Error or Random Variations Sum of Squares Error SSE

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Salesman (1) Salesman (2) Salesman (3)

46 59 34
50 54 29
48 46 43
42 55 40
58 48 45
50 44 34
294 306 225

Sales in 100s of dollars

Grand mean = (294+306+225) / 18 = 45.83

Within Variations = Error or Random Variations =

Sum of Squares Within = Sum of Squares Error =
SSW = SSE = =
(46-49)2 + (50-49)2 + (48-49)2 + (42-49)2 + (58-49)2 + (50-49)2 + (59-51)2 + (54-51)2 + (46-
51)2 + (55-51)2 + (48-51)2 + (44-51)2 + (34-37.5)2 + (29-37.5)2 + (43-37.5)2 + (40-37.5)2 +
(45-37.5)2 + (34-37.5)2 = 503.5

Between Variations = Treatment Variations =

Sum of Squares Between = Sum of Squares Treatment =
SSB = SSTR = = 6(49-45.83)2 + 6(51-45.83)2 + 6(37.5-45.83)2 = 60.2934
+ 160.3734 + 416.3334 = 637.0002

Total Variations = Sum of Squares Total = SST = SSB + SSW = =

503.5 + 637.0002 = 1140.5

SST = = 38953 – = 38953 - = 38953 – 37812.5 =

Since Fc is greater than Fα, we reject H0 and we accept Ha. The three salesmen do not have
the same amount of sales

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