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Task: Explain Your Answers!

What to do:
1. Make a copy of these questions
2. Highlight the correct answer of each question
3. In your own words, type an explanation of why your chosen answer is correct, and
why the other choices are incorrect
4. Record 4 of your explanations (on whichever questions). Maximum duration of each
video is 8 minutes.

Latsol 1
Managers should report active cases within their department straight to the HR team. They
can do this by email or through the company’s instant messaging system. 
Change the text above into passive voice!
(A) Active cases within their department should have been reported by managers straight to
the HR team. This can be done by them by email or through the company’s instant messaging
(B) Active cases within their department should be reported by managers straight to the
HR team. This can be done by email or through the company’s instant messaging
(C) Active cases should report managers within their department straight to the HR team.
This could be done by email or through the company’s instant messaging system.
(D) Active cases should be reported within their department straight to the HR team by
managers. This can be did by them by email or through the company’s instant messaging
(E) Active cases within their department should been reported straight to the HR team. This
can be done by them by email or through the company’s instant messaging system.
Explanation : untuk mengubah suatu kalimat menjadi kalimat pasif ada dua hal penting
harus diketahui
1. Memahami kalimat pasif berarti mengubah suatu objek dalam kalimat menjadi subjek
yang berperan sebagai pelaku
2. Mengetahui subjek dan objek yang ada pada kalimat tersebut Untuk soal diatas, di
kalimat pertamanya ,subjek kalimat nya merupakan Managers, dan objeknya Active
cases . dan untuk kalimat kedua subjek nya merupakan They dan objek nya this
3. Mengetahui struktur kalimat dan penggunaan tenses nya. Dua kalimat diatas
merupakan kalimat yang menggunakan Simple Present Tense, untuk mengubah suatu
kalimat aktiv menjadi kalimat pasif , tenses nya tidak perlu diubah , karena
pengubahan kalimat aktif ke pasif tidak mengubah arti dari kalimat tersebuyt
melainkan hanya mengubah struktur kalimat saja
Dari beberapa pilihan di atas semua pilihan jawabanya megubah subjek dan objek dengan
tepat, tetapi penguunaan tenses nya ada yang diubah sperti pilihan jawaban A (shoul
have been) pilihan jawaban c tidak tepat karena tidak terdapat kata kerja pasif di dalam
kalimat tersebut . untuk pilihan jawabn D terdapat kesalahan pada kalimat kedua dimana
aux-verb nya tidak di ikuti past participle , kecuali pilihan B
Latsol 2
Yesterday, something unexpected happened. I (1)… to the supermarket to do my
weekly grocery shopping. I also stopped by the pharmacy because we (2)... out of cold
medicine the day before. While I (3)... in line, I realized that the person lining up in front of
me looked a lot like Christian Bale. 
As a big fan, I obviously had to ask him, “Excuse me, are you Christian Bale?” 
The man turned to me and smiled. “No,” he replied with a raspy, Batman-esque voice.
“I’m Batman.” 
I was speechless! I still can’t believe that it was really Christian Bale!
Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words!
(A) was going; have ran; stood
(B) walked; ran; had waited
(C) took a trip; were running; was standing
(D) have been; were; waited
(E) went; had run; was waiting

Explanation : Teks diatas berisikan tentang cerita seseorang yang dialaminya di masa
lampau (yesterday), untuk menjawab pertanyaan diatas kita harus memahami penggunaan
tensen yang tepat. Dalam hal ini past tense jadi jika ada kalimat yang menggunakan present
tense otomastis jawaban nya salah . Namun jika di perhatikan semua jenis jawabannya
merupakan past tenses
Berikut hal penting yang harus diketahui
1. Yaitu jenis-jenis past tense
 Simpe past tense
 Past continuous tense
 Past perfect tense
 Past perfect continuous trense
 Simple past future tense
 Past future continuous tense
 Past future perfect tense
 Past future perfect continuous tense
2. Keterangan waktu pada kalimat
 Untuk kalimat 1 keterangan waktu yang digunakan ialah yesterday , dalalam hali
ini , tenses yang digunakan ialah simple past tense. Untuk pilihan jawaban
menggunakan verb 2 ada B,C, dan E
 Untuk kaliimat 2, makna kalimat nya menjelaskan suatu kondisi yang sudah
terjadi dimasa lampau ketika momen lampau lainnya terjadi, ada dua kejadian
lampau yang pertama stopped by the pharmacy, dan kedua kehabisan obat. Untuk
peristiwa yang ada di kalimat pertama terjadi karema persitiwa pertama yang ada
di kalimat kedua sudah terjadi lebih dulu, maka dari itu kita menggunakan past
prefct tense (untuk menjelaskan momen yang sudah selesai di masa lampau) had
run (v3)
 Untuk kalimat 3 merupakan dua perisitwa yang terjadi di masa lampau di waktu
bersamaan, ketika seseorang sedang mengantre disaat itu juga orang tersebut
melakukan aktivitas lainnya dalam soal ini realized. Penguunaan tenses yang tepat
ialah pas continuous tense. Catatan biasanya past continuous tense juga diikuti
keterangan waktu while, when dan sejenisnya . maka jawaban yang tepat ialah
was waiting dan was standing

Latsol 3
(1) Most life needs oxygen to thrive, and science shows that O2 began to show up in Earth's
atmosphere in serious amounts some 2.4 billion years ago. (2) However, there was also a
small injection of oxygen around 100 million years earlier than that, and the origin of that
earlier breath has so far been a mystery. 
(3) A new study points to volcanoes as the likely cause of this shorter oxygenation event
preceding the major one. (4) Through an analysis of rock records, researchers have spotted a
corresponding increase in mercury levels that indicates volcanic activity. (5) That activity
would have led to nutrient-rich lava and volcanic ash fields, and in turn led to the release of
those nutrients into rivers and coastal areas.
source: (with modification)
Which sentence in the text above contains a noun clause?
(A) (1)
(B) (2)
(C) (3)
(D) (4)
(E) (5)
Explanation: noun clouse merupakan klausa yang digunakan sebagai nomina , maka dari itu
noun clause bias dijadikan subject kalimat, object kialimat, dan bahkan pelengkap kalimat.
Noun clause biasanya digunkan untuk memberi pernyataan , pertanyaan, permintaan dan
seruan. Karena noun clause bias dijadukan subject ataupun object di kalimat 4 noun clause
nya digunakan sebagai object , kalimat yang digunakan dalam bentuk pernyataan. Dalam
kalimat nomor 4 kata that sebgai klausa dari objek kalimat tersbut yaitu corresponding
increase .
Catatan : penggunaan kata that pada suatu kalimat, tidak berarti kalimat tersebut berupa noun

Latsol 4
Opinion: Learning how to code increases your problem solving skills
(1) The demand for coding skills continues to rise in the job market.
(2) Coding develops creative thinking and decision-making skills.
(3) Learning materials on coding can be found in various sources and a lot of them are easily
accessible by anyone.
(4) Studies show that people who have taken a coding course experience significant
improvement in logical reasoning.
Which of these arguments would support the opinion given above?
(A) 1, 2, 3
(B) 1, 3
(C) 2, 4
(D) 4 only
(E) 1, 2, 3, 4
Explanation : kalimat yang dapat mendukung suatu argument ialah kalimat yanmg dapat
memeperkuat argument sebelumnya . kalimat sebelumnya berisikan makna “belajar koding
bias ningkatin kemampuan problem solving seseorang” untuk mendukung dan memperkuat
kalimat tersebut tentu saja kalimat pendukungny haru berisi sesuatu yang sertidaknya
berhubungan dengan argument sebelumnya atau menjelaskan kenapa argument tersebut benar
*kalimat satu dan 3 sama sekali tidak ada korelasi nya dengan kalimat utamanya. Sementara
kalimat 2 mungkin tgerlihat memiliki korelasi antara dua kalimat tersebut, karena sama sama
membahas manfaat ngoding untuk ningkatin skill tertentu. Tapi di kalimat kedua skill yang
dibicarakan adalah skill yang berbeda. Tentu aja kalimat dua ga bias memperkuat kalimat
opinion diatas . kalimat 4 mampu meberikan referensi baru yang dapat membantu
menunjukkan bahwa kalimat utamanya semakin kuat karena adanya korelasi anatar kedua
kalimat tersebut, dan pernyataan tersebut berdasarkan study yang di lakukan
The following text is for questions 5 - 8.
In the United States, the average life expectancy for women is 81 years, according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For men, it's 76 years. Around the world,
women live longer, on average. So why do women tend to outlive men?
Social factors play some part in it, but two of the main causes are biological. 2The first cause
relates to differences in sex hormones, at least in cisgender people (people whose gender
identity matches the biological sex they were assigned at birth). 3Cisgender women produce
more estrogen and less testosterone than cisgender men do. 4Estrogen provides protection
against a range of diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, according to a 2017 study in the
journal Biology of Sex Differences. 
High levels of testosterone, on the other hand, have been linked to an increased risk of some
diseases, such as endometrial and breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men,
according to a 2020 study in the journal Nature Medicine. 2Testosterone has also been linked
to risky behavior and higher levels of aggression, which can increase the risk of dying at a
younger age.
There's also a genetic component at play. Humans have two sex chromosomes: X and Y.
Cisgender women have two X chromosomes, and cis men have an X and a Y. “If you think
about that, the Y chromosome is an X chromosome with a missing leg. It's missing genetic
material," said Virginia Zarulli, an associate professor of demography at the University of
Southern Denmark. "Women have this double X chromosome — extra genetic material —
which allows them to, for instance, have a backup plan if there is a bad mutation on one of
the two X chromosomes. The other X can let them live anyway." This is the case for diseases
such as hemophilia, a type of bleeding disorder, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which
causes the muscles to progressively weaken.
Source: (with modifications)
5. What is the main idea of the passage above?
A. There are two biological reasons as to why cisgender women tend to outlive
cisgender men.
B. Hormones and genetic components play a role in why women tend to live longer than
C. The average life expectancy for women is 81 years, while for men, it is five years
D. Cisgender women produce more estrogen and less testosterone than cisgender men
E. Data from the CDC show that women have the tendency to live longer than men.
Explanation : main idea atau gagasan utama dari suatu paragraph atau teks merupakan inti
atau gagasan pokok yang di diskusikan dalam teks tersebut. Di teks ini secara keseluruhan
mendiskusikan tentang fenomena rata rata gap umur laki laki dan perempuan kenapa bias
terjadi, yang kemudian di teks ini dari paragraph 2 3 dan 4 membahas tentang factor yang
menyebabkan nnya terjadi . pilihan jawaban yang tepat iala A, sementara pilihan jawaban B
C dan D kurang tepat karena tidak mencakup ide pokok keseluruhan di dalam teks. Contoh:
pilihan jawaban B hormone dan genetic berperan dalam menjelaskan kenapa rata rata umur
wanita lebih lama . pernyataan ini benar namun tidak mencakup secara keseluruhan tentang
apa yang di bahas di dalam teks tersebut
6. By writing the second sentence in paragraph 3, the author intends to ….
A. explain certain behaviors caused by testosterone
B. argue one reason that testosterone is inferior to estrogen
C. state how testosterone directly correlates with early death in humans
D. exemplify the behavioral changes caused by testosterone
E. state an association between testosterone and some behaviors
Explanation: di kalimat 3 makna dari kalimat tersebut menjelaskan adanya hubungan antara
keberadaan testosterone di tubuh manusia dengan risky behavior dan higher level of
aggression , dua hal ini dapat menyebabkan meningkatnya resiko mati di usia muda. Jawaban
yang paling tepat ialah C dimana testosterone memiliki korelasi dengan kematian lebuh awal
pada manusia.
note: perlu diketahui kalimat tersebut tidak menyebutan bahwa testosterone lah yang
menyebabkan meningkatnya resiko mati di usia muda melainkan higher aggression dan risky
behavior .
7. The phrase ‘progressively weaken’ in paragraph 4 can be best replaced by ….
A. continuously become weak 
B. progress toward weakness
C. become less strong
D. lose strength over time
E. turn into weakness gradually
Explanation: progressively artinya perubahan secara bertahap, perubahan dalam kasus ini
ialah kondisi kekuatan yang semakin berkurang seiiring berjalannya waktu.
Untuk pilihan jawaban A , kurang tepat Karen apenggunaan kata continuously berarti terus
menerus menjadi lemah artinya menjadi lemah disitu levelnya tidak aka berubah Untuk
pilihan jawaban B progress toward weakness artinya, adanya kemajuan yang terhadap
kelemahan . makna kalkimat ini jelas berbeda dengan progressively weake en . untuk pilihan
jawaban C menjadi kurang kuat atau melemah, namun tidak sacara progresif. Untuk pilihan
jawabn E gradually memang merupakan sinonim progressively. Namun weakness dan
weaken ada lah dua makna kata yang berbeda
Jawaban yanh palin tepat ialah D karena penggunaan kata over time (seiting berjalannya
waktu) leve kekuatannya berkuiangyang artinya semakin melemah
8. What is the relation between sentences 1 and 2 in paragraph 2?
A. Sentence 2 states a member of a category introduced in sentence 1.
B. Sentence 1 states a biological cause and sentence 2 elaborates it.
C. Sentence 2 states the effect of a cause stated in sentence 1.
D. Sentence 1 introduces biological causes and sentence 2 explains the meaning.
E. Sentence 2 explains what cisgender means and sentence 1 introduces causes.
Explanation : di kalimat 1 disebutkan bahwa ada 2 factor yang memengaruhi perbedaan usia
hidup laki laki dan perempuan, dikalimat kedua kemudian djelaskan salah satunya. Jadi piliha
jwaban A yang paling tepat.
The following text is for questions 9 - 12.
Cat lovers probably believe that their pets can show affection, mainly by purring and rubbing
up against their legs. But there's good reason to believe that, much of the time, these sorts of
behaviors that look like affection are conducted with entirely different goals in mind.
Many cats, for instance, will rub up against the leg of their owner when the person enters a
room. 2It's easy to construe this as a sign of affection. 3But many researchers over the last
decade interpret this as an attempt, by the cat, to spread his or her scent — as a way to mark
territory. 4This behavior is caused by the fact that cats are mammals. 5Observations of semi-
feral cats also show that they commonly rub up against trees or other objects in the exact
same way, which allows them to deposit pheromone-containing secretions that naturally
come out of their skin.
Purring, in some cases, also seems to be less affectionate than you imagine. As part of a 2009
study, researchers at the University of Sussex observed the purring sounds made by 10
different cats in two types of situations: when they wanted food, and when they didn't. What
may be going on, the researchers concluded, is that cats have figured out how to purr in a way
that triggers humans' parenting instincts to feed them. They don't always purr this way, but
they do so when they want food, because they know it'll get results.
Moreover, there's some evidence, turned up by a 2013 study, that many cats don't actually
like being petted by humans at all. In the study, the researchers measured levels of stress
hormones in cats, with the intention of figuring out whether having multiple cats in the same
household is a bad idea. That didn't turn out to be true, but they did find that the cats who
allowed themselves to be petted had higher stress levels afterward than the cats who disliked
it so much that they simply ran away.
Source: (with modifications)
9. The author appears to have the tendency to ….
A. discourage having cats as pets
B. be subjective in voicing their opinion on cats
C. base the current essay on empirical evidence
D. be prejudiced against cats
E. write texts that are long
Explanation : teks diatas merupakan jenis teks essay yang meberikan beberapa penjelasan
tentang tingkah laku kucing yang kerap kali ditandai sebagai sinyal afeksion terhadap
manusia. Padahal sebenarnya perilaku-perilaku tersebut bukan bentuk afeksi kucing terhadap
majikannya. Pernyataan pernbyatan diatas didukung oleh penelitian yang dilakukan untuk
membuktikan tujuan dari perilaku kucing tersebut. Jadi teks diatas ditulis dan dikumpulkan
berdasarkan teori teoti yang mepiris
10. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage on cats?
A. It is OK for two cats to live in the same house.
B. Cats do not actually feel love for humans.
C. There are three cat behaviors that can be misinterpreted as affection.
D. Many cats mark their territories with their urine.
E. Cats might be a bad choice for pets.
Explanation : kesimpulan dari teks diatas mostly membahas tentang salah kparah akan
perilaku kucin yang kemudi9an di jelaskan dengan bukti bukti empiris, ada tigaperilaku
kucing yang disebutkan dalam teks tersebut yang pertama purring, rubbing, cat behavior of
being petted

11. In which paragraph does the author explain a way in which cats can manipulate humans?
A. Paragraph 1
B. Paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 3
D. Paragraph 4
E. The passage does not explain that topic.
Explanation : di dalam teks di atas, tidak ada penjelasan yang menyebutkan bahwa kucing
memiiki perilaku manupulatif terhadap manusia. Adapun yang dibahas didalam teks tersebut
ialah persepsi manusia terhadap kucing dimana perilaku tersebut jika dilakukan memiliki
symbol afeksi bagi manusia. Namun berebda dengan kucing itu sendiri yang memiliki tujuan
tersendiri melakukan beberapa behavior nya.
12. Which sentence is not relevant in paragraph 2?
A. Sentence 1
B. Sentence 2
C. Sentence 3
D. Sentence 4
E. Sentence 5
Explanation : di paragraph dua mendiskusikan dan menjelaskan yang sekilas telah dubahas
di paragraph satu dimana ada beberapa perilkau kucing yang dianggap memeberi sinyal
afeksi, melanjutkan paragraph satu diatas paragraf kedua menjelaskkan alasan mengapa
kucing menggosokkan badannya ke pemiliknya dikarenakan tujuan kucing untuk menandai
wilayah teritori nya. Hal ini tidak hanya dilakukan ke pada manusia, tetapi terhadap phon
juga. Namun dikalimat ke-4 terdapat kalimat yang menyebutkan bahwa kucing merupakan
hewan mamalia yang dalam kalimat tersebut tidak dijelakan kenapa hewan mamalia
melakukan hal tersebuut. Mungkin kalau ada penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang kenapa hewan
mamalia cenderung melakukan perilaku tersebut, akan terdapat relevansi

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