Assignment 9 Healing Doll 2017-10-17

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Angeline De Villiersangbluephoenix@gmail.

comStudent number: 24256324

October 2017

Spell work assignment

What is needed:
Unbleached fabric to make the poppet.
Hair or personal item, preferably hair, nail clippings, blood, or photo.
Pieces of small cloth in the colours of each of the chakras.
Stones corresponding with each chackra.

Purple(Crown Chakra) - Amethyst.

Dark Blue ( Third Eye Chakra) -Blue Goldstone.
Light Blue (Throat Chakra) - Turquoise.
Green ( Heart Chakra) - Aventurine
Yellow ( Solar Plexus Chakra) -Healers Gold.
Orange (Sacral Chakra) - Carnelian
Red ( Root Chakra) - Red Jasper

Dragon's Blood oil.

First you have to make the poppet with the unbleache fabric.

To construct a poppet take a suitable sized piece of cloth. Fold it in two and
with a pen mark out a rough image of a body. Now cut out the shape so you
have two identical pieces then sew the two pieces together around the edges.
Leave a hole wide enough to stuff the poppet with the batting, also insert the
photo, hair and/or nail clippings if you have them before sewing it closed. Sew
the small pieces of coloured cloth with the gemstones underneath the cloth to
the corresponding places of the Chakras onto the poppet.

Spell Work.

Cast a Circle and call the Goddess and God to aid you in your spell.
Consecrate the poppet and take the poppet in your left hand and place your
right hand over the poppet.

First you will need to form a bond between you and the poppet.

Use this simple naming ritual:

"Little poppet, I made you and now I give you life I name you Angeline My
body is your body My breath is your breath My passion is your passion My
blood is your blood Though separate we were Now we are one."

Then continue with the healing spell while still holding the poppet in your left
hand and your right hand still covering it.
Start with asking assistance from your chosen deity that you normally work
with for healing or the Goddess. Visualizing the object of the spell, which is
the healing of your Chakras.
Take the Dragon's Blood oil and rub it into the Chakras on the poppet starting
with the Root Chakra going up to the Crown Chakra. Concentrate all your
willpower on healing as you go from chakra to chakra, saying or chanting
something like:
Red Jasper cleanse and clear my Root Chakra of fear and all that is dark and
negative. Fill it with security, safety....ground me and centre me and give me a
good foundation.

Carnelian cleanse and clear my Sacral Chakra of fear and all that is dark and
negative. Fill it with creativity and pleasure..... let me find and accept pleasure
and joy naturally.

Healer's Gold cleanse and clear my Solar Plexus Chakra of fear and all that is
dark and negative. Fill it with confidense and self-esteem.... empower me and
bring my intentions to fruition.

Aventurine cleanse and clear my Heart Chakra of fear and all that is dark and
negative. Fill it with compassion, empathy and love... let me be nourishing,
comforting and sympathetic to those in need of it, including myself.

Turquoise cleanse and clear my Troat Chakra of fear and all that is dark and
negative. Fill it with the truth and self expression... let me be able to
communcate and, expression of self with a sense of safety and confidence.

Blue Goldstone cleanse and clear my Third Eye Chakra of fear and all that is
dark and negative. Fill it with intuition, insight and wisdom... let me have
visions, let me have access to my higher self and spiritual reality and a
powerful spiritual life..

Amethyst cleanse and clear my Crown Chakra of fear and all that is dark and
negative. Fill it with knowledge of universal awareness... unify my lower and
higherself and make them One as a Unity conciousness.

Now while still sitting with the poppet visualize and scan your chakras.
Note how it looks and feels: is it dark, murky, dirty, muddy, spotted, too
bright? Is it spinning too slow or too fast?If you can’t see it, note if you can feel
it or if you hear any words associated with it.

Beginning with the Root Chakra visualise a red ball of energy spinning in a
clockwise direction around an imaginary pole going through your body from
head to toe.

Use the force of the spin to remove and clear any dark spots or psychic filth
that has accumulated there. Just imagine it all spinning away. When that
Chakra is spinning with clear, red energy, you're done. Move your awareness
to the next Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, and do the same thing. Spin it
clockwise, imagining an orange light whirling around in the area of the Sacral
Chakra. Clear it and move to the next Chakra. Do this all the way to your
Crown Chakra.
When you are done with the spell place the poppet in a box on the altar.
Visualize your Chakras regaining good health while building your power and
energy and releasing it towards its goal. When the rite has finished, store the
box somewhere safe or keep it on the Altar. The poppet can be retrieved and
the rite re-worked to accentuate and re-empower the magick over a period as
Chakra healing is a constant thing, like washing your hair.

Now you can Thank the Goddess and God for their assistance and open the

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