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1 Pairs of shoes shipped - Static-Budget 300,000

Divide by Static-Budget Average number of pairs of shoes per crate 15
Static budget number of crates for 2020 20,000

2 Pairs of shoes shipped - Actual results 270,000

Divide by Static-Budget Average number of pairs of shoes per crate 15
Flexible budget number of crates for 2020 18,000

3 Pairs of shoes shipped - Actual results 270,000

Divide by Actual result of average number of pairs of shoes per crate 10
Actual number of crates shipped in 2020 27,000

4 Satatic Budget Fixed overhead cost 60,000

Divide by Static budget number of crates for 2020 20,000
Multiply by Packing hours per crate 1
Static number of hours 20,000 20,000
Predetermined fixed overhead allocation rate per hour 3

5 Actual number of crates shipped $ 27,000

Multiply by Actual result (18*1.2) 21.60
Total $ 583,200
Actual number of crates shipped $ 27,000
Multiply by Actual result (20*1.2) 24 $ 648,000
Price Variance $ (64,800)

Actual number of crates shipped $ 27,000

Multiply by Actual result (20*1.2) 24
Total $ 648,000
Flexible budget number of crates 18,000
Multiply by Actual result (20*1.0) 20 360,000
Efficiency Variance $ 288,000

6 Actual Results Fixed overhead cost $ 62,000

Static-Budget Fixed overhead cost $ 60,000
Spending Variace $ 2,000

Static-Budget Fixed overhead cost $ 60,000

Flexible budget number of crates $ 18,000
Multiply by (3*1.0) 3 54,000
Production volume variance $ 6,000

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