the Scheme on developing the application of data on population,
identification, electronic authentication data for national digital
transformation in the 2022-2025 period, with a vision toward 2030

Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated June 19,

2015; the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law
on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local
Administration dated November 22, 2019;
Pursuant to the Law on Citizen Identification dated November 20, 2014;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 137/2015/ND-CP dated
December 31, 2015, detailing a number of articles and measures to implement
the Law on Citizen Identification and the Government’s Decree No.
37/2021/ND-CP dated March 29, 2021, amending and supplementing a number
of articles of the Decree No. 137/2015/ND-CP dated December 31, 2015,
detailing a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Citizen
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 61/2018/ND-CP dated April
23, 2018, on the implementation of the single-window and inter-agency single-
window mechanism in the performance of administrative procedures and the
Government’s Decree No. 107/2021/ND-CP dated December 06, 2021,
amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree
No. 61/2018/ND-CP dated April 23, 2018, on the implementation of the single-
window and inter-agency single-window mechanism in the performance of
administrative procedures;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 45/2020/ND-CP dated April
08, 2020, on performance of administrative procedures in the electronic
Pursuant to the Government's Resolution No. 76/NQ-CP dated July 15,
2021, promulgating the Overall Program on state administrative reform for the
2021-2030 period;
At the proposal of the Minister of Public Security,


Article 1. To approve the Scheme on developing the application of data

on population, identification, electronic authentication data for national digital
transformation in the 2022-2025 period, with a vision toward 2030 (hereinafter
referred to as the Scheme) with the following contents:
1. To mobilize the participation of the entire political system, especially
the heads of ministries, sectors, localities; in which, the participation of
organizations, enterprises and citizens is a decisive factor, and the synchronous
implementation by ministries, sectors and localities is the assurance for the
digital transformation success.
2. Population data is the important resource, which must be managed
centrally and consistently, and be shared within the entire political system,
serving the people and enterprises in accordance with law provisions.
Population data, identification and electronic authentication shall be used as a
basis for digitally transforming in the lifestyle, working style and production
method based on digital technology.
3. Population data is the raw data, other database related to population
which has been developed or is being developed must base on the raw data and
have a connection and sharing mechanism to ensure economy, creating new
values; all social forces are encouraged to participate in the formulation,
development and promotion of the national population database.
4. Digital transformation shall focus on the people and enterprises;
consider the development of people, assurance and improvement of living as the
main purposes; aim to transparentize and strengthen the participation of the
people and enterprises in the state agencies’ operation. The citizens shall only
have to provide information and papers once for state agencies when carrying
out administrative procedures.
5. Population data must be used effectively in order to promote and urge
the national intelligence, resources and power; must be associated with the state
administration capacity, offering a potential breakthrough in economic
development as well as reflecting cultural, historical values, and social
intelligence. The development and application of population data must be in
association with data enrichment, creating a platform for digital transformation
in society.
6. The national population database must be connected, integrated and
operated in association with ensuring information security in the digital

7. The operation and application of the national database on population,

identification and electronic authentication plays a crucial role in the socio-
economic development and national digital transformation, bringing short-term
and long-term benefits for the development of e-Government towards digital
Government in the 2022-2030 period.
1. Overall objectives
The national population database, the system of electronic authentication
and identification, chip-based citizen identity cards shall be used for the national
digital transformation in a flexible and creative manner in accordance with the
National Digital Transformation Program by 2025 with a vision towards 2030
in order to serve 5 utility groups as follows: (1) Serving the handling of
administrative procedures and provision of online public services; (2) Serving
the socio-economic development; (3) Serving digital citizens; (4) Completing
the ecosystem serving the connection, operation and enrichment of population
data; (5) Serving the direction and management of leaders at all levels.
2. Specific objectives
a) Utility serving the handling of administrative procedures and provision
of online public services
- By 2022:
+ To complete the integration and provision of the service of
authenticating information on 9-digit identity card numbers with citizen identity
card numbers on the National Public Service Portal so as 100% personal e-ID
accounts that have been created by the national, ministerial and provincial
Public Service Portals shall be used for authenticating electronic identity
provided by the Ministry of Public Security.
+ To complete the determination of the roadmap for standardization and
restructuring of the procedures, integration and provision of online public
services that are necessary for citizens and enterprises on the basis of using the
data sharing and authentication from the national population database, in order
to cut and simplify administrative procedures.
+ To continue completing the accurate, sufficient, updated and clear
population data; boost up the completion of production and grant of chip-based
citizen identity cards for citizens fully meeting conditions who have not been
granted or re-granted, renewed according to regulations.
+ To complete the mechanism and policy to facilitate the development
and provision of digital services and applications related to population
information. In which, focus is given to the formulation and submission to the
Government for the promulgation of the Decree on personal data protection,

Decree on electronic authentication and identification.

+ To complete the connection and integration of the Ministry of Public
Security's electronic authentication and identification system with the National
Public Service Portal in the quarter I of 2022, serving the identification,
authentication and creation of personal e-accounts in handling of administrative
procedures and provision of online public services.
+ To complete the connection and sharing of data between the national
population database and tax database in the quarter I of 2022, serving the
verification of taxpayer information in handling of tax-related administrative
procedures, so as 100% of taxpayers shall not have to re-declare changed
information which has been recorded in the national population database.
+ To complete the connection, sharing and verification of citizen
information with the National Public Service Portal, information system for
handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in
service of the administrative procedure handling, provision of online public
services in the direction that citizens are not required to re-declare information
that has been included in the connected or shared national population database.
+ To ensure the synchronously and effective implementation of the birth
registration, grant of personal identification numbers and implementation of
social security at commune level on the basis of sharing infrastructure of the
public security sector.
+ To complete the standardization, restructuring of procedures, reduction
and simplification of administrative procedures on the basis of using
authentication, sharing by data of the national population database or using
electronic authentication and identification performed by the Ministry of Public
Security on the National Public Service Portal, the information system for
handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels for:
100% of public services of the Ministry of Public Security that have been
integrated on the National Public Service Portal; at least 20 essential public
services in the field of civil status, social insurance, education, health, land and
labor, etc.
+ To ensure that 100% of e-accounts of the National Public Service
Portal or ministerial, provincial public service portals that have been granted
before the effective date of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 34/2021/QD-TTg
dated November 08, 2021, will be authenticated with electronic identity
provided by the Ministry of Public Security; 100% of citizens without electronic
identity will be granted with an electronic identity from the electronic
authentication and identification system provided by the Ministry of Public
Security when carrying out administrative procedures at the provincial or
district-level single-window section; 100% of citizens will not have to present
dossiers proving personal information when carrying out administrative

procedures at the single-window section where the information system for

handling administrative procedures has been connected and integrated with the
national population database.
+ To gradually replace personal papers on the basis of integrating and
verifying personal information and papers to the national population database
by only using citizen identity cards and VNEID apps, in which, priority is given
to the following papers: Health insurance, driver license or permit, number of
the practising, vaccination, medical or education certificate or permit, official
card, etc.
+ To provide the service of information verification for involved parties,
the accused, defendants, proceeding participants, etc. on the portal of the
People’s Court for electronic trial and proceeding.
+ To satisfy criteria in terms of connection, integration and sharing of
population data from the national population database to authenticate, identify
and handle administrative procedures, provide online public services that are
monitored and evaluated by data, according to the actual time from quarter II of
2022, timely serving the direction and administration of leaders at all levels and
the people's participation.
- In the 2023-2025 period:
+ To continue completing the mechanism and policy to facilitate the
development and provision of digital services and applications related to
population information. In which, focus is given to the formulation and
submission of the Law on Citizen Identification (revised) for the National
Assembly's approval.
+ 100% of administrative procedures fully meeting requirements as
prescribed by law will be provided in the form of level-4 online public service,
and will be electronically authenticated and identified or authenticated and
shared in terms of population data.
+ 100% of citizens and enterprises using level-4 online public services
will be electronically, smoothly and synchronously authenticated and identified
on all information systems from central to local levels.
+ 100% of citizens will be electronically authenticated and identified on
the Ministry of Public Security's electronic authentication and identification
system that has been connected and integrated with the National Public Service
Portal when carrying out administrative procedures at single-window sections at
all levels; and will not be required to re-provide personal information and
papers already included in the national population database.
+ 100% of results of handling individual administrative procedures shall
be electronically archived with personal identification numbers will be

considered as the compulsory information for the connection, sharing and re-
+ 50% of forms and declarations with citizen information will be
standardized consistently according to the requirements from the raw data of the
national population database.
+ At least 90% of citizens and enterprises will satisfy with the handling of
administrative procedures related to residence, civil status, immigration and
grant of citizen identity cards.
+ At least 50% of administrative procedures and personal papers related
to citizens will be cut or simplified in comparison with the issuing date of this
+ 90% of dossiers related to population management at ministerial and
provincial levels, 80% of dossiers related to population management at district
level and 60% of dossiers related to population management at commune level
will be processed in the Internet environment (except for dossiers related to
state secret).
+ 100% of population-related dossiers will be created, archived and
shared electronically according to regulations.
+ To complete the connection of the national population database with
the electronic case management system of the People’s Court for electronic
authentication of information related to involved parties, the accused,
defendants, proceeding participants or verification of information and proof of
the case in order to serve the electronic court operation.
- In the 2025-2030 period:
+ 70% of forms and declarations with citizen information will be
standardized consistently according to the requirements from the raw data of the
national population database.
+ 100% of dossiers related to population management at ministerial and
provincial levels, 100% of dossiers related to population management at district
level and 80% of dossiers related to population management at commune level
will be processed in the Internet environment (except for dossiers related to
state secret).
+ To complete institutions and policies to facilitate the development and
provision of digital services and applications related to population according to
the actual situation, in which, attention is paid to the dissemination of the legal
dissemination related to state management initiatives.
+ To complete the digital ecosystem in carrying out administrative
procedures, providing online public services in association with digital
transformation of production and business, ensuring that electronic data and

information shall only be provided and digitalized once, and the electronic
identification of the electronic authentication and identification provided by the
Ministry of Public Security shall be used effectively.
+ To maintain, develop and expand the information infrastructure, data
and service applications related to population.
+ To complete and expand multi-dimensional data analysis tools to
visualize, report, synthesize, make statistics and dynamic reports for direction,
administration, decision support or change of population policy.
+ To continue implementing the coordination and diversification of
resources in developing and providing services and applications related to
+ To continue organizing the training and development of human
resources; focus on training the experts in the fields of analysis, exploration of
data using new technologies such as data science and artificial intelligence.
+ To continue implementing scientific research tasks, with priority given
to application research projects with results and products suitable to the
development orientations and application of population data.
+ To continue updating and innovating the propaganda and dissemination
methods, popularize digital skills of population-related utilities and services to
all citizens.
+ To continue promoting the application of population data provided by
the Ministry of Public Security in the state management by ministries, sectors,
localities, civil transactions and economy.
b) Utility serving the socio-economic development
- In the 2022-2023 period:
+ To study law regulations to apply population data, electronic
authentication and identification into digital transformation for the socio-
economic development. To study and pilot the application of utilities of e-chips
attached on the citizen identity card in finance, banking and other socio-
economic development fields.
+ To upgrade and complete the electronic authentication and
identification system; study and expand the application of such system in e-
transactions for the socio-economic development.
+ To integrate and develop applications on the basis of the electronic
authentication and identification with core applications, such as e-wallet, non-
cash payment, securities, water and electricity, etc., on VNEID app, QR codes
of chip-based citizen identity cards.
+ To expand the range of application of utilities of e-chips attached on the

citizen identity card in finance, banking (creating accounts, identifying

customers, payment, lending, e-wallet, etc.) and other socio-economic
development fields.
+ To develop, complete and implement effectively digital citizen app
from VNEID on the basis of expanding the integration of information and
services such as health, insurance, driver license, banking, e-payment,
emergency response, crime scene report, offense denunciation, etc.
- In the 2024-2025 period: To complete the ecosystem of digital
applications and utilities for ministries, branches, localities, organizations and
enterprises to ensure that population data is authenticated through identification
and authentication of residential information at an identification level with
biometric elements when performing transactions for socio-economic
- In the 2026-2030 period: To continue maintaining and operating the
electronic authentication and identification system, electronic authentication and
identification models in an effective manner, in association with the value chain
of digital signatures, e-contracts, e-identification, creating the digital
government platform with a new value in service of digital citizens.
c) Utility serving digital citizens
- By 2022:
+ To ensure the activity of creating electronic identification for citizens
whose information has been collected and included in the national population
database; to settle 100% citizens’ requests on creating electronic identification
for citizens. To propagandize and disseminate so as the citizens can clearly
understand and register, use electronic identification in administrative
transactions, identity proof, and public services.
+ To ensure to verify 100% of essential and important information on the
VNEID app or through chip-based citizen identity card, such as information
about vaccination, testing, driver license, vehicle registration, etc., gradually use
such instead of personal papers in a number of transactions according to law
+ To provide public services and commercial services to serve citizens’
digital utilities on the VNEID app, such as the services of accommodation,
citizen identity card, e-commerce, e-payment and other services.
- In the 2023-2025 period:
+ To strive to have more than 40 million user accounts on the VNEID
app, and build the ecosystem providing digital commercial services and public
services, non-cash payment and e-payment platforms, and replace personal
papers in e-transactions.

+ To ensure that 100% of digital citizens’ transactions will be identified,

digitally signed, verified, and 100% of e-contracts will be identified and
digitally signed.
- In the 2025-2030 period:
+ To strive to have more than 60 million user accounts on the VNEID
app, and build the ecosystem providing digital commercial services and public
services, non-cash payment and e-payment platforms, and replace personal
papers in e-transactions.
d) To complete the ecosystem serving the connection, operation and
enrichment to the population data.
- By 2022: To ensure that 100% of population data will be archived in the
national population database, 100% of citizens at the eligible age will be
granted personal identification numbers and chip-based citizen identity cards.
To effectively implement the connection and sharing between the
national population database and national and specialized databases in
accordance with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1911/QD-TTg dated
November 15, 2021 for the enrichment of population data. In which:
+ To create a platform for relevant fields such as justice, labor, invalids
and social affairs, etc. to use the national population database for the procedure
handling in case their infrastructure is unavailable.
+ To focus on completing the connection with the available national and
specialized databases to “clean” and handle procedures for citizens in an
accurate and convenient manner.
+ For ministries and sectors that are developing and deploying their
database, it is necessary to discuss and reach an agreement with the Ministry of
Public Security in implementing and connecting with the national population
database for effective and economic implementation.
- From 2023 onwards: To ensure to integrate, connect and share
information between the national population database with ministerial, sectoral
and local databases in a smooth and effective manner.
dd) Serving the direction and management of leaders at all levels
- By 2022: To synthesize, analyze and predict information that is
supplemented by data integration and sharing with other databases for the
governance of the Government and Prime Minister, planning of socio-economic
policies; meeting the professional requirements of the public security force and
demands of organizations and enterprises. To integrate with the information
system for direction and management of the Government and Prime Minister in
a smooth, rapid and effective manner according to the requirements of the
Government and Prime Minister.

- From 2023 onwards: To continue connecting and sharing data of the

population database with other databases to enrich the population data in order
to summarize, analyze and predict information serving the governance of the
Government and Prime Minister, planning of socio-economic policies; meeting
the professional requirements of the public security force and demands of
ministries, sectors, localities, organizations and enterprises.
1. Completing the policy and law on development and provision of digital
services and applications related to population information
a) Promulgating the Circular providing the lists and products extracted
from the national population database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors and
Completion date: In January 2022.
b) Promulgating the Circular providing for rate, collection, payment,
management and use of the charge for exploitation of data from the national
population database, thereby permitting management agencies to provide
population data service for individuals and organizations with a specific charge,
creating revenue for the development, maintenance, administration and use of
data in a transparent and safe manner according to law provisions.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime
responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security, relevant
ministries, sectors and localities.
Completion date: In March 2022.
c) Studying, reviewing and proposing to amend and supplement the law
for the use of the national population database serving the carrying out of
administrative procedures in the electronic environment and socio-economic
Implementation agency: Ministries, sectors, and localities:
Completion date: In March 2022.
d) Submitting the Government for promulgation of the Decree on
protection of personal data.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors and
Completion date: In May 2022.

dd) Submitting the Government for promulgation of the Decree on

electronic authentication and identification.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors and
Completion date: In May 2022.
E) Promulgating the Circular guiding the exchange of information and
data between the national population database and national, specialized
information systems and databases, ministries, sectors, and localities.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors and
Completion date: In September 2022.
g) Submitting the Government for promulgation or amendment and
supplementation to the Decree No. 137/2015/ND-CP dated December 31, 2015,
in the direction of adding provisions on management, operation and use of the
national population database according to the summary procedure.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors and
Completion date: In December 2022.
h) Studying and proposing to amend the Law on Citizen Identification
and its guiding documents in order to remove difficulties, facilitating the
development of digital Government in the coming time.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors and
Completion date: In May 2023.
i) Studying, advising and proposing to formulate the Law on Protection of
Personal Data.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors and
Completion date: In 2024.
k) Formulating the mechanism for inspection and examination of officers
using population data by exploiting the national population data; by the
connection, sharing and use of data with agencies, organizations, and

enterprises for the proper purposes and requirements, preventing the data from
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors,
localities, organizations and enterprises.
Completion date: In 2024.
l) Performing tasks of scientific research and technology transfer on the
national population database and electronic identification platform of the
Ministry of Public Security within the framework of key international
technology and science programs.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Science and Technology shall
assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public
Security, relevant ministries, sectors, localities, organizations and enterprises.
Implementation duration: Regularly.
2. Serving the handling of administrative procedures and provision of
online public services
a) Organizing the integration and provision of information verification
services for 9-digit identity card and citizen identity card numbers on the
National Public Service Portal and the tax database to serve the verification of
taxpayer information in handling of tax-related administrative procedures.
Implementation agency: The Government Office and the Ministry of
Finance shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the
Ministry of Public Security.
Completion date: In January 2022.
b) Guiding ministries, sectors and localities to integrate, connect and
share population data between the national population database and the National
Public Service Portal, information systems for handling administrative
procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in service of the verification and
sharing of citizen information when carrying out administrative procedures on
the principle of not re-declaring information already included in the national
population database.
Implementation agency: The Government Office shall assume the prime
responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security,
ministries, sectors and localities.
Completion date: In February 2022.
c) Deploying, developing and upgrading the electronic authentication and
identification system to fully meet requirements provided in the Prime
Minister’s Decision No. 34/2021/QD-TTg dated November 08, 2021, on

electronic authentication and identification on the national population database,

citizen identification database and national immigration database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries, sectors and
Completion date: In March 2022.
d) Connecting and integrating the Ministry of Public Security's electronic
authentication and identification system with the National Public Service Portal,
serving the identification, authentication and creation of personal e-accounts in
handling of administrative procedures and provision of online public services by
ministries, sectors and localities.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security, the Government
Office and ministries, sectors and localities.
Completion date: In March 2022.
dd) Formulating and implementing solutions supporting the Ministry of
Justice by sharing the infrastructure of the public security sector in birth
registration, grant of personal identification numbers at the commune level in a
consistent and effective manner.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the
prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice and the
Government Office.
Completion date: In June 2022.
e) Completing the implementation of essential public services (specified
in Appendix I hereto), ensuring the standardization, process restructuring,
cutting and simplification of administrative procedures using the data
authentication and sharing from the national population database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security, the Government
Office and ministries, sectors and localities providing essential public services.
Completion date: In June 2022.
g) Digitalizing and re-using the results of dossier digitalization or
handling of administrative procedures related to personal information and
papers in receiving and handling administrative procedures in order to enrich,
update, supplement, connect, share and use effectively the national population
database for administrative procedure handling.
Implementation agency: Ministries, sectors, and localities:
Implementation duration: From June 01, 2022, for ministerial or
provincial single-window sections; From December 01, 2022, for the district-
level single-window sections; From June 01, 2023, for the commune-level

single-window sections.
h) Monitoring, supervising and evaluating criteria for connection,
integration and sharing of population data from the national population database
for the authentication, identification and settlement of administrative
procedures, provision of online public services on the system for evaluating the
handling of administrative procedures of the National Public Service Portal.
Implementation agency: The Government Office shall assume the prime
responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security, relevant
ministries, sectors and localities.
Completion date: In June 2022.
i) Developing, completing and implementing effectively digital citizen
app from VNEID on the basis of expanding the integration of information and
services such as health, social insurance, driver license, banking, emergency
response, crime scene report, offense denunciation, etc.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and relevant
agencies and organizations.
Implementation duration: Regularly.
k) Developing and implementing the solutions supporting the use of the
national population database for archiving, managing data related to citizens in
case the national and specialized databases are unavailable.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and relevant
Completion date: In 2022.
l) Providing the service of information verification for involved parties,
the accused, defendants, proceeding participants, etc. on the portal of the
People’s Court for electronic trial and proceeding.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme
People’s Court and relevant units.
Completion date: In 2022.
m) Reviewing and restructuring the process for cutting and simplifying
administrative procedures and organizing the integration, connection and
sharing of population data between the national population database and the
National Public Service Portal, information systems for handling administrative
procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in service of the verification and
sharing of citizen information when carrying out administrative procedures on
the principle of not re-declaring information already included in the national
population database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security, the Government

Office and ministries, sectors and localities.

Completion date: In 2022.
n) Deploying the connection of the national population database with the
electronic case management system of the People’s Court for electronic
authentication of information related to involved parties, the accused,
defendants, proceeding participants or verification of information and proof of
the case in order to serve the electronic court operation.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme
People’s Court and relevant units.
Completion date: In 2023.
3. Serving the socio-economic development
a) Applying utilities of e-chips attached on the citizen identity cards and
VNEID app in all aspects, especially the strongest digital transformation fields
such as banking (creating accounts, identifying customers, payment, lending, e-
wallet, etc.) finance, telecommunications, water and electricity.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and relevant
agencies and organizations.
Completion date: In September 2022.
b) Developing the model and organizing the implementation of electronic
authentication and identification activities, serving the socio-economic
development with the participation of enterprises in providing electronic
authentication and identification services.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and relevant
agencies and organizations.
Completion date: In January 2023.
c) Developing plans so as electronic authentication and identification
enterprises provide electronic authentication and identification services for
many aspects, meeting requirements of organizations, agencies and individuals
that are involved in the production and business on the electronic authentication
and identification platform provided by the Ministry of Public Security.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and enterprises.
Completion date: In January 2023.
d) Building the digital signature connection platform, supporting in
verifying enterprises in granting digital certificates for e-transaction
applications, in connection with the national population database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and relevant
agencies and organizations.

Completion date: In June 2023.

4. Serving digital citizen development
a) Starting to grant e-ID accounts and identification for citizens using
digital utilities and services that are authenticated and guaranteed by the
Government, ministries and sectors.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and relevant
Completion date: In March 2022.
b) Building, upgrading and expanding to invest in information technology
infrastructure of national databases on population, citizen identification,
identification and electronic authentication in order to achieve the Scheme's
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and relevant
Completion date: In June 2023.
5. Completing the ecosystem serving the connection, operation and
enrichment to the population data
a) Connecting and sharing between the national population database and
other national databases in accordance with the Prime Minister’s Decision No.
1911/QD-TTg dated November 15, 2021.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the national insurance database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and Vietnam
Social Security.
Completion date: In March 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the national enterprise registration database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Planning and Investment.
Completion date: In April 2022.
- Connecting and using the national population database in developing
the land database (on land users) and other natural resource databases
(information related to citizens); connecting and sharing the (national or local)
land database with the national population database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Natural Resources and Environment.

Completion date: In June 2022.

- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the national finance database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Finance.
Completion date: In December 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
with the national database on denunciation and complaint, anti-corruption; the
national database on management of assets and income.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and Government
Completion date: In 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the national database on science and technology.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Science and Technology.
Completion date: In 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Home Affairs.
Completion date: In December 2023.
b) Connecting and sharing between the national population database and
specialized databases in accordance with the Prime Minister’s Decision No.
1911/QD-TTg dated November 15, 2021.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the tax database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Finance.
Completion date: In March 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the electronic health record database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Health.
Completion date: In March 2022.

- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database

and the database on driver licenses and vehicle registration.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Transport.
Completion date: In March 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the electronic civil status database of the whole country.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Justice.
Completion date: In March 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the social security database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs.
Completion date: In March 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the database on the court's decisions and judgments.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Supreme
People’s Court.
Completion date: In April 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the education and training database.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Education and Training.
Completion date: In December 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the database on records of the People’s Court.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Supreme
People’s Court.
Completion date: In December 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the information database on decision to execute preventive measures for
citizens currently subject to investigation; justice and crime statistic database;
and other databases related to officers in the sector.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Supreme
People’s Procuracy.

Completion date: In December 2022.

- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and the specialized databases on agriculture and rural development.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Completion date: In December 2022.
- Connecting and sharing data between the national population database
and justice sector’s databases, such as the national database on handling of
administrative violations; databases on citizenship, judicial records, legal
assistance, notarial practice organizations, civil judgment execution.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of
National Defence and the Ministry of Justice.
Completion date: In June 2023.
c) Population data shall be formed into different data sets, which allow
the implementation of innovative services for the socio-economic development
in accordance with law provisions.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security, sectors and
Implementation duration: Regularly.
6. Serving the direction and management
a) Perform the tasks of making population statistics, analysis in a rapid,
accurate and economic manner.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of
Planning and Investment, relevant ministries and sectors.
Completion date: In December 2022.
b) Building and operating the intelligent operation center (IOC) on the
digital map platform, serving the planning of policies for socio-economic
development, national defense, securities and other policies.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security and relevant
Completion date: In December 2022.
c) Formulating an open mechanism so as the Government, ministries,
sectors, and localities can use information integrated and analyzed from the IOC
of the national population database for policy planning as requested.
Implementation agency: The Ministry of Public Security, relevant
ministries and sectors.

Completion date: In December 2022.

1. The Government, Chairperson of the National Digital Transformation
Committee shall direct and manage comprehensively the operation of the
Scheme, assign Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam to help the Prime Minister,
Chairperson of the National Digital Transformation Committee in directly
directing the activities of the Scheme; consider and deal with the regular work
of the Scheme.
2. To establish the Working Group for the Scheme (Working Group) with
the head is the Minister of Public Security, the Minister-Chairperson of the
Government Office is the deputy head, and Deputy Minister of Public Security
Nguyen Duy Ngoc is the permanent deputy head. Members of the Working
Group include representatives of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the
Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social
Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of
Information and Communications, the Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment, the Vietnam Social Security, the Ministry of Health; Director of
the Administrative Procedure Control Agency - Government Office, Director of
the Police Department for Administrative Management of Social Order - the
Ministry of Public Security, Mr. To Anh Dung - Deputy Director of the Police
Department for Administrative Management of Social Order - the Ministry of
Public Security shall act as the secretary of the Working Group. The head and
permanent deputy head of the Working Group shall use the Ministry of Public
Security’s seal, the deputy head of the Working Group shall use the
Government Office's seal.
The Working Group shall urge and guide ministries, sectors, and
localities to implement the Scheme's tasks. On a monthly basis, the Working
Group shall report the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam
of the situation and implementation result, and timely remove difficulties
arising in the course of implementing the Scheme. The Working Group may use
an assisting apparatus which is the Police Department for Administrative
Management of Social Order under the Ministry of Public Security and the
Administrative Procedure Control Agency under the Government Office, and
may mobilize domestic and international experts to perform the assigned tasks.
Funding for the operation of the Working Group shall be arranged from the
state budget allocated to the Ministry of Public Security and other lawful
sources. The Working Group shall automatically dissolve upon completing the
Scheme's tasks.
The Minister of Public Security shall decide on approving the list of the
Working Group's members and promulgate the Working Group's operational

3. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies

and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities
a) Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, government-attached
agencies and chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-
run cities shall directly direct on a direct basis the implementation of the tasks
assigned in the Scheme, take responsibility before the Prime Minister for the
implementation results.
b) On the basis of the targets, tasks and solutions mentioned in the
Scheme, develop an implementation plan and send it to the Ministry of Public
Security and the Government Office for monitoring and coordination in the
implementation or integration of such indicators, tasks and solutions into the
phased overall plan of ministries, sectors and localities for implementation,
ensuring efficiency and satisfaction of the schedule requirements.
c) Review, upgrade and complete information technology infrastructure;
upgrade and complete the information system for handling administrative
procedures at ministerial and provincial levels on the basis of consolidating
public service portals and electronic single-window information systems of
ministries, sectors and localities; integrate and provide 100% of online public
services on the National Public Service Portal in 2022.
d) Connect, integrate and share national databases, specialized databases
and information systems of public service provision of ministries, sectors and
localities with the national population database, electronic authentication and
identification system with the information system for handling administrative
procedures at ministerial and provincial levels, and enrich the national
population database in service of direction and administration.
dd) Allocate funding, human resources and facilities for the performance
of assigned tasks.
e) Update and standardize the list of administrative procedure dossiers
and documents on the national database on administrative procedures according
to the Government Office’s guidance; review, restructure the process,
electronicize forms of applications, declarations, results of administrative
procedure handling.
g) Renew the single-window and inter-agency single-window mechanism
in administrative procedure handling and digitization of dossiers, results of
administrative procedure handling in receiving and handling administrative
procedures in accordance with the Decision No. 468/QD-TTg dated March 27,
2021 and Decree No. 107/2021/ND-CP dated December 6, 2021.
h) Organize the implementation of the Government's resolutions on
simplification of administrative procedures and citizens’ papers related to
population management within the scope of management of their respective

ministries or agencies.
i) Coordinate closely with the Ministry of Public Security to ensure
security, order and information security during the digital transformation
k) Before the 22nd every month, send a report on the implementation and
results of implementation of the Scheme according to their assigned functions
and tasks to the Government Office and the Ministry of Public Security for
summarization and reporting to the Prime Minister.
4. Government Office
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Public Security in, promulgating documents guiding ministries, sectors and
localities in integrating, connecting and sharing population data between the
national population database and the National Public Service Portal, the
information system for handling administrative procedures at ministerial and
provincial levels in service of authentication and sharing of citizens’
information upon the performance of administrative procedures on the principle
of not requiring re-declaration of the information that is available in the national
population database.
b) Assume the prime responsibility with the Ministry of Public Security
for connecting, integrating authentication and sharing of data between the
national population database, the electronic authentication and identification
system provided by the Ministry of Public Security and the National Public
Service Portal.
c) Assume the prime responsibility with the Ministry of Public Security
for integrating the electronic authentication and identification system through
the Electronic Identification Exchange Platform on the National Public Service
Portal to use the electronic authentication and identification accounts for the
National Public Service Portal, information system for handling administrative
procedures at ministerial and provincial levels, and other databases and
information systems.
d) Guide to the standardization of the list of documents, processes, and
codes of digitized papers for sharing between the National Public Service
Portal, the information system for handling administrative procedures at
ministerial and provincial levels and other databases and information systems.
dd) Implement professional guidance on standardization and restructuring
of professional processes (simplification of forms and papers) of administrative
procedures when having connected to the national population database;
integration, connection and sharing of data with the Center of information,
direction and operation of the Government, the Prime Minister supports the
Government, the Prime Minister makes decisions and interacts online with

ministries, sectors and localities.

e) Urge and guide ministries, sectors and localities to renew the single-
window and inter-agency single-window mechanism in administrative
procedure handling in accordance with the Decision No. 468/QD-TTg dated
March 27, 2021 and Decree No. 107/2021/ND-CP dated December 6, 2021
5. The Ministry of Public Security
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the
Government Office in, organizing the implementation and guiding ministries,
sectors and localities to carry out the tasks assigned in the Scheme.
b) Coordinate with the Government Office, ministries, sectors and
localities in issuing guiding documents and implementing the connection and
sharing of population data between the national population database and the
National Public Service Portal, the information system for handling
administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in service of
competent agencies’ authentication, identification, administrative procedure
c) Assume the prime responsibility with the Government Office and
ministries, sectors and localities for connecting and integrating the electronic
authentication and identification system with the National Public Service Portal,
the information system for handling administrative procedures at ministerial and
provincial levels in service of competent agencies’ authentication,
identification, administrative procedure handling.
d) Coordinate with the Government Office, the Ministry of Justice, the
Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Vietnam Social Security and
People's Committees of provinces and cities in developing and providing a
group of public services: two groups of inter-agency administrative procedures:
birth registration - permanent residence registration - grant of health insurance
cards for children under 6 years of age; death registration - permanent residence
deregistration - funeral allowance and other related administrative procedures
dd) Coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs in connecting and
sharing data with the national database on cadres, civil servants and public
employees; integrating information about cadres, civil servants and public
employees on citizen identify cards.
e) Coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in assuming the prime
responsibility for assessing and reviewing legal documents to implement the
integration of information of personal papers into chip-based citizen identity
g) Promote the implementation of the Prime Minister’s Decision No.
1911/QD-TTg dated November 15, 2021 on implementing the connection and

sharing between the national population database and national databases,

specialized databases.
h) Advise the National Steering Committee for Cyber Safety and Security
to direct ministries and local agencies to ensure information safety and security,
and about implementing digital transformation, building the e-Government, e-
administration, especially the work of ensuring information safety, security and
protecting state secrets.
i) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant units
in, performing the tasks provided in the Appendix to the Scheme.
k) Build, upgrade and expand the information technology infrastructure
of the systems of national population database, citizen identification, electronic
authentication and identification, digital signature authentication to ensure the
achievement of the Scheme’s objectives. In particular, focus on expanding the
investment in collection and comprehensive management of biometric elements
about people in conformity with the trend and efficiency of population
l) Develop and implement solutions to support ministries and sectors not
having a database to store their data in the population database and the Ministry
of Justice to use the infrastructure of the public security sector in birth
registration, grant of personal identification numbers at the commune level,
ensuring the synchronously and effective implementation.
m) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Finance and the Ministry of Information and Communications in, studying
and proposing a mechanism to ensure funding for maintenance, administration
and exploitation of the national population database.
6. The Ministry of Justice
a) Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in perfecting
institutions and policies according to this Scheme.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Public Security and the Government Office in, connecting and sharing the
data between the electronic civil status database of the whole country and the
national population database, the electronic authentication and identification
system, the National Public Service Portal, the information system for handling
administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in service of
administrative procedure handling in the field of civil status and enriching the
population data for the direction and administration of the Government and the
Prime Minister.
c) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Public Security in, connecting between justice sector’s databases such as the

electronic civil status database, the national database on handling of

administrative violations, databases on citizenship, judicial records, legal
assistance, notarial practice organizations, civil judgment execution and the
national population database.
d) Assume the prime responsibility for reviewing legal documents
serving the implementation of electronic authentication and identification;
integration of information of citizens’ personal papers on citizen identity cards
and VNEID application; appraise and coordinate with the Ministry of Public
Security in submitting to the Government and the National Assembly for
promulgation of the above-mentioned legal documents.
dd) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security in, developing a process
for granting personal identification numbers to citizens having their birth
registered at overseas representative missions of Vietnam.
7. The Ministry of Home Affairs
a) Assume the prime responsibility for building the national database on
cadres, civil servants and public employees, connecting and sharing the data
with the national population database.
b) Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in exploiting and
taking advantage of information from the national population database, ensuring
that there is no duplicate collection of information to serve the management of
cadres, civil servants and public employees of state agencies at all levels;
exchange the information and data about cadres, civil servants and public
employees with the Ministry of Public Security for integration into citizen
identity cards and VNEID application.
8. The Ministry of Planning and Investment
a) Summarize and report to competent authorities to allocate and assign
medium-term public investment plans to projects on upgrading the national
population database system to ensure the implementation of the contents
defined in this Scheme.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Public Security in, using the national population database for summarizing,
making statistics, and taking census of population and housing in order to
reduce the state's investment costs.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data between the national
database on enterprises and the national population database, the electronic
authentication and identification system, the National Public Service Portal, the
information system for handling administrative procedures at ministerial and

provincial levels in service of administrative procedure handling in the field of

enterprises and enriching the population data for the direction and
administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
9. The Ministry of Finance
a) Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in studying and
proposing a mechanism to ensure the funding for maintenance, administration
and exploitation of the data in the national population database; promulgate the
Circular providing for rate, collection, payment, management and use of the
charge for exploitation of data from the national population database, thereby
permitting management agencies to provide population data service for
individuals and organizations with a specific charge, creating the revenue for
the development, maintenance, administration and use of data in a transparent
and safe manner according to law provisions.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data between the national
finance database, the tax database and the national population database, the
electronic authentication and identification system, the National Public Service
Portal, the information system for handling administrative procedures at
ministerial and provincial levels in service of administrative procedure handling
in the field of taxation and enriching the population data for the direction and
administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
c) Assume the prime responsibility for summarizing and submitting to
competent authorities for allocating the funding for current expenditures in
annual state budget estimates of ministries and central agencies for the
implementation of the Scheme in accordance with the Law on State Budget and
guiding documents.
10. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of
Public Security in, connecting and using
the national population database in developing the land database (on land users)
and other natural resource and environment databases (information related to
citizens); connecting and sharing the (national or local) land database with the
national population database; the information system for handling
administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in service of
administrative procedure handling in the field of land and enriching the
population data for the direction and administration of the Government and the
Prime Minister.
11. The Ministry of Information and Communications
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data between the database of

subscriber information, public digital signatures and the national population

database for population data enrichment.
b) Ensure infrastructure, connection and transmission lines, management,
maintenance, operation and development of the National data sharing and
integration platform for its stable operation, satisfaction of the requirements of
connection, integration, sharing of the data between the national population
database and national databases, specialized databases, and information systems
in state agencies, serving the development of e-Government towards digital
Government and promoting the digital transformation in Vietnam.
c) Issue documents and technical guidance on the data connection,
integration and sharing with state agencies through the National data sharing
and integration platform.
d) Coordinate, urge, evaluate and check the implementation of data
connection and sharing, compliance with regulations on data connection and
sharing of ministries, sectors and localities in the Government’s Decree No.
47/2020/ND-CP dated April 09, 2020 prescribing the management, connection
and sharing of digital data of state agencies.
dd) Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security to solve difficult
issues and problems in management, connection and sharing of population data.
12. The Ministry of Industry and Trade
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of
Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data with the national population
database, the electronic authentication and identification system, the National
Public Service Portal, the information system for handling administrative
procedures at ministerial and provincial levels, supporting public administrative
transactions, e-commerce and enriching the population data for the direction
and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
13. The Ministry of National Defence:
a) Provide specialized digital signatures for agencies, cadres, civil
servants and public employees for participating in the National Public Service
Portal and electronic information systems at all levels.
b) Provide cryptographic solutions to ensure authentication and security
for information systems for handling administrative procedures.
c) Participate in monitoring, ensuring safety and security for the
information systems: the National Public Service Portal, the information system
for handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels.
14. The Ministry of Health
Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in urgently integrating

the data on COVID-19 vaccination, people infected with the virus that have
recovered from COVID-19, and test results in accordance with the
Government’s Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2021.
15. The Ministry of Transport
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of
Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data between the database on
driver licenses and vehicle registration and the national population database, the
electronic authentication and identification system, the National Public Service
Portal, the information system for handling administrative procedures at
ministerial and provincial levels in service of administrative procedure handling
and enriching the population data for the direction and administration of the
Government and the Prime Minister.
16. The Ministry of Education and Training
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of
Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data under the state management
of the Ministry of Education and Training with the national population database,
the electronic authentication and identification system, the National Public
Service Portal, the information system for handling administrative procedures at
ministerial and provincial levels in service of administrative procedure handling
and enriching the population data for the direction and administration of the
Government and the Prime Minister.
17. The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of
Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data between the social security
database and the national population database, the electronic authentication and
identification system, the National Public Service Portal, the information system
for handling administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in
service of administrative procedure handling and enriching the population data
for the direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
18. The Ministry of Science and Technology
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry
of Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data between the national
database on science and technology and the national population database, the
electronic authentication and identification system and enriching population
data for the direction and administration of the Government and the Prime
b) Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in carrying out
scientific research and technology transfer tasks based on population data
platform within the framework of key national science and technology

19. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of
Public Security in, connecting and sharing the specialized data in agriculture
and rural development (such as post-storm damage control, people relocation
for natural disaster prevention and control; control of individuals and
organizations’ fishing in the right sea areas; control of fishing vessels going
ashore to anchor and shelter from storms; etc.) with the national population
database, the electronic authentication and identification system, the National
Public Service Portal, the information system for handling administrative
procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in service of administrative
procedure handling and enriching the population data for the direction and
administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
20. The State Bank of Vietnam
Coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security in connecting with the
electronic authentication and identification system, the national population
database, developing and using applications in citizen identity cards and the
VNEID application on the biometric technology platform to provide electronic
authentication and identification service in payment, account opening, etc,.
facilitating citizens’ access to financial services and promoting the process of
digital transformation in the banking sector and for the direction and
administration of the State Bank of Vietnam.
21. The Government Inspectorate
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of
Public Security in, connecting the national database on complaints and
denunciations with the national population database to serve the authentication
and verification of information of citizens making complaints and
22. The Vietnam Social Security
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of
Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data between the national
database on social insurance and the national population database, the electronic
authentication and identification system, the National Public Service Portal, the
information system for handling administrative procedures at ministerial and
provincial levels in service of administrative procedure handling in the field of
social insurance and enriching the population data for the direction and
administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
23. The Supreme People’s Procuracy
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of

Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data between the information
data on decisions to execute preventive measures for citizens currently subject
to investigation; justice and crime statistic database; and other databases related
to civil servants, public employees in the sector and the national population
database, the electronic authentication and identification system, the National
Public Service Portal, the information system for handling administrative
procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in service of administrative
procedure handling and enriching the population data for the direction and
administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
24. The Supreme People’s Court
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of
Public Security in, connecting and sharing the data between the database on the
court’s decision and judgment announcement and the national population
database, the electronic authentication and identification system, the National
Public Service Portal, the information system for handling administrative
procedures at ministerial and provincial levels in service of administrative
procedure handling and enriching the population data for the direction and
administration of the Government and the Prime Minister.
V. Implementation funding
1. Funding for the implementation of the Scheme is allocated by the state
budget according to the current budget decentralization and other lawful
funding sources. On an annual basis, based on the tasks assigned in the Scheme,
relevant ministries, sectors and localities shall be responsible for formulating
estimates of expenses for the implementation of the Scheme and synthesizing
them in the estimates of the ministries, sectors and localities to submit them to
competent authorities for allocating funds in accordance with the Law on State
Budget and its guiding documents.
2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance shall
prioritize the allocation of funds for the Ministry of Public Security to perform
the tasks in the Scheme.
Article 2. This Decision takes effect on the signing date.
Article 3. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of
government-attached agencies and Chairpersons of People’s Committees of
provinces and centrally-run cities and related organizations, individuals shall
take responsibility for the implementation of this Decision./.



Pham Minh Chinh

* All Appendices are not translated herein.

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