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There are various aspects in the human life that occurs in various instances such as the physical
and the cognitive aspects which requires attention and guidance and therefore it is essential to be
aware of these aspects and the events which affects the future of the individuals. This report is
going to help us analyze the lifecycle of Laura and the various setbacks coming along her
lifestyle and the Frazer's family at large. It has been noted that her mother died Laura was two
years old and therefore she lives with her father and stepmother Alice alongside other two
siblings Gary and Suzanne. This report will therefore cover various lifecycle development stages
and will analyze the strategies that would be learnt and adopted by Frazer's family to complete
their lifecycle development positively (Backer and Lynch, 2017). This report will as well
highlight the theory of needs that is the Maslow's hierarchy of needs to identify the needs of
Laura and then help her in developing her needs for a better future.
various stages of the lifecycle
lifecycle development is a progressive process in form of changes in the life and growth of the
individuals from one stage to another and develop themselves from such forms into meaningful
members of the society. These are the transitions that happen from the preliminary stages of life
up to the middle stages and this makes up a group or culture in terms of the existence of
individuals (Fallatah and Syed, 2018). These stages normally are seen to affect the young
individuals, the families and they affect the lifecycle of especially those single young adults, the
newly married couples who are living together with young children and even in later stages of
life. These stages can therefore be expounded and described according to various stages such as
infancy stage, beginning stage, play stage, school age stage, concept of nature and nurture to
determine various developments as seen below.
Infancy stage 0 – one and a half years
During this stage, Laura developed all the needs such as the learning to speak, the movements
and in this stage, there were no challenges to Laura as seen in the case study. She also developed
all the cognitive skills such as hearing, seeing and memory during this stage. Laura developed all
the emotional attachments to her mother since she was still alive. Laura developed socially also
with her mother during this stage because her mother was still alive (CDC, 2019).
Early childhood one and a half years to 2 years
Laura developed her own walking since as seen in the case study, she has no disability of
walking. She was able at this stage to identify her mother as well which means she developed
cognitively. At this stage also, she developed a bond with her mother well. Laura did not develop
a big relationship with her father because he was busy with the job.
Play age 3 – 5 years
Laura physically developed in this stage with the help from her father since her mother had
passed away. This is the stage where she took the initiative of asking for attention from her father
and she lost emotional touch since her mother died and she had developed a bond with her and
often she felt emotionally lonely and wanted to be alone. She did not want any connections with
the family and wanted to be on her own and she could only get care from the local Baptist church
which their father took her together with the other siblings since he had to go work as well.
School age 6- 11 years ( current stage)
At this stage Laura always refuses to go to school saying she is unwell and tired and she is seen
even walking out of school during the day and she is thin because she does not eat well. She is
not seen doing her homework and has been performing dismally for many years in her academic
studies. Laura struggles to get attention in class as well and she has got anger issues because of
her needs not met . she has poor relationship with her father Adrian whom she sees not to meet
her expectations as he only gives attention to Suzanne who is lesbian.
The concept of nature and nurture
Nature is defined as the way of individual thinking of connection which is impacted by various
genetic inheritance and biological factors. Nurture on the other hand is a concept which is
explained and taken as an impact of the external factors after conceptualizing it (Haleand,
2017). These includes exposure of tools and resources, experiences in life and the learning on a
personal level. This ability will therefore be applied in Frazer family to help support Laura and
Adrian in supporting the siblings and the family issues that they are facing to a greater extent.
Diverse needs at different points of the lifecycle
Needs can be defined as a requirement for an individual to live a healthy lifestyle and these
requirements are distinguished from wants. It can as well be referred to as a requirement to stay
healthy (Wilson, Bell and Witteman, 2018). These needs can therefore be explained and
analyzed further using various theories such as the needs theory will be used to determine the
needs of Laura.
The needs theory by Maslow
This is simply the Maslow's hierarchy of needs which is composed of five models of human
needs that is mostly seen in hierarchical pyramid. These needs as they breakdown in the
hierarchy level should be satisfied and met before the individuals get to the higher-level needs
(Bouzenitaard , 2016). Physiological needs, romance, security, pertaining, self worth, and
identity are the needs that are classified in the pyramid. As a result, these requirements must be
assessed using the pyramid shown below..
Psychological needs- According to Maslow, these needs in this stage are air, food, and water
and these needs should be satisfied fully because the mind and the body cannot do its functions
properly if they are not met and fulfilled. These needs are mostly prevalent and if one misses
then it means that they may not work properly in the daily routines and therefore they should be
satisfied by every individual.
Social needs – each individual needs to socialize with other people and feel loved, make friends
and if this is achieved, the individual will feel prominent level of success.
Individual strength needs – this is where individual strength comes in, the personal strength
believing in oneself and this in simple terms is the stage of being contented and self-growth
(Wilson, Bell and Witteman, 2018)
Self-development – This is the most predominant in the hierarchy because this is the further
realization of the potentials and abilities and self-fulfillment with an aim of personal growth.
This is whereby there is a desire to accomplish everything that can be done by an individual by
focusing on the needs mostly. According to Maslow, becoming orderly in terms of functions can
change depending on a variety of factors such as environmental factors or personal challenges
(El-Hariri Essamlali, Sekhari and Bouras, 2017).
This demonstrates that human beings who are involved are inspired by these needs, which should
be met rather than those with higher level needs.
Theories about identity, such as race, heritage, and functional limitations
A varied and multidisciplinary set of different theories is designated as social cognition theory.
The major goal is to evaluate infirmity as a culturally, historical, sociological, and personal issue.
This hypothesis is described a topic focused field in the current situation of Laura's
improvement, which involves scrutinizing not physiological or mental deficiencies in which
cultural standards define it with social circumstances of Laura's development. According to some
other authors, engaging with some other power rather than vulnerable representation is a better
option. Laura will be able to improve his power dynamics in this way (Assal and Chiasson,
Laura's requirements, as well as the repercussions of her requirements not being met
Laura is struggling far too much because of her loneliness and a lack of family care to provide her
with support and make her feel loved by her siblings and parents. Laura's necessities are determined
by a wide variety of clinical to quickly resolve the challenges she faces. Adrian is overly focused on
his job, which is the primary reason his family's needs are not being achieved. Also, it is critical to
get required needs for example, being available when needed, set reasonable goals, and
comprehension Laura. (Mohammed, Niazi and Mahmood, 2017).
How Laura's needs are interrelated with future development
With the rest of the siblings, Laura needed love, attention, and care. This is because reinforcement aids in
ensuring that she emerges with a method in the future growth program for her. They must also prepare
Laura to confront learn to overcome barriers. A learning program must be designed with the assistance of
becoming one's own master. Different instructional strategies must be applied in this consideration.
Furthermore, it is critical to guide her through positive parenting so that her future growth program goes
smoothly. To boost efficacy, collaboration must be applied (Hefnawy, Bouras and Cherifi, 2018).
Theory applied to Laura's development
From the case study research, it can be concluded that this attachment hypothesis may be applied
to Laura's growth. When a person is strongly connected to another, this theory is commonly
used. Events that occur in the presence of connection, on the other hand, are extremely difficult
to comprehend. This is the major rationale for Bowlby's emerging idea. This idea is named after
John Bowlby, who established it. According to the hypothesis, connection is an emotionally
connected relationship that has existed among individuals for a long time (Kieffer, Ghouti and
Macq, 2017). Laura's parents are estranged from her; thus, she is oblivious to the importance of
establishing a special attachment with youngsters and is even considered as unwilling to learn or
interact. This is the reason why this connection keeps them connected to please them. The
following are some of the advantages of this theory that can be effectively employed to Laura's
Refuge - Jake's development can be tracked by enlisting the help of her siblings in communicating with
her. When he feels intimidated, in danger, or lonely, it helps to make her feel at ease. For example, a hug
with Suzanne makes her feel quite relaxed, which helps to foster effective thought (Reed, Denman and
Inward, 2018).
Relationship maintenance - It indicates that the youngster wishes to explore the entire universe
while also attempting to maintain tight relationships with his or her caregivers (Elhoriri,2017). In
other words, Laura's link is created with her entire family, allowing her to effortlessly express
difficulties with them. Maintaining a close relationship with the caretaker ensures favorable
consideration (Reed, Denman and Inward, 2018).
detachment stress – This hypothesis must be examined when Laura is upset and sorrowful after being
removed from a caregiver. Separation of a child is necessary when the father is busy and the stepmother is
mentally unstable, as evidenced by the current example (Kim, Baekand Choe, 2020).
What happens to Laura's attachment and how theory explains it.
To apply Bowlby's theory to Laura's growth, it can be observed that connection and relation
can be built through different sorts of attachment styles, which are listed below.
Secure attachment
Laura feels hope when she is securely attached to her own ways of doing things on her own, and she becomes
upset when she is detached from her. Besides that, if she is detached, good attachment strengthens her if she is
given the same level of attention as her sister Suzanne, whom their father Adrian is concerned about (Paovel,
Mixed attachment
Laura's growth is also based on unsettling attachment, which helps her cope with the upsetting and
remorseful scenario of not receiving attention from her father, siblings, or even stepmother. In this way, a
child's development is managed by relying on her caretaker, that is, by ensuring that she has someone to
assist her and make her feel loved. (Reed and Inward, 2018).
Avoidant attachment
Laura is seen not to want any attachments from the parents or even from the siblings after feeling that she
is not loved. Furthermore, Laura's current connection is determined, which is seen to keep her away from
her parents. The reason is that it increases the likelihood of children becoming stressed. Neglect is an
effective element for children in this type of attachment (Kim, 2020).
Unproper attachment.
It is a different style of connection in which there is no obvious way to show it. When Laura decides to do
things on her own, it acts as her own worried caregiver and reassuring one at various stages of her
development (Wilson, 2018).
setbacks of the chosen theory
This theory has been seen to contain various setbacks and these can be seen in aspects such as,
- it is seen that it fails to recognize issues such as social class, gender and ethnicity which affects personal
- It has been determined that there have been significant advances in the field of genetic factors, but that
no gene that may aid in wanting to control connection needs has been discovered.
Theory considerations on all aspect of Laura's development needs or not
Laura's development can be attributed to the fact that her parents are not compassionate of her siblings.
As a result, the caregiver looks at Laura's development from a positive mindset. Furthermore, it should be
noted that the effects of some elements is not used in this case because we find that the biological mother
of Laura died when she was two years old and her father is always busy with the job and when he finds
time he focuses only on Suzanne to stop lesbianism and on the other hand, we see that her stepmother is
mentally unwell and therefore she does not stand in place of the siblings since she cannot get out of the
compound as seen in the case study. This situation has created negative impact on the development of the
needs of Laura (Elhariri, 2017).
How this theory can be of importance or not to professionals
This theory is useful from a professional standpoint because it illustrated a better sight of connection. It
includes a safe haven, a safe base, as well as nearness and separation emotional pain maintenance. These
are the four aspects that stand out the most in a well-established connection between young kids and their
caregiver. (Kieffer, 2017)
This study in summary is based on the report about the case study of the Frazer family and the issues
that they face from a broad perspective. They are unable to provide programs for children due to work
obligations and health concerns. As a result, in Laura's case, there is a larger issue involving large family
members, which has been passed down to the siblings. The report discusses the separate phases of Laura's
lifecycle and strategies for completing her development. It also includes a discussion of how the concepts
of nature and nurture impact distinct types of viewpoints. Maslow's hierarchy theory, which portrays
distinct levels of human needs in a pyramid, was also discussed in the report. Furthermore, there are a
variety of areas in which Laura's advancement is compared to Maslow's theory. The report also considers
the family's socioeconomic status and its effect on many family members. Finally, it includes a discussion
of Bowlby's theory, which is critical to the development of Laura. In just this case, the report also
clarified the theory's flaws, which have a detrimental effect on the brothers and sisters' and Laura's
There should be proper parental guidance to the siblings so that they do not feel alienated and lack
motivation in their needs. Attachment to parental care is essential so that children can grow and develop
their needs effectively for their future as well.
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