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York Student Enrichment Team

Ac#ve Students Involved Students Every Student

Understanding the Need 2011 2012 School Fee Changes Community Value Program Goals and Benets How You Can Help

York Student Enrichment Team (YSET)

Response to student challenges caused by signicant 2011-2012 academic and extra-curricular fee increases at York Formed to provide support to York students and families with the greatest needs with the immediate focus on 2011-2012 Goal is to enable every student to maximize their ability to experience York, regardless of socio-economic status. Leverage a partnership with the District 205 Founda#on
Con#nue mission of educa#onal excellence Accept dona#ons through directed grants

The NeedImportance of Student Involvement

Increases connec#on to school and community Na#onal research shows extra-curricular programs improve:
Academic performance Social outcomes Healthier lifestyle op#ons Prevent many risky behaviors

Posi#ve community impacts

The whole student; academically, physically, emo#onally, socially Promotes family engagement Deters risky behaviors such as becoming the vic#ms of crime, being in an automobile accident, smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs.

94% of York Students involved in some type of ac#vity

Large amount of experien#al and anecdotal evidence of benets

The Need.Economic Challenges

We think of Elmhurst as rela#vely auent Elmhurst is expensive to live/raise a family
Income Levels District 205

Living Wage

Reduced Lunch Free Lunch Poverty Level

Real dierence between poverty levels and the living wage Almost 13% of York students receive free or reduced price lunches but it doesnt necessarily reect real need

The Need.Tale of Two CiBes

Income More economically Distribution challenged families Elmhurst than people think Kids feel greater discrimina#on based on economic status Students using the free/reduced price lunch program may be under iden#ed by up to 60% Current overall economic condi#ons have signicant impacts

Job loss/unemployment Insurance/medical costs


Foreclosures/housing costs

Signicantly Higher Fees in 2011-2012

Impacts nearly all York students
Art, Music, Business, Family & Consumer Science, Industrial Technology, and Athle#cs Some fees have nearly doubled (e.g. Boys Basketball) Creates new Fine Arts fees, up to $150

Increased book fees aects all York students Increased maximum athle#c fee per family Core academic fee waivers only for free lunch students
No ac#vity fee waivers for economically disadvantaged students Hits the at risk students the hardest Fieldtrips Supplies (inc. calculator) Uniforms and required gear Fundraisers

Students have many addi#onal fees/expenses

Ac#vity Bus Fee of $75


Outside lessons Instrument rentals Summer school/camps Drivers Ed


Proposed 2011-2012 Fees

Fee Item 2010-2011 Fees Curriculum Ac#vity Fee $ 10 Technology Fee $ 35 Planner $ 5 Insurance $ 5 Business, Family & Cons. Sc. & Ind. Tech. $ -- Instrumental Music $ -- Vocal/Choral Fee $ -- Art Class Fee $ -- Increased Summer School Fees Books and Course Fees (esBmate) $260 - $660 Extra-curricular Club Fees $ 10 Cross Country (B), Track (B) $110 Cross Country (G), Track (G), Tennis, Badminton, Swim, Wrestling, Water Polo, Cheer, Soccer (G) $110 Soccer (B), Volleyball, Baseball, SoZball, Football, Poms, GymnasBcs, Bowling $110 Basketball, Golf $110 Support AcBvity Bus Charge $ --

2011-2012 Proposed $ 10 $ 35 $ 5 $ 5 $ 25 $150 $ 65 $ 26 $ 11 $300 - $700 $ 10 $125 $150 $175 $200 $ 75

Impact of Fee Increases

Fee increases will reduce student par#cipa#on in elec#ves and ac#vi#es Athle#c fee waivers for low income students eliminated by the District before 2010-11 school year New class fees are already causing students to switch classes Prevents students ability to maximize their York experience Poten#al nega#ve impacts on academic and career performance for the most at-risk student group.
Par#cipa#on by these students will decrease signicantly in the future without some support

Community, Student & York Benets

Enable all students to fully experience York
Currently 94% of York students par#cipate in extra-curricular ac#vi#es Opens all academic and extra-curricular op#ons Supports academic performance Helps deter unhealthy behaviors Keeps kids involved when most at risk

Reduces/eliminates nancial constraints blocking par#cipa#on Encourages/preserves high student par#cipa#on levels Extra-curricular and elec#ve ac#vity par#cipa#on are directly correlated with higher student aspira#ons Reinforces community support of its youth and for a premier educa#onal environment


How Can You Help?

Financial support
Donate to provide enrichment opportuni#es for 2011-2012 Make a tax deduc#ble dona#on to the District 205 Founda#on

Help support the programs goals

Talk about the need with your friends/neighbors Hold/amend fund-raisers Make poten#al recipients aware of the program

Donor recogni#on opportuni#es

Demonstrate your individual, organiza#ons and/or business support of Yorks students Donor apprecia#on programs under development

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