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Learning activity 14


Actividad de aprendizaje 14

Evaluation phase


Gaes: 7

Daniela Charry Cuellar  

Darcy Camila Duarte Bonilla

David Enrique Orozco García

Juan José Bandera Campo

SENA – Centro de servicios financieros – Bogotá DC

Tecnología en Negociación Internacional

Ficha (2282639)

Date: 27/07/2022

                                  Instructor: EDWIN ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ AGUIRRE









To start with, we can say that a company cannot keep working in the market if it is

possible that it does not realize a management correction. It means that if people who

are in charge of their administration do not use the right tools, the company could

bankrupt. Because the existence of the company will depend on the decisions that they

are going to make. So, the advanced technology makes it more complex, about this, an

efficient management will make sure the success or failure of the organization.

However, a business with an organization posse a magnificent vantage to stand out

over their competitors. For that, the importance of plans, strategies, program and

systems focused on the operations and ideas influence in the organization. A business

plan is a key piece for whatever business, or entrepreneurship, and their staff and areas,

by reason of it provides order, control and visualization into the medium and long term of

we look for, we want, who will participate and the tools to achieve it.


David: Good morning, Camilo! How are you doing?

Camilo: my day is going well, thanks for asking, David!

David: my pleasure! I have a question, what can be enhanced in our company?

Camilo: I supposed it’s indispensable to make a capacitation plan.

David: That’s such a wonderful idea due to if people acquire knowledge on the

correct way, they will do it greater and fewer time.

Camilo: Employees haven’t been recognized for their outstanding performance.

David: The human talent department does not posse a checklist to influence


Camilo: your point of view is fundamental for us in order to assist us to discover what

is wrong and what actions we can do even exceptional.

David: we have enough forms and needed documents for every operation, some of

them are not important by making the process extended.

Camilo: So, our opinions have not been taken in count. I have been attempting to

solve some issues in the production operation, nevertheless, I have not acquired any


David: If you share your opinions about it, we can solve those things. Why don’t you

share it? It’d be helpful.


Camilo: You’re totally right, you could carry out a type of assessment for employees

so that they can set out how the operations can be enhanced where they are engaged;

it’s incredibly perfect to take advantage for people’s experience.

David: How could we arrange that issue you bring up about forms and


Camilo: Technology has offered us significant materials for that, we are just in need

of making use of them. If we do it, we will decrease the number of documents that are

printed which will benefit the environment.

David: About the informs, if we had designed new ones, we would have combined

them in one single form. In that way we will have reduced the huge quantity of forms,

however, we will still get the same reports.

Shakira: I couldn't have done it without you guys! If you gave these ideas before, you

would make some progress before. Now, we have to begin to work with the aim of

modify this.


 Deadlines: a specific time or date by which you have to do something.

 Invoices: a document giving details of goods or services that someone has

bought and must pay for.

 Streamline: to improve a business, organization, process etc. by making it more

modern or simple.

 Bottleneck: a specific problem in part of a process, that causes delays to the

whole process.

 Flowchart: is a diagram that depicts a process, system or computer algorithm.

 Spot: see, notice, or recognize (someone or something) that is difficult to detect

or that one is searching for.

 Roll out: to make something that is wrapped around itself become flat.

 Allocate: to officially give something to someone, or to decide that something can

be used for a specific purpose.

 Outdated: is no longer current.



We comprehend that a business process has a principal goal, it is the meeting of a

specific propose. But it is not only look for the setting of the goal, it prefers the requisite

for an appropriate management so that organized team can function. Also, it refers to

create an environment where individuals are able to cooperate and work hand by hand

with a common objective. Further, a good business process uses in an effective way the

human and physical resources productively. Thanks to a correct planification, it allows to

invest less and obtain more by reducing costs.

Additionally, a good planification allows the company to survive in a changed

panoramic and it maintains itself of these modifications. When the change is external,

also it must change the organization to adapt the business to a market and changing

demand for social necessities and it is essential for a better economic production which

gives the odds to increase the social welfare.




 Aplimedia, desarrollo cambiante, La importancia de la gestión empresarial, taken


 Improving Business Processes. Got it from:


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