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Sayonara, Social Psych!

11 responses

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If you had to describe Mr. Hagler's class to a new student, how would you do it?
11 responses

very exciting, entertaining movies and shows. sometimes overwhelming but all worth it.

I would describe Haglers class where you can a lot of things in his class very educational
(psychology) and I would also describe the assignments really hard and time consuming you
have to stay on top of your work or your gonna fall behind fast(history)

I would say its very informative and super straightforward. The assignments are fairly simple
and its not too many.

A chill class that awards participation with interesting conversations.

Honestly, his class is cool as long as you pay attention and listen.

I would describe the class as fun at times but also somewhat stressful.

mr. haglers class is pretty interesting, the coversations are very engaging and the class is
pretty fun.

I would describe the classroom setting as supportive. The class isn't hard but there can be a
lot of work. Even then, he is always willing to work on anything you need with you. He's
understanding of the fact that not only are you a student in his class you are also a person with
outside struggles. Both in his history and psychology class he appreciates your effort.

Mr. Hagler's is based on "tough love". This is a extra class so there weren't hard deadlines
besides the end of the semester. The work is easy but requires focus. It's a quiet and slow
class. But honors history is fast paced. The deadlines are stricter and his projects are more
demanding. It will push you but in the end, Mr. Halger only gives out work that he knows we're
capable of completing
capable of completing.

It’s like if you have to keep on the train, once you miss the stop, you’ll get lost real fast. Pay
attention and you’ll do good.

It's a very relaxed and fun class based of participation. I enjoyed all the movies those were
interesting as we get to learn the psychology going into them.

What is the most interesting topic you learned about in Social Psychology this year,
and why did it interest you?

11 responses

Child development was interesting because I knew how to see the way children act. I know why
my niece does certain things now and have an explanation for what’s going on.

The most interesting thing I learned in psychology would probably learning about disorders
people have and get seeing and hearing what it’s like to be someone that hears things or see

The most interesting topic to me was learning about schizophrenia. One of my aunts has it and
seeing the movie a beautiful mind really showed how it can affect someone with it.

Personally I was interested in the topic of media literacy the most. I feel like I learned so much
from these lessons that I now use today in everyday life.

The most Interesting topic of this year in my personal opinion was serial killers and the way
their brains developed and worked.

The most interesting topic I learned in Social Psychology is learning about different
documentaries about people behaviors and why they are the way they are.

i liked learning about the cults. i found it so interesting because i like to learn how the cult
leaders minds work and what they do and why they did it.

The most interesting topic I learned was personality disorders. They really do help you get a
better understanding of others and even yourself. I didn't self-diagnose but it was interesting
seeing how many categories I could fit myself in.

The most interesting topic I learned about in Social Psychology was the different types of
mental disorders. It was enlightening to see the difference between the stereotypes and reality
of having a specific illness. I found it interesting how the human mind can so easily turn
against itself.

I’ve learned so much that I can’t remember most of it lol I think what I remember was how
I ve learned so much that I can t remember most of it lol. I think what I remember was how
people attitudes and their behavior are caused.

Honestly, it had to be disorders as all the movies we watched about disorders such as
schizophrenia were crazy as till this day i did not know about the challenges people face.

What's one piece of advice you have for incoming students about how to be
successful in Mr. Hagler's class?
11 responses

always pay attention. notes go by fast lol.

Stay on top of your work don’t miss assignments

Just do the work, its not hard and its fairly simple. As long as you try and do the work you'll be
fine. You get to watch movies too so that's fun.

It isn't a class like math where everything has to be by the book so have fun and you will be

One piece of advice is that hagler is very flexible and understanding. He doesn’t ask for much
but attention whenever he’s talking don’t take it for granted. The key to passing is pretty much
just taking notes and doing the Ed puzzles.

One piece of advice I have is to always focus and be on top, try not to fall behind because then
it will become stressful.

just do the work and turn it in on time. also take mental and physical notes.

Communication and effort in my opinion are your best friends when it comes to Mr. Haglers
class. Try your best and your effort won't go unseen by him.

Try to turn in your work on time and if you can't, that's fine. Turn in what you have before the
hard deadline because something is better than nothing.

Like I said, if you are paying attention, you’re on top. If you miss one thing, you’ll fall easily.

I would say as long as u work hard and participate you'll be just fine.
What should Mr. Hagler do MORE of in Social Psychology?
11 responses

more projects and group activities

I would’ve liked to learn about dreams and nightmares and sleep paralysis

I would say maybe try an experiment with all the students. Some type of social experiment to
see how they think.

I would probably say more movies because they were very enjoyable.

The class is good just the way it is.

I don’t think Hagler needs to do anything else because psychology is fine, but maybe more
documentaries because those are always fun and interesting to watch.

i feel like hagler does a pretty good job teach social psychology. but i would like if he talked

I really enjoyed the packets where we would discuss a topic and then there were questions
about ourselves involved too. Like personal questions. I liked learning things about myself and
explanations for why I react the way I do.

There is nothing that really stood out to me. I think it's a well balanced class. But I think there
should be a little less videos. I prefer slideshows but I know that is more time consuming to
make and most people like videos better.

More movies

he should have way more newer gen movies for instance movies like batman or joker.
[OPTIONAL] Is there anything else you want future students to know about my class?
9 responses

Be respectful or he’ll give you that dirty look

Don’t talk about marvel movies if hagler hasn’t seen them

They are lucky to have a teacher who puts in as much effort as Mr. Hagler

PAY ATTENTION it’s much more interesting than u might think. It’s a great class

have fun!!

You won't have another teacher like him maybe similar but not the same so enjoy it. He really
does have your best interests at heart. Even when his midterms or finals make you want to
hate him.

Relax. If you step back and look at the actual work, it isn't that difficult. Treat your notes like
your God.

Ask hagler questions about the subject

It's an easy pass just focus and participate.

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