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Statement of Work and Plan Key West Trip

Last Revised: [04/05/22]

Key West Trip Statement of Work

Project Manager: Kaelyn Forma
Sponsor: Kaelyn Forma

Revision History
Revision date Revised by Approved by Description of change
04/16/2022 Kaelyn Kaelyn Updates in purpose and context

Purpose and Context

The purpose of this statement of work is to plan out a birthday trip for my
boyfriend. We will be departing from South Florida with six people on the Key
West express and staying two nights to go fishing and boating. The project
manager will need to contact each person and plan an effective way of travel to
and from the island as well as accommodate the guest on their rooming.

The trip should consist of daily activities that everyone enjoys participating in as
well as local food and souvenirs.

Phases or Timeline

The timeline for this Key West trip is going to be approximately 3 months due to the lobstering
season laws that are in place. There are several phases to this trip that include invites as well as
hotel and boat planning due to the busyness of the lobstering season.

1. Send out invitations and receive feedback

2. Book hotel based on amount of people
3. Purchase Key West Express Tickets from Fort Myers
4. Confirm each person has their Lobstering License.
5. Book a boat for the day
6. Ensure boating license is obtained.
7. Prepare lobstering equipment
8. Prepare food and drinks for day of boating

Work to Be Performed
Fast Foundation for Project Management – Statement of Work
Reference The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management
Filename: 604340007.docx 1 of 4
Statement of Work and Plan Key West Trip
Last Revised: [04/05/22]

All project tasks

Task description Who is responsible Due date

1. Reserve Key West Express Tickets Kaelyn Forma 5/1/22

2. Send out invitations Kaelyn Forma 4/15/22

3. Find a rental unit for 3 days Kaelyn Forma 510/22

4. Rent Boat for season Kaelyn Forma 4/15/22

5. Buy Lobstering Gear Kaelyn Forma 5/30/22


Out of scope activities that are critical to the success of the project

1. Buy Lobstering measuring tape

2. Boat with live well

3. Obtain fishing permits

4. Obtain lobstering permits

5. Find rental with outdoor area

6. Get boating license

Deliverables & Quality Criteria

Deliverable Name Due Date Quality Criteria

Hotel Rental 5/1/22 Must have 4 rooms and be under 1200$ a


Rental Boat 4/15/22 Must have speakers and fit up to 12 people

Key West express 5/1/22 Must take off first day of trip and be from
tickets Naples, Fl

Fast Foundation for Project Management – Statement of Work
Reference The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management
Filename: 604340007.docx 2 of 4
Statement of Work and Plan Key West Trip
Last Revised: [04/05/22]

Risk Analysis

Risk Impact Mitigation Plan(s)

People get Seasick Ruins their day and Seasick patches to prevent it.

Someone measures They get arrested Double check by another

the lobster wrong person

Bad weather No boating Plan for a fun day of drinking

Permits not obtained We cannot dive for Seek to have them 2 months
lobster before hand and confirm with
each member.

Measures of Success
The project will be judged complete and successful by
1. All Activities are completed
2. Each person has caught a lobster and a fish
3. Everyone has a sunburn

Fast Foundation for Project Management – Statement of Work
Reference The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management
Filename: 604340007.docx 3 of 4
Statement of Work and Plan Key West Trip
Last Revised: [04/05/22]

4. No items are lost

5. Food will be good
6. Each person has max lobsters

Stakeholder Analysis
Name & Role Major Responsibility or Contribution
Jacob To enjoy his weekend
Kaelyn To plan the trip and make sure everything runs smoothly
Kaelyn To plan the trip and make sure everything runs smoothly
Friends and Family To respond to the invitations and participate in the
Team activities while having fun!


Assumption: All 11 people will be coming

Impact if assumption is incorrect: Each person will pay more
Assumption: Boats are available to rent in Key west
Impact if assumption is incorrect: Someone will drive their boat down
Assumption: Weather will be nice
Impact if assumption is incorrect: No boating
Impact if assumption is incorrect:

Fast Foundation for Project Management – Statement of Work
Reference The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management
Filename: 604340007.docx 4 of 4

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