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Advantages and disadvantages of studying in Vietnam and oversea.

Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a piece of our life. As educati
on is a building block in our lives, people are eager to put profoundly into our education. With t
he globalization process and individual adaptability, many people have entered an era of inform
ation explosion which the necessity of studying abroad has turned into a developing pattern am
ong youth. Most of the students feel that studying abroad is better than studying in Vietnam. As
the saying goes, “the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.” However, like c
oins, everything has two faces. This essay portrays the upsides and downsides of studying in Vie
tnam and oversea.
First and foremost, the strength of studying abroad that is students can make acquaintances of
a new environment, even maybe a better environment for them-the learners, to develop. Study
ing abroad will help the pupils to experience that country’s culture. And no matter when and ho
w, the students will finally get used to that culture since they observe and do it everyday. When
the period ends, the students coming back to their nation will introduce and transmit that speci
fic culture to their family and friends. So that makes Vietnam’s culture more diverse, instead of
preserving old culture. Moreover, studying abroad enables students to achieve a high level of m
aturity and independence that studying in local universities can not bring to them. Students in s
tudy abroad program undoubtedly encounter unexpected situations that will allow them to dev
elop self-sufficiency,resourcefulness, flexibility, and critical thinking . By the end of the program,
most parents notice a definite change in how independent and responsible their son or daughte
r has become. 

Moving forward into the area of studying Vietnam. This idiom can perform everything: “When i
n the Rome, do as the Romans do”, which means when you are moving to a different place or c
ulture, you should adapt to their customs and practices. Immersing in different cultures, provid
ed that students could improve their understanding of the conditions of other countries such as
political issues and tolerance of other views, comparison is inevitable. Through constant interac
tions with other people, the deficiency of the home country could be revealed while the interna
tional students are not always equipped with avenues on how to explain further, thus the possi
bility of jeopardizing their own culture. Local universities which typically have a relatively exact
understanding of local people’s living conditions and recognize their value accurately can under
stand and collect the data and information about the history, which can preserve cultural herita
ge in Vietnam. Secondly, of course, every parent wants their kids to develop well, especially in a
nother environment to make them more dignified. In a more practical sense, they are being aw
ay from their support network like families, so letting a too inexperienced kid into a harsh world
is very dangerous for them, which is not a rare circumstance to happen. Initially, students will fi
nd it so difficult and embarrassed in a new environment and must take a long time to adapt the
mselves to foreign countries' cultures and traditions as well as to try to integrate into that com
munity. For instance, people must learn the way to share a department or make friends who ar
e completely different from their local country. Even though people maybe find it uneasy to be
acquainted with food and climate in another country. All in all, the living environment is a disad
vantage for foreign students. Beyond that, it makes students feel more comfortable and safer st
udying in a familiar environment. Studying near your home, one may not experience homesic
kness or culture shocks one will experience a foreign land. A familiar surroundings will not requi
re more adjustment or assimilation.
In conclusion, some people would like to attend universities in VN while others love studying ab
road. Although both studying abroad or studying in VN satisfy a thirty of knowledge of students
as well as those universities supply students with a degree of bachelor, there are some differen
ces between them in terms of culture and studying environment. It depends on the learners to
choose which is the most suitable for them. In my perspective, I believe that opting to go overs
eas has extraordinary points of benefits. This is an unchangeable fact that studying aboard can
expand the horizon of the students and their network.

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